SMART SHOPPING: Shrimp sizes

Shrimp are sold by size (small, medium, large, and so on) as well as by the number needed to make 1 pound, usually given in a range. Choosing shrimp by the numerical rating is more accurate than choosing them by the size label, which varies from store to store. Here’s how the two sizing systems generally compare.


Size: Colossal
Count per Pound: under 12


Size: Extra-Jumbo
Count per Pound: under 15


Size: Jumbo
Count per Pound: 16 to 20


Size: Extra-Large
Count per Pound: 21 to 25


Size: Large
Count per Pound: 26 to 30


Size: Medium-Large
Count per Pound: 31 to 40


Size: Medium
Count per Pound: 41 to 50


Size: Small
Count per Pound: 51 to 60