2 John



Second John warns about false teachers, encourages believers to love one other, and instructs them to use discernment in welcoming and supporting traveling teachers.

Date, Authorship, and Audience

While the first Johannine Epistle was likely a circular to be read among the churches of Asia Minor, the second is written to “the elect lady and her children” (v. 1), which is a reference to either a church or a female congregation leader—thus it is addressed to a particular community and its leadership. This second epistle was written probably around AD 90. The author names himself as “the elder,” and the emphases on loving one another, truth, abiding, the Father-Son relationship, and joy mark this clearly as being written by the same leader as the first epistle. In fact, it seems likely that all three Johannine Epistles share the same author, due to similarities in content and style. Traditionally the author is identified as “John the elder.” For a more detailed discussion of authorship, see the introduction to 1 John. [The “Elect Lady” of 2 John]

Occasion and Structure

The Second Epistle of John was written to address the problem of false teachings in the church or churches addressed by John. These teachers were denying the bodily incarnation of Jesus, a heresy known as docetism. The elder warns these recipients that to deny Jesus is ultimately to deny the Father, a position with eternal consequences. For a fuller discussion of the setting of the Johannine Epistles, see the introduction to 1 John.

The Second Letter of John is one of the shortest letters in the NT. After his greeting, the elder warns his audience against the false teachers who have interacted with their community and are denying the bodily incarnation of Jesus. After encouraging faithfulness to the teaching they received, the elder closes his letter by stating he has more he wants to say, but he desires to speak in person rather than through a letter.


1. Greetings to the Chosen Lady and Her Children (1–3)

2. Let Us Love One Another (4–6)

3. Beware the Deceivers and the Antichrists, Who Deny the Flesh of Jesus! (7–11)

4. Final Greetings (12–13)