
A 1:2 In vv. 2-16 either a son, as here, or a later descendant, as in v. 8

B 1:6 Other mss add King

C 1:7 Other mss read Asaph

D 1:8 Other mss read Asaph

E 1:8 = Jehoram

F 1:10 Other mss read Amos

G 1:18 Or betrothed

H 1:23 Is 7:14

I 1:25 Other mss read to her firstborn son

J 2:2 Or to pay him homage

K 2:6 Mc 5:2

L 2:8 Or and pay him homage

M 2:11 Or they paid him homage

N 2:15 Hs 11:1

O 2:18 Other mss read Ramah, lamentation, and weeping,

P 2:18 Jr 31:15

Q 3:3 Is 40:3

R 3:8 Lit fruit worthy of

S 3:11 Or in

T 3:11 Or to carry

U 3:16 Other mss omit for him

V 4:4 Dt 8:3

W 4:6 Ps 91:11-12

X 4:7 Dt 6:16

Y 4:9 Or and pay me homage

Z 4:10 Other mss read “Get behind me

A 4:10 Dt 6:13

B 4:16 Lit dawned on them

C 4:15-16 Is 9:1-2

D 4:19 Or you fishers of

E 4:23 Or every kind of

F 4:23 Or physical ailment

G 5:2 Lit Then opening his mouth

H 5:13 Or how can the earth be salted?

I 5:18 Or not one iota ; iota is the smallest letter of the Gk alphabet.

J 5:21 Ex 20:13; Dt 5:17

K 5:22 Other mss add without a cause

L 5:22 Lit Whoever says ‘Raca’ ; an Aramaic term of abuse that puts someone down, insulting one’s intelligence

M 5:22 Lit Sanhedrin

N 5:22 Lit the gehenna of fire

O 5:25 Other mss read judge will hand you over to

P 5:26 Lit quadrans, the smallest and least valuable Roman coin, worth 1/64 of a daily wage

Q 5:27 Ex 20:14; Dt 5:18

R 5:31 Dt 24:1

S 5:33 Lv 19:12; Nm 30:2; Dt 23:21

T 5:38 Ex 21:24; Lv 24:20; Dt 19:21

U 5:39 Or don’t set yourself against, or don’t retaliate against

V 5:43 Lv 19:18

W 5:44 Other mss add bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you,

X 5:44 Other mss add mistreat you and

Y 5:45 Or may become, or may show yourselves to be

Z 5:47 Or doing that is superior ; lit doing more

A 5:47 Other mss read tax collectors

B 6:1 Other mss read charitable giving

C 6:4 Other mss read will himself reward you openly

D 6:6 Other mss add openly

E6:11 Or our necessary bread, or our bread for tomorrow

F 6:13 Or do not cause us to come into

G 6:13 Or from evil ; some later mss add For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

H 6:15 Other mss add their wrongdoing

I 6:16 Or unrecognizable, or disfigured

J 6:18 Other mss add openly

K 6:19 Or valuables

L 6:27 Or add a single cubit to his height

M 6:33 Other mss omit of God

N 7:7 Lit and it

O 7:23 Lit you who work lawlessness

P 7:23 Ps 6:8

Q 8:2 Gk lepros ; a term for various skin diseases, also in v. 3; see Lv 13–14

R 8:7 Or “I will come and heal him.”

S 8:9 Lit under me

T 8:11 Lit recline at the table

U 8:13 Or that hour ; lit very hour

V 8:17 Is 53:4

W 8:18 Other mss read saw large crowds

X 8:28 Other mss read Gergesenes

Y 8:29 Other mss add Jesus

Z 9:2 Lit then they

A 9:4 Or minds

B 9:8 Other mss read amazed

C 9:8 Lit afraid

D 9:13 Hs 6:6

E 9:13 Other mss add to repentance

F 9:15 Lit the sons of the bridal chamber

G 9:15 Lit days

H 9:17 Lit And they do not put

I 9:18 Lit daughter has now come to the end

J 9:21 Or be saved

K 9:22 Or has made you well

L 9:22 Lit hour

M 9:35 Or every kind of

N 9:35 Other mss add among the people

O 9:35 Or physical ailment

P 10:1 Or every kind of

Q 10:1 Or physical ailment

R 10:3 Other mss read and Lebbaeus, whose surname was Thaddaeus

S 10:4 Lit the Cananaean

T 10:8 Gk lepros ; a term for various skin diseases; see Lv 13–14

U 10:17 Or sanhedrins

V 10:24 Or student

W 10:27 Lit in the ear

X 10:29 Gk assarion, a small copper coin

Y 10:29 Lit ground apart from your Father

Z 10:35-36 Mc 7:6

A 10:41 Lit prophet in the name of a prophet

B 10:41 Lit person in the name of a righteous person

C 10:42 Lit little ones in the name of a disciple

D 11:5 Gk lepros ; a term for various skin diseases; see Lv 13–14

E 11:10 Mal 3:1

F 11:11 Lit arisen

G 11:12 Or has been forcefully advancing

H 11:15 Other mss add to hear

I 11:17 Or beat your chests in grief

J 11:19 Or declared right

K 11:19 Other mss read children

L 11:26 Lit was well-pleasing in your sight

M 11:27 Or wills, or chooses

N 12:4 Other mss read he ate

O 12:7 Hs 6:6

P 12:15 Other mss read Many

Q 12:20 Or until he has successfully put forth justice

R 12:18-21 Is 42:1-4

S 12:22 Lit mute

T 12:31 Or of

U 12:31 Other mss add people

V 12:33 Or decayed ; lit rotten

W 12:36 Lit worthless

X 12:36 Lit will speak

Y 12:40 Or sea creature ; Jnh 1:17

Z 12:47 Other mss omit this v.

A 13:9 Other mss add to hear

B 13:14-15 Is 6:9-10

C 13:22 Or pleasure

D 13:33 Or yeast

E 13:33 Lit three sata ; about 40 liters

F 13:35 Some mss omit of the world

G 13:35 Ps 78:2

H 13:41 Or stumbling

I 13:41 Or those who do lawlessness

J 13:43 Other mss add to hear

K 13:46 Or very precious

L 13:51 Other mss add Jesus asked them

M 13:52 Or every scribe

N 13:55 Other mss read Joses ; Mk 6:3

O 14:3 Or bound

P 14:6 Lit danced in the middle

Q 14:12 Other mss read body

R 14:14 Lit Coming out (of the boat)

S 14:15 Lit and the time (for the evening meal) has already passed

T 14:22 Other mss read Jesus

U 14:24 Lit already many stadia ; one stadion = 600 feet

V 14:24 Other mss read already in the middle of the sea

W 14:25 Lit fourth watch of the night = 3 to 6 a.m.

X 14:30 Other mss read saw the wind

Y 15:2 Lit eat bread = eat a meal

Z 15:4 Other mss read commanded, saying

A 15:4 Ex 20:12; Dt 5:16

B 15:4 Ex 21:17; Lv 20:9

C 15:6 Other mss read then he does not have to honor his father or mother

D 15:6 Other mss read commandment

E 15:8 Other mss add draw near to me with their mouths, and

F 15:8-9 Is 29:13 LXX

G 15:14 Other mss add for the blind

H 15:16 Other mss read Jesus

I 15:17 Other mss add yet

J 15:17 Lit and goes out into the toilet

K 15:22 Other mss read and cried out to him

L 15:28 Lit hour

M 15:39 Other mss read Magdala

N 16:3 Other mss read Hypocrites! You

O 16:2-3 Other mss omit When (v. 2) through end of v. 3

P 16:4 Other mss add the prophet

Q 16:5 Lit disciples went to the other side

R 16:6 Or yeast, also in vv. 11,12

S 16:13 A town north of Galilee at the base of Mount Hermon

T 16:13 Other mss read that I, the Son of Man, am

U 16:17 Or son of John

V 16:19 Or earth will be bound

W 16:19 Or earth will be loosed

X 16:20 Other mss add Jesus

Y 16:22 Lit “Mercy to you = “May God have mercy on you

Z 16:23 Lit about the things of God

A 17:4 Other mss read Let’s make

B 17:5 Or enveloped ; Ex 40:34-35

C 17:9 Other mss read Man has risen

D 17:11 Other mss add first

E 17:11 Other mss read Jesus said to them

F 17:15 Lit he is moonstruck ; thought to be a form of epilepsy

G 17:18 Lit rebuked him, or it

H 17:18 Lit the demon

I 17:18 Lit hour

J 17:20 Other mss read your unbelief, Jesus

K 17:20 Lit faith like

L 17:20 Some mss include v. 21: “However, this kind does not come out except by prayer and fasting.”

M 17:22 Other mss read were staying

N 17:25 Lit Jesus anticipated him by saying

O 17:25 Or foreigners

P 17:26 Other mss read Peter said to him

Q 17:27 Gk stater, worth 2 double-drachmas

R 18:1 Lit hour

S 18:5 Or receives

T 18:9 Lit gehenna of fire

U 18:10 Some mss include v. 11: For the Son of Man has come to save the lost.

V 18:13 Lit over it

W 18:15 Other mss omit against you

X 18:15 Lit him between you and him alone

Y 18:16 Lit mouth

Z 18:16 Dt 19:15

A 18:17 Or congregation

B 18:18 Or earth will be bound

C 18:18 Or earth will be loosed

D 18:19 Lit they

E 18:19 Lit for them

F 18:22 Or but seventy-seven times

G 18:24 A talent is worth about 6,000 denarii, or twenty years’ wages for a laborer

H 18:28 A denarius = one day’s wage

I 18:29 Other mss add at his feet

J 18:35 Other mss add their trespasses

K 18:35 Lit his

L 19:4 Other mss read made

M 19:4 Gn 1:27; 5:2

N 19:5 Gn 2:24

O 19:9 Other mss add Also whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery ; Mt 5:32

P 19:14 Lit heaven is of such ones

Q 19:17 Other mss read “Why do you call me good? ”

R 19:17 Other mss read “No one is good but one—God

S 19:18-19 Ex 20:12-16; Lv 19:18; Dt 5:16-20

T 19:20 Other mss add from my youth

U 19:21 Or complete

V 19:29 Other mss add or wife

W 20:2 A denarius = one day’s wage, also in vv. 9,10,13

X 20:3 Lit about the third hour

Y 20:5 Lit about the sixth hour and the ninth hour

Z 20:6 Lit about the eleventh hour, also in v. 9

A 20:6 Other mss add doing nothing

B 20:7 Other mss add ‘and you’ll get whatever is right.’

C 20:15 Lit Is your eye evil ; an idiom for jealousy or stinginess

D 20:15 Lit good

E 20:16 Other mss add “For many are called, but few are chosen.”

F 20:19 Or scourged

G 20:19 Other mss read will rise again

H 20:21 Lit Say

I 20:22 Other mss add and (or) to be baptized with the baptism which I am baptized? ”

J 20:23 Other mss add and be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized.

K 21:5 Is 62:11; Zch 9:9

L 21:9 Ps 118:25-26

M 21:12 Other mss add of God

N 21:13 Is 56:7

O 21:13 Jr 7:11

P 21:16 Or restored

Q 21:16 Ps 8:2

R 21:42 Lit the head of the corner

S 21:42 Ps 118:22-23

T 21:44 Some mss omit this verse

U 22:7 Other mss read But when the (that) king heard about it he

V 22:10 Other mss read wedding hall

W 22:10 Lit those reclining (to eat)

X 22:13 Other mss add take him away

Y 22:15 Lit trap him in a word

Z 22:16 Lit don’t look on the face of men

A 22:19 A denarius = one day’s wage

B 22:24 Dt 25:5

C 22:28 Lit all had her

D 22:30 Other mss add God’s

E 22:32 Ex 3:6,15-16

F 22:32 Other mss read God

G 22:37 Dt 6:5

H 22:38 Lit and first

I 22:39 Lv 19:18

J 22:40 Or hang

K 22:43 Lit David in Spirit

L 22:44 Other mss read until I make your enemies your footstool’

M 22:44 Ps 110:1

N 22:46 Lit answer him a word

O 23:4 Other mss omit that are hard to carry

P 23:5 Lit do all their works

Q 23:5 Other mss add on their robes

R 23:8 Other mss add the Christ

S 23:13 Some mss include v. 14: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You devour widows’ houses and make long prayers just for show. This is why you will receive a harsher punishment.

T 23:15 Lit twice the son of gehenna

U 23:16 Lit is obligated, also in v. 18

V 23:19 Other mss read Fools and blind

W 23:23 Or You tithe

X 23:23 Or faith

Y 23:25 Or full of violence

Z 23:26 Other mss add and dish

A 23:26 Other mss read of them

B 23:33 Lit escape from the judgment of gehenna

C 23:35 Lit will come on you

D 23:37 Or as a mother bird gathers her young

E 23:39 Ps 118:26

F 24:7 Other mss add epidemics

G 24:14 Or in all the inhabited earth

H 24:15 Dn 9:27

I 24:17 Or roof

J 24:21 Or tribulation, also in v. 29

K 24:22 Lit short, all flesh would not

L 24:28 Or eagles

M 24:30 Or all the tribes of the land

N 24:30 Lit will beat ; that is, beat their chests

O 24:33 Or things, you know

P 24:33 Or it ; that is, summer

Q 24:36 Other mss omit nor the Son

R 24:42 Other mss read hour ; = time

S 24:43 Lit watch ; a division of the night in ancient times

T 25:1 Or bridesmaids

U 25:1 Or torches, also in vv. 3,4,7,8

V 25:13 Other mss add in which the Son of Man is coming.

W 25:15 A talent is worth about 6,000 denarii, or twenty years’ wages for a laborer

X 25:26-27 Or So you knew . . . scattered? Then (as a question)

Y 25:27 Lit received what is mine

Z 25:31 Other mss read holy angels

A 25:32 Or the Gentiles

B 26:2 Or “Know (as a command)

C 26:3 Other mss add and the scribes

D 26:6 Gk lepros ; a term for various skin diseases; see Lv 13–14

E 26:18 Lit Passover with you

F 26:28 Other mss read new covenant

G 26:31 Zch 13:7

H 26:38 Lit “My soul is swallowed up in sorrow

I 26:39 Other mss read Drawing nearer

J 26:42 Other mss add cup

K 26:42 Other mss add from me

L 26:50 Or Jesus told him, “do what you have come for.”

M 26:55 Lit as against a criminal

N 26:60 Other mss add they found none

O 26:60 Other mss add false witnesses

P 26:64 Lit you, from now

Q 26:64 Ps 110:1; Dn 7:13

R 26:73 Or speech

S 27:2 Other mss read Pontius Pilate

T 27:9 Or I took

U 27:10 Some mss read I gave

V 27:9-10 Jr 32:6-9; Zch 11:12-13

W 27:16 Other mss read Jesus Barabbas, also in v. 17

X 27:24 Other mss read this righteous man’s blood

Y 27:27 Lit cohort

Z 27:34 Other mss read sour wine

A 27:35 Other mss add that what was spoken by the prophet might be fulfilled: “They divided my clothes among them, and for my clothing they cast lots.”

B 27:38 Or revolutionaries

C 27:39 Lit passed by blasphemed, or were blaspheming

D 27:41 Other mss add and Pharisees

E 27:42 Other mss read If he . . . Israel, let him

F 27:43 Or if he wants him

G 27:45 Lit From the sixth hour to the ninth hour

H 27:45 Or whole earth

I 27:46 Some mss read lama ; other mss read lima

J 27:46 Ps 22:1

K 27:58 Other mss read that the body

L 27:65 Or “Take

M 28:9 Other mss add as they were on their way to tell the news to his disciples

N 28:12 Lit After they

O 28:14 Lit will persuade

P 28:17 Other mss add him

Q 28:19 Or and disciple

R 28:20 Lit see

S 28:20 Lit all the days


A 1:1 Some mss omit the Son of God

B 1:2 Other mss read in the prophets

C 1:2 Other mss add before you

D 1:2 Mal 3:1

E 1:3 Is 40:3

F 1:4 Or John the Baptist came

G 1:8 Or in

H 1:14 Other mss add of the kingdom

I 1:14 Or gospel

J 1:17 Or you to become fishers of

K 1:27 Other mss read ”What is this? What is this new teaching? For with authority

L 1:31 Other mss add at once

M 1:40 Gk lepros ; a term for various skin diseases, also in v. 42; see Lv 13–14

N 1:40 Other mss omit on his knees

O 1:41 Other mss Moved with indignation

P 1:44 Or against them

Q2:4 Other mss read able to get near

R 2:15 Lit reclining together

S 2:16 Other mss read scribes and Pharisees

T 2:16 Other mss add and drink

U 2:18 Other mss read The disciples of John and of the Pharisees

V 2:20 Or the days

W 2:27 Or because of

X 3:14 Other mss omit he also named them apostles

Y 3:15 Other mss add heal diseases, and to

Z 3:16 Other mss omit He appointed the Twelve

A 3:20 Or eat a meal ; lit eat bread

B 3:29 Other mss read is subject to eternal judgment

C 3:32 Other mss omit and your sisters

D 4:12 Other mss read and their sins be forgiven them

E 4:12 Is 6:9-10

F 4:15 Other mss read in their hearts

G 4:19 Or seduction

H 4:41 Or were filled with awe

I 5:1 Some mss read Gadarenes ; other mss read Gergesenes

J 5:12 Other mss read All the demons

K 5:14 Other mss read tended the pigs

L 5:21 Other mss omit by boat

M 5:23 Or she might be saved

N 5:36 Or ignored

O 5:41 An Aramaic expression

P 6:11 Other mss add Truly I tell you, it will be more tolerable for Sodom or Gomorrah on judgment day than for that town.

Q 6:14 Other mss read He

R 6:20 Other mss read When he heard him, he did many things

S 6:22 Other mss read When his daughter Herodias

T 6:26 Lit and those reclining at the table

U 6:33 Other mss add and gathered around him

V 6:37 A denarius = one day’s wage

W 6:48 Or them being battered as they rowed

X 6:48 Lit Around the fourth watch of the night = 3 to 6 a.m.

Y 7:4 Other mss omit and dining couches

Z 7:5 Other mss read with unwashed

A 7:6-7 Is 29:13

B 7:8 Other mss add The washing of jugs, and cups, and many other similar things you practice.

C 7:9 Or to maintain

D 7:10 Ex 20:12; Dt 5:16

E 7:10 Ex 21:17; Lv 20:9

F 7:15 Some mss include v. 16: “If anyone has ears to hear, let him listen.”

G 7:19 Other mss read is eliminated, making all foods clean”

H 7:22 Or evil eye

I 7:24 Many early mss add and Sidon

J 7:26 Or a Greek (speaker)

K 7:31 Or into

L 7:34 An Aramaic expression

M 8:15 Or yeast

N 8:18 Jr 5:21; Ezk 12:2

O 8:26 Other mss add or tell anyone in the village

P 8:33 Or about the things of God

Q 9:23 Other mss add believe

R 9:26 Other mss omit him

S 9:29 Other mss add and fasting

T 9:31 Or handed over

U 9:37 Or “Whoever receives

V 9:38 Other mss add who didn’t go along with us

W 9:43 Some mss include v. 44: Where their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched.

X 9:45 Some mss include v. 46: Where their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched.

Y 9:48 Is 66:24

Z 9:49 Other mss add and every sacrifice will be salted with salt

A 9:49 Lv 2:13; Ezk 43:24

B 10:6 Other mss omit God

C 10:6 Gn 1:27; 5:2

D 10:7 Some mss add and be joined to his wife

E 10:7-8 Gn 2:24

F 10:15 Or not welcome

G 10:19 Ex 20:12-16; Dt 5:16-20

H 10:21 Other mss add taking up the cross, and

I 10:24 Other mss add for those trusting in wealth

J 10:29 Other mss add or wife

K 10:34 Or scourge

L 10:45 Or in the place of many ; Is 53:10-12

M 10:51 Hb word for my lord

N 11:8 Other mss read others were cutting leafy branches from the trees and spreading them on the road

O 11:9 Ps 118:26

P 11:17 Is 56:7

Q 11:17 Jr 7:11

R 11:24 Some mss read you receive ; other mss read you will receive

S 11:25 Some mss include v. 26: “But if you don’t forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your wrongdoing.”

T 12:4 Other mss add threw stones and

U 12:4 Other mss add and sent him off

V 12:9 Or lord

W 12:10-11 Ps 118:22-23

X 12:15 A denarius = one day’s wage

Y 12:19 Gn 38:8; Dt 25:5

Z 12:22 Other mss add had taken her and

A 12:23 Other mss omit when they rise

B 12:26 Ex 3:6,15-16

C 12:29 Other mss add of all the commands

D 12:29 Or the Lord our God is Lord alone.

E 12:30 Other mss add This is the first commandment.

F 12:30 Dt 6:4-5; Jos 22:5

G 12:31 Lv 19:18

H 12:33 Other mss add with all your soul

I 12:36 Ps 110:1

J 13:8 Other mss add and disturbances

K 13:9 Or sanhedrins

L 13:14 Dn 9:27

M 13:18 Other mss read “Pray that your escape

N 13:29 Or you know

O 13:29 Or it

P 13:33 Other mss add and pray

Q 14:3 Gk lepros ; a term for various skin diseases; see Lv 13–14

R 14:5 A denarius = one day’s wage

S 14:24 Other mss read the new covenant

T 14:25 Or drink new wine ; lit drink it new

U 14:27 Other mss add because of me this night

V 14:27 Zch 13:7

W 14:34 Or “My soul is swallowed up in sorrow

X 14:36 Aramaic for father

Y 14:38 Or won’t be put to the test

Z 14:48 Or insurrectionist

A 14:54 Or temple police, or officers, also in v. 65

B 14:62 Ps 110:1; Dn 7:13

C 14:68 Or forecourt

D 14:68 Other mss omit and a rooster crowed

E 14:70 Other mss add and your speech shows it

F 15:25 Lit was the third hour

G 15:27 Or revolutionaries

H 15:27 Some mss include v. 28: So the Scripture was fulfilled that says: And he was counted among criminals.

I 15:29 Or passed by blasphemed

J 15:33 Lit the sixth hour

K 15:33 Lit the ninth hour, also in v. 34

L 15:34 Ps 22:1

M 15:39 Other mss read saw that he cried out like this and

N 15:39 Or a son of God

O 16:8 Other mss include vv. 9-20 as a longer ending. The following shorter ending is found in some mss between v. 8 and v. 9 and in one ms after v. 8 (each of which omits vv. 9-20): And all that had been commanded to them they quickly reported to those around Peter. After these things, Jesus himself sent out through them from east to west, the holy and imperishable proclamation of eternal salvation. Amen.

P 16:17 = languages

Q 16:18 Other mss add with their hands


A 1:1 Or events that have been accomplished, or events most surely believed

B 1:4 Or informed

C 1:27 Lit betrothed

D 1:28 Other mss add Blessed are you among women.

E 1:34 Lit since I do not know a man

F 1:42 Lit and the fruit of your abdomen (or womb) is blessed

G 1:46 Or soul magnifies

H 1:55 Or offspring ; lit seed

I 2:1 Or the whole inhabited world

J 2:2 Or This registration was the first while, or This registration was before

K 2:5 Lit betrothed

L 2:7 Or feeding trough, also in vv. 12,16

M 2:9 Lit they feared a great fear

N 2:10 Or the whole nation

O 2:13 Lit heavenly army

P 2:14 Other mss read earth good will to people

Q 2:14 Or earth to men of good will

R 2:23 Lit be called holy

S 2:23 Ex 13:2,12

T 2:24 Lv 5:11; 12:8

U 2:32 Or the nations

V 2:33 Other mss read But Joseph and his mother

W 2:34 Or spoken against

X 2:35 Or schemes

Y 2:36 Lit years from her virginity

Z 2:37 Or she was a widow until the age of eighty-four

A 2:38 Lit very hour

B 2:38 Other mss read in Jerusalem

C 2:43 Other mss read but Joseph and his mother

D 2:49 Or be involved in my Father’s interests (or things), or be among my Father’s people

E 3:1 Or ruler

F 3:5 Lit be humbled

G 3:4-6 Is 40:3-5

H 3:16 Or in

I 3:32 Other mss read Sala

J 3:33 Other mss read Amminadab, son of Aram, son of Joram ; other mss read Amminadab, son of Admin, son of Arni

K 4:4 Other mss add but on every word of God

L 4:4 Dt 8:3

M 4:5 Other mss read So the devil took him up on a high mountain

N 4:7 Lit will fall down before me

O 4:8 Other mss add “Get behind me, Satan!

P 4:8 Dt 6:13

Q 4:10 Ps 91:11

R 4:11 Ps 91:12

S 4:12 Dt 6:16

T 4:15 Or glorified

U 4:18 Other mss add to heal the brokenhearted,

V 4:18 Or freedom, or forgiveness

W 4:18-19 Is 61:1-2

X 4:22 Or They were testifying against him

Y 4:23 Or parable

Z 4:27 Gk lepros ; a term for various skin diseases; see Lv 13–14

A 4:44 Other mss read Galilee

B 5:5 Other mss read net (Gk sg)

C 5:6 Other mss read net (Gk sg)

D 5:12 Gk lepros ; a term for various skin diseases, also in v. 13; see Lv 13–14

E 5:15 Lit the word

F 5:20 Lit “Man

G 5:22 Or minds

H 5:29 Lit were reclining

I 5:33 Other mss read “Why do John’s . . . drink? ” (as a question)

J 5:35 Lit days

K 5:38 Other mss add And so both are preserved.

L 5:39 Other mss read is good

M 6:8 Lit stand in the middle

N 6:10 Other mss add as sound as the other

O 6:25 Other mss omit to you

P 6:26 Other mss omit to you

Q 6:43 Lit on the other hand, again, a bad tree doesn’t produce good fruit

R 7:7 Other mss read and let my servant be healed

S 7:16 Or awe

T 7:16 Or come to help

U 7:22 Gk lepros ; a term for various skin diseases; see Lv 13–14

V 7:27 Mal 3:1

W 7:28 Other mss read women is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist

X 7:41 A denarius = one day’s wage

Y 8:10 Is 6:9

Z 8:26 Other mss read the Gadarenes

A 8:37 Other mss read the Gadarenes

B 8:43 Other mss omit who had spent all she had on doctors

C 8:45 Other mss add and those with him

D 8:45 Other mss add and you say, ‘Who touched me? ’

E 8:48 Or has made you well

F 8:50 Or she will be made well

G 8:54 Other mss add having put them all outside

H 9:10 Other mss add deserted place near a

I 9:14 Lit them recline

J 9:19 Lit has risen

K 9:23 Lit come after

L 9:23 Other mss omit daily

M 9:32 Lit were weighed down with sleep

N 9:35 Other mss read the Beloved

O 9:41 Or corrupt, or perverted, or twisted ; Dt 32:5

P 9:44 Lit “Put these words in your ears

Q 9:47 Lit the thoughts of their hearts

R 9:48 Or receives, throughout the verse

S 9:50 Other mss read against us is for us

T 9:51 Lit he stiffened his face to go ; Is 50:7

U 9:54 Other mss add as Elijah also did

V 9:55-56 Other mss add and said, “You don’t know what kind of spirit you belong to. 56For the Son of Man did not come to destroy people’s lives but to save them,”

W 10:1 Other mss read seventy

X 10:17 Other mss read The seventy

Y 10:20 Lit don’t rejoice in this, that

Z 10:21 Other mss read Jesus

A 10:21 Other mss omit Holy

B10:21 Or thank, or confess

C 10:21 Lit was well-pleasing in your sight

D 10:22 Other mss read And turning to the disciples, he said, “Everything has

E 10:22 Or wills, or chooses

F 10:27 Lv 19:18; Dt 6:5

G10:35 Other mss add as he was leaving

H 10:35 A denarius = one day’s wage.

I 10:38 Other mss omit into her home

J 10:39 Other mss read at Jesus’s

K 10:39 Lit to his word, or message

L 10:40 Or tell her to help me

M 10:41 Other mss read Jesus

N 10:42 Some mss read few things are necessary, or only one

O 10:42 Lit has chosen the good part, or has chosen the better portion ; = the right meal

P 11:2 Other mss read Our Father in heaven

Q 11:2 Other mss add Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven

R 11:3 Or our bread for tomorrow

S 11:4 Or everyone who wrongs us

T 11:4 Other mss add But deliver us from the evil one

U 11:5 Lit Who of you

V 11:8 Or persistence

W 11:11 Other mss read son asks for bread, would give him a stone? Or if he

X 11:22 Gk panoplia, the armor and weapons of a foot soldier; Eph 6:11,13

Y 11:24 Other mss omit then

Z 11:29 Other mss add the prophet

A 11:33 Other mss omit or under a basket

B 11:38 Lit he did not first wash

C 11:41 Or But donate from the heart as charity

D 11:42 Or a tithe

E 11:42 Or neglect

F 11:42 Lit the justice and the love of God

G 11:44 Other mss add scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!

H 11:47 Or graves

I 11:48 Lit witnesses and approve

J 11:48 Other mss omit their monuments

K 11:50 Lit so that the blood of all . . . world may be required of this generation,

L 11:51 Lit you, it will be required of this generation

M 11:53 Other mss read And as he was saying these things to them

N 11:54 Other mss add so that they might bring charges against him

O 12:1 Or yeast

P 12:6 Lit two assaria ; a small copper coin

Q 12:14 Lit Man

R 12:25 Or add a cubit to his height

S 12:35 Lit “Let your loins be girded ; an idiom for tying up loose outer clothing in preparation for action; Ex 12:11

T 12:37 Lit will gird himself

U 12:38 Lit even in the second or third watch

V 12:46 Lit him in two

W 12:46 Or unbelievers

X 12:47 Lit or do toward his will,

Y 12:48 Or much

Z 12:53 Mc 7:6

A 12:59 Gk lepton, the smallest and least valuable copper coin in use

B 13:2 Other mss read Jesus

C 13:8 Or Lord

D 13:11 Lit had a spirit of disability

E 13:11 Or straighten up completely

F 13:12 Or he summoned her

G 13:16 Or isn’t it necessary that she be untied from this bondage

H 13:21 Or yeast

I 13:21 Lit three sata ; about forty liters

J 13:29 Lit recline at the table

K 13:32 Lit I will be finished

L 13:35 Other mss omit the time comes when

M 13:35 Ps 118:26

N 14:1 Lit eat bread

O 14:18 Lit “And from one (voice)

P 14:33 Or leave

Q 15:4 Or the wilderness

R 15:8 Gk ten drachmas

S 15:8 A Gk drachma was equivalent to a Roman denarius = one day’s wage

T 15:12 Or life, or livelihood, also in v. 30

U 15:14 Lit and he began to be in need

V 15:16 Other mss read to fill his stomach with

W 15:17 Lit to himself

X 15:17 Or dying in the famine ; v. 14

Y 15:27 Lit him back healthy

Z 15:30 Or life, or livelihood

A 15:31 Lit Child

B 16:8 Lit own generation

C 16:9 Lit unrighteous money, also in v. 11

D 16:9 Other mss read when you fail, or pass away

E 16:16 Or everyone is forcing his way into it

F 16:22 Or to Abraham’s bosom ; lit to the fold of Abraham’s robe ; Jn 13:23

G 16:25 Lit Child

H 17:1 Lit “It is impossible for offenses not to come

I 17:3 Other mss add against you

J 17:6 Lit faith like

K 17:9 Other mss add I don’t think so

L 17:11 Other mss read through the middle of

M 17:12 Gk lepros ; a term for various skin diseases; see Lv 13–14

N 17:19 Or faith has made you well

O 17:21 Lit they will not say

P 17:21 Or within you

Q 17:33 Other mss read to save his life

R 17:33 Or tries to retain his life

S 17:35 Some mss include v. 36: “Two will be in a field: One will be taken, and the other will be left. ”

T 18:5 Lit widow causes me trouble

U 18:5 Or doesn’t ruin my reputation

V 18:7 Or Will he put up with them?

W 18:11 Or by himself

X 18:12 Or give tithes

Y 18:13 Or God, turn your wrath from me

Z 18:20 Ex 20:12-16; Dt 5:16-20

A 18:24 Other mss omit he became sad

B 18:34 Lit This saying

C 18:39 Or those in front rebuked him

D 19:12 Lit to receive for himself a kingdom, or sovereignty, also in v. 15

E 19:13 = Gk coin worth a hundred drachmas or about a hundred days’ wages

F 19:17 Or capable

G 19:27 Or execute

H 19:38 Ps 118:26

I 19:45 Other mss add and buying in it

J 19:46 Is 56:7; Jr 7:11

K 20:13 Other mss add when they see him

L 20:17 Lit “What then is this that is written

M 20:17 Ps 118:22

N 20:20 Or upright

O 20:21 Lit you don’t receive a face

P 20:23 Other mss add “Why are you testing me?

Q 20:24 A denarius = one day’s wage

R 20:28 Dt 25:5

S 20:30 Other mss add took her as wife, and he died without children

T 20:37 Ex 3:6,15

U 20:38 Or with

V 20:42-43 Ps 110:1

W 20:47 Or judgment

X 21:2 Lit two lepta ; the lepton was the smallest and least valuable Gk coin in use.

Y 21:9 Or insurrections, or revolutions, or chaos

Z 21:14 Lit Therefore place (determine) in your hearts

A 21:19 Other mss read endurance, you will gain

B 21:23 Or the earth

C 21:24 Lit will fall by the edge of the sword

D 21:24 Or nations

E 21:31 Or you know

F 21:34 Lit your hearts are not weighed down

G 21:34 Or hangovers

H 21:36 Other mss read you may be counted worthy

I 22:5 Or money

J 22:16 Other mss omit again

K 22:19-20 Other mss omit which is given for you (v. 19) through the end of v. 20

L 22:25 Or them call themselves

M 22:31 Other mss read Then the Lord said, “Simon, Simon

N 22:34 Other mss read before

O 22:37 Or it is necessary that what is written be fulfilled in me

P 22:37 Is 53:12

Q 22:43-44 Other mss omit vv. 43-44

R 22:52 Lit as against a thief, or a bandit

S 22:64 Other mss add striking him on the face and

T 22:66 Or council of elders

U 23:3 Or “That is true.”

V 23:6 Other mss read heard “Galilee”

W 23:8 Or sign

X 23:12 Lit friends with one another

Y 23:16 Gk paideuo; to discipline or “teach a lesson”

Z 23:16 Some mss include v. 17: For according to the festival he had to release someone to them.

A 23:23 Other mss add and those of the chief priests

B 23:30 Hs 10:8

C 23:34 Other mss omit Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing.”

D 23:38 Other mss add written in Greek, Latin, and Hebrew letters

E 23:39 Or began to blaspheme

F 23:42 Other mss add Lord

G 23:44 Lit about the sixth hour

H 23:44 Or whole earth

I 23:44 Lit the ninth hour

J 23:45 Other mss read three, and the sun was darkened

K 23:46 Ps 31:5

L 23:47 Or innocent

M 23:53 Or interred, or laid

N 23:54 Lit was dawning

O 24:1 Other mss add and other women with them

P 24:12 Other mss add lying there

Q 24:13 Lit about sixty stadia ; one stadion = 600 feet

R 24:16 Lit their eyes

S 24:17 Lit “What are these words that you are exchanging

T 24:25 Lit slow of heart

U 24:42 Other mss add and some honeycomb

V 24:46 Other mss add and thus it was necessary that

W 24:47 Many mss read repentance and

X 24:49 Lit upon you

Y 24:49 Other mss add of Jerusalem

Z 24:49 Lit clothed with power

A 24:53 Other mss read praising and blessing God. Amen.


A 1:3-4 Other punctuation is possible: . . . not one thing was created. What was created in him was life

B 1:5 Or grasp, or comprehend, or overtake ; Jn 12:35

C 1:7 Or it (the light)

D 1:9 Or The true light who comes into the world gives light to everyone, or The true light enlightens everyone coming into the world.

E 1:12 Or become

F 1:13 Lit blood

G 1:13 Or not of human lineage, or of human capacity, or of human volition

H 1:14 Or and dwelt in a tent ; lit and tabernacled

I 1:14 Son is implied from the reference to the Father and from Gk usage.

J 1:16 Or in place of

K 1:18 Other mss read The one and only Son, who is at the Father’s side

L 1:23 Is 40:3

M 1:26 Or in, also in vv. 31,33

N 1:27 Other mss add who came before me

O 1:28 Other mss read in Bethabara

P 1:34 Other mss read is the Chosen One of God

Q 1:39 Lit about the tenth hour

R 1:41 Both Hb Messiah and Gk Christos mean “anointed one”

S 1:42 Other mss read “Simon, son of Jonah

T 1:42 Both Aramaic Cephas and Gk Petros mean “rock”

U 1:43 Lit he

V 2:4 Or “You and I see things differently ; lit “What to me and to you ; Mt 8:29; Mk 1:24; 5:7; Lk 8:28

W 2:6 Lit two or three measures

X 2:8 Lit ruler of the table

Y 2:16 Lit a house of business

Z 2:17 Ps 69:9

A 2:19 Or sanctuary, also in vv. 20,21

B 2:20 Or was built forty-six years ago

C 3:3 Or from above, also in v. 7

D 3:10 Or the teacher

E 3:13 Other mss add who is in heaven

F 3:15 Other mss add not perish, but

G 3:16 Or this much

H 3:16 Or For in this way God loved the world, and so he gave, or For God so loved the world that he gave

I 3:20 Lit and does not come to the light

J 3:21 Lit who does

K 3:25 Other mss read and the Jews

L 3:29 Lit with joy rejoices

M 3:31 Or of earthly things

N 3:34 Other mss read since God

O 3:36 Or refuses to believe in the Son, or disobeys the Son

P 4:1 Other mss read the Lord

Q 4:5 Lit piece of land

R 4:6 Lit about the sixth hour

S 4:9 Or do not share vessels with

T 4:9 Other mss omit For Jews do not associate with Samaritans.

U 4:14 Or spring

V 4:23 Or in spirit and truth, also in v. 24

W 4:35 Lit Raise

X 4:35 Lit white

Y 4:38 Lit you have entered into

Z 4:39 Lit because of the woman’s word

A 4:41 Lit because of his word

B 4:42 Other mss add , the Messiah

C 4:50 Lit the word

D 4:52 Lit at the seventh hour

E 5:2 Some mss read Bethzatha ; other mss read Bethsaida

F 5:3 Some mss include vv. 3b-4:—waiting for the moving of the water, 4because an angel would go down into the pool from time to time and stir up the water. Then the first one who got in after the water was stirred up recovered from whatever ailment he had.

G 5:13 Lit slipped away, there being a crowd in that place

H 5:16 Other mss add and trying to kill him

I 5:19 Lit whatever that one

J 5:35 Lit That man

K 6:7 A denarius = one day’s wage

L 6:14 Other mss read signs

M 6:19 Lit twenty-five or thirty stadia ; one stadion = 600 feet

N 6:20 Lit “I am

O 6:22 Other mss add into which his disciples had entered

P 6:26 Or perceived

Q 6:31 Ex 16:4; Ps 78:24

R 6:36 Other mss omit me

S 6:44 Or brings, or leads

T 6:45 Is 54:13

U 6:47 Other mss add in me

V 6:58 Other mss omit the manna

W 6:60 Lit hear

X 6:64 Other mss omit not

Y 6:66 Or Because of this

Z 6:69 Other mss read you are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God

A 6:71 Or Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son

B 7:2 Or Tabernacles, or Booths

C 7:8 Other mss add yet

D 7:32 Or temple police, or officers, also in vv. 45,46

E 7:35 Gk diaspora ; Jewish people scattered throughout Gentile lands

F 7:37 Other mss omit to me

G 7:39 Other mss read Holy Spirit

H 7:39 Lit the Spirit was not yet

I 7:42 Lit seed

J 7:46 Other mss read like this man

K 7:53–8:11 Other mss include all or some of the passage after Jn 7:36,44,52; 21:25; or Lk 21:38.

L 8:11 Or Sir ; Jn 4:15,49; 5:7; 6:34; 9:36

M 8:15 Lit You judge according to the flesh

N 8:31 Or my teaching, or my message, also in v. 37

O 8:33 Or offspring ; lit seed, also in v. 37; Jn 7:42

P 8:38 Other mss read of my Father

Q 8:43 Or cannot hear

R 8:44 Lit from his own things

S 8:57 Other mss read and Abraham has seen you?

T 8:59 Or Jesus hid himself

U 8:59 Other mss add and having gone through their midst, he passed by

V 9:4 Other mss read I

W 9:4 Other mss read us

X 9:32 Lit From the age

Y 9:35 Other mss read the Son of God

Z 10:8 Other mss omit before me

A 10:12 Lit leaves the sheep

B 10:24 Lit “How long are you taking away our life?

C 10:24 Or openly, or publicly

D 10:26 Other mss add just as I told you

E 10:34 Other mss read in the scripture

F 10:34 Ps 82:6

G 10:38 Other mss read know and believe

H 11:16 Gk Didymus

I 11:18 Lit fifteen stadia ; one stadion = 600 feet

J 11:33 Or angry, also in v. 38

K 11:50 Other mss read to our

L 12:1 Other mss read Lazarus who died

M 12:5 A denarius = one day’s wage

N 12:11 Lit going away

O 12:13 Ps 118:25-26

P 12:15 Zch 9:9

Q 12:17 Other mss read Meanwhile the crowd, which had been with him, continued to testify that he had called Lazarus out of the tomb and raised him from the dead.

R 12:28 Other mss read your Son

S 12:32 Or exalted, also in v. 34

T 12:38 Lit which he said

U 12:38 Is 53:1

V 12:40 Is 6:10

W 12:41 Other mss read when

X 12:48 Lit has the one judging him

Y 13:2 Or Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son

Z 13:16 Or lord

A 13:18 Other mss read eats bread with me

B 13:18 Ps 41:9

C 13:23 Lit reclining at Jesus’s breast ; that is, on his right; Jn 1:18

D 13:26 Or Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son

E 13:32 Other mss omit If God is glorified in him

F 14:1 Or You believe

G 14:4 Other mss read this verse: And you know where I am going, and you know the way

H 14:7 Other mss read If you had known me, you would have known

I 14:11 Other mss read believe me

J 14:14 Other mss omit me

K 14:14 Other mss omit all of v. 14

L 14:15 Other mss read “If you love me, keep (as a command)

M 14:16 Or advocate, or comforter, also in v. 26

N 14:17 Other mss read and is

O 14:30 Lit He has nothing in me

P 15:8 Or and become

Q 15:15 Or lord

R 15:25 Ps 69:4

S 16:4 Other mss read when the time

T 16:16 Other mss add because I am going to the Father

U 16:18 Other mss omit he is saying

V 16:22 Other mss read will have sorrow

W 16:27 Other mss read from the Father

X 17:2 Or people

Y 17:9 Lit ask (throughout this passage)

Z 17:11 Lit keep (throughout this passage)

A 17:12 The one destined for destruction, loss, or perdition

B 17:21 Other mss add one

C 18:3 Or temple police, or officers, also in vv. 12,18,22

D 18:23 Or him, “testify

E18:30 Lit an evil doer

F 18:36 Or But now

G 18:40 Or robber ; see Jn 10:1,8 for the same Gk word used here

H 19:6 Or temple police, or officers

I 19:12 Lit Pilate was trying

J 19:13 Or Hebrew, also in vv. 17,20

K 19:14 Lit about the sixth hour

L 19:16 Other mss add and led him out

M 19:24 Ps 22:18

N 19:31 Lit great

O 19:36 Ex 12:46; Nm 9:12; Ps 34:20

P 19:37 Zch 12:10

Q 19:39 Lit a hundred litrai ; a Roman litrai = 12 ounces

R 20:16 Or Hebrew

S 20:18 Lit these things

T 20:22 Lit he breathed and said to them

U 20:24 Gk Didymus

V 20:29 Or have you believed?

W 20:31 Or that the Messiah, the Son of God, is Jesus

X 21:2 Gk Didymus

Y 21:5 Lit “Children”

Z 21:6 Lit they cast

A 21:8 Lit about two hundred cubits

B 21:14 Lit was revealed (v. 1)

C 21:15-17 Other mss read “Simon, son of Jonah ; Mt 16:17; Jn 1:42

D 21:23 Lit this word

E 21:25 Lit scroll


A 1:4 Or he was eating, or he was lodging

B 1:14 Other mss add and petition

C 1:15 Other mss read disciples

D 1:20 Ps 69:25

E 1:20 Ps 109:8

F 1:25 Other mss read to share

G 2:4 languages, also in v. 11

H 2:7 Other mss add to one another

I 2:15 Lit it’s the third hour of the day

J 2:17-21 Jl 2:28-32

K 2:23 Other mss read you have taken

L 2:25-28 Ps 16:8-11

M 2:30 Other mss add according to the flesh to raise up the Messiah

N 2:31 Other mss read His soul

O 2:31 Ps 16:10

P 2:34-35 Ps 110:1

Q 2:40 Or crooked, or twisted

R 2:47 Other mss read to the church

S 3:1 Lit at the ninth hour

T 3:11 Other mss read the lame man who was healed

U 3:15 Or the Prince, or the Ruler

V 3:22 Other mss add to the fathers

W 3:22-23 Dt 18:15-19

X 3:25 = heirs

Y 3:25 Gn 12:3; 18:18; 22:18; 26:4

Z 3:26 Other mss add Jesus

A 4:4 Or people

B 4:8 Other mss add of Israel

C 4:11 Ps 118:22

D 4:25 Other mss read through the mouth of David your servant

E 4:25-26 Ps 2:1-2

F 5:22 Or temple police, or officers, also in v. 26

G 5:24 Other mss add the high priest and

H 5:34 Other mss read apostles

I 5:41 Other mss add of Jesus, or of Christ

J 7:3 Gn 12:1

K 7:6-7 Gn 15:13-14

L 7:18 Other mss omit over Egypt

M 7:27-28 Ex 2:14

N 7:30 Other mss add of the Lord

O 7:32 Ex 3:6,15

P 7:33-34 Ex 3:5,7-8,10

Q 7:35 Ex 2:14

R 7:37 Other mss read The Lord your God

S 7:37 Dt 18:15

T 7:40 Ex 32:1,23

U 7:42-43 Am 5:25-27

V 7:46 Other mss read house

W 7:49-50 Is 66:1-2

X 7:54 Or were cut to the quick

Y 7:60 Lit he fell asleep

Z 8:5 Other mss read the

A 8:10 Or “This is the power of God called Great

B 8:18 Other mss add Holy

C 8:26 Or is a desert place

D 8:32-33 Is 53:7-8

E 8:36 Some mss include v. 37: Philip said, “If you believe with all your heart you may.” And he replied, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”

F 8:40 Or Philip was found at, or Philip found himself in

G 8:40 Or Ashdod

H 9:12 Other mss omit In a vision

I 9:34 Or and get ready to eat

J 10:3 Lit About the ninth hour

K 10:9 Lit about the sixth hour

L 10:30 Lit at the ninth hour

M 10:30 Other mss add fasting and

N 10:32 Other mss add When he arrives, he will speak to you.

O 10:46 languages

P 11:13 Other mss add men

Q 11:20 Lit Hellenists

R 11:22 Lit reached the ears of

S 11:22 Other mss omit to travel

T 11:25 Other mss read Barnabas

U 11:28 Or the whole world

V 12:12 Lit John who was called Mark

W 12:25 Other mss read from

X 13:2 Or were ministering to

Y 13:17 Lit with an uplifted

Z 13:18 Other mss read he cared for them

A 13:22 1Sm 13:14; Ps 89:20

B 13:23 Other mss read brought salvation

C 13:33 Or I have begotten you

D 13:33 Ps 2:7

E 13:34 Is 55:3

F 13:35 Ps 16:10

G 13:39 Or freed, also later in verse

H 13:41 Hab 1:5

I 13:42 Other mss read they were leaving the synagogue of the Jews, the Gentiles

J 13:44 Other mss read of God

K 13:47 Is 49:6

L 14:15 Ex 20:11; Ps 146:6

M 14:17 Other mss read our

N 14:22 Lit the souls of the

O 15:7 Other mss read us

P 15:14 Simon (Peter)

Q 15:17-18 Other mss read says the Lord who does all these things. Known to God from long ago are all his works.

R 15:16-18 Am 9:11-12; Is 45:21

S 15:24 Other mss add by saying, ‘Be circumcised and keep the law,’

T 15:33 Other mss read the brothers to the apostles

U 15:33 Other mss add v. 34: But Silas decided to stay there.

V 15:37 Lit John who was called Mark

W 16:17 Other mss read us

X 17:13 Other mss omit and upsetting

Y 17:18 Lit this seed picker

Z 17:19 Or Mars Hill

A 17:26 Other mss read blood

B 18:1 Other mss read Paul

C 18:5 Other mss read was urged by the Spirit

D 18:6 Lit clean

E 18:17 Other mss read Then all the Greeks

F 18:21 Other mss add “By all means it is necessary to keep the coming festival in Jerusalem. But

G 18:25 Or in the Spirit

H 18:26 Lit they received him

I 19:6 languages

J 19:12 Or sweat cloths

K 19:21 Or in his spirit

L 19:31 Lit not to give himself

M 19:33 Or thought it was about Alexander

N 19:35 Other mss add goddess

O 19:37 Other mss read your

P 20:4 Other mss add to Asia

Q 20:4 Other mss omit son of Pyrrhus

R 20:7 Other mss read the disciples

S 20:15 Other mss add after staying at Trogyllium

T 20:22 Or in my spirit

U 20:24 Other mss add with joy

V 20:26 Lit clean

W 20:28 Some mss read church of the Lord ; other mss read church of the Lord and God

X 20:32 Other mss add brothers and sisters

Y 21:3 Lit leaving it on the left

Z 21:7 Or As we continued our voyage

A 21:22 Other mss add A multitude has to come together, since

B 21:25 Other mss add they should observe no such thing, except that

C 21:40 Or Hebrew

D 22:2 Or Hebrew

E 22:9 Other mss add and were afraid

F 22:11 Lit the glory of that light

G 22:20 Other mss add of his murder

H 22:30 Other mss add from his chains

I 23:5 Ex 22:28

J 23:9 Other mss add Let us not fight God.

K 23:15 Other mss add tomorrow

L 23:23 Lit at the third hour tonight

M 23:25 Or He wrote a letter to this effect:

N 23:30 Other mss add by the Jews

O 23:30 Other mss add Farewell

P 23:34 Other mss read the governor

Q 23:35 Or headquarters

R 24:6 Some mss include vv. 6b-8a: and wanted to judge him according to our law. 7But Lysias the commander came and took him from our hands with great force, 8commanding his accusers to come to you.

S 24:15 Other mss add of the dead

T 24:23 Other mss add or visiting

U 24:26 Other mss add so that he might release him

V 25:16 Other mss add to destruction

W 25:21 Lit his majesty, also in v. 25

X 26:14 Or Hebrew

Y 26:18 Or to turn them

Z 26:28 Or so quickly

A 26:29 Or whether a short time or long

B 27:1 Or Augustan Cohort

C 27:4 Lit sailed under the lee, also in v. 7

D 27:9 Lit the Fast

E 27:16 Or Clauda

F 27:28 Lit twenty fathoms

G 27:28 Lit fifteen fathoms

H 28:11 Gk Dioscuri, twin sons of Zeus, Castor and Pollux

I 28:13 Other mss read From there, casting off,

J 28:16 Other mss add the centurion turned the prisoners over to the military commander; but

K 28:25 Or after they began to leave, Paul made one statement

L 28:25 Other mss read our

M 28:26-27 Is 6:9-10

N 28:28 Some mss include v. 29: After he said these things, the Jews departed, while engaging in a vigorous debate among themselves.