

Final Thoughts
about Rites of Passage—
What Does It All Mean?

Life is one big rite of passage. If you are lucky, life is filled with wondrous happenings. If you are fortunate enough to discover Witchcraft as a path to follow, you’ll view the world through vastly different eyes than most people. Life is magickal, and by honoring your personal rites of passage, you step into the magickal rites more easily.

All things are possible. The world is truly alive and it is your ally. Each life is a blessing. Sharing these blessings with each other only serves to create more blessings that compound upon each other, and who wouldn’t want to be involved with that? 

Rites of passage and the ceremonies that are created to honor them serve the mythopoetic. They feed the collective unconscious. Souls cry out for mystery and adventure, and rites of passage provide defined moments to let imagination soar, free from the day-to-day. For the duration of the rites, you are timeless. You are eternal. You are joined with every human that has ever existed or will ever exist.

By creating rituals, honoring your life changes, and celebrating those you love and are in community with, you also add to raising the vibrational levels of all of humanity. 

Truly, there is no greater work that you can do as an individual than to serve the world around you. By celebrating yourself, you do that very thing.

May you celebrate each moment. May there be rituals at every stage of your life. May those ceremonies and rites bring you joy, heal your pain, and serve as guideposts on this spectacular adventure called life.
