

A 1:1 Or created the universe

B 1:8 Or “heavens.”

C 1:14 Or for the appointed times

D 1:20 Lit with swarms of

E 1:21 Or created sea monsters

F 1:26 Or human beings ; Hb ‘adam, also in v. 27

G 1:26 Or as

H 1:26 Syr reads sky, and over every animal of the land

I 1:26 Or scurry

J 1:27 Or man as his own image; he created him as

K 1:28 Or and all scurrying animals

L 1:30 I have given added for clarity

M 2:2 Sam, LXX, Syr read sixth

N 2:2 Or ceased, also in v. 3

O 2:3 Lit work that God created to make

P 2:4 Lit creation on the day

Q 2:5 Or earth

R 2:10 Or goes

S 2:10 Lit became four heads

T 2:11 Or of the Havilah

U 2:12 Lit good

V 2:12 A yellowish, transparent gum resin

W 2:12 Identity of this precious stone uncertain

X 2:20 Or for Adam

Y 3:5 Lit on the day

Z 3:5 Or gods, or divine beings

A 3:8 Lit at the wind of the day

B 3:10 Lit the sound of you

C 3:17 Lit it through pain

D 3:19 Or food

E 3:20 Lit Living, or Life

F 4:1 Lit the LORD

G 4:5 Lit and his face fell

H 4:6 Lit why has your face fallen

I 4:8 Sam, LXX, Syr, Vg; MT omits “Let’s go out to the field.”

J 4:11 Lit blood from your hand

K 4:13 Or sin

L 4:15 LXX, Syr, Vg read “Not so!

M 4:15 Or suffer severely

N 4:20 Lit the dweller of tent and livestock

O 4:25 The Hb word for given sounds like the name “Seth.”

P 4:25 Lit seed

Q 5:1 Lit written family

R 5:1 Or mankind

S 5:1 Or Adam, human beings

T 5:2 Hb ‘adam

U 5:29 In Hb, the name Noah sounds like “bring us relief.”

V 6:2 Or women

W 6:3 Or strive

X 6:3 Or in

Y 6:3 Lit flesh

Z 6:4 Possibly means “fallen ones”; traditionally, “giants”; Nm 13:31-33

A 6:6 Lit was grieved to his heart

B 6:11 Or injustice, also in v. 13

C 6:14 Unknown species of tree; perhaps pine or cypress

D 6:15 Or 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high

E 6:16 Or window, or hatch ; Hb uncertain

F 6:16 Lit to a cubit

G 7:20 Lit surged 15 cubits

H 7:21 Lit all the swarming swarms

I 8:1 Or spirit ; Gn 1:2

J 8:13 = of Noah’s life

K 8:17 Lit creatures of all flesh

L 9:2 Lit are given in your hand

M 9:5 Lit And your blood belonging to your life I will seek

N 9:5 Lit any human; from the hand of a man his brother I will seek the life of the human.

O 9:15 Lit and creatures of all flesh

P 9:16 Lit creatures of all flesh

Q 9:20 Or Noah began to be a farmer and planted

R 9:26 As a wish or prayer; others interpret the verbs in vv. 26-27 as prophecy: Canaan will be . . .

S 9:27 In Hb, the name Japheth sounds like the word “extend.”

T 10:4 Some Hb mss, Sam, LXX read Rodanim ; 1Ch 1:7

U 10:10 Or Uruk

V 10:10 Or Akkad

W 10:10 Or and all of them

X 10:10 Or in Babylonia

Y 10:13 = Egypt

Z 10:24 LXX reads fathered Cainan, and Cainan fathered ; Gn 11:12-13; Lk 3:35-36

A 10:25 = Division

B 11:1 Lit one lip and the same words

C 11:2 Lit they

D 11:2 Or migrated eastward

E 11:5 Or the descendants of Adam

F 11:9 Hb Babel

G 11:9 In Hb, the name for “Babylon,” babel sounds like the word for “confuse,” balal.

H 11:12-13 LXX reads years and fathered Cainan. 13After he fathered Cainan, Arpachshad lived 430 years and fathered other sons and daughters, and he died. Cainan lived 130 years and fathered Shelah. After he fathered Shelah, Cainan lived 330 years and fathered other sons and daughters, and he died ; Gn 10:24; Lk 3:35-36

I 12:3 Lit clans

J 12:3 Or will find blessing

K 12:3 Or will bless themselves by you

L 13:8 Lit brothers

M 13:10 Lit circle ; i.e., probably the large round plain where the Jordan River empties into the Dead Sea, also in v. 11

N 13:10 Lit Jordan as you go to

O 13:13 Lit evil and sinful

P 14:1 Or nations

Q 14:10 Sam, LXX; MT reads fell there

R 14:13 Lit were possessors of a covenant of

S 14:14 Sam; MT reads poured out

T 14:18 = Jerusalem

U 14:19 Or Possessor

V 14:24 Lit nothing to me

W 15:2 Hb obscure

X 15:3 Lit a son of

Y 15:4 Lit loins

Z 15:13 Lit will serve them and they will oppress them

A 15:16 Lit Amorites is not yet complete

B 16:2 Lit Abram listened to the voice of Sarai

C 16:4 Lit He came to

D 16:5 Or “May my suffering be on you!

E 16:5 Lit bosom

F 16:11 = God Hears

G 16:13 = God Sees Me

H 16:13 Hb obscure

I 16:14 = Well of the Living One Who Sees Me

J 17:1 Or Walk

K 17:5 = The Father Is Exalted

L 17:5 = Father of a Multitude

M 17:11 You in v. 11 is pl.

N 17:15 = Princess

O 17:18 Lit alive

P 17:19 = He Laughs

Q 17:22 Lit went up, or ascended

R 18:5 Lit may sustain your heart

S 18:6 Lit three seahs ; about 21 quarts

T 18:6 A round, thin, unleavened bread

U 18:8 Or butter

V 18:8 Lit was standing by

W 18:11 Lit days

X 18:11 Lit The way of women had ceased for Sarah

Y 18:19 Lit known

Z 18:22 Alt Hb tradition reads while the LORD remained standing before Abraham

A 19:8 Lit do what is good in your eyes

B 19:10 Lit men, also in v. 12

C 19:11 Or a blinding light

D 19:14 Lit take

E 19:15 Or iniquity, or guilt

F 19:17 LXX, Syr, Vg read outside, they

G 19:18 Or my Lord, or my lord

H 19:21 Or “Look!

I 19:21 Lit I will lift up your face

J 19:22 In Hb, the name Zoar is related to “small” in v. 20; its previous name was “Bela”; Gn 14:2.

K 19:37 = From My Father

L 19:38 = Son of My People

M 20:3 Lit is possessed by a husband

N 20:5 Lit with integrity of my heart

O 20:5 Lit cleanness of my

P 20:6 Lit with integrity of your heart

Q 20:8 Lit in their ears

R 20:15 Lit Settle in the good in your eyes

S 20:16 Lit a covering of the eyes

T 21:6 Isaac = He Laughs; Gn 17:19

U 21:7 Sam, Tg Jonathan; MT omits him

V 21:11 Lit was very bad in the eyes of

W 21:12 Lit “Let it not be bad in your eyes

X 21:16 LXX reads the boy

Y 21:17 Or an

Z 21:30 Lit that it

A 21:31 = Well of the Oath, or Seven Wells

B 22:8 Lit see

C 22:9 Or Isaac hand and foot

D 22:13 Some Hb mss, Sam, LXX, Syr, Tg; other Hb mss read saw behind him a ram

E 22:14 = Yahweh-yireh

F 22:14 Or “He will be seen

G 22:18 Or will bless themselves, or will find blessing

H 23:4 Lit dead from before me

I 23:5 Lit Abraham, saying to him

J 23:6 Or a mighty prince

K 23:6 Or finest graves

L 23:10 Lit ears, also in vv. 13,16

M 23:11 Lit in the eyes of the sons

N 23:16 Lit 400 shekels passing to the merchant

O 24:1 Lit days

P 24:19 Lit they are finished drinking

Q 24:36 Sam, LXX read his

R 24:43 Or the virgin

S 24:49 Lit go to the right or to the left

T 24:50 Lit we cannot say to you anything bad or good

U 24:55 Lit us days or tenth

V 24:55 Or you

W 24:57 Lit mouth

X 24:59 Lit with her wet nurse ; Gn 35:8

Y 24:60 Lit his

Z 24:62 = A Well of the Living One Who Sees Me

A 24:63 Or pray, or meditate ; Hb obscure

B 25:1 Or Abraham took

C 25:7 Lit And these are the days of the years of the life of Abraham that he lived

D 25:8 Sam, LXX, Syr read full of days

E 25:16 Or chieftains

F 25:16 Or peoples

G 25:17 Lit And these are the years

H 25:18 LXX, Vg read he

I 25:18 Or Assyria

J 25:18 = Ishmael and his descendants

K 25:18 Or He settled down alongside of

L 25:22 Lit said, “If thus, why this I?”

M 25:25 In Hb, red-looking sounds like “Edom”; Gn 32:3.

N 25:25 In Hb, hair sounds like “Seir”; Gn 32:3.

O 25:26 = He Grasps the Heel

P 25:27 Lit a man of the field

Q 25:27 Lit man living in tents

R 25:30 = Red

S 26:4 Or will bless themselves

T 26:8 Or and he looked and behold

U 26:12 Lit found

V 26:16 Or are more numerous than we are

W 26:19 Lit living

X 26:20 = Argument

Y 26:21 = Hostility

Z 26:22 = Open Spaces

A 26:31 Lit swore, each man to his brother

B 26:33 Or Shibah

C 26:33 = Well of the Oath

D 26:35 Lit And they became bitterness of spirit

E 27:27 Lit smelled the smell of

F 27:36 = He Grasps the Heel

G 27:38 Lit Esau lifted up his voice and wept

H 27:40 Hb obscure

I 27:46 Lit someone like these daughters of the land

J 28:13 Or there above it

K 28:19 = House of God

L 29:1 Lit Jacob picked up his feet

M 29:1 Lit the land of the children of the east

N 29:3 Sam, some LXX mss read flocks and the shepherds

O 29:10 Lit with the sheep of Laban his mother’s brother

P 29:11 Lit and he lifted his voice and wept

Q 29:14 Lit my bone and my flesh

R 29:21 Lit can go to

S 29:32 = See, a Son; in Hb, the name Reuben sounds like “has seen my affliction.”

T 29:33 In Hb, the name Simeon sounds like “has heard.”

U 29:34 In Hb, the name Levi sounds like “attached to.”

V 29:35 In Hb, the name Judah sounds like “praise.”

W 30:2 Lit the fruit of the womb

X 30:3 Lit bear on my knees

Y 30:6 In Hb, the name Dan sounds like “has vindicated,” or “has judged.”

Z 30:8 Or “With mighty wrestlings

A 30:8 In Hb, the name Naphtali sounds like “my wrestling.”

B 30:11 Alt Hb tradition, LXX, Vg read “Good fortune has come! ”

C 30:11 = Good Fortune

D 30:13 = Happy

E 30:18 In Hb, the name Issachar sounds like “reward.”

F 30:20 In Hb, the name Zebulun sounds like “honored.”

G 30:24 = He Adds

H 30:43 Lit The man spread out very much, very much

I 31:20 Lit And he stole the heart of

J 31:21 Lit and set his face to

K 31:33 Lit servants

L 31:37 Lit What have you found from all of the possessions of your house?

M 31:42 Lit and the work of my hands

N 31:47 Jegar-sahadutha is Aramaic, and Galeed is Hb; both names = Mound of Witness

O 31:49 = Watchtower

P 31:53 Two Hb mss, LXX omit the gods of their father

Q 32:2 = Two Camps

R 32:28 In Hb, the name Israel sounds like “he struggled (with) God.”

S 32:30 = Face of God

T 32:31 Variant of Peniel

U 32:32 Or tendon

V 33:8 Lit camp

W 33:15 Lit May I find favor in your eyes

X 33:17 = Stalls or Huts

Y 33:19 Lit 100 qesitahs ; the value of this currency is unknown

Z 33:20 = El-Elohe-Israel

A 34:3 Lit spoke to her heart

B 34:8 The Hb word for your is pl, showing that Hamor is speaking to Jacob and his sons.

C 34:11 Lit “May I find favor in your eyes

D 34:12 Or bride-price, or betrothal present

E 35:7 = God of Bethel

F 35:8 Lit Deborah, Rebekah’s wet nurse ; Gn 24:59

G 35:8 = Oak of Weeping

H 35:11 Lit will come from your loins

I 35:13 Lit went up

J 35:18 = Son of My Sorrow

K 35:18 = Son of the Right Hand

L 35:21 Or beyond Migdal-eder

M 36:2 Sam, LXX read Anah son

N 36:14 Sam, LXX read Anah son

O 36:16 Sam omits Korah

P 36:24 Syr, Vg; Tg reads the mules ; Hb obscure

Q 36:30 Lit Horites, for their chiefs

R 36:39 Many Hb mss, Sam, Syr read Hadad

S 36:43 Lit He Esau

T 37:3 Or robe with long sleeves ; see 2Sm 13:18,19

U 37:19 Lit comes the lord of the dreams

V 37:20 Or cisterns

W 37:21 Lit their hands

X 37:30 Lit And I, where am I going?

Y 38:5 LXX reads She was at Chezib when

Z 38:5 Or He was at Chezib when

A 38:12 Lit And there were many days, and

B 38:14 Or sat by the mouth of the springs

C 38:26 Or more righteous

D 38:29 = Breaking Out

E 38:30 = Brightness of Sunrise; perhaps related to the scarlet thread

F 39:2 Lit and he was

G 39:4 Lit owned in his hand

H 39:6 Lit owned in Joseph’s hand

I 39:7 Lit And after these things

J 39:8 Lit owns in my hand

K 39:10 Lit he did not listen to her to lie beside her, to be with her

L 39:11 Lit there in the house

M 39:15 Lit he heard that I raised my voice and I screamed

N 39:18 Lit I raised my voice and screamed

O 39:22 Lit prison in the hand of Joseph

P 39:23 Lit anything in his hand

Q 40:4 Lit custody days

R 40:15 Or pit, or cistern

S 40:19 Or and impale you on a pole

T 40:19 Lit eat your flesh from upon you

U 40:20 Lit He lifted up the head of

V 40:22 Or impaled

W 41:14 Or pit, or cistern

X 41:16 Or “God will answer Pharaoh with peace of mind.”

Y 41:38 Or the spirit of the gods, or a god’s spirit

Z 41:40 Lit will kiss your mouth

A 41:40 Lit Only the throne I

B 41:43 Or “Kneel!”

C 41:45 Or Heliopolis, also in v. 50

D 41:45 Or Joseph gained authority over

E 41:51 In Hb, the name Manasseh sounds like the verb “forget.”

F 41:52 In Hb, the name Ephraim sounds like the word for “fruitful.”

G 42:9 Lit nakedness, also in v. 12

H 42:13 Or today, also in v. 32

I 42:14 Lit “That which I spoke to you saying:

J 42:19 Lit your brothers

K 42:22 Lit Even his blood is being sought! ”

L 42:32 Lit of our

M 42:37 Lit hand

N 43:9 Lit can seek him from my hand

O 43:19 Lit approached the one who was over the house

P 44:18 Lit speak a word in my lord’s ears

Q 45:1 Lit all those standing about him

R 45:7 Or keep alive for you many survivors

S 45:12 Lit that my mouth is

T 45:15 Lit brothers, and he wept over them

U 45:24 Or be anxious

V 45:26 Lit Jacob’s heart was numb

W 46:4 Lit will put his hand on your eyes

X 46:13 Sam, Syr read Puah ; 1Ch 7:1

Y 46:13 Sam, LXX; MT reads Iob

Z 46:15 Lit All persons his sons and his daughters:

A 46:20 Or Heliopolis

B 46:23 Alt Hb tradition reads sons:

C 46:26 Lit Jacob who came out from his loins

D 46:27 LXX reads 75 ; Ac 7:14

E 46:28 Lit to give directions before him

F 46:34 Lit fathers, are men of livestock

G 47:21 Sam, LXX, Vg read and he made the people servants

H 47:31 Or Israel worshiped while leaning on the top of his staff

I 48:10 Lit he was not able to

J 48:17 Or he was displeased ; lit head, it was bad in his eyes

K 48:19 Lit people

L 48:19 Or a multitude of nations ; lit a fullness of nations

M 48:22 Or Shechem, Joseph’s burial place; lit one shoulder

N 49:1 Or in the last days

O 49:4 LXX, Syr, Tg read you

P 49:10 Or until tribute comes to him, or until Shiloh comes, or until he comes to Shiloh

Q 49:14 Or sheep pens

R 49:19-20 LXX, Syr, Vg; MT reads their heel. 20 From Asher

S 49:22 Lit daughters

T 49:22 Hb obscure

U 49:24 Syr, Tg; MT reads Jacob, from there

V 49:26 Or of the mountains

W 49:26 Lit to

X 49:26 Hb obscure

Y 50:4 Lit please speak in the ears of

Z 50:11 = Mourning of Egypt

A 50:21 Lit spoke to their hearts

B 50:23 Lit were born on the knees of

C 50:23 Referring to a ritual of adoption or of legitimation; Gn 30:3