Chapter 38

A misty rain fell on Gavin as he emerged from the studio. He still had to add the musical score, but the movie was back on schedule and he could catch his breath. Clouds obscured the stars and passed eerily across the moon. He shuffled to his car, shoulders slumped, every ounce of energy drained from his body. Slipping into the car, he pulled the cell phone from his pocket and clicked it back on. He waited for it to power up. His heart leapt when he saw there were four voicemails. Ten minutes later, he threw the phone on the floor. Julianne had not called and his producers were anxious to see the final cut. He slipped the car in reverse and headed home.

He awoke the next morning to the ringing phone. “Hello,” he answered in a raspy voice.

Hey, man! How are you doing?”


Yeah. Did I wake you?”

No, no.” He sat up in bed trying to sound more alert.

I’m sorry. You must have had a late night. Did you wrap things up?”

Not quite, but we are getting there. What’s up?”

I’m coming into Wilmington today and wanted to see if you were free later. I have been looking at that script you gave me.”

That’s great.” The world snapped into focus and Gavin shot up from the bed. “I’m free all day. What are you coming up for?”

Cam asked me if I would check on some props for the new shows Julianne added.”

Are you going to Evelyn’s place?”

Wouldn’t go anywhere else. I should be finished by one. Do you want to meet at the First Street Coffee House?”

Sounds good. Call if anything changes.”

Will do. See you later.”

Gavin hung up and rolled out of bed. His eye caught a photo of the Finnegan family from Christmas three years earlier. Never a family for formal portraits, they were all dressed in luau clothes with Michael holding a stuffed pig. He smiled and reached for the photo. His eyes traced the curves of Julianne’s face. A glance at his watch showed it was nine fifteen. He picked up the phone again and dialed her number, but it went straight to voicemail.

Hey, Julianne, it’s Gavin. Sorry I missed your call the other day. I have been swamped with edits, but we are just about finished. Call me when you get a minute.”