Lemony Chicken and Rice with Spinach and Feta

Serves 4 to 6

Cooking Time 4 to 5 hours on Low

Slow Cooker Size 5½ to 7 Quarts

WHY THIS RECIPE WORKS: For another chicken and rice dinner that was big on flavor but light on prep, we looked to the Mediterranean for inspiration and included feta for its briny tang, lemon for brightness, and baby spinach for freshness and color. Precooked rice, purchased at the supermarket, worked best and kept our recipe super-easy; starting with uncooked rice gave us underdone grains, and using leftover white rice resulted in mushy, blown-out grains. Once the chicken and rice were done, we stirred in a generous amount of crumbled feta and a few handfuls of baby spinach; some half-and-half ensured that our dish was rich and creamy. Using both lemon zest and juice delivered bright and citrusy, but not tart, flavor. So that the lemon would retain its bold, bright notes, we didn’t add it until the end. Store-bought precooked rice is important to the success of this dish; it consistently remains intact and retains the proper doneness. Do not use freshly made or leftover rice, as it will turn mushy and blown out in the slow cooker. Don’t shred the chicken too finely in step 2; it will break up more as it is stirred back into the casserole. Click here for more information on our top-rated precooked rice. See the sidebar that follows the recipe.


cup chopped onion


tablespoon vegetable oil


tablespoon minced garlic


teaspoon dried oregano


cups cooked rice


pounds boneless, skinless chicken thighs, trimmed

Salt and pepper


ounces (4 cups) baby spinach

cups crumbled feta cheese


cup half-and-half


teaspoon grated lemon zest plus 2 tablespoons juice

1. Microwave onion, oil, garlic, and oregano in bowl, stirring occasionally, until onion is softened, about 5 minutes; transfer to slow cooker. Stir in rice. Season chicken with salt and pepper and nestle into slow cooker. Cover and cook until chicken is tender, 4 to 5 hours on low.

2. Transfer chicken to cutting board, let cool slightly, then shred into bite-size pieces. Gently stir shredded chicken, spinach, 1 cup feta, and half-and-half into slow cooker and let sit until spinach is wilted and casserole is heated through, about 5 minutes. Stir in lemon zest and juice and season with salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle with remaining ½ cup feta. Serve.