Writing was not something I ever thought I’d do, not until a few years ago when my mental health took a nosedive and storytelling became my refuge. For that reason, my first thanks will always go to the amazing people who have been with me since the beginning, my fandom family who has supported me with their love the likes of which I’ve never known. You’re the reasons I discovered who I am and you make me strong every single day.

Secondly, to my parents – I wouldn’t be who I am without you. You’ve made me believe that I can fly all the skies, dive in all the oceans, fail or succeed, and you would love me just the same. You are my pillars, no matter where I am in the world, and I am lucky to be yours.

I also want to thank the entire book community that has accepted me with such open arms. To all the bloggers and bookstragrammers who freaked out with me and celebrated my book, thank you. Sharing my own love of all things romance, seeing the talent in your edits and photos and simply talking to you has been such a gift. To all the friends I have made in the community who make me smile and aww. Thank you for your love. You don’t know what it means to me.

And to Nelly. My amazing, talented, visionary friend who so generously told me yes when I asked her if she would design the cover for my book. You are a gem and I thank my lucky stars every day for you. Every time you create something, it blows my freaking mind. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to verbalize the love I feel for you and how damn grateful I am every day for you tolerating my ass. Thank you. I couldn’t have imagined anyone else doing this story justice the way you have. There was no choice to make.

To my friends, you know who you are. Thank you for being so patient with me when I disappeared for days and was a shitty friend basically. I love you so damn much.

To my tribe of readers, the gifts you have honored me with leave me speechless. The abundance you shower upon me fills my life every damn day. Thank you so, so much. You make my world a better place.

Most importantly, I want to thank you, my reader, for picking up my book and choosing to read me. If you’ve made it this far, I’m eternally grateful to you. I hope you enjoyed it but even if you didn’t, thank you for choosing it. I appreciate you taking the time so much. Please consider leaving a review before jumping into your next bookish world.

Thank you so much!