List of Primary Source Documents

  1.      Program of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, 1920

  2.      Adolf Hitler: Extracts from Mein Kampf, 1923

  3.      Decree for the Protection of the People and the State, February 28, 1933

  4.      Article in Der Stürmer on the Hebrew Bible, January 1935

  5.      The Nuremberg Laws, 1935

  6.      Article in Der Stürmer on Ritual Murder, April 1937

  7.      Adolf Eichmann: Report Issued on His Activities in Vienna, August 22, 1938

  8.      Reinhard Heydrich: Instructions, November 10, 1938

  9.      Extracts from a Conference on the Jewish Question Chaired by Hermann Göring, November 12, 1938

10.      Regulation for the Elimination of Jews from the Economic Life of Germany, November 12, 1938

11.      Circular on “The Jewish Question as a Factor in German Foreign Policy in the Year 1938,” January 25, 1939

12.      Adolf Hitler: Extract from a Speech to the Reichstag, January 30, 1939

13.      Hans Frank: Speech to His Cabinet, Kraków, December 16, 1941

14.      The Wannsee Protocol, January 20, 1942

15.      Otto Ohlendorf: Extracts from Testimony Regarding the Einsatzgruppen, June 1941–June 1942

16.      Heinrich Himmler: Order for the Completion of the Final Solution, July 19, 1942

17.      Martin Luther: Joachim von Ribbentrop’s Instructions on Speeding up Evacuation of Jews from Europe, September 24, 1942

18.      Alice Mackert: Preliminary Interrogation, May 11, 1945

19.      Julius Streicher: Article in Der Stürmer Regarding Hitler’s Promise to Free the World of Jews, January 28, 1943

20.      Jürgen Stroop: “The Warsaw Ghetto Is No More,” May 16, 1943

21.      Heinrich Himmler: Order for Liquidation of Ostland Ghettos, June 21, 1943

22.      Heinrich Himmler: Extracts from Speech to Senior SS Officers, October 4, 1943

23.      Adolf Hitler: “My Political Testament,” April 29, 1945

24.      Rudolf Hoess Regarding Extermination at Auschwitz, May 1940–December 1943

25.      Extracts from Judgment, Nuremberg Trial: “The Persecution of the Jews,” September 30–October 1, 1946