Fifth Vision: Gold Lampstand

Zechariah 4   

1 The angel who was speaking with me then returned and roused me as one awakened out of sleep. 2 He asked me, “What do you see? ”

I replied, “I see a solid gold lampstand with a bowl at the top. The lampstand also has seven lamps at the top with seven spouts for each of M the lamps. 3 There are also two olive trees beside it, one on the right of the bowl and the other on its left.”

4 Then I asked the angel who was speaking with me, “What are these, my lord? ”

5 “Don’t you know what they are? ” replied the angel who was speaking with me.

I said, “No, my lord.”

6 So he answered me, “This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by strength or by might, but by my Spirit,’ j says the LORD of Armies. 7 ‘What are you, great mountain? k Before Zerubbabel you will become a plain. l And he will bring out the capstone accompanied by shouts of: Grace, grace to it! ’ ”

8 Then the word of the LORD came to me: m 9 “Zerubbabel’s hands have laid the foundation of this house, n and his hands will complete it. Then you will know that the LORD of Armies has sent me to you. 10 For who despises the day of small things? o These seven eyes of the LORD, which scan throughout the whole earth, will rejoice when they see the ceremonial stone N in Zerubbabel’s hand.” p

11 I asked him, “What are the two olive trees on the right and left of the lampstand? ” 12 And I questioned him further, “What are the two streams O of the olive trees, from which the golden oil is pouring through the two golden conduits? ”

13 Then he inquired of me, “Don’t you know what these are? ”

“No, my lord,” I replied.

14 “These are the two anointed ones,” P,q he said, “who stand by the Lord of the whole earth.” r