February 14

As soon as I saw you, I knew a grand adventure was about to happen.

—from Winnie-the-Pooh

Valentine’s Day for me has been love on steroids since my daughter Haley came into my life in 2017. Her birthday falls on Valentine’s Day, so Joel and I celebrate not only our love but how much we love our birthday girl. Haley actually has two birthdays—the day she was born, and the day she was born to us, February 14. My only wish each year has been for Father Time to please slow down so I can enjoy every precious ticktock with Haley, and now Hope, too. My daughters are my miracles, and Joel—among many other wonderful things—is the guy who turned Valentine’s around for me. Not only did I meet my ex-husband on Valentine’s Day, the paperwork for my divorce from him arrived on Valentine’s Day, too. For years, I disliked the holiday, but now it’s extra special. Needless to say, I’m the luckiest woman on this day and every day for the many ways I’ve been blessed. Sending love to you today!