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Batman zipped through the streets on his Batcycle. He knew something was fishy about the chain of events that had led him back and forth across town. He would have never guessed that they would lead him to the Gotham City Aquarium.

It all added up: The heist at the Pearl Emporium, the van from Fish ‘N’ Stuff that had made him late in meeting Robin, the hook at the warehouse where Robin had disappeared — they were all connected somehow.

Then there was the man tied up at the docks, and lastly, the flyer that was used to gag him. It was like one big practical joke was being played on him.

When Batman neared the aquarium, he circled around to the back. He parked the Batcycle behind a shed and snuck around the aquarium to a side entrance.

Quietly, Batman slipped through the door. It was dark inside, but he could hear laughter echoing down the hallway. It was a familiar laugh — one that made him fear for Robin’s life.

Missing pg40 Batman kicked the door in.

“Look, Harley!” the Joker shrieked. “It’s a party crasher.”

“Not quite, Mr. J.,” Harley squealed. “It’s the catch of the day.”

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Harley looked over to one of the clowns who stood near the doorway. On the wall next to him was a rope, which was connected to a very large metal ball.

“You fell right into my trap, Batman,” Harley laughed. “Hook, line . . . ”

Harley pushed a button on the remote. A spotlight blinded Batman. Then the clown by the door cut the rope.

“. . . and sinker!” she screamed.

The metal ball began to drop.

Even though Batman was blinded by the spotlight, he heard a gasp from the crowd. Robin yelled, “It’s a trap!”

Instinctively, Batman jumped aside.

Missing pg42 The ball smashed into the wall just inches away from him.

Its impact shook the floor, knocking Batman to the ground. Instantly, several of the clowns jumped on Batman, swinging wildly with their clubs.

The distraction of the ball allowed Robin to slip his hands free of the ropes. With a quick kick of his legs, he started to swing back and forth. By the time the clowns attacked Batman, Robin had gained enough momentum to swing beyond the tank. He let go of the rope and flew toward the combatants, knocking over a couple of the clowns as he landed. He quickly helped Batman to his feet.

The Dynamic Duo stood back-to-back, surrounded by several clowns.

“And I thought you needed rescuing,” Batman said.

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“I had it all under control,” Robin said, smiling. “I was just waiting for you to even the odds a little.”

Just then, one of the clowns swung his club at Robin. The boy ducked and kicked out a foot, tripping the clown and knocking him to the ground. Missing pg45

Two clowns charged Batman. Batman blocked one’s punch and grabbed a club from him. Twirling around, Batman used the club to hit the other clown in the stomach, doubling him over. Then he smashed his elbow into the first clown, knocking him to the ground. Missing pg45

Several more clowns attacked, clubs swinging. Batman whirled and punched. Robin dodged and kicked. Soon, two more clowns had been knocked to the ground.

Behind the combatants, Harley Quinn grabbed the Joker’s arm. She pulled him toward a door on the other side of the room.

“Come on, Mr. J.,” she whimpered. “This party’s over.”

“It was a blast,” the Joker teased. “But next year, just get me a singing telegram.”

“Anything you say, Mr. J.,” Harley replied.

The pair ran through the door and disappeared.

Shortly afterward, Batman and Robin finished the fight. All of the clowns that hadn’t run off with the Joker and Harley Quinn had been captured.

Robin untied the audience while Batman called Detective Montoya.

When Montoya arrived, she had paramedics tend to the former captives.

As the Dynamic Duo left the aquarium, Robin turned toward Batman. “Do you know what type of sharks you shouldn’t gamble with?” Robin asked.

“No,” Batman said.

“Card sharks!” Robin laughed. “Get it? Gamble . . . cards . . . ”

As they walked outside, Batman frowned at his partner. “And where did you hear that one?”

“From the Joker,” Robin replied. “He had a million of them. Want to hear another?”

“Do I have a choice?” Batman asked.

“What’s a shark’s favorite kind of school?” Robin asked.

After a brief pause, the Boy Wonder answered, “A school of fish!”

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Batman got on the Batcycle and revved the engine to drown out the bad jokes.

When Robin had stopped speaking, Batman said, “I’ll give you a ride back to your scooter if you promise not to tell any jokes on the way.”

“Okay,” Robin said as he hopped on behind Batman. “But I need to practice them for my presentation on corals reefs Friday. These jokes will have my classmates glued to their seats.”

“In other words, you hope to have a captive audience,” Batman chuckled.

Together, the Dynamic Duo zoomed away into the dawn of a new day.

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