
A 1:4 Lit and to the Great Sea, the going down of the sun

B 1:8 Or to recite

C 1:14 Or over armed

D 2:1 Or from Shittim

E 2:9 Or land panics at your approach

F 2:11 Lit and spirit no longer remained in anyone

G 2:12 Lit my father’s house

H 2:12 Or a sign of truth

I 2:19 Lit his blood on his head

J 2:19 Lit if a hand should be on him

K 2:19 Lit his blood on our heads

L 2:24 Or land also panics at our approach

M 3:1 Or left Shittim

N 3:4 Lit 2,000 cubits

O 3:4 Lit yesterday and the day before

P 3:8 Lit waters of the Jordan

Q 3:13 Lit soles of the feet

R 3:16 Alt Hb tradition reads mass at

S 4:3 Lit feet of the priests, also in v. 9

T 4:5 Lit shoulder according to the number

U 4:8 Lit Jordan according to the number

V 4:9 Or Now Joshua set up the twelve stones that had been in the middle

W 4:18 Lit and the soles of the feet of the priests

X 5:1 Lit and they did not have spirit in them any more

Y 5:3 Or The Hill of Foreskins

Z 6:11 Lit at the camp

A 6:18 LXX reads you covet and ; Jos 7:21

B 7:3 Or send two or three military units of

C 7:4 Lit men from the people

D 7:5 Or to Shebarim

E 7:5 Lit people’s hearts melted and became like water

F 7:17 Lit forward man by man

G 7:19 Or and praise him

H 7:21 Lit Shinar

I 7:21 Lit 200 shekels

J 7:21 Lit 50 shekels

K 7:25 Lit him

L 7:26 Or of Trouble

M 8:11 Lit the people of war

N 8:13 Lit way: all the

O 8:29 Or impaled

P 8:29 Or wooden stake

Q 8:35 Lit walked

R 9:1 Or the Shephelah

S 9:4 Some Hb mss, LXX, Syr, Vg; other Hb mss read They went disguised as ambassadors

T 9:25 Lit us as is good and as is right in your eyes do

U 10:2 One Hb ms, Syr, Vg read So he was

V 10:6 Lit Don’t withdraw your hands from

W 10:13 Or of the Upright

X 10:21 Lit No one sharpened his tongue against

Y 10:26 Or impaled

Z 10:26 Or wooden stakes, also in v. 27

A 10:28 Some Hb mss read them

B 10:40 Or the Shephelah

C 10:42 Lit land at one time

D 11:2 Or Shephelah, also in v. 16

E 11:2 Or and in Naphoth-dor

F 12:3 Or and from Teman

G 12:4 LXX; MT reads The territory of Og

H 12:8 Or the Shephelah

I 12:23 Or in the Slopes of Dor

J 12:23 LXX reads Galilee

K 13:5 Or to Lebo-hamath

L 13:16 Some Hb mss read plateau near

M 13:26 Or Lidbir, or Lo-debar

N 13:27 Lit Chinnereth beyond the Jordan to the east

O 13:30 Or all of Havvoth-jair

P 14:8 Lit people’s hearts to melt with fear

Q 14:11 Lit for going out and coming in

R 15:2 Lit Sea at the tongue that turns southward

S 15:3 Lit of scorpions

T 15:4 LXX reads their

U 15:33 Or the Shephelah

V 15:34 Or En-gannim-tappuah

W 15:35 Or Adullam-socoh

X 15:52 Some Hb mss read Rumah

Y 15:59 LXX adds Tekoa, Ephrathah (that is, Bethlehem), Peor, Etam, Culom, Tatam, Sores, Carem, Gallim, Baither, and Manach—eleven cities, with their settlements

Z 15:62 Or Ir-hamelach

A 17:5 = east of the Jordan River

B 17:11 LXX, Vg read the third is

C 17:14 Lit one lot and one territory, also in v. 17

D 18:8 Lit the ones going around

E 18:18 LXX reads went northward to Beth-arabah

F 18:18 Or the Arabah

G 18:28 Lit Jebusite

H 18:28 LXX, Syr read Kiriath-jearim

I 19:8 Or the Negev

J 19:29 Or Sea, in the region of Achzib

K 19:34 LXX omits Judah

L 20:4 Lit in the ears of

M 21:25 Or Ibleam

N 21:36 Or Jahaz

O 21:36-37 Some Hb mss omit these vv.

P 22:7 Lit to his half

Q 22:10 Or to Geliloth by

R 22:11 Or at Geliloth by

S 22:14 Lit the house of their fathers

T 22:22 Or The LORD is the God of gods! The LORD is the God of gods!

U 22:34 Some Hb mss, Syr, Tg read altar Witness because it

V 23:10 Lit promised you

W 23:13 Or a whip ; Hb obscure

X 24:12 Or sent terror

Y 24:32 Lit a hundred qesitahs

Z 24:33 = the Hill


A 1:7 Lit toes cut off are gathering

B 1:9 Or the Shephelah

C 1:16 = Jericho; Dt 34:3; Jdg 3:13; 2Ch 28:15

D 1:35 Or Amorites determined to live in

E 1:35 Lit When the hand of the house of Joseph was heavy

F 1:35 LXX reads Joseph became strong on the Amorites, they

G 2:3 LXX reads affliction

H 2:3 Lit traps

I 2:5 Or Weeping

J 2:7 Lit extended their days after

K 2:14 Lit into the hand of

L 2:15 Lit the hand of the LORD

M 2:18 Lit enemies all the days of the judge

N 3:1 Lit had known

O 3:2 Lit not known it

P 3:3 Or as Lebo-hamath

Q 3:4 Lit by the hand of

R 3:8 Lit into the hand of

S 3:8 Lit Doubly-Evil

T 3:8 = Mesopotamia

U 3:13 = Jericho; Dt 34:3; Jdg 1:16; 2Ch 28:15

V 3:15 = son of the right hand

W 3:16 Lit sword a gomed in length

X 3:22 Or And Eglon’s bowels discharged

Y 3:24 Lit was covering his feet

Z 4:2 Or Harosheth-ha-goiim, also in vv. 13,16

A 5:2 Or the locks of hair are loose

B 5:5 Or LORD, this one of Sinai

C 5:7 Hb obscure

D 5:7 Or you

E 5:10 Hb obscure

F 5:11 Hb obscure

G 5:13 LXX reads down for him

H 5:14 LXX reads in the valley

I 5:15 Lit they set out as his feet

J 5:15 Some Hb mss, Syr read There were great resolves

K 5:16 Or the campfires

L 5:22 = Sisera’s

M 5:28 Lit Why have the hoofbeats of his chariots delayed

N 5:29 Lit answers her words

O 5:30 Lit a womb or two wombs

P 5:30 Hb obscure

Q 5:31 Lit perish in this way

R 6:19 Lit an ephah

S 6:24 = Yahweh-shalom

T 6:34 Lit clothed; 1Ch 12:18; 2Ch 24:20

U 7:2 Lit brag against me

V 7:11 Lit then your hands will be strengthened

W 7:11 Lit of those who were arranged in companies of 50

X 7:20 Lit trumpets to blow

Y 7:22 Or Beth-shittah

Z 8:5 Lit troops at my feet

A 8:6 Lit Are the hands of, also in v. 15

B 8:7 Lit thresh

C 8:10 Lit men who drew the sword

D 8:11 Lit on the route of those who live in tents

E 8:26 Lit 1,700 shekels

F 8:28 Lit they no longer raised their head

G 8:33 Lit Baal of the Covenant, or LORD of the Covenant

H 9:2 Lit your bone and your flesh

I 9:4 Lit Baal of the Covenant, or LORD of the Covenant

J 9:9 Lit and go to sway, also in vv. 11,13

K 9:24 Lit had strengthened his hands

L 9:29 DSS read They said ; LXX reads I would say

M 9:31 Hb obscure

N 9:42 of Shechem supplied for clarity

O 9:46 Or the crypt, or the vault

P 9:46 = God of the Covenant

Q 10:4 LXX; MT reads donkeys

R 10:4 Or called Havvoth-jair

S 10:7 Lit into the hand of

T 10:12 LXX reads Midianites

U 10:15 Lit Do to us what is good in your eyes

V 10:18 Lit The people, rulers

W 11:35 Lit have been among those who trouble me

X 12:7 LXX reads in his city in Gilead

Y 13:5 Lit And a razor is not to go up on his head

Z 13:9 Lit to the voice of

A 13:19 LXX reads to the LORD, to the one who works wonders

B 13:25 Or in Mahaneh-dan

C 14:4 for a confrontation supplied for clarity

D 14:13 Lit replied to him

E 14:15 LXX, Syr; MT reads seventh

F 14:16 Lit said to her

G 15:8 Lit He struck them hip and thigh with a great slaughter

H 15:11 Lit answered them

I 15:13 Lit said to him

J 15:17 = High Place of the Jawbone

K 15:19 = Spring of the One Who Cried Out

L 16:5 Lit him and see

M 16:9 Lit are on you, also in vv. 12,14,20

N 16:13-14 LXX reads loom and fasten them with a pin into the wall and I will become weak and be like any other man.” 14And while he was sleeping, Delilah wove the seven braids on his head into the loom.

O 16:16 Lit him and he became short to death

P 16:17 Lit A razor has not gone up on my head

Q 16:25 Or When they were feeling good

R 17:3 Or image and a cast image, also in v. 4

S 17:10 Lit replied to him

T 18:7 Hb obscure

U 18:7 MT; some LXX mss, Sym, Old Lat, Syr read Aram

V 18:12 Or called Mahaneh-dan

W 18:14 Or image, the cast image

X 18:17 Or the cast image, also in v. 18

Y 18:19 Lit Put your hand on your mouth

Z 18:30 Some Hb mss, LXX, Vg; other Hb mss read Manasseh

A 19:2 LXX reads was angry with

B 19:3 Lit speak to her heart

C 19:13 Lit said to his servant

D 19:15 Lit stopped there

E 19:18 LXX reads to my house

F 19:19 Some Hb mss, Syr, Tg, Vg; other Hb mss read servants

G 19:24 Lit do what is good in your eyes

H 19:25 Lit knew

I 19:30 LXX reads until now.” He commanded the men he sent out, saying, “You will say this to all the men of Israel: Has anything like this happened since the day the Israelites came out of Egypt until this day?

J 20:2 Lit drawing the sword

K 20:15 Lit men drawing the sword, also in vv. 17,46

L 20:25 Lit were drawing the sword, also in v. 35

M 20:33 LXX, Syr, Vg; MT reads places in the plain of, or places in the cave of

N 20:40 Lit up to the sky

O 20:42 LXX, Vg read city

P 21:3 Lit has this occurred in Israel

Q 21:10 Lit twelve thousand of their sons of valor

R 21:22 Lit at this time


A 1:1 Lit In the days of the judging

B 1:1 = House of Bread

C 1:2 = My God Is King

D 1:2 = Pleasant

E 1:2 = Sickly

F 1:2 = Weak or Failing

G 1:13 Lit marrying a man

H 1:13 Lit daughters, for more bitter to me than you

I 1:17 A solemn oath formula; 1Sm 3:17; 2Sm 3:9,35; 1Kg 2:23; 2Kg 6:31

J 1:19 Lit excited because of them

K 1:20 = Bitter

L 1:21 LXX, Syr, Vg read has humiliated

M 2:7 LXX reads morning, and until evening she has not rested in the field a little ; Vg reads morning until now and she did not return to the house ; Hb uncertain

N 2:8 Lit “Haven’t you heard, my daughter?

O 2:9 Either sexual or physical harassment

P 2:13 Lit and spoken to the heart of

Q 2:17 Lit about an ephah

R 2:22 Lit go out

S 2:23 Some Hb mss, Vg read she returned to

T 3:5 Alt Hb tradition reads say to me

U 3:7 Lit and his heart was glad

V 3:9 Or “Spread the edge of your garment ; lit “Spread the wing of your garment ; Ru 2:12

W 3:10 Lit kindness at the last than at the first

X 3:11 Some Hb mss, Orig, Syr, Tg, Vg read say to me

Y 3:11 Lit all the gate of my people

Z 3:14 Lit up before a man could recognize his companion

A 3:14 LXX; MT reads the

B 3:15 Some Hb mss, Aramaic, Syr, Vg; other Hb mss read he

C 3:16 Lit “Who are you

D 3:17 Alt Hb tradition, LXX, Syr, Tg read said to me

E 4:1 Or said, “Come here Mr. So-and-so

F 4:4 Lit should uncover your ear, saying

G 4:4 Some Hb mss, LXX, Syr, Vg; other Hb mss read if he does

H 4:5 Lit Naomi and from

I 4:5 Alt Hb tradition reads Naomi, I will have already acquired from Ruth the Moabitess, the wife of the dead man, the privilege of raising up the name of the dead man on his property

J 4:17 = Servant

K 4:19 LXX reads Aram ; Mt 1:3-4

1 Samuel

A 1:1 Or from Ramathaim, a Zuphite from

B 1:5 Or gave only one ; Hb obscure

C 1:9 LXX adds and presented herself before the LORD

D 1:11 Lit a seed of men

E 1:11 Lit and no razor will go up on his head

F 1:13 Lit praying to her heart

G 1:18 Lit and her face was not to her again

H 1:20 Lit In the turning of the days

I 1:20 In Hb, the name Samuel sounds like the phrase “requested from God.”

J 1:23 Lit what is good in your eyes

K 1:23 DSS, LXX, Syr; MT reads his

L 1:24 DSS, LXX, Syr; MT reads Shiloh with three bulls

M 1:24 Lit bull and an ephah

N 1:24 Lit And the youth was a youth

O 1:28 DSS read she ; some Hb mss, Syr, Vg read they

P 1:28 LXX reads Then she left him there before the LORD

Q 2:8 DSS, LXX add He gives the vow of the one who makes a vow and he blesses the years of the just.

R 2:9 Lit feet

S 2:10 DSS, LXX read The LORD shatters those who dispute with him

T 2:10 Or Messiah

U 2:20 DSS; MT reads he

V 2:27 Lit the palace of your father

W 2:28 Lit selected him

X 2:33 Lit grief to your eyes

Y 2:33 DSS, LXX read die by the sword of men

Z 2:33 Lit die men

A 3:4 DSS, LXX read called, “Samuel! Samuel!”

B 3:11 Lit about it, his two ears will tingle ; Hb obscure

C 3:13 LXX, Old Lat; MT reads them

D 3:18 Lit what is good in his eyes

E 3:19 Lit he let none of his words fall to the ground

F 4:1 LXX reads In those days the Philistines gathered together to fight against Israel, and Israel went out to engage them in battle. They

G 4:3 Or he

H 4:7 Lit yesterday or the day before

I 4:15 Lit his eyes stood ; 1Kg 14:4

J 4:16 LXX reads camp

K 4:20 LXX reads And in her time of delivery, she was about to die

L 4:21 = Where Is Glory?

M 5:2 A Philistine god of the sea, grain, or storm

N 5:2 Lit to Dagon

O 5:4 LXX; Hb reads Only Dagon remained on it

P 5:6 LXX adds He brought up mice against them, and they swarmed in their ships. Then mice went up into the land and there was a mortal panic in the city.

Q 5:6 Perhaps bubonic plague

R 5:10 DSS, LXX read “Why have you moved . . . people?”

S 5:11 DSS, LXX read “Why don’t you return it to . . . people?”

T 6:3 DSS, LXX read healed, and an atonement shall be made for you. Shouldn’t his hand be removed from you?”

U 6:4 Some Hb mss, LXX; other Hb mss read them

V 6:5 Lit will lighten the heaviness of his hand from you

W 6:18 Some Hb mss, DSS, LXX, Tg; other Hb mss read meadow

X 6:19 LXX reads But the sons of Jeconiah did not rejoice with the men of Beth-shemesh when they saw the ark of the LORD.

Y 6:19 Some Hb mss, Josephus; other Hb mss read 70 men, 50,000 men

Z 6:21 Lit and bring it up to you

A 7:3 Lit you and set your hearts on

B 7:12 = Stone of Help

C 7:13 LXX reads The LORD humbled the Philistines and they

D 8:8 LXX; MT omits to me

E 8:16 LXX reads best cattle

F 8:21 Lit them in the LORDS ears

G 9:2 Lit From his shoulder and up higher than any of the people

H 9:8 Lit a quarter of a shekel (about a tenth of an ounce)

I 9:15 Lit had uncovered Samuel’s ear, saying

J 9:19 Lit answered Saul

K 9:22 LXX reads 70

L 9:25 LXX reads city. They prepared a bed for Saul on the roof, and he slept.

M 10:1 LXX adds And you will reign over the LORDS people, and you will save them from the hand of their enemies all around. And this is the sign to you that the LORD has anointed you ruler over his inheritance.

N 10:4 DSS, LXX read wave offerings

O 10:5 Or governors

P 10:7 Lit do for yourself whatever your hand finds

Q 10:9 Lit turned his shoulder

R 10:9 Lit God turned to him another heart

S 10:19 Some Hb mss, LXX, Syr, Vg read You said, ‘No, you

T 10:21 LXX adds And he had the Matrite clan come forward, man by man.

U 10:23 Lit people, and he was higher than any of the people from his shoulder and up

V 10:24 LXX reads acknowledged and said

W 10:27 DSS add Nahash king of the Ammonites had been severely oppressing the Gadites and Reubenites. He gouged out the right eye of each of them and brought fear and trembling on Israel. Of the Israelites beyond the Jordan none remained whose right eye Nahash, king of the Ammonites, had not gouged out. But there were seven thousand men who had escaped from the Ammonites and entered Jabesh-gilead.

X 10:27 Lit gift, and he was like a mute person

Y 11:1 DSS, LXX read About a month later, Nahash

Z 11:4 Lit in the ears of

A 11:8 LXX reads 600,000

B 11:8 DSS, LXX read 70,000

C 11:10 Lit do what is good in your eyes

D 11:12 Some Hb mss, LXX; other Hb mss omit not

E 12:3 LXX reads bribe or a pair of shoes? Testify against me.

F 12:3 Lit bribe and will hide my eyes with it?

G 12:6 LXX; MT omits is a witness

H 12:8 LXX reads “When Jacob and his sons went to Egypt and Egypt humbled them

I 12:11 LXX, Syr; MT reads Bedan ; Jdg 4:6; Heb 11:32

J 12:15 LXX against you and against your king

K 12:17 Lit know and see

L 12:21 LXX reads away after empty

M 13:1 Some LXX mss; MT reads was one year

N 13:1 Text emended; MT reads two years

O 13:1 Some LXX mss omit v. 1

P 13:3 Or governor, also in v. 4

Q 13:3 LXX reads “The slaves have revolted”

R 13:5 One LXX ms, Syr; MT reads 30,000

S 13:5 LXX reads Michmash, opposite Beth-horon to the south

T 13:14 Lit man according to his heart

U 13:15 LXX reads Samuel left Gilgal and went on his way, and the rest of the people followed Saul to join the people in his army. They went

V 13:20 LXX; MT reads plowshares

W 13:21 Lit of a pim ; about one-fourth ounce of silver

X 14:2 LXX reads on top of the hill

Y 14:4 Lit There was a tooth

Z 14:15 Or and a great terror spread

A 14:18 LXX reads “Bring the ephod.” For he wore the ephod before Israel

B 14:19 Lit “Withdraw your hand”

C 14:24 LXX adds committed a great act of ignorance and

D 14:25 Lit All the land

E 14:26 Lit but there was none who raised his hand to his mouth

F 14:27 Lit he returned his hand to his mouth

G 14:27 Lit his eyes became bright

H 14:29 Lit how my eyes became bright

I 14:36 Lit Do what is good in your eyes, also in v. 40

J 14:38 Lit know and see

K 14:41 LXX; MT reads said to the LORD, “God of Israel, give us the right decision.”

L 14:47 LXX reads he was victorious

M 15:2 LXX reads I will avenge

N 15:9 Lit and the second ones

O 15:14 Lit sheep in my ears

P 15:20 Lit answered Samuel

Q 15:32 Hb obscure

R 15:32 LXX reads “Is death bitter in this way?”

S 15:32 Lit turned

T 16:4 LXX reads were astonished

U 16:4 DSS, LXX read “Seer, do

V 16:5 LXX reads and rejoice with me today

W 16:7 LXX reads God does not see as a man sees

X 16:7 Lit for the man sees according to the eyes

Y 16:12 Or ruddy

Z 17:4 DSS, LXX read four cubits and a span

A 17:4 Lit was six cubits and a span

B 17:5 Lit helmet on his head

C 17:5 Lit 5,000 shekels

D 17:7 Lit 600 shekels

E 17:17 Lit this ephah

F 17:18 Lit the leader of 1,000

G 17:32 Lit let a man’s heart fall over

H 17:35 LXX reads throat ; lit beard

I 17:42 Or ruddy

J 17:43 Some LXX mss add and stones?” And David said, “No! Worse than a dog!”

K 17:46 LXX reads give your limbs and the limbs

L 17:52 LXX reads Ashkelon

M 17:54 Lit the Philistine’s

N 17:55 LXX omits 1Sm 17:55–18:5

O 18:1 Lit the life of Jonathan was bound to the life of David

P 18:8 Lit furious; this saying was evil in his eyes

Q 18:10 Or prophesy

R 18:20 Lit Saul, the thing was right in his eyes

S 18:23 Lit words in David’s ears

T 18:26 Lit David, it was right in David’s eyes

U 18:26 Lit And the days were not full

V 18:27 LXX reads 100

W 18:28 Lit saw and knew

X 20:2 Lit without uncovering my ear

Y 20:5 Lit countryside until the third night

Z 20:8 Or Show loyalty to

A 20:12 Lit and uncover your ear

B 20:13 Lit severely—I will uncover your ear

C 20:14 Or loyalty, also in v. 15

D 20:16 Lit LORD require it from the hand of David’s enemies

E 20:17 LXX; MT reads Jonathan once again made David swear

F 20:23 LXX; MT omits a witness

G 20:25 Text emended; MT reads Jonathan got up

H 20:30 Lit your mother’s nakedness

I 21:4 DSS; MT omits may eat it

J 21:5 Lit vessels

K 21:12 Lit David placed these words in his heart

L 21:13 Lit madman in their hand

M 21:13 LXX reads drumming

N 22:8 Lit No one uncovers my ear

O 22:8 Lit or uncovers my ear

P 22:15 Lit didn’t know a thing, small or large

Q 22:17 Lit didn’t uncover my ear

R 22:22 LXX, Syr, Vg; MT reads I myself turn in

S 23:16 Lit and strengthened his hand

T 23:19 Lit “Is David not . . . Jeshimon?

U 23:22 Lit Know and see

V 23:22 Lit watch his place where his foot will be

W 23:23 Lit See and know

X 23:23 Or thousands

Y 24:3 Lit to cover his feet

Z 24:5 Lit David’s heart struck

A 24:5 Some Hb mss, LXX, Syr, Vg; other Hb mss omit robe

B 24:7 Or restrained

C 24:10 LXX, Syr, Tg; MT reads she or it

D 24:10 Or my eye

E 24:11 Lit Know and see

F 24:15 Lit render a verdict for

G 24:19 Lit go on a good way

H 24:20 Or will flourish

I 25:1 LXX reads to Maon

J 25:5 Or Nabal, ask him for peace

K 25:6 Lit ‘To life

L 25:7 Lit you have shearers

M 25:8 Lit good

N 25:9 Lit name

O 25:9 LXX reads and he became arrogant

P 25:17 Lit Now know and see

Q 25:18 Lit sheep, five seahs

R 25:22 LXX; MT reads David’s enemies

S 25:22 Lit of those of his who are urinating against the wall

T 25:25 Lit for as is his name is, so he is

U 25:25 Lit and foolishness is with him

V 25:28 Or trouble

W 25:29 Lit bundle

X 25:34 Lit had anyone urinating against a wall

Y 25:36 Lit Nabal’s heart was good on him

Z 25:36 Lit anything at all

A 25:37 Lit when the wine had gone out of Nabal

B 25:37 Lit Then his heart died within him

C 26:16 Lit you are sons of death

D 27:8 Alt Hb tradition reads Gezerites

E 27:10 Some Hb mss, Syr, Tg; LXX, Vg, DSS read “Against whom did you raid today?”

F 28:1 DSS, LXX read battle

G 28:10 Or lives, you will not incur guilt

H 28:13 Or a god, or a divine being

I 28:17 Some Hb, some LXX mss, Vg read done to you

J 28:19 LXX reads sons will fall

K 29:3 Hb obscure

L 29:6 Lit It was good in my eyes

M 29:6 Lit you going out and coming in

N 29:10 LXX adds and go to the place I appointed you to. Don’t take this evil matter to heart, for you are good before me.

O 30:2 LXX; MT omits and everyone

P 30:25 this policy supplied for clarity

Q 30:27 He sent gifts supplied for clarity

R 31:3 LXX reads and he was wounded under the ribs

2 Samuel

A 1:9 LXX reads for terrible darkness has taken hold of me

B 1:18 Or of the Upright

C 1:21 LXX reads firstfruits

D 1:22 Lit empty

E 1:22 Lit fat

F 2:7 Lit Therefore, strengthen your hands

G 2:8 Some LXX mss read Ishbaal ; 1Ch 8:33; 9:39

H 2:8 = Man of Shame

I 2:16 Or Helkath-hazzurim

J 2:29 Or marched through the Bithron

K 3:8 = a despised person

L 3:25 Lit your going out and your coming in

M 3:26 Or cistern

N 3:27 Lit And he died for the blood of Asahel

O 3:29 LXX reads who uses a crutch

P 3:31 Or the bier ; lit the bed

Q 4:1 Lit his hands dropped

R 4:4 Lit His nurse

S 5:1 Lit your bone and your flesh

T 5:8 Alt Hb tradition, LXX, Tg, Syr read who despise David

U 5:8 Or temple, or palace

V 5:20 Or Baal-perazim ; 2Sm 6:8; 1Ch 13:11

W 6:2 = Kiriath-jearim in 1Sm 7:1; 1Ch 13:6; 2Ch 1:4

X 6:3 Or And his brothers

Y 6:5 DSS, LXX read with tuned instruments with strength, with songs ; 1Ch 13:8

Z 6:5 = an Egyptian percussion instrument

A 6:8 Or Perez-uzzah ; 2Sm 5:20

B 6:14 Or whirling

C 6:22 LXX reads more and I will be humble in your eyes

D 6:22 Lit more and I will be humble in my own eyes

E 7:16 Some Hb mss, LXX, Syr; other Hb mss read you

F 7:19 Lit Yet this

G 7:19 Or custom, or instruction

H 7:23 Some Hb mss, Tg, Vg, Syr; other Hb mss read you

I 7:23 LXX; MT reads acts for your land

J 8:1 Or took control of the mother city ; Hb obscure

K 8:1 LXX reads them, and David took tribute out of the hand of the Philistines

L 8:4 LXX, DSS read 1,000 chariots and 7,000 horsemen

M 8:4 Or chariot horses

N 8:8 Some LXX mss, Syr read Tebah

O 8:12 Some Hb mss, LXX, Syr; other Hb mss read Aram ; 1Ch 18:11

P 8:13 Some Hb mss, LXX, Syr; other Hb mss read Arameans ; 1Ch 18:12

Q 8:13 = the Dead Sea region

R 8:18 LXX; MT reads were priests ; 1Ch 18:17

S 9:11 LXX; Syr reads the king’s ; Vg reads your ; MT reads my

T 10:12 Lit the LORD do what is good in his eyes

U 10:18 Some LXX mss; MT reads horsemen ; 1Ch 19:18

V 11:3 DSS add Joab’s armor-bearer

W 11:11 Lit servants

X 11:21 LXX reads Jerubbaal

Y 11:21 = Gideon

Z 11:26 Lit her husband

A 12:4 Lit for the man who had come to him

B 12:8 Lit bosom

C 12:9 Alt Hb tradition reads what he considers

D 12:11 Or to your neighbor

E 12:11 Lit in the eyes of this sun

F 12:12 Lit and before the sun

G 12:14 Alt Hb tradition, one LXX ms; MT reads treated the enemies of ; DSS read treated the word of

H 12:24 Alt Hb tradition reads he named

I 12:24 In Hb, the name Solomon sounds like “peace.”

J 12:25 Or prophet to name

K 12:25 = Beloved of the LORD

L 12:30 LXX reads of Milcom ; some emend to Molech ; 1Kg 11:5,33

M 12:30 Lit a talent

N 13:11 Lit said to her

O 13:16 Lit she said to him

P 13:18 Or an ornamented ; Gn 37:3

Q 13:21 LXX, DSS add but he did not grieve the spirit of Amnon his son, for he loved him because he was his firstborn ; 1Kg 1:6

R 13:27 LXX adds And Absalom prepared a feast like a royal feast.

S 13:32 Lit In fact, it was established on the mouth of Absalom

T 13:34 LXX adds And the watchman came and reported to the king saying, “I see men on the Horonaim road on the side of the mountain.”

U 13:37 Probably Amnon

V 13:39 DSS, LXX, Tg read David’s spirit

W 14:3 Lit Joab put the words into her mouth

X 14:4 Some Hb mss, LXX, Syr, Tg, Vg; other Hb mss read spoke

Y 14:19 Lit “Is the hand of Joab in

Z 14:19 Lit he put all these words into the mouth of your servant

A 14:20 Lit to go around the face of the matter

B 14:24 Lit king’s face

C 14:26 Lit 200 shekels

D 14:30 DSS, LXX add So Joab’s servants came to him with their clothes torn and said, “Absalom’s servants have set the field on fire!”

E 15:7 Some LXX mss, Syr, Vg; other LXX mss, MT read 40

F 15:8 Some LXX mss; MT omits in Hebron

G 15:20 LXX; MT omits Lit May the LORD show you

H 15:24 Or Abiathar went up

I 15:25 Or his

J 15:26 Lit me what is good in his eyes

K 15:27 LXX; MT reads “Are you a seer?

L 15:28 Alt Hb tradition reads plains

M 16:1 = Mount of Olives

N 16:6 Lit all King David’s

O 16:10 Alt Hb tradition reads If he curses, and if the LORD

P 16:11 Lit son who came from my belly

Q 16:12 Some Hb mss, LXX, Syr, Vg; one Hb tradition reads iniquity ; alt Hb tradition reads eyes ; another Hb tradition reads will look with his eye

R 16:14 LXX adds at the Jordan

S 16:21 Lit father, the hands of everyone with you will be strong

T 17:2 Lit and weak of hands

U 17:3 LXX reads to you as a bride returns to her husband. You seek the life of only one man, and all

V 17:9 Or pits, or ravines

W 17:9 Lit And it will be when a falling on them at

X 17:10 Lit melt

Y 17:13 Lit drag it

Z 17:15 Lit “Like this and like this

A 17:15 Lit and like this and like this

B 17:16 Some Hb mss; MT reads plains

C 17:16 the Jordan supplied for clarity

D 17:20 Or brook ; Hb obscure

E 17:25 Or Jether

F 17:25 Some LXX mss read Ishmaelite

G 17:25 Some LXX mss read Jesse

H 17:28 LXX reads brought 10 embroidered beds with double coverings, 10 vessels

I 17:28 LXX, Syr; MT adds roasted grain

J 17:29 Hb obscure

K 18:3 Some Hb mss, LXX, Vg; other Hb mss read because there would now be about

L 18:9 Lit was between heaven and earth

M 18:11 Lit Joab said to the man who told him

N 18:11 About four ounces of silver

O 18:12 About 25 pounds of silver

P 18:12 Some Hb mss, LXX, Tg, Vg; other Hb mss read ‘Protect, whoever, the young man Absalom’ ; Hb obscure

Q 18:13 Alt Hb tradition reads jeopardized his

R 18:22 Or you have no good news?

S 19:6 Lit be right in your eyes

T 19:7 Lit speak to the heart of

U 19:12 Lit my bone and my flesh

V 19:13 Lit my bone and my flesh?

W 19:14 Lit he turned the heart of

X 19:18 Lit do what is good in his eyes

Y 19:26 LXX, Syr, Vg read said to him, ‘Saddle the donkey for me

Z 19:27 Lit do what is good in your eyes

A 19:33 LXX reads for your old age ; Ru 4:15

B 19:37 Lit what is good in your eyes, also in v. 38

C 19:42 LXX reads king’s or has he given us a gift or granted us a portion

D 20:1 Alt Hb tradition reads gods

E 20:6 Lit and snatch away our eyes

F 20:7 Lit out following him

G 20:14 LXX, Vg read Bichrites

H 20:24 Some Hb mss, LXX, Syr read Adoniram ; 1Kg 4:6; 5:14

I 21:1 Lit sought the face of

J 21:3 Lit will bless

K 21:6 Or impale, or expose

L 21:8 Some Hb mss, LXX, Syr, Tg; other Hb mss read Michal

M 21:9 Or impaled, or exposed, also in v. 13

N 21:9 = March–April

O 21:10 = April to October

P 21:16 Or Raphah, also in vv. 18,20,22

Q 21:16 Lit 300 (shekels)

R 21:19 1Ch 20:5 adds the brother of

S 22:3 LXX, Ps 18:2 read my God ; MT reads God of

T 22:8 Some Hb mss, Syr, Vg read mountains ; Ps 18:7

U 22:9 Or him

V 22:11 Some Hb mss; other Hb mss, Syr, Tg read he was seen

W 22:12 Or sieve, or mass ; Hb obscure

X 22:23 Lit Indeed, all his ordinances have been in front of me

Y 22:25 LXX, Syr, Vg read to the cleanness of my hands ; Ps 18:24

Z 22:30 Or a ridge, or raiders

A 22:33 DSS, some LXX mss, Syr, Vg read God clothes me with strength ; Ps 18:32

B 22:33 Some LXX mss, Syr; MT reads he sets free the blameless his way ; Hb obscure

C 22:34 LXX; some Hb mss read my ; other Hb mss read his

D 22:34 Or on my high places

E 22:36 LXX reads humility ; Ps 18:35

F 22:41 Lit you gave me the neck of my enemies

G 22:51 DSS read he gives great victory to

H 23:1 Or raised up by the high God

I 23:8 Some Hb mss, LXX read Three

J 23:8 Some Hb mss; other Hb mss, LXX read He was Adino the Eznite

K 23:15 Lit And David craved

L 23:18 Some Hb mss, Syr read the Thirty

M 23:20 LXX; MT omits sons

N 23:20 Or two warriors

O 23:30 Or from Nahale-gaash

P 23:32 Some LXX mss; MT omits son of ; 1Ch 11:34

Q 24:6 LXX; MT reads of Tahtim-hodshi ; Hb obscure

R 24:9 Lit men of valor drawing the sword

S 24:13 LXX; MT reads seven ; 1Ch 21:12

T 24:13 Lit Now, know and see

U 24:16 = Ornan in 1Ch 21:15-28; 2Ch 3:1

V 24:17 LXX reads shepherd

W 24:22 Lit take what is good in his eyes

X 24:24 Lit 50 shekels

1 Kings

A 1:2 Lit them

B 1:3 Shunem was a town in the hill country of Issachar at the foot of Mt. Moreh; Jos 19:17-18.

C 1:4 Lit he did not know

D 1:5 Heralds announcing his procession

E 1:7 Lit His words were

F 1:8 Lit David’s warriors

G 1:18 Some Hb mss, LXX, Vg, Syr; other Hb mss read And now

H 1:27 Some Hb mss, LXX; alt Hb tradition reads servants

I 1:37 Alt Hb tradition reads so he will

J 1:40 LXX reads the land resounded with their noise

K 1:48 Lit and my eyes are seeing

L 1:51 Some Hb mss, LXX, Syr, Vg read today

M 2:5 LXX, Old Lat read on my waistband and . . . my feet ; v. 31

N 2:14 Lit then said, “I have a word for you.”

O 2:16 Lit don’t make me turn my face

P 2:22 LXX, Vg, Syr read kingship for him, and on his side are Abiathar the priest and Joab son of Zeruiah

Q 2:29 LXX adds Joab a message: “What is the matter with you, that you have fled to the altar?” And Joab replied, “Because I feared you, I have fled to the Lord.” And Solomon the king sent

R 2:33 Lit Their blood will return on the head of Joab and on the head of his seed

S 3:1 Lit Solomon made himself a son-in-law

T 3:6 Lit and uprightness of heart with you

U 3:7 Lit am a little youth and do not know to go out or come in

V 3:11 Lit for many days

W 3:11 Lit life

X 3:18 Lit No stranger

Y 3:26 Lit because her compassion grew hot

Z 4:19 LXX; MT omits of Judah

A 4:22 Lit 30 cors

B 4:22 Lit 60 cors

C 4:23 Hb obscure

D 4:26 2Ch 9:25 reads 4,000 stalls

E 4:28 Lit judgment

F 5:11 Lit 20,000 cors

G 5:11 LXX reads 20,000 baths ; MT reads 20 cors

H 5:16 Some LXX mss read 3,600 ; 2Ch 2:2,18

I 6:1 April–May

J 6:2 Lit 60 cubits

K 6:2 Lit 20 cubits, also in vv. 3,16,20

L 6:2 Lit 30 cubits

M 6:3 Lit 10 cubits wide

N 6:4 Hb obscure

O 6:5 Lit built the temple of chamber

P 6:5 Lit made ribs or sides

Q 6:6 Lit five cubits, also in vv. 10,24

R 6:6 Lit six cubits

S 6:6 Lit seven cubits

T 6:8 LXX, Tg; MT reads middle

U 6:8 = People

V 6:8 Hb obscure

W 6:11-14 LXX omits these vv.

X 6:16 LXX; MT omits of the ceiling ; 1Kg 6:15

Y 6:17 Lit front of me ; Hb obscure

Z 6:17 Lit 40 cubits

A 6:21 Lit he caused to pass across

B 6:23 Lit 10 cubits, also in vv. 24,25,26

C 6:27 Lit the second

D 6:31 Hb obscure

E 6:33 Hb obscure

F 6:38 = October–November

G 7:2 Lit 100 cubits

H 7:2 Lit 50 cubits, also in v. 6

I 7:2 Lit 30 cubits, also in vv. 6,23

J 7:4 Lit frames, window to window

K 7:4 Lit three times ; = at 3 different places, also in v. 5

L 7:5 Lit frames, opposing window to window

M 7:6 Hb obscure

N 7:7 Syr, Vg; MT reads floor

O 7:8 Lit daughter he had taken

P 7:10 Lit ten cubits and eight cubits

Q 7:13 = Huram in 2Ch 4:11

R 7:15 Lit 18 cubits

S 7:15 Lit 12 cubits

T 7:15 LXX adds and the thickness of the pillar was four fingers hollowed and similarly the second pillar

U 7:16 Lit five cubits, also in v. 23

V 7:17 Lit tassels

W 7:19 Lit four cubits, also in vv. 27,38

X 7:20 Lit encircling the second

Y 7:21 = He Will Establish

Z 7:21 = In Him Is Strength

A 7:23 Lit sea

B 7:23 Lit 10 cubits

C 7:24 Lit 10 per cubit

D 7:26 Lit a handbreadth

E 7:26 Lit 2,000 baths

F 7:27 Lit bronze stands

G 7:27 Lit three cubits

H 7:29 Or hammered-down

I 7:31 Lit a cubit

J 7:31 Lit one and a half cubits

K 7:32 Lit was one and a half cubits

L 7:35 Lit half a cubit

M 7:38 Lit 40 baths

N 7:50 Or dishes, or spoons ; lit palms

O 8:2 = September–October

P 8:7 LXX; MT reads toward

Q 8:9 = Sinai

R 8:18 Lit well because it was with your heart

S 8:26 Some Hb mss, LXX, Syr, Tg, Vg, 2Ch 6:16; other Hb mss omit LORD

T 8:28 Lit Turn

U 8:31 Lit and he lifts a curse against him to curse him

V 8:37 Lit land of its gates

W 8:38 Lit know in his heart of a plague

X 8:44 Some Hb mss, some ancient versions, 2Ch 6:34; other Hb mss read enemy

Y 8:47 Lit they return to their heart

Z 8:50 Lit rebellions that they have rebelled

A 8:58 Lit causes our hearts to be inclined

B 8:65 Or from Lebo-hamath

C 8:65 Temple dedication lasted seven days, and the Festival of Shelters lasted seven days.

D 8:66 Lit the eighth day

E 8:66 Lit tents

F 9:3 Or by putting

G 9:7 Lit send from my presence

H 9:8 Some ancient versions read temple will become a ruin

I 9:8 Lit hiss

J 9:13 = Like Nothing

K 9:14 Lit 120 talents

L 9:18 Alt Hb traditions, LXX, Syr, Tg, Vg read Tadmor ; 2Ch 8:4

M 9:18 Tamar was a city in southern Judah; Ezk 47:19; 48:28.

N 9:28 Lit 420 talents

O 10:8 LXX, Syr read your wives

P 10:10 Lit 120 talents

Q 10:11 = algum in 2Ch 2:8; 9:10-11

R 10:14 Lit 666 talents

S 10:16 Lit 600 (shekels)

T 10:17 Lit three minas

U 10:22 Or baboons

V 10:25 Or vessels, or weapons

W 10:25 Or fragrant balsam

X 10:28 = Cilicia

Y 10:29 Lit 600 shekels

Z 10:29 Lit 150 shekels

A 11:2 Lit Solomon clung

B 11:7 Lit Molech

C 11:11 Lit “Since this was with you

D 11:19 Lit Hadad found much favor in Pharaoh’s eyes

E 11:24 LXX; Hb reads They

F 11:25 Some Hb mss, LXX, Syr read Edom

G 11:38-39 LXX omits and I will give . . . but not forever

H 12:2 LXX, Vg read Jeroboam returned from Egypt ; 2Ch 10:2

I 12:11 Lit with scorpions, also in v. 14

J 12:18 LXX reads Adoniram ; 1Kg 4:6; 5:14

K 12:28 Or here is your God, or here is your god

L 12:30 Some LXX mss read calves to Bethel and the other to Dan

M 12:31 Lit a house

N 12:33 Or He went up to

O 13:11 Some Hb mss, LXX, Syr, Vg read sons

P 13:12 LXX, Syr, Tg, Vg read sons showed him

Q 13:23-24 LXX reads donkey, and he turned 24and left, and

R 13:24 Lit met

S 14:4 Lit see, for his eyes stood ; 1Sm 4:15

T 14:10 Lit eliminate Jeroboam’s one who urinates against the wall

U 14:10 Or males, even the weak and impaired ; Hb obscure

V 14:11 Lit birds of the sky

W 14:14 Hb obscure

X 14:15 so that they will supplied for clarity

Y 14:27 Lit the runners

Z 14:28 Lit the chamber of the runners

A 14:31 = Abijah in 2Ch 13

B 15:2 Possibly granddaughter, also in v. 10; 2Ch 13:2

C 15:10 Lit mother’s

D 15:13 Lit mother

E 15:29 Lit Jeroboam anyone breathing until he

F 15:30 Lit provoked in the provocation of

G 16:4 Lit birds of the sky

H 16:11 Lit leave him one who urinates against the wall

I 16:24 Lit for two talents

J 16:24 = Belonging to Shemer’s Clan

K 17:1 LXX reads from Tishbe of Gilead

L 17:16 Lit by the hand of

M 18:8 The Hb words translated ‘Elijah is here’ also mean ‘Look, my God is the LORD

N 18:21 Lit you hobble on two crutches?

O 18:26 Or hobbled

P 18:27 Or has turned aside ; possibly to relieve himself

Q 18:32 LXX reads trench containing two measures of seed

R 18:32 Lit altar corresponding to a house of two seahs of seed

S 19:3 Some Hb mss, LXX, Syr, Vg; other Hb mss read He saw

T 19:21 Or sacrificed

U 20:6 Lit take all the delight of your eyes

V 20:7 Lit “Know and see

W 20:12 Lit booths, also in v. 16

X 20:22 Lit then know and see

Y 20:33 Some Hb mss, alt Hb tradition, LXX; other Hb mss read they hastened and caught hold; “Is this it?”

Z 20:39 Lit a talent

A 21:21 LXX; MT omits This is what the LORD says

B 21:21 Lit eliminate Ahab’s one who urinates against the wall

C 21:21 Or males, even the weak and impaired ; Hb obscure

D 21:23 Some Hb mss, Syr, Tg, Vg, 2Kg 9:36; other Hb mss, LXX read the rampart

E 21:24 Lit birds of the sky

F 22:24 Lit “Which way did

G 22:27 Lit him on bread of oppression and water of oppression

H 22:28 LXX omits Then he said, “Listen, all you people!”

I 22:31 Lit with small or with great

J 22:34 LXX; MT reads camp

K 22:43 LXX, Syr, Vg read he did not remove the high places