2 Kings

A 1:2 = Lord of the Flies

B 1:11 Lit He answered

C 1:12 Lit a fire of God

D 1:17 Lit Jehoram ; 2Kg 8:16

E 1:17 LXX omits in the second year . . . Jehoshaphat

F 1:18 LXX adds 4 more vv. here similar to 2Kg 3:1-3.

G 3:23 Or have been laid waste

H 4:39 of what they were added for clarity

I 4:42 Or with some heads of fresh grain and

J 5:5 Lit 10 talents

K 5:5 Lit 6,000 shekels

L 5:7 Lit Know and see

M 5:18 Lit worship, and he leans on my hand

N 5:18 LXX, Vg read when he bows himself

O 5:22 Lit a talent

P 5:23 Lit two talents

Q 5:24 Or citadel

R 5:26 Or “Did not my heart go

S 5:27 A reference to whiteness or flakiness of the skin

T 6:1 Lit we are living before you

U 6:10 Lit not once and not twice

V 6:18 Or a blinding light

W 6:25 Lit for 80 ; “shekels” is assumed

X 6:25 Lit a fourth of a kab

Y 6:25 Or seedpods, or wild onions

Z 6:25 Lit for five ; “shekels” is assumed

A 6:33 Some emend to king

B 7:1 Lit a seah, also in vv. 16,18

C 7:1 Lit for a shekel, also in vv. 16,18

D 7:1 Lit two seahs, also in vv. 16,18

E 7:2 Lit captain, upon whose hand the king leaned, also in v. 17

F 7:6 Some Hb mss read LORD

G 7:13 Some Hb mss, LXX, Syr, Vg; other Hb mss read left in it. Indeed, they are like the whole multitude of Israel that are left in it; indeed, they are like the whole multitude of Israel who will die.

H 8:10 Alt Hb tradition reads You will not

I 8:16 = The LORD is Exalted

J 8:16 Lit Judah; Jehoshaphat had been king of Judah

K 8:27 Lit for he was related by marriage to

L 8:29 Lit Ramah

M 9:4 Or the young man, the attendant of the prophet

N 9:8 Lit wipe out Ahab’s one who urinates against a wall

O 9:8 Or males, even the weak and impaired ; Hb obscure

P 9:13 Lit on the bones of the steps

Q 9:15 Lit “If your desire exists

R 9:18 Lit What to you and to peace, also in v. 19

S 9:27 LXX, Syr, Vg; MT omits So they shot him

T 9:30 Lit made her head pleasing

U 10:1 LXX; MT reads of Ahab

V 10:3 Lit the good and the upright

W 10:5 Lit Do what is good in your eyes

X 10:6 Lit heads of the men of the sons of your master

Y 10:15 Lit heart upright like my heart is with your heart

Z 10:15 LXX, Syr, Vg; MT reads mine?” Jehonadab said, “It is and it is

A 10:21 LXX adds —all his priests and all his prophets

B 10:33 Lit Arnon Valley and Gilead and Bashan

C 11:6 See 2Ch 23:5; MT here reads Sur

D 11:6 Hb obscure

E 11:8 Lit king when he goes out and when he comes in

F 11:12 Or him the copy of the covenant, or him a diadem, or him jewels

G 11:17 Some Gk versions, 2Ch 23:16 omit and another covenant between the king and the people

H 11:21 = The LORD Has Bestowed

I 12:5 Hb obscure

J 12:5 Lit repair the breach of the temple wherever there is found a breach

K 12:6 Lit breach in 2Kg 12:5-12

L 12:13 Lit silver

M 12:21 Some Hb mss, LXX read Jozacar ; 2Ch 24:26 reads Zabad

N 13:5 Lit Israel dwelt in their tents as formerly

O 13:9 Lit Joash

P 14:1 Lit Joash, also in vv. 23,27

Q 14:1 Lit Joahaz

R 14:2 Alt Hb tradition, some Hb mss, Syr, Tg, Vg, 2Ch 25:1; other Hb mss, LXX read Jehoaddin

S 14:10 Lit and your heart has lifted you

T 14:13 Lit Jehoash

U 14:13 Lit 400 cubits

V 14:21 = Uzziah in 2Ch 26:1

W 14:22 = Eloth in 2Ch 26:2

X 14:26 Hb obscure

Y 14:28 Lit recovered Damascus and for Judah in Israel ; Hb obscure

Z 15:1 = Uzziah in 2Ch 26:3

A 15:5 Lit in a house of exemption from duty

B 15:10 Some LXX mss read down at Ibleam ; Hb uncertain

C 15:13 = Azariah, also in vv. 30,32,34

D 15:19 = Tiglath-pileser

E 15:19 Lit 1,000 talents

F 15:20 Lit 50 shekels

G 15:25 Hb obscure

H 16:3 Lit even made his son pass through the fire

I 16:12 Or and offered on it:

J 16:15 Hb obscure

K 16:17 Lit the stands

L 16:17 Lit sea

M 17:4 Lit as year by year

N 17:7 Lit feared

O 17:9 Or Israelites spoke words

P 17:14 Lit they stiffened their neck like the neck of

Q 17:17 Lit They made their sons and daughters pass through the fire

R 18:2 = Abijah in 2Ch 29:1

S 18:4 = A Bronze Thing

T 18:14 Lit 300 talents

U 18:14 Lit 30 talents

V 18:17 LXX, Syr, Vg; MT reads and came and

W 18:19 Lit ‘What is this trust which you trust

X 18:26 Lit Judahite, also in v. 28

Y 18:31 Lit a blessing

Z 18:34 Some LXX mss, Old Lat read Sepharvaim? Where are the gods of the land of Samaria?

A 19:13 Or king of Lair,

B 19:23 Many mss read LORD

C 19:23 Lit by the hand of

D 19:26 DSS; MT reads blasted before standing grain ; Is 37:27

E 20:3 Lit what is good in your eyes

F 20:11 Lit shadow on the steps

G 20:11 Tg, Vg; DSS read on the steps of Ahaz’s roof chamber ; Is 38:8

H 20:12 Some Hb mss, LXX, Syr, Tg, some Vg mss, Is 39:1; other Hb mss read Berodach-baladan

I 20:18 Or court officials

J 21:6 Lit He made his son pass through the fire

K 21:12 Lit about it, his two ears will tingle ; Hb obscure

L 21:24 Lit The people of the land

M 22:9 Lit and returned a word to the king and said

N 22:16 fulfilling supplied for clarity

O 22:20 Lit returned a word

P 23:3 2Ch 34:31 reads platform

Q 23:3 Lit people took a stand in

R 23:6 Lit the sons of the people

S 23:7 Or clothing

T 23:10 Lit could make his son or daughter pass through the fire

U 23:12 Text emended; MT reads he ran from

V 23:16 LXX adds when Jeroboam stood by the altar of the feast. And he turned and raised his eyes to the tomb of the man of God

W 23:30 Lit the people of the land, also in v. 35

X 23:33 Lit 100 talents

Y 23:33 Lit one talent

Z 24:12 Or eunuchs

A 24:17 Lit his

B 25:13 Lit sea

C 25:17 Lit 18 cubits

D 25:17 Lit three cubits

E 25:19 Or eunuch

F 25:19 Lit five men who look on the king’s face

G 25:19 Lit the people of the land

H 25:27 and released him supplied for clarity

1 Chronicles

A 1:4 LXX; MT omits Noah’s sons

B 1:6 Some Hb mss, LXX, Vg; other Hb mss read Diphath ; Gn 10:3

C 1:7 Some Hb mss, Syr read Dodanim ; Gn 10:4

D 1:8 = Egypt

E 1:19 = Division

F 1:36 LXX; MT reads and Timna and Amalek ; Gn 36:12

G 1:51 Alt Hb tradition reads Aliah

H 2:6 Some Hb mss, LXX, Syr, Tg, Vg read Darda ; 1Kg 4:31

I 2:7 = Trouble; Achan in Jos 7:1,16-26

J 2:9 = Caleb

K 2:23 Lit took from them

L 2:23 Or captured Havvoth-jair

M 2:24 LXX, Vg read death, Caleb slept with Ephrath (Hezron’s wife was Abijah) and she bore

N 2:42 Lit and the sons of Mareshah

O 2:52 Lit Manuhoth

P 3:6 Lit Elishama ; 2Sm 5:15; 1Ch 14:5

Q 3:11 Lit Joram

R 3:11 = The LORD is Exalted

S 3:21 LXX reads Jeshaiah, his son Rephaiah, his son Arnan, his son Obadiah, and his son Shecaniah

T 3:22 LXX; MT reads sons

U 4:3 LXX; MT reads father

V 4:7 Alt Hb tradition reads Izhar

W 4:8 Or Hazzobebah

X 4:9 In Hb, the name Jabez sounds like “he causes pain.”

Y 4:10 Or not cause any pain

Z 4:13 LXX, Vg; MT omits and Meonothai

A 4:14 Or the Ge-harashim

B 4:21 Lit house

C 4:22 Or who ruled over Moab

D 4:22 Tg, Vg; MT reads and Jashubi Lehem

E 5:6 LXX; MT reads Tilgath-pilneser

F 5:15 Lit the house of their fathers, also in v. 24

G 5:25 Lit the peoples of the land

H 5:26 LXX; MT reads Tilgath-pilneser

I 6:1 In Hb Levi’s son’s name is spelled “Gershon” here and many other places

J 6:28 Some LXX mss, Syr, Arabic; other Hb mss omit Joel ; 1Sm 8:2

K 6:58 Some Hb mss, LXX; other Hb mss read Hilez

L 7:2 Lit the house of their fathers, also in vv. 4,7,9,40

M 7:22 Or his brothers

N 7:23 In Hb, the name Beriah sounds like “in misfortune.”

O 7:25 Probably Ephraim’s son

P 8:3 Or Gera father of Ehud ; Jdg 3:15

Q 8:13-14 LXX reads Gath 14and their brother

R 8:29 LXX; MT omits Jeiel ; 1Ch 9:35

S 8:33 = Man of Baal

T 8:34 = Baal Contends

U 8:40 Lit valiant ones who string the bow

V 9:4 Lit Bani, from the sons

W 9:9 Lit the house of their fathers, also in v. 13

X 9:19 Lit the house of his father

Y 9:19 = the temple

Z 9:31 Lit with things prepared in pans

A 9:41 LXX, Syr, Tg, Vg, Arabic; MT omits and Ahaz ; 1Ch 8:35

B 10:12 Or terebinth, or large tree

C 11:1 Lit your bone and your flesh

D 11:11 Alt Hb tradition reads Three

E 11:14 Lit But they

F 11:17 Lit And David craved

G 11:20 Syr reads Thirty

H 11:22 Or was a valiant man

I 11:22 Or He killed two Moabite warriors

J 11:23 Lit who measured five cubits

K 11:34 LXX omits the sons of ; 2Sm 23:32

L 12:15 = Nisan (March–April)

M 12:18 Lit clothed ; Jdg 6:34; 2Ch 24:20

N 12:22 Or like the ultimate army

O 12:28 Lit the house of his father

P 12:30 Lit the house of their fathers

Q 12:33 LXX; MT omits David

R 13:3 Or did not seek it

S 13:5 Or to Lebo-hamath

T 13:7 Or And his brothers

U 13:11 Or Perez-uzzah

V 13:13 Lit to himself

W 14:11 Or Baal-perazim

X 15:7 = Gershonites

Y 15:18 Some Hb mss, LXX; other Hb mss read Zechariah son and Jaaziel

Z 15:20 This may refer to a high pitch, perhaps a tune sung by soprano voices; the Hb word means “young women” ; Ps 46 title

A 15:29 Or whirling

B 16:12 Lit judgments of his mouth

C 16:16 Lit and his oath

D 16:19 One Hb ms, LXX, Vg; other Hb mss read you

E 16:38 LXX, Syr, Vg; Hb reads their

F 17:5 Lit I was from tent to tent and from tabernacle

G 17:17 Lit thing in your eyes

H 17:17 Hb obscure

I 17:25 Lit have uncovered the ear of

J 18:4 Or chariot horses

K 18:6 Some Hb mss, LXX, Vg; other Hb mss omit garrisons ; 2Sm 8:6

L 18:8 Lit sea

M 18:16 Some Hb mss, LXX, Syr, Vg; other Hb mss read Abimelech ; 2Sm 8:17

N 19:6 Lit 1,000 talents

O 19:10 Lit Israel’s choice ones

P 19:13 Lit the LORD do what is good in his eyes

Q 20:1 Lit At the time of the return of the year

R 20:2 LXX, Vg read of Milcom

S 20:2 = Molech; 1Kg 11:5,7

T 20:2 Lit a talent

U 20:3 Text emended; MT reads and sawed them with the saw ; 2Sm 12:31

V 20:3 Text emended; MT reads saws ; 2Sm 12:31

W 20:4 Or the Rephaites

X 20:6 Or Raphah, also in v. 8

Y 21:1 Or An adversary ; Jb 1:6; Zch 3:1-2

Z 21:5 Lit men drawing the sword

A 21:15 Lit but as he was destroying

B 21:15-28 = Araunah in 2Sm 24:16-24

C 21:23 Lit do what is good in his eyes

D 21:25 Lit 600 shekels of gold by weight

E 22:9 In Hb, the name Solomon sounds like “peace.”

F 22:14 Lit 100,000 talents of gold and 1,000,000 talents of silver

G 23:6 Lit Gershon

H 23:10 LXX, Vg; MT reads Zina

I 23:11 Lit a father’s house

J 23:24 Lit the house of their fathers

K 23:29 Lit the griddle

L 24:4 Lit house of fathers

M 24:6 Lit father’s house

N 24:23 Some Hb mss, some LXX mss; other Hb mss omit Hebron’s ; 1Ch 23:19

O 24:26 Or Mushi; Jaaziah’s sons: Beno.

P 24:27 Or sons, Jaaziah: Beno,

Q 24:30 Lit the house of their fathers

R 25:3 One Hb ms, LXX; other Hb mss omit Shimei

S 25:5 Lit by the words of God to lift a horn

T 25:9 LXX; MT lacks his sons, and his relatives—12

U 25:11 Variant of Zeri

V 25:18 Variant of Uzziel

W 26:6 Lit the house of their fathers, also in v. 13

X 26:14 Variant of Meshelemiah

Y 26:17 LXX; MT omits each day

Z 26:25 Or Shelomoth, also in vv. 26,28

A 26:29 the temple added for clarity

B 27:1 Lit that came in and went out month by month for all months of

C 27:6 LXX; MT omits in charge

D 27:15 Lit belonging to Othniel

E 27:24 LXX; MT reads the number of the Historical Record

F 27:28 Or the Shephelah

G 27:32 Lit was with

H 28:12 Or he received from the Spirit

I 28:18 Or chariot, that is ; Ps 18:10; Ezk 1:5,15

J 28:19 Hb obscure

K 29:2 Or mosaic

L 29:2 In Hb, the word antimony is similar to “turquoise” ; Ex 28:18.

M 29:4 Lit 3,000 talents

N 29:4 Lit 7,000 talents

O 29:7 Lit 5,000 talents

P 29:7 Or drachmas, or darics

Q 29:7 Lit 10,000 talents

R 29:7 Lit 18,000 talents

S 29:7 Lit 100,000 talents

T 29:14 Lit and from your hand we have given to you

U 29:17 Lit found

V 29:17 Or now with joy I’ve seen your people who are present here giving

W 29:22 LXX, Tg, Vg; MT omits him

2 Chronicles

A 1:4 Vg; MT omits the place

B 1:5 Some Hb mss, Tg, Syr; other Hb mss, LXX, Vg read but there was

C 1:5 Or it

D 1:13 LXX, Vg; MT reads to

E 1:16 = Cilicia

F 1:17 Lit 600 shekels

G 1:17 Lit 150 shekels

H 2:3 Some Hb mss, LXX, Syr, Vg; other Hb mss read Huram ; 2Sm 5:11; 1Kg 5:1-2

I 2:8 = almug in 1Kg 10:11-12

J 2:10 Lit 20,000 cors

K 2:10 Lit 20,000 baths

L 2:11 Lit Tyre said in writing

M 2:13 Lit Huram my father

N 3:1 LXX; Tg reads the angel of the LORD ; MT reads he

O 3:1 = Araunah in 2Sm 24:16-24

P 3:3 Tg reads The measurements which Solomon decreed

Q 3:3 Lit length—cubits in the former measure

R 3:3 Lit 60 cubits

S 3:3 Lit 20 cubits, also in vv. 4,8,11,13

T 3:4 LXX, Syr; MT reads 120 cubits

U 3:5 Lit The house

V 3:8 Lit 600 talents

W 3:9 Lit 50 shekels

X 3:11 Lit five cubits, also in vv. 12,15

Y 3:12 Syr, Vg; MT reads the one

Z 3:13 Lit the house

A 3:15 Syr reads 18 cubits (27 feet); Hb reads 35 cubits (52½ feet)

B 3:17 = He Will Establish

C 3:17 = Strength Is in Him

D 4:1 Lit 20 cubits

E 4:1 Lit 10 cubits, also in v. 2

F 4:2 Lit sea

G 4:2 Lit five cubits

H 4:2 Lit 30 cubits

I 4:3 = gourds in 1Kg 7:24

J 4:3 Lit 10 per cubit

K 4:5 Lit a handbreadth

L 4:5 Text emended; MT reads 3,000 baths in 1Kg 7:26

M 4:11 = Hiram in 1Kg 7:13,40,45

N 4:14 Lit the stands

O 4:16 Lit Huram my father

P 4:22 Or dishes, or spoons ; lit palms

Q 5:3 = Tishri (September–October)

R 5:9 Some Hb mss, LXX; other Hb mss read the ark ; 1Kg 8:8

S 5:10 = Sinai

T 6:13 Lit five cubits

U 6:13 Lit three cubits

V 6:19 Lit Turn

W 6:22 Lit and he lifts a curse against him to curse him

X 6:26 LXX, Vg; MT reads answering ; 1Kg 8:35

Y 6:28 Lit land of its gates

Z 6:28 Lit if his (Israel’s) enemies besiege him in the land of his gates ; Jos 2:7; Jdg 16:2-3

A 6:29 Lit plague

B 6:30 Lit give for the man

C 6:39 Lit and do their judgment, or justice

D 6:42 Some Hb mss, LXX; other Hb mss read ones ; Ps 132:10

E 7:8 Or from Lebo-hamath

F 7:9 = the day after the festival, or the 15th day

G 7:10 Lit people to their tents

H 8:2 = the king of Tyre

I 8:11 LXX reads city

J 8:18 Lit Huram

K 8:18 Lit 450 talents

L 9:7 LXX, Old Lat read wives ; 1Kg 10:8

M 9:9 Lit 120 talents

N 9:13 Lit 666 talents

O 9:15 Lit 600 (shekels)

P 9:16 Lit 300 (shekels)

Q 9:21 Or baboons

R 9:24 Or vessels, or weapons

S 9:24 LXX reads resin

T 9:24 Or fragrant balsam

U 10:11 Lit with scorpions, also in v. 14

V 10:14 Some Hb mss, LXX; other Hb mss read I will make your yoke heavy ; 1Kg 12:14

W 10:16 Some Hb mss, LXX; other Hb mss omit saw ; 1Kg 12:16

X 10:18 = Adoram in 1Kg 12:18

Y 11:5 Lit he built cities for a fortress

Z 11:20 Possibly granddaughter, also in v. 21; 2Ch 13:2

A 12:10 Lit the runners

B 12:11 Lit the chamber of the runners

C 12:16 = Abijam in 1Kg 14:31–15:8

D 13:1 = Abijam in 1Kg 14:31–15:8

E 13:2 LXX, Syr, Arabic read Maacah ; 1Kg 15:2; 2Ch 11:22

F 13:8 Or God ; 1Kg 12:28

G 13:19 Alt Hb tradition reads Ephrain

H 13:20 Lit He did not restrain the power of Jeroboam

I 14:5 Or incense altars

J 14:9 Syr, Arabic read 30,000

K 15:7 Lit don’t let your hands drop

L 15:13 Or insignificant or great

M 15:16 Lit mother ; 1Kg 15:2; 2Ch 11:22

N 15:17 Lit wholehearted all his days

O 16:4 Abel-beth-maacah in 1Kg 15:20

P 16:4 = all Chinnereth in 1Kg 15:20

Q 16:10 Lit the house of stocks

R 17:3 Some Hb mss, LXX omit David

S 17:7 = Son of Power

T 17:8 Some Hb mss, Syr, Tg, Arabic read Zechariah

U 17:14 Lit the house of their fathers

V 18:1 Lit made himself a son-in-law to Ahab ; 1Kg 3:1; Ezr 9:14

W 18:13 LXX, Vg add to me ; 1Kg 22:14

X 18:14 LXX reads we ; 1Kg 22:15

Y 18:22 Some Hb mss, LXX, Syr, Vg add all ; 1Kg 22:23

Z 18:26 Lit him on bread of oppression and water of oppression

A 18:30 Lit with small or with great

B 18:33 LXX, Vg; MT reads camp

C 19:2 Lit to his face

D 19:8 LXX, Vg; MT reads disputes and they returned to

E 20:1 LXX; MT reads Ammonites ; 2Ch 26:7

F 20:2 Some Hb mss, Old Lat; other Hb mss read Aram

G 20:12 Lit but on you our eyes

H 20:21 Lit saying

I 20:25 LXX reads found cattle

J 20:25 Some Hb mss, Old Lat, Vg read goods, garments

K 20:26 = Blessing

L 21:1 = Joram

M 21:2 Some Hb mss, LXX, Syr, Vg, Arabic; other Hb mss read Israel

N 21:11 Some Hb mss, LXX, Vg read cities

O 21:17 LXX, Syr, Tg read Ahaziah

P 21:19 Lit evil

Q 21:20 Lit He walked in no desirability

R 22:1 Lit the former ones

S 22:2 Some LXX mss, Syr; MT reads 42 ; 2Kg 8:26

T 22:2 Lit daughter

U 22:5 = Jehoram

V 22:5 Lit Rammites

W 22:6 Lit in Ramah

X 22:6 Some Hb mss, LXX, Syr, Vg; other Hb mss read Azariah

Y 22:10 Lit seed

Z 22:11 = Jehosheba; 2Kg 11:2

A 23:7 Lit king when he comes in and when he goes out

B 23:9 Or spears and large and small shields

C 23:13 LXX reads post

D 23:18 Lit song on the hands of

E 24:14 Or dishes, or spoons ; lit palms

F 24:20 Lit clothed

G 24:26 = Shomer in 2Kg 12:21

H 25:3 LXX, Syr; MT reads was strong on him ; 1Kg 14:4

I 25:5 Lit house of fathers

J 25:6 Lit 100 talents, also in v. 9

K 25:11 = Edomites, also in v. 14

L 25:17 Lit Joash

M 25:19 Some LXX mss, Old Lat, Tg, Vg; MT reads you

N 25:19 Lit and your heart has lifted you

O 25:23 = Ahaziah in 2Kg 14:13

P 25:23 Lit 400 cubits

Q 25:23 Some Hb mss; other Hb mss read to Happoneh

R 25:28 Some Hb mss read city of David

S 26:1 = Azariah in 2Kg 14:21

T 26:2 LXX, Syr, Vg read Elath

U 26:5 Some Hb mss, LXX, Syr, Tg, Arabic; other Hb mss, Vg read visions

V 26:8 LXX reads Meunites

W 26:10 Or the Shephelah

X 26:10 Or in Carmel

Y 26:21 Lit in a house of exemption from duty

Z 27:5 Lit 100 talents

A 27:5 Lit 10,000 cors

B 27:6 Lit he established his ways before

C 28:3 LXX, Syr, Tg read and passed his children through

D 28:18 Or the Shephelah

E 28:19 Some Hb mss; other Hb mss read Israel

F 28:20 Text emended; MT reads Tilgath-pilneser ; 1Ch 5:6,26

G 29:1 = Abi in 2Kg 18:2

H 29:6 Lit and they gave the back of the neck

I 29:8 Lit hissing

J 29:14 Alt Hb tradition reads Jehuel

K 29:31 Lit Now you have filled your hands

L 29:34 Lit upright of heart ; Ps 32:11; 64:10

M 30:5 Or in great numbers

N 30:5 Lit often, according to what is written

O 30:8 Lit Don’t stiffen your neck

P 30:8 Lit hand

Q 30:10 Lit but they

R 30:12 Lit to give them one heart

S 30:22 Lit spoke to the heart of

T 31:1 Lit Manasseh, until finishing

U 31:3 Lit The king’s portion

V 31:16 Or 30 ; 1Ch 23:3

W 32:1 Lit said to himself

X 32:2 Lit that his face was for

Y 32:6 Lit he spoke to their hearts

Z 32:8 Lit With him an arm of flesh

A 32:9 Lit with his dominion was against

B 32:18 Lit Judahite

C 32:22 Lit He led them ; Ps 23:2

D 32:31 LXX, Tg, Vg; MT reads of Babylon sent

E 33:7 LXX, Syr, Tg, Vg; 2Kg 21:7; MT reads name for Elom

F 33:8 LXX, Syr, Vg read land I gave to their ; 2Kg 21:8

G 33:16 Some Hb mss, Syr, Tg, Arabic; other Hb mss, LXX, Vg read restored

H 33:25 Lit The people of the land

I 34:4 Lit incense altars, also in v. 7

J 34:6 One Hb tradition reads Naphtali with their swords ; alt Hb tradition, Syr, Vg read Naphtali, the ruins all around ; Hb obscure

K 34:22 LXX; MT omits designated

L 34:24 fulfilling supplied for clarity

M 34:32 Lit take a stand.

N 35:4 Lit the house of your fathers

O 35:5 Lit the house of the fathers

P 35:5 Lit the sons of the people, also in vv. 7,12,13

Q 35:11 LXX, Vg, Tg; MT omits blood

R 35:11 Lit splattered from their hand

S 35:12 Lit house of fathers

T 35:21 LXX, Syr, Tg, Vg; MT reads Not against you, you today

U 35:21 Lit house

V 35:22 LXX reads he was determined

W 36:1 Lit the people of the land

X 36:2 = Joahaz, also in v. 4

Y 36:3 Lit 100 talents

Z 36:3 Lit one talent

A 36:9 Some Hb mss, LXX; 2Kg 24:8; other Hb mss read eight

B 36:10 Lit At the return of the year

C 36:13 Lit He stiffened his neck

D 36:20 LXX reads Median

E 36:22 Lit LORD by the mouth of


A 1:6 Lit strengthened their hands

B 1:10 Or similar

C 2:1 Nebuchadnezzar reigned 605–562 BC

D 2:2 Lit the men of the people of Israel

E 2:46 Alt Hb tradition reads Shamlai’s

F 2:50 Alt Hb tradition reads Meinim’s

G 2:50 Alt Hb tradition reads Nephisim’s

H 2:59 Lit that the house of their fathers

I 2:69 Or drachmas, or darics

J 2:69 Lit 5,000 minas

K 3:5 Lit for the new moons

L 3:5 Lit well as those of everyone making a freewill offering to

M 3:9 Or Hodaviah ; Neh 7:43; 1 Esdras 5:58

N 3:13 Lit the people

O 4:1 Lit the sons of the exile

P 4:2 Alt Hb tradition reads have not been sacrificing

Q 4:4 Lit people of the land, also in v. 6

R 4:4 Lit weakened the hands of

S 4:7 Ezr 4:8–6:18 is written in Aramaic.

T 4:9 Lit Then Rehum

U 4:9 Or ambassadors

V 4:9 Aramaic obscure

W 4:10 Lit Osnappar

X 4:13 Aramaic obscure

Y 4:14 Lit have eaten the salt of the palace

Z 4:18 Or been read clearly

A 4:22 Lit the kings

B 5:3 Or finish its furnishings, also in v. 9

C 5:4 One Aramaic ms, LXX, Syr; MT reads Then we told them exactly what the names of the men were

D5:5 Lit But the eye of their God was

E 5:8 Or huge

F 5:17 Lit treasure house

G 6:1 Lit Babylon where the treasures were stored

H 6:3 Lit be brought forth

I 6:3 Lit 60 cubits

J 6:4 Or huge

K 6:4 Lit the king’s house

L 6:5 Lit Jerusalem, to its place,

M 6:6 Lit their

N 6:12 Lit who stretches out its hand

O 6:21 Lit land to them

P 6:22 Lit strengthened their hands

Q 7:8 LXX, Syr, Vg read They

R 7:11 Ezr 7:12-26 is written in Aramaic.

S 7:20 Lit the king’s house

T 7:22 Lit 100 talents

U 7:22 Lit 100 cors

V 7:22 Lit 100 baths

W 7:22 Lit without instruction

X 7:25 Lit to your

Y 7:28 Lit because the hand of the LORD my God was on me

Z 8:3 Or males ; also in vv. 4-14

A 8:5 LXX, 1 Esdras 8:32; MT reads the descendants of Shecaniah

B 8:10 Some LXX mss, 1 Esdras 8:36; MT reads the descendants of Shelomith

C 8:14 Alt Hb tradition, some LXX mss read Zabud

D 8:15 Or canal

E 8:17 Lit Casiphia, and I put in their mouth the words to speak to

F 8:21 Or Canal, also in v. 31

G 8:26 Lit 650 talents

H 8:26 Lit 100 talents

I 8:27 Or 1,000 drachmas, or 1,000 darics

J 8:31 Lit The hand of our God was on us

K 9:2 Lit they

L 9:2 Lit hand of the leaders

M 9:10 Lit say after

N 9:13 Lit and gave us a remnant like this

O 10:6 1 Esdras 9:2, Syr; MT, Vg read he went

P 10:8 Lit would set apart all his possessions for destruction

Q 10:14 Some Hb mss, LXX, Vg; other Hb mss read until

R 10:16 1 Esdras 9:16, Syr; MT, Vg read priest and men were selected

S 10:16 Lit name, for

T 10:16 Lit the house of their fathers

U 10:19 Lit gave their hand

V 10:25 Some LXX mss, 1 Esdras 9:26 read Hashabiah


A 1:6 Lit sins of the Israelites

B 1:9 Lit skies

C 1:11 = the king

D 2:2 Lit “Why is your face

E 2:3 Lit my face

F 2:5 Lit city, the house of the graves of my fathers,

G 2:8 Lit enter

H 2:12 Lit animal with me

I 2:13 Or Dragon’s

J 2:18 Lit they put their hands

K 3:5 Lit not bring their neck to the work of

L 3:6 Or Jeshanah

M 3:7 Or Mizpah, the seat

N 3:13 Lit 1,000 cubits

O 3:15 Some Hb mss, Syr read Shallum

P 3:18 Some Hb mss, Syr, LXX; Neh 3:24; other Hb mss, Vg read Bavvai

Q 3:20 Alt Hb tradition, Vg read Zaccai ; Ezr 2:9

R 3:25 Or and the upper tower that juts out from the palace

S 3:31 Or Muster

T 4:2 Or the army

U 4:5 Or provoked you in front of

V 4:10 Lit Judah said

W 4:11 Lit won’t know or see

X 4:12 Lit us 10 times

Y 4:12 Or again from every place, “You must return to

Z 4:23 Lit Each his weapon the water

A 5:5 Lit but there is not the power in our hand

B 5:10 Or us forgive these debts

C 5:11 Lit hundred

D 5:15 Lit 40 shekels

E 5:18 Lit And that which was prepared each

F 6:2 Or together at Kephirim in

G 6:6 Lit Gashmu

H 6:9 Or will give up on

I 6:10 Or by night

J 6:16 Lit and fell greatly in their eyes

K 7:7 Lit the men of the people of Israel

L 7:25 = Gibbar’s in Ezr 2:20

M 7:52 Alt Hb tradition reads Nephushesim’s

N 7:61 Lit the house of their fathers

O 7:68 Some Hb mss, LXX; Ezr 2:66; other Hb mss omit v. 68

P 7:70 Or drachmas, or darics ; also in vv. 71,72

Q 8:3 Lit The ears of all the people listened

R 8:7 Vg, 1 Esdras 9:48; MT reads Pelaiah and the Levites

S 8:10 Or stronghold

T 8:18 Some Hb mss, Syr read They

U 9:6 LXX reads And Ezra said: You

V 9:6 Lit are alone

W 9:15 Lit lifted your hand

X 9:17 Some Hb mss, LXX; other Hb mss read in their rebellion

Y 9:22 One Hb ms, LXX; other Hb mss, Vg read of Sihon, even the land of the king

Z 9:29 Lit They gave a stubborn shoulder

A 10:29 Lit and enter in a curse and in an oath

B 10:32 Lit give one-third of a shekel

C 10:33 Lit rows of bread

D 10:34 Lit the house of our fathers

E 11:17 Lit the head

F 11:24 Lit was at the king’s hand

G 11:31 Or descendants from Geba lived in

H 12:9 Alt Hb tradition reads Unno

I 12:10-11 These men were high priests.

J 12:46 Alt Hb tradition reads there was a head

K 13:1 Lit read in the ears of

L 13:4 Or an associate

M 13:21 Lit again, I will send a hand

N 13:24 Lit Judahite


A 1:6 Or alabaster

B 1:6 Or of porphyry

C 1:13 Or understood propitious times

D 1:14 Lit Those near him

E 2:7 Lit uncle’s daughter

F 2:21 Lit and they sought to stretch out a hand against

G 3:6 Lit to stretch out a hand against

H 3:9 Lit will weigh 10,000 silver talents on the hands of

I 3:13 LXX adds the text of Ahasuerus’s letter here.

J 4:5 Lit what is this and why is this

K 4:11 Lit king these

L 5:1 Lit house

M 5:6 Lit During the banquet of

N 5:9 Lit left rejoicing and good of heart

O 5:14 Lit 50 cubits

P 7:1 Lit drink

Q 7:5 Lit who would fill his heart to do this

R 7:7 Lit the garden of the house, also in v. 8

S 7:8 Or the house of wine

T 7:9 Lit 50 cubits

U 7:9 Lit who spoke good for

V 8:7 Lit stretched out his hand against

W 8:16 Lit had light

X 8:17 Lit good day

Y 9:2 Lit cities to send out a hand against the seekers of their evil

Z 9:3 Lit and those who do the king’s work ; Est 3:9

A 9:10 Lit not put their hands on, also in vv. 15,16

B 9:16 Some LXX mss read 10,107 ; other LXX mss read 15,000

C 9:28 LXX reads will be celebrated into all times

D 9:30 Or of peace and faithfulness

E 10:1 Or imposed forced labor on the land and the coasts of the sea