“Where are we at currently?” I ask the staff of The Island. The building is completed, and it’s time to get the ball rolling and get these units sold.
“I have a few real estate agents meeting with Parker in the next few days on site at Avec. It’s important the person we choose can not only sell him the building but have a book clientele that can afford the apartments,” Andrew, the head of marketing, says.
“Let’s use a different marketing company to help us advertise this building. I don’t want to leave all the marketing in the hands of the realtor. Mulligan uses Clifford, Leeward, and Parker but I want to have it separated and bring in a new company. Andrew, reach out to Rhodes Agency, I’ve been hearing great things about their teams. You’ll be the point person on this.” I rub my hand across my chin. “April, where are we with staging?”
Bradley looks up from taking notes and gives me a narrowed look.
Yes. I know what you’re thinking. No. Well, yes.
Parker covers his mouth with his hand to hide his smirk.
“All models are completed, but I have to make a few changes to the penthouse.” April scribbles in her notepad. “We can also offer the furniture with the property,” she suggests.
“Great idea.” I nod.
Bradley passes out the financial analysis of the hypothetical results of the unit sales. “The unit price listed in this report is a low estimation of what I believe we can get based on recent sales. April and I visited some apartments near Avec for sale this weekend. From what I saw we have a better product. I have no doubt, once the units hit the market, they will sell fast and above the asking price.” A smile tugs at his lips. “Based on these figures we will beat our projected profit.” Bradley pauses. “We’re looking for a realtor that will provide a sensible list price. We don’t want it overpriced and have it sit with no offers. All realtors suggested price and client offers will go through me,” he says. “Our investors are looking for a return and we are looking to make a profit and quickly.”
We’ve had many realtors reach out to us to get an exclusive listing, but we only want the best; someone that will get the job done.
“Andrew, make sure you reach out to Tinea Clarke about the building. She doesn’t need to be vetted by Parker. I would love to hear what she thinks we can get for each unit.” Tinea will hold back no punches.
“If I bring in another realtor, they will have to agree to a co-listing,” Parker says. I know what he’s thinking. He’s giving the listing to Tinea.
If this is done right, we will set a name for ourselves as developers, with our niche being exclusivity and high end. Avec Amour has a total of thirty-two units consisting of two to three bedrooms, and a two floor four bedroom penthouse. In addition to twenty-four-hour concierge service, there’s a health club with spa services, two heated swimming pools, a landscaped rooftop deck with cabanas and a parking garage in the building- parking space alone is prime real estate.
“Once this hits the market it needs to sell out within a month. We’ve already purchased another building, this time in Brooklyn,” Parker says. “Mulligan Group has already started work on schematics.”
“The penthouse is off limits except to the team from Rhodes Agency,” My voice deepens.
“Are you planning on selling the unit?” April’s forehead creases.
“Maybe, we’ll see.” I had April decorate the penthouse to my specification for me to reside in, so she’s taken aback by the possible change of heart.
I’m not planning on selling the unit, but I want Simone to see it and fall in love with it. I designed the unit with her in mind.
“Any other business?” I ask.
We have a lot of work to get done in a short period of time. I want the property up on the market for sale within a month. We’re not carrying an overhead by means of mortgage, but every day the units sit unsold, we’re losing money.”
I walk out of the conference room toward my office.
“Mr. Mulligan, your father called and asked if you could give him a call.”
“Thanks, Lisa. Were you able to confirm my dinner reservation at Southern House?”
“Yes sir, you’re good to go tomorrow,” Lisa replies cheerfully.
I glance over my shoulder to see Bradley and Parker following close behind me.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Parker asks as they follow me into my office, closing the door behind them.
“What are you talking about?” I incline my head.
“Simone works at Rhodes, doesn’t she?” Parker asks.
“Yeah.” I give a half of shrug. “But she may not get the account.”
Bradley’s left brow rises, knowing it’s bullshit. He knows I’m going to do everything to ensure she does. “Do you know what you’re doing?”
No, I don’t, it was a blurt of the mouth.
“There’s the advertising firm my father’s company uses,” Parker offers.
“No, I believe it’s best if we go this route.”
“Okay, brother. We’re here.” Parker lifts his hands.
“I’ve got shit to do.” Bradley shakes his head. I see the frustration on his face. He wants me to leave Simone be, but my soul won’t let me. Bradley pats Parker on his back and exists the room.
“You’re sure about this?” Parker stares into my eyes.
“Yes.” I don’t hesitate to think about the consequences of my actions.

We sit at the table at Southern House. It’s the first time Tinea and Craig are getting to meet Emily. Craig pre-warned me Tinea wasn’t thrilled about meeting Emily, but she promised to keep an open mind. She understands her dream of Simone and I being together is futile.
Emily and I have been dating for six weeks. I’m giving her a chance, and more importantly giving myself a chance to find a suitable companion. To stop closing myself off from relationships, not comparing every woman to Simone. Nothing is wrong with there being differences.
Emily cannot meet my eyes without two pink spots flaring on her cheek. Although Emily has a light and soft voice there’s a trace of snootiness whenever she speaks, but she’s a keen listener. I love the way her voice gets softer and her entire creamy skin flushes when she’s in the mood to play.
Am I forcing my heart to be into it? Most likely yes, but if I don’t force my heart, I will wake up one day and wonder what happened to my life. A life consumed with work isn’t a life at all as April likes to continuously point out.
So here we are sitting at this southern restaurant sharing a meal with my friends.
Tinea looks across the table at Emily skeptically and pouts.
Yeah, it’s not Simone, their personalities are very different. In the past week I’ve learned that Emily likes to correct people in every way possible. She’s like a walking encyclopedia. She knows everything or so she thinks.
“I want to go to Iceland to see the Northern Lights.” Tinea eyes smile at the thought.
“It’s actually Norway,” Emily corrects
“I don’t think so.” Tinea brow puckers. “I’m sure it’s Iceland.”
“It’s Norway. A friend of mine went last year and said the view is spectacular.”
“Or maybe we can go to Finland.” Tinea nudges Craig’s shoulder. “If this one will put in a request to take some time off after Christmas.”
“I’m working on it.” Craig smiles and places a kiss on Tinea’s forehead.
“That sounds fun,” I say as I cut into my smothered pork chops. “So, how’s the housing market?”
“It’s great, it’s a seller’s market.” Her eyes glisten. “When are you going to give me the exclusive on that building of yours?”
Direct and straight to the point.
“My friend is a great realtor; you should have him represent you,” Emily says.
We all pause, a pregnant silence follows Emily’s statement. I turn to look at her in awe. My mouth opens in shock. Tinea does not reply, instead she glowers at Emily.
Emily looks around the table seeing disbelief on our faces. “What? Lucas is great, we were talking, and he told me the market is shaping up to make a major shift in the next couple months. If you’re going to put your units on the market you should do it now.”
“Bullshit,” Tinea barks.
“Babe,” Craig warns.
“You’re suggesting Ryan use your friend to sell his units instead of me.”
Emily bites her lip, realizing what she did. “Well, you guys are friends and at times it’s not good to mesh friendship and business, especially when a substantial amount of money is involved.”
My brow furrows. What the hell? How would Emily know about the amount of money involved. I’ve never discussed finances with her. We’ve spoken about work, and I mention the building but not enough detail that gives her the right to pass judgement on Tinea.
“My wife is one of the top realtors in this city; she wins awards year after year.” Craig’s eyes blaze with anger. “She knows her shit.”
I’m shocked even after recognizing her error, Emily doubles down instead of fixing it.
“I would never choose your friend over Tinea. She’s amazing at what she does. She was born and bred into the real estate business. She’s the daughter of Michael Schmitt.”
Emily’s eyes widen at my words. Michael Schmitt owns some of the top real estate firms in several states.
Tinea sits back in the chair with a smirk on her face.
I wasn’t planning to tell Tinea that Andrew will be reaching out to her to discuss the listing but I have to soften the curve ball Emily just blindly threw.
“Hey.” Tinea eyes dart toward me, anger glowing in them. “Andrew will be reaching out to you this week so you can do a walk through and give us an idea of pricing, see if we are in the same ballpark.”
She rubs her hands together, and a light shines through her eyes, softening her expression. “I’m about to make some money. I already have a couple of potential clients.”
At the same time a siren is heard coming from Tinea’s blue clutch. She picks up her purse and pulls out her cell phone.
Her brow bunches together as she reads something on her phone, then her mouth widens.
“Babe, I’ve got to go,” Tinea’s voice shivers. She stands and gathers her purse.
Craig jumps up. “What’s wrong?”
“I’ve to get to Simone,” she says.
I rush out of my seat. “What’s wrong?”
“She had dinner with her dad tonight. I don’t think it went well.”
I pause. Simone is in contact with her father. She’s struggled with not having her father in her life, felt not worthy and scared to love and be loved because of him. How did dinner come to be? Have they been talking?
“Let’s go,” I say instantly.
Tinea turns to walk away, then abruptly stops. Craig and I follow closely behind her.
She puts her hand out. “Wow, lover boy. You’re not going anywhere. You’re on a date with your girlfriend.”
Girlfriend. I scrunch my face up at the word.
Oh, shit. Emily.
I turn back toward the table and look at Emily sitting at the table with her upper lip curled up and a muscle in her jaw twitching. There’s fire in her eyes, and she has a right to be angry.
I forgot I’m here with Emily.
Tinea pats me on my back. “Go back to your date.” She snarls when she says the word date.
My shoulders sag. It’s not my job to protect Simone, but I know this is a hard road for her. I want to be there to comfort her.
I walk back to the table.
Tinea gives Craig a quick kiss on his lips. “Babe, finish your dinner and I will see you at home.”
“See you at home.” Craig walks back and pulls out his chair.
I sit back next to Emily who now has a permanent frown on her face.
My ass didn’t hit the chair before she asks, “Who’s Simone?”
This is not a conversation I wish to have with Emily. Simone shares a part of my life that unless you lived it with me, it isn’t any of your damn business.
I clear my throat. “A friend of ours. Tinea’s best friend actually.”
“Oh.” She takes a drink of her water. “I think Tinea is mad at me.”
“You figure?”
This is the end of the road for Emily and me. I was hopeful after the first few dates and the okay sex. I’ve overlooked her snootiness and know everything attitude. Tonight, she showed me how conceited she is and her lack of remorse. Emily was a different person tonight. I’m not sure if she’s ever shown this side to April, but it was a shock to me.
The more time we spend together, the layer of onions begins to peel back; it’s tarnished in the middle.
She reminds me of Madeline in high school, a person I despised.
Bye, bye, Emily.