Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
—Theodore Roosevelt
When people were restricted by distancing and quarantines during the coronavirus crisis, I loved seeing all the creative ways we worked around the isolation. One of my favorites was crafted by the Torchia family, who turned their garage into a nightclub so Jack Torchia had a place to celebrate his twenty-first birthday. As a surprise, Jack’s mom, dad, and sister led Jack to the garage, complete with a sign that read, “Must be 21 or older to enter.” Jack’s dad served as the bouncer, asking for ID and checking it with a flashlight. Inside the “club,” music was pumping and Jack’s mom served as bartender. “Welcome to Club Quarantine! What brings you in tonight?” When Jack replied, “My twenty-first birthday,” shot glasses came out and the bartender declared there would be free shots for Jack, the bouncer, the server (his sister), and herself. How sweet that they went to so much trouble to celebrate a special birthday for Jack. Cheers to the Torchias and to everyone who refused to let a pandemic steal their milestones.