March 28

Health is a state of body. Wellness is a state of being.

—J. Stanford

Media mogul and queen of inspiration Oprah Winfrey kicked off a wellness journey tour in 2020 to help people define what being well actually means for them. She was kind enough to join Jenna and me—and a studio full of her fans—to talk about achieving wellness. I loved her question to all of us: “What is the real reason you’re here? What is the special gift you were given to offer others?” To raise children? To help people? Feeling fulfilled may happen when we realize we’re actually doing the things that make us happy and whole. In the search for physical and emotional health, Oprah emphasized that perfection isn’t the goal; wholeness is the goal. We need to set “the ideal” for ourselves and work toward reaching and maintaining that. “If you name it, then claim it,” she said. Love that! Don’t wait for your best life to show up. It’s waiting on you to define it, so you can begin to work toward it.