September 16

Emotions are the language of the soul.

World-renowned speaker and author Brené Brown is the best at connecting and comforting people. During the COVID-19 crisis, I thought she offered good advice that worked not only in those dark times but throughout life’s challenges. “Emotions can only really take you down when you’re unaware of them,” she said. “If you understand and can name them, you can walk through them.” I’m anxious, I’m disappointed, I feel afraid. Brené suggested checking in with loved ones, including young kids. What and how are you feeling? Brené said her family created a set of rules to follow when their collective physical and mental energy isn’t 100 percent:

No harsh words

No nice words with harsh faces

Say you’re sorry

Accept apologies with thank-yous

More puns and knock-knock jokes

I hope you’re 100 percent today, but if you’re not, perhaps give a voice to whatever is burdening you.