The Ten Commandments... in positive terms!

After having learned the Ten Commandments in the traditional way, it is good to try to express them in “positive” language, too. This can help us better appreciate and understand the deeper messages that the commandments contain. Always remember that they are meant to point us toward goodness and happiness!


I will remember that you are my God, and I will put you in the first place in my heart.


I will remember that your name is holy, and I will honor it with my life.


I will remember your day, the Day of the Lord, and how beautiful it is to be with you.


I will remember that you gave me my parents; I will respect and love them with gratitude.


I will remember that life is your most precious gift, and I will respect every living creature, especially the most weak and vulnerable.


I will remember that real love is faithful and pure, and I will keep the promises I make.


I will remember to recognize what belongs to others and treat their things with respect.


I will remember that words are important and powerful, and I will use them kindly and for good.


I will remember to respect other people’s relationships, attentions, and affection.


I will remember that my value comes from the love I give, and not from what I possess.