Published in Washington Irving, Esquire, by George S. Heilman, New York: A. A. Knopf, 1925, pages 45-46. Reprinted by permission of the author.
Tho england’s sons are kind
Their hearts burn warm & true
Yet english hearts you’ll find
Can beat in foreign bosoms too
The good remittance freely rides
And woos the favouring gale
That lightly curls the glassy tides
And fills the swelling sail.
Sigh not Eliza the you leave
England’s shores behind
For other shores may prove as fair
And other climes as kind.
Fair virtue’s plant is not confined
In english soil to keep
Kind heaven convey’d its radiant seed
Across the atlantic deep
Then may you find a happy home
Each stranger prove a friend
Peace be your lot where’er you go
& Joy your steps attend.