Dragon Candy 2: Trained
Chapter One
Corporal Davis continued to stroll down the eerie streets of Kentucket. Although he was in no real rush, he still glared moodily at anyone who blocked his path until they shuffled aside. It was an old salvagers habit and a hard one to break, even in retirement.
The town of Kentucket was a moderately prosperous one. It sat upon a brief range of hills where many small streams meandered through the low grounds, ducking under decorative bridges and squeezing through numerous small dams. The ornate dams created a series of ponds and tiny lakes that supplemented local irrigation, served as rice paddies, or were home to shoals of captive fish.
The numerous streams connected as they fled the hills, forming into one nameless river that rolled down through the Wastelands and fed into the Nias Sea. However, this spectacular water system had nothing to do with delivering the most striking feature of the town.
Large wooden hulks towered above the shops and small homes, and in these ancient pirate junks were housed some of the more prominent businesses of Kentucket. The story of what they were and how they had come to be here was an often-told one because they were probably the closest things to a tourist attraction in the Wastelands.
The crews of these vessels had been loyal to the infamous female pirate, Ching Shih and had deserted their vessels not long after the Vortex had ripped them from the seas of Earth and dumped them here. They had quickly made for the oceans, which were more familiar territory and soon afterwards, local settlers had stripped the junks of all available metal before turning them into hardened buildings. It was indicative of the Pangaean mentality. Nothing ever went to waste, and one mans derelict was another mans treasure.
The wooden shells had discarded their threatening pirate insignia and now flaunted inviting signs, bargains, offers, and other enticements to draw people up their gangplanks and drawbridges. Homes had grown on the decks and some of the larger masts bore makeshift windmills.
Sometimes Davis wondered why the existence of the Vortex continued to remain hidden from the nations of Earth. Historical losses such as the pirate ships had been concealed by the passing of countless years and in modern times, wartime casualties were easily attributed to hostile action. Nevertheless, he could not comprehend how anyone could so readily write off those that the rift was taking even today.
The area where the gateway most often opened was a paranoid one with old enmities, covert action, and constant power struggles that could offer a cover, but it still amazed Davis that no action or investigation ever seemed to happen. Still, he was here now and pining about another world was futile. He brushed the thoughts away and surveyed the odd town with fresh enthusiasm.
Davis liked Kentucket. It had a calmer air to it than the more rambunctious settlements of the inner territories. There were some generators offering token power to the more prestigious locations, but the frontier quality of the Wastelands remained and as usual was tempered by the scarcity of any metal.
Davis had been instrumental in offering this town as a destination and had largely done so in the hope of breaking the Captains melancholy attitude. If this did not work, a taste of long lost home might and so they would follow the river down to the coastal town of Yorktah. This was one of the oldest American settlements, primarily due to the arrival of the USS Cyclops back in 1918. The five hundred and fifty-foot long cargo ship now sported oars, catapults, ballista, and trebuchets to guard the town from raiders. It was the only metal-hulled vessel still in operation and was the towns most prized and honoured asset. Cyclops was also unusual in that it had been dragged through from a chance activation of the Vortex near the coast of Bermuda. Most craft were sucked through off Japan, and most of these were dropped in the foreboding depths of the Kami Empire.
Everyone feared the Empire, and it caused great anxiety for Davis when his Captain occasionally looked towards the west where an impenetrable shield wall linked armoured pagodas and sported ranks of artillery to deny access to that strange and decadent land.
Candice had been taken there, and the Captains heart and enthusiasm had gone with her. Davis could entirely sympathise, because even in a land where females were as rare as metal, the woman had been exceptional. Delicate sable locks contrasted blue eyes that sparkled like ice against a midwinter sun. Unblemished pale skin that had clearly never tasted toil or abrasive desert winds contained sublime curves and a toned and alluring physique. There had been something so entrancing about her, a fragility that seemed completely at odds with her brash and rebellious nature. When she was bound, the tight embrace of rope seemed to protect as well as subdue and it had been hard for Davis to refrain from constantly staring at her when she was in this vulnerable state.
Candice had earned more money and prestige for the salvagers than the sale of all the looted material from her yacht, but the slave market that had bought her failed to profit from her purchase.
A sudden brittle crash snatched his attention and Davis whirled to see a humanoid form fly through a window and tumble onto the street. Shards of broken glass danced upon the wooden sidewalk and the figure briefly pawed at the bare soil of the road before laying still.
Davis drew his sword and instantly broke into a sprint. He burst through the saloon doors and squinted to accustom to the gloom. The doors swung shut in his wake and reduced the amount of light even further.
Two figures drew his attention, largely because everyone else was backing away from them. The barman was hollering for them to stop while fumbling under the bar for a crossbow, but the combatants were paying little heed.
The ragged form of his commanding officer jerked free of a grapple and delivered a stern headbutt that sent his assailant reeling. A nearby table took his legs from under him and he tumbled across the surface before collapsing to the floor.
‘Cap!’ roared Davis and started to rush over when he saw the barman bring his crossbow to bear.
Davis darted in front of the intended target, dragged free his pistol, and took aim.
‘Think again, pal,’ he warned and cocked the weapon to add emphasis to his warning.
Since they had struck it rich, the squad could now afford firearms. This was a distinct privilege on Pangaea because modern weapons required a lot of valuable alloys and of course, they hurled expensive nuggets of metal. Every bullet was exceptionally precious, and one could sometimes call a gunman’s bluff to see if they were either unwilling to waste ammunition or hadn’t been able afford to load the weapon in the first place. However, Davis was not lying and was more than willing to prove it in defence of his leader. Without breaking eye contact he sheathed his sword to illustrate his supreme confidence in the capabilities of the firearm.
The bar man stared at the weapon and then lowered the crossbow back to the counter. He hoisted his hands in surrender and jerked a thumb towards the door.
‘Get the hell outta my place and take that drunk with you!’
Only now did the captain become aware of the jeopardy he was in, but it was clear that he hardly cared. He grabbed a nearby bottle and ambled towards the door with a dismissive huff, almost falling over a broken stool as he went.
Davis followed him and kept his back to the door. His aim wove from person to person to dissuade pursuit but people were already ignoring him and returning to their previous pursuits.
The captain staggered through the door and Davis quickly jumped through and helped hold him up as his legs started to falter beneath him.
Sometimes Davis cursed their good fortune. Finding a stray yacht was an unparalleled opportunity for retirement, but to find a female on board offered even greater riches. The metal they had looted from the boat was a great haul, but it was the sale of its nubile executive owner that had furnished the real riches. Before her auction had finished, a retrieval force from the Kami Empire had taken her, and few people were going to argue with Mitama armed with assault weapons and riding armour plated thirty-foot tall Megalosaurs.
They had assumed that the Imperial warriors had been sent to claim the stray yacht but instead it was Candice who had vanished with the cavalry. The troops had even known her name, and this mystery fuelled more speculation and interest in the beautiful woman. What the Empire wanted with her would never be known, but the Captains regret in selling her was not tempered by their wealth. Something had transpired between them and the veteran officer had been unable to forget her ever since.
‘Come on, cap. Let’s head south. A change of scenery will do you good.’
The officer just took another swig of the bottle, glanced west, and said nothing.
Chapter Two
Candy gave a jolt and howled as an engorged cock rushed into her attention-starved pussy. Her eyes widened with delight and then focused on the emerging vault of stars that hung over this alien world.
She let her arms relax and they were instantly hoisted back by the brutal mechanism to which Warlord Hachiman had so casually served her.
Candy was currently located amidst the radiant and aromatic gardens of her owner’s palace and in a small grove she had been introduced to a most diabolic fate. The device rose from a wooden stage and held her supine with her legs splayed into an acute ‘V’. Tight straps criss-crossed her entire form and hugged her into the dense and unforgiving struts. Her arms were drawn beneath her and her hands were captured in a fierce single sleeve. When she pulled against the fixture atop this triangular glove, a series of pulleys hauled one of two fates into her proffered loins. One possibility was a whirling dervish of rubber strands that would lock into position and whip her pussy for an agonising duration. The other was a slave girl with a very dextrous tongue and a diligent passion for cunnilingus. However, to Candy’s dismay, the girl would only remain for as long as her arms could haul her face between her thighs. Unexpectedly, exhaustion and denied orgasm had become the worst aspects of her bondage rather than excruciatingly tight immobility and flogging.
Numerous times she had almost gained orgasm but her physique had quickly started to fail her. Her arms had become raw and tired, the muscles pulled from the fight to hold the girl in place. Sexual famine was a most effective encouragement and even as her body had succumbed to fatigue she had become better at enduring the anguish to keep the girl where she needed her.
All of these previous frustrations were forgotten as the dark skinned male thrust into her. The two priests had happened upon the site of her torment and decided to help themselves to the penitent flesh that was displayed before them so brazenly.
The brawny and shaven headed warrior closed his hands to her thighs and squeezed to feel her muscles flick and spasm as he dove into her. The full raging length of his manhood filled Candy and made her cry out onto the penis gag that choked her words and pinned her head back against the frame.
The encroaching night was steadily being banished as other priests wandered through the gardens. They lit braziers and torches and caused pools of warm amber light to swell amidst the shadows.
Four braziers were situated around the circular stage that was responsible for supporting her bondage apparatus and when they were lit, the pile of coals swiftly threw up curling flames and cast small clouds of embers into the sky. The chaotic dance of the fires made the shadows shift restlessly and create the momentary illusion of figures lurking in the branches of the trees. An aura of warmth welled around each brazier and quickly started to soak into Candy’s bound form. In her nude state it made her feel all the more cosy and languid while she was ravished.
She watched the embers prance overhead and flexed her loins to grip at the solid length that was plunging into her. The priest gave a licentious moan when he felt her tighten and accentuate his pleasure.
The slender companion to her current lover noticed the new arrival after he had momentarily paused in his duties so he might enjoy the show. He hallooed him and brief words were exchanged as the slap of hips to her thighs offered steady applause.
‘Toshiu? What are you up to?’ he growled, his attention suddenly wavering from the trussed female before him. Candy gritted her jaws and bit harder to the gag while praying that he not stop.
‘Nothing,’ came the covert reply.
The male paused and withdrew, causing Candy to fear that he had given up. Instead, he grabbed his shaft and traced his tip around her pussy. He tickled her clit with a few brief swirls, making the ring that transfixed the intimate morsel dance and bring fits of bliss. He then continued to draw it up and down the length of her sodden and ravenous sex.
‘No, seriously, what is it?’ he asked, and slowly sheathed himself into her again. Candy ground her teeth on the gag and shuddered as she savoured the slide of his tumescent shaft back into her depths.
‘I said it’s nothing!’
Her lover gave an irked sigh and his burly hands reached up and started to caress her breasts. The priest continued to thrust into her and his fingers traced her contours before offering some whimsical pinches that only made her pleasure rise to new levels. His irritation with his friend inspired sadism so he started to pinch and pull at her nipples with added strength. He slipped his little fingers through her rings and started to conduct some pulls and minor turns so that the metal hoops dragged against the fleshy tunnels.
Candy groaned against the gag and flexed within the confines of the numerous straps. A pull to the sleeve yielded no results and it seemed that the mechanism had been switched off for now. She could only imagine the frustration of the slavegirl who would be listening to the actions of her lover as he dove into a spread-eagled submissive, mounting the very region she had been lapping at just a short time ago.
‘Well, I said it was nothing, and I think that nothing is precisely what should be said,’ commented the other priest. His voice was close now, near to Candy’s head.
‘Ah, now I see.’
Candy tried to turn around and gain a glimpse of what was being intended so she might prepare herself. The tightness of the strap and the moulded phallus parting her jaws prevented her.
‘So, do you mind if I assist, Ushi?’ asked Toshiu and Candy heard a subtle wooden clicking noise.
‘Feel free. I’m sure she won’t protest. Well, at least she won’t once you’ve finished.’
The slender and pale countenance of Toshiu appeared above her. His braided brown hair appeared black in the dull light and the many barbed decorations transfixing it glittered cautiously. A fierce grin ruled his acute features and he started to unfasten the strap that was keeping Candy silent and subdued.
Ushi slowed his rate and his hands began to wander across the captive fields of Candy’s skin. His digits traced the straps and assessed the power they held over her body before he continued to grope at will.
The gag slid from her maw and was dropped aside. Candy looked up into Toshiu’s features with an imploring expression that caused him to laugh and act with sudden celerity.
He grabbed her lip and suddenly snapped a peg to it. The compression caused a sudden blast of mayhem in the tender flesh and Candy winced. A startled croak emerged and this sound became a mewl when another peg was applied. She could now see that he was drawing them from a bag, one acquired from the priest that had since vacated the area.
Candy tried to shift her head away but the strap across her forehead greatly limited her efforts. Toshiu chuckled as her face turned into a tight grimace and her lips trembled as another peg was added. The trio were spaced along her bottom lip and she could not get the infernal things off.
Toshiu let go and Candy tried to suck her lips in and push the implements off but the gag had dried out her mouth and there was no saliva to help her shed the baleful decorations.
‘Oh, so you want more do you?’ accused Toshiu, and grabbed the central implement.
‘No, please, don’t,’ she tried to say, but the words were garbled as he drew on the peg, stretched her lip, and made her shudder.
Candy gave a long whimper when he pulled down on the vicious anchor. She immediately stopped fighting him, knowing all to well that it would only enhance her travail. However, she was sorely tempted to resist when she saw more pegs rising up toward her features.
‘Still a little room here,’ he commented.
The cruel priest added a final peg on either side of the central one to create a solid queue of wooden pincers that left her lower lip coursing with thumping vituperative rigour.
‘Don’t forget her upper lip,’ hissed Ushi.
Candy felt his cock twitch within her. The arousal at her abuse was bringing quivers of fresh delight.
‘Of course not,’ purred Toshiu. ‘Such negligence would be unworthy of this fine specimen.’
Candy began to offer a corrupted plea that was completely distorted when he snatched her upper lip between his fingers and lifted it to accept its first adornment.
The distress in her lips was starting to dilute the ecstasy of being ravished. The discomfort was making it harder to focus on the pleasure and was stalling the possibility of orgasm. Ushi’s diminished rate was not helping either and Candy feared whether she would be able to acquire climax if Toshiu continued to torment her.
Candy clasped her hands together within the tight apex of the leather sleeve and fought to endure Toshiu’s harsh attention. Every peg he added contributed another swell of anguish that made her spasm and offer renewed mews. Ushi was clearly enjoying the reaction to each application because he made sure that he was buried within her when it came so he might revel in the clench of her tracts to his cock.
Finally, all five of the intended items were applied and Toshiu released his toys. Candy’s quaking jaws made the pegs sway and skip. They clicked on one another and added to her ordeal as they flopped back and forth, hauling at the skin that they held captive.
‘More, Toshiu! More!’ huffed Ushi.
His delight in seeing her suffer and the feel of her reactions to it were driving him into a libidinous frenzy. His eyes were locked to Candy’s face and his hands strayed all over her legs and torso. His hips swayed and he dove deep and paused to relish her woe before continuing with his lethargic ravishment.
Candy sobbed as she felt another peg snatch her earlobe. The flesh pulsated with an icy beat and more were soon established along the length. Candy just burbled incoherently and struggled against her bonds.
This spiteful pain was hard to withstand. She had taken the cane, had taken savage chastisement from the most profligate lovers, but now she was having distinct trouble in weathering this trivial abuse.
Candy’s body was drained from her fight against the predicament of her bondage. She needed rest, a time to recuperate, but more than that she needed to come. Candy had been striving for that reward for hours and it had taken her exhaustion to impossibly severe levels. If Toshiu would just stop abusing her then she could focus on ignoring the pain in her arms and the enervation of her body and dowse herself in well-earned and much needed ecstasy.
Candy scowled as more pegs were applied to the other earlobe. Closing her eyes, she threw herself into her slave mindset and grabbed the stamping angst that was ruling her lips and ears. She focused on the slow diligent thrust of Ushi’s manhood into her and the pressure of the straps that hauled her into the wooden frame. She also made sure to drench herself in her times with Warlord Hachiman and dreamed that she was ruthlessly cinched not before these priests but under the implacable glower of her true owner.
Almost immediately she felt her body react and a dark and sinister pleasure swirled around her pain and started to elevate her rapture. Candy’s chest rose and fell on great lustful gasps that inspired Ushi to grab her breasts and knead them with renewed callousness.
The two men misinterpreted her overt reactions as those of pain and so they marvelled at what they had conjured. Inspired by her suffering, Toshiu started to thread a length of cord through the springs of each peg. He then made sure to loop it around once and then proceeded to the next.
‘Oh yes! This is going to be most pleasing!’ snapped Ushi and clapped hands to her hips as he held tight and hastened his rate.
‘Curb yourself,’ he suggested. ‘This will take a moment more to prepare and you won’t want to miss this.’
Ushi slowed and let his hands trek across her belly and ribs. His partner continued to weave the cord around the pegs, licking his lips with anticipation as he did so.
Candy could see what was coming and was now aching for it. The eerie charm of her masochistic nature had been awoken and when this ravenous creature was at large, Candy was helpless against it.
Ushi’s rhythm began to accelerate as his own pleasure rose to levels that he could no longer easily deny. The sight of her splayed and tormented was a titillation of no small effect and in readiness, she felt his hands again clap to her hips and take firm hold.
Candy’s breathing hastened as his cock rushed in and out. Her face throbbed, her pussy burned, her mind was saturated with a deviant ecstasy that gathered new power when she felt Ushi’s manhood starting to swell within her. He was getting harder, his rate was becoming faster, and in just a few seconds she knew that she would join him in release.
‘Now, Toshiu! Now!’ he roared.
His potent grip crushed her flanks and his body convulsed. His head arched back and he filled the air with a roar of exquisite rhapsody.
The venomous henchmen hauled at the string with a steady and unwavering motion. Candy screeched as a sudden flood of sensations pounded her and her body flew to stark attention. This caused Ushi’s animal bray of passion to rise higher as his cock found itself being squeezed most ferociously and while the pegs were being removed, Candy could not relax and deprive him of this delight.
The pegs on her ears were being drawn on one at a time in quick succession. They clutched desperately to their charge and the pain they inflicted leapt to a ghastly zenith before they finally slid away. The worst moment was when they pinched to a final tiny sliver of skin just before they dropped away and clicked shut. Meanwhile, her loins erupted with delight when she felt Ushi’s length spasm and liquid heat washed through her tracts.
The pegs fled her ears and started to haul at and then flee her lips as orgasm ruled her and the agony of removal conjured a plateau of unbridled sensation. Her body had been thrown to complete rigidity by pain and pleasure and as the last peg came away and Ushi’s lust began to wane, Candy dropped against the reassuring arms of her bondage.
Her holler tapered away into brief sobs and moans. Her senses were reeling. Her mind was washing from side to side as the world seemed to turn over. Sporadic convulsions caused Ushi to gasp as his sheathed cock was subjected to rolling internal ripples that revived hints of her joy.
‘Thank you, master,’ she managed to hoarsely whimper as tears rolled down her cheeks and dripped from her smarting ears.
The feeling of relief was beyond intense and she was lost to a euphoric stupor that made every moment of her restraint and abuse an absolute treasure.
Lips touched hers and without pause she reciprocated. The area that Toshiu had so merrily abused was now treated to a delicate kiss and his tongue traced the perimeter of her aching maw before it curled against Candy’s tongue. His hand stroked her hair and the other reached up to embrace a breast and tease a nipple.
His lips clamped harder to hers and then Ushi fled her body. Candy jerked and the mouth of her tormentor smothered her squeal. The eruption of feeling made her shudder and fight to stay calm as a secondary barrage of bliss echoed through her deserted sex. The feeling of Ushi still lurked within her and she renewed her impassioned kiss with his partner.
‘That was quite the show.’
The voice was feminine and sibilant. It echoed through the small grove like fingernails down a blackboard and caused Toshiu to jump back and look around to find the source.
Candy’s eyes flicked open. She panned around with her limited ability and tried to find out what was going on.
Shadows moved within the upper reaches of the trees and several figures launched out from within the cover of the leaves. The sultry female figures landed almost without sound, sinking into crouches just out of Candy’s sight. The long prehensile tails that had trailed from their silhouettes left Candy with no doubt that these were the half human, half Wani daughters of Toyotama-hiko, the Dragon Warlord.
‘What brings you to the gardens, honoured guests,’ announced Ushi.
‘We are just out for an evening climb,’ said one of the women.
‘Taking in the sights...’ said another.
‘And the tastes...’ announced a third, and Candy felt a long serpentine tongue take a libertine lap of her inner thigh. The voices of the women were so similar that she was having trouble telling them apart. It sounded as though the same being was addressing the priests from multiple sources. The effect was highly confusing and helped make this strange encounter seem even more dream-like and unreal.
‘...of your master’s hospitality.’
‘Well, if there is anything we can do t-’ began Toshiu, but his words were cut short by a sudden and stark order.
‘You can leave. We want to experience this creature.’
‘Well, when w-’ said Toshiu, his tone being both humble but resolute in its intent to stay and finish the enjoyment of the bound slave.
‘Is that disrespect that taints my ears?’ hissed one of the women.
‘I think so.’
‘It was positively insulting.’
‘Perhaps Warlord Hachiman should hear of this churlish behaviour,’ chided another.
There was a capricious spitefulness in their words, one that exposed their desire to cause mischief should their intentions be interrupted. Candy knew that the Wani were fanatic warriors and wondered if their female counterparts were just as resolute, but rather in their lust for the carnal rather than for carnage.
Toshiu paused and then spoke with meek reverence. He obviously wanted to continue to indulge himself with Candy but now that the guests of the palace were here his own wishes were subordinate to their desires. The two officers had made mention of Candy’s time with the daughters and she detected an envy there because such interaction was no small privilege. Nevertheless, they were currently enamoured with the toy of the Warlord and it was plain that the daughters wanted Candy, and nothing to do with Ushi and Toshiu.
‘My most heartfelt apologies, honoured guests. We shall leave you immediately. Enjoy this offering of our House as you will,’ he stated with practised obeisance.
‘That still leaves the matter of the insult,’ purred one of the women.
They were not going to let Toshiu escape so easily and Candy considered if it might be because of what he had done to her. The women were not taking revenge for his lack of respect, rather Toshiu’s sadism had trodden upon their favoured territory and they were motivated by irritation at his trespass.
‘What wh-’ he began, and again the women cut off his words.
Candy could guess that they were probably trying to rile him further. Perhaps to a level that would allow them to punish him for his impudence should his civility falter.
‘Kiss,’ she said firmly.
Candy saw the tip of a tail rise into view and Toshiu knelt down. He held it reverently in both hands before placing several adoring pecks to it.
‘Both of you.’
Ushi had been silent until now, suggesting that his partner were the more senior officer of the two. Candy wondered if that difference in rank was also exposed by his penchant for sex. Had Toshiu grown bored of such mundane lust through overindulgence, or was he seeking to emulate the depraved Kami with his acts and thus earn promotion? Anyone could ravish a slave, but to bind, torment, and train them with expert skill was a trait to admire. Perhaps that was another aspect of his desire to torment her because then he would be punishing a slave that had been subjected to the callous delights of the Kami themselves.
The burly male stepped forth and wilted to one knee before offering the same show of servility to the guests. The tail fled from between his fingers and patted him on the head.
‘Good boy. Now off you go.’
The rugged priest bowed deeply and retreated backwards. The sound of the pair marching from the grove faded and left a hesitant quiet in its wake.
Candy had already felt the passion of the daughters and was concerned about encountering it again in her current flimsy state.
A lithe and elegant female form arose beside her and lifted a curvaceous leg high into the air before she pivoted and then straddled Candy’s chest. The woman glowered at Candy with slitted pupils that lurked beneath a heavy brow. Her lips were drawn tight upon a wicked smile, which was more than a little unnerving because of its rabid malice. The hints of her scales could be glimpsed in the light, as could the purple patterns that rolled down her neck and onto her back.
Their appearance was too uniform for her to distinguish if this were one of the daughters she had encountered in the playroom. That specific dalliance had been cut short by the arrival of Warlord Hachiman, and it seemed that they were not so willing to leave the palace without having had their chance to play with Candy’s body.
Candy gave a soft moan as she felt the long alien tongue of a daughter continue to bestow laps around her inner thighs. The energetic organ rolled and curled upon her skin, offering the tantalising possibility of plunging into her but not delivering on this glorious act.
‘Well, if it isn’t our little visitor from Earth. Enjoying your time in the garden, slave?’ she asked and cupped Candy’s chin in one hand.
‘Yes, mistress,’ she replied honestly. ‘I’m here to serve and I’ll do all I can to please you.’
‘I’m sure you will, and this time, we’ll take you further and bathe you in the pleasures of the Wani. Perhaps even drown you in them if you are not up to the task.’
The laps at her skin stopped and the female addressed her compeer.
‘So you’ve already tasted this one, sister?’
‘In the playroom. I’ve been deep inside this creature, and she is quite delicious,’ murmured the woman atop her and then leaned over to let her tongue trail around Candy’s throat. The organ was cool and slick, and could reach all the way around her neck like a fleshy collar. Candy mewed as the tip slithered up her cheek and traced the perimeter of her lips.
‘Praise of her attributes hangs on the lips of Lady Uzume herself,’ said the third daughter, who had wandered over to the previously ignored slavegirl and could now be heard fondling the contained form. The sound of her sheer catsuit rustling was met with the groan of her straps as she tested them. Subtle pips of fright and exasperation then began to sound when she was more thoroughly teased and manhandled.
‘Yet she does not seem that impressive,’ came the voice between her legs and the licking recommenced.
‘She was a ruler in her home. She was Mikado - a being responsible for running a great house, save that truthfully, it was she who was the true power behind the throne.’
The hips of the Wani started to shift back and forth as her licentious desires began to take over. Her taloned hands began to move up and down Candy’s bound arms and clasp her shoulders as she pecked and nibbled at the neck and collar of her prisoner.
‘A devious tyrant then?’
‘All bound and captive.’
‘And all ours.’
‘Someone must want her very badly.’
‘Is there a nice stiff cock somewhere, just aching to finally claim her?’
‘Perhaps we should ferry her off to Yomi, where she’ll never be found again. No more Warlord Hachiman. No more Lady Uzume. Just another Hafuri-tsu-mono.’
The last words snapped Candy from the strange trance that their voices wove. The similarity in their vocal patterns as they issued from all around her - from her feet, into her ear, it was like being lost in a cloud of these creatures, and all around her were their words and their tongues. But the vile threat shattered this tranquillity.
‘No, pleeeease, mistress, don’t,’ blurted Candy.
The thought of being taken away from her master was terrifying. Her time with him and his agent had been the most wondrous experience in her life and there was so much more she could experience and learn from them. Also, their words had revealed hints of other possibilities. Had her capture been orchestrated? Did someone want to own a powerful figure from Earth? Candice had been a wealthy and highly influential corporate magnate, and to own what could be regarded as Mikado or even a Kami from Earth had to be an alluring one, especially for the debauched desires of the Empire’s elite castes. Candy knew that Hachiman had bid for her against others and had purchased her from the Moon God. Had this agency been acting on behalf of another power and Hachiman had managed to outbid or outmanoeuvre them for ownership of her? If this were the case, surely other intrigue would begin to unfurl as this enigmatic power sought her acquisition. The mystery was tantalising and she desperately wanted to find out the truth. It made their threat even more horrible because Yomi would not only steal away those she loved, but also rob her of any hope of discovering that truth.
Of course, the Wani could merely be taunting her, even though the threat of being sent to Yomi was a very real outcome. Candy had briefly been educated about it and had even seen a glimpse of one of the entrances to the underworld. She knew that it was a terrible purgatory from which there was no escape and she had no desire to call the daughters bluff. Even Hachiman would not be able to free her should she be thrown into the depths on some cruel whim of these hybrid dominatrices.
‘Then you had best please us, slave,’ warned the female sitting atop her.
The figure curled her legs up and this placed a lot more weight on Candy’s chest. The wind was pushed from her lungs and the daughter stretched the limbs forward and hooked them over Candy’s bound shoulders. With a methodical haul, she drew herself along and squashed Candy’s breasts beneath her firm rear. Hands promptly unfastened the strap at her forehead and the female snatched the sides of her head before hauling it up into her sex. Straddled across Candy’s face, the woman pulled her in and gave a hissing moan when she felt her prisoners tongue eagerly launch up into her body.
‘Yeeeessss. That’s it, slave,’ murmured the female, and there was a distinct purl in her voice.
Candy clamped her lips to the woman’s clit and offered several brief sucks and light nips before she again started to hurl her tongue deep and then swirl it against the stiffening nugget. The powerful thighs of the Wani hybrid trembled as Candy devoted herself to gratifying her. The quicker she could sate them, the sooner they would leave her alone so she might rest and recover. Her entire frame was battered and bruised and the night was still far from over. Indulgence with the daughters might well be an honour, but not when she was too enfeebled to properly appreciate it.
Candy was pulled deeper into the woman’s pussy and her breath was stalled. The reason for this sexual gagging became apparent when a dextrous tail rose and suddenly encircled one of Candy’s breasts. The strong appendage tightened in waves and formed a brutal garrotte around the root of the soft mound. Even as the base of her breast was crushed and the flesh filled with a struggling ache, the tip of the tail began to tickle the presented nipple. Even as her breast was being assaulted it was also being teased and this perplexed Candy as to how to react.
Closing her eyes, she renewed her oral efforts and in response the Wani just chuckled and tightened the hold bequeathed by her tail. This made Candy try even harder and her tongue thrashed against the woman in order to sate her and hopefully, get rid of her.
The woman levied weight to her loins and pushed Candy’s head back to the frame. One hand then closed into her hair and pinned it down before she moved back, removing herself from her slave’s tongue.
Candy’s roots flashed with distress and after a moment to savour her pained expression the free hand of the daughter started to slap her about the cheeks. Candy jerked and offered shocked pips of fright.
‘Bad, slave. Bad! What’s your hurry? If you don’t settle down I’ll take my pleasures from you in other ways!’ she hissed while continuing to lambaste Candy’s cheeks.
‘Ow! Sorry mistress! Ow! Ouch! Oh! Please! I’ll do better!’ she stammered with her eyes clenched shut to defend them should the hand miss its target.
‘You will!’ snarled the woman and briefly ceased her attack.
Candy quailed beneath her as the female lifted her hand outward and readied to offer even harsher slaps. The muscles of her arm tensed and the threat of another stern spank made Candy quiver under her.
‘Ready?’ asked the woman.
Candy’s response was deemed too slow and the woman slapped her across the cheek again.
‘Answer me, slave!’
‘Yes! Yes, mistress! I am! I am!’ she barked when the woman leant weight to the hold in her hair and made her scalp thunder with additional woe.
‘Open your mouth!’ she said with a snarl.
Candy threw her jaws apart and received another light slap a moment later.
She stretched harder and the corners of her mouth lit up from the strain.
‘Wider!’ demanded the Wani and some more slaps made Candy stretch until she feared she might dislocate her own jaw.
‘Tongue. Up. Now!’
Candy fired her organ into the air as the fist into her hair clenched more ferociously to keep her under control. The tail suddenly let go of her breast and returning circulation roared through the released flesh. Her nipple pounded with an awful beat that made her tongue lower and her jaws close a little as she set free a croaking shout of anguish.
‘I said open! And up!’ snapped the daughter and again began to smack Candy’s cheeks.
The skin was becoming hot from the abuse and prickly riots of sensation lurked in the abused regions. As the spanks continued, Candy fought to restore her former pose even as the tail enclosed her other breast and treated it to a repeat of the crushing and tickling assault.
‘Now don’t you dare move!’ growled the angered sadist.
Candy was rapidly becoming aquatinted with the fact that her own gender, regardless of species, were often the more cruel to her. It made her long to return to the care of Warlord Hachiman. The only exception she could think of was Yakami, her roommate, but now that the Warlord had returned and had taken charge of his Earth born possession, she doubted she would ever see that delicate sultry concubine ever again.
The woman lowered herself until the tip of Candy’s tongue met her pussy. She shifted until her sex grazed the extended tip and then she started to rock her hindquarters, tickling herself with the slave’s organ.
Her tongue was burning with strain and tears gathered in her eyes as she fought to hold the position. The Wani gave a long and self-indulgent hum of ecstasy while she masturbated herself on her captive tip. The pain of the position grew worse with every passing second.
‘Don’t you dare wilt, slave!’ snarled the Wani and the tail tightened its hold. Candy gave a brief cry and applied more effort to retaining the pose.
The Wani started to gasp and groan as she stole her delight from Candy’s face, and Candy prayed that she either come or just get bored.
The woman shifted back a little and hoisted Candy’s face back between her thighs. The extended tongue shot into her wet pussy and spread the taste of the Wani’s stark arousal across her entire palate. The woman settled down and her tail and hand eased their rigour.
‘You may continue as before,’ commented the woman and leaned back to take hold of Candy’s shoulders. A long murmur of satisfaction echoed when Candy again began to pour her burning organ onto the roused clit of her oppressor.
‘She seems to be lagging in her dedication, sisters. Inspire her,’ announced the impious female. She had detected Candy’s acute enfeeblement and even the slightest failing was not to be tolerated by this alien tyrant. Candy was powerless to resist but too exhausted to serve adequately.
Her eyes widened and she stared up along the lithe torso towering above her before she met the amused glare of the Wani. Lips had embraced her toes and had begun sucking upon them. Candy shivered as the women continued to tease her extremities and she watched as the female ensconced atop her released her shoulders and instead scooped up her own breasts, flaunting her freedom to the trussed captive between her thighs. The Wani caressed the alluring flesh and her head lolled back so she might fire heady gasps into the air.
‘Now, sisters. Inspire the slave as only we Wani can,’ she groaned.
Candy’s yelp rushed against the woman’s pussy when teeth grabbed hold of the root of her big toes and drew up to bend them back. A scream followed when each woman’s tail flicked like a bullwhip and stung the revealed and naked soles. The tender skin detonated with effulgent wrath and Candy fought to curl her toes in and protect the targeted area. The women giggled, held tight with the their maws, and easily stopped her.
The tails of the daughters continued to snap against her feet as Candy squealed and fought to service the woman atop her. Those who were craned over her legs and holding her feet started to draw their claws over her thighs and abdomen. The scratches were vexing but did not pierce, rather they just offered a minor distress that made her shake and fight to escape her bonds with renewed dedication.
With the savagery of the session ruling her, Candy found new strength. She cast her tongue to the clit of the woman and attacked it with swift and fluttering laps.
‘Oh yessssss. Like that, slave. That’s soooo much better. You see? All you needed was the proper motivation.’
A pair of simultaneous tail whips caught her instep and Candy’s squall ended as she locked lips to the stiff clit and hauled at it with waves of potent suction. The Wani squealed with delight and her tail tightened involuntarily to bring even more pernicious force to Candy’s captive breast.
A flashing tongue returned to continue and Candy ferried the wicked creature into orgasm. The woman’s hands lanced straight out and her muscles rippled as her fingers clawed at the open air. The limbs then jerked back to lock around her own torso. Her legs shook and her wail of rapture filled the night air. Her partners instantly tightened their teeth and offered a swift deluge of whip cracks that made it even harder for Candy to maintain her rhythm. Clearly they had enjoyed their sister’s abuse of her body and were secretly trying to encourage more.
Candy fought against the pain and dedicated all her willpower into pleasuring the woman that was riding her face while her siblings unceasingly tormented her.
Unfortunately for her, the Wani was as insatiable for pleasure as she was willing to cause pain in order to get it, and Candy had to fight long and hard to quench her appetites. The woman yelped and squealed with glee as she continued to feast upon her orgasm until eventually she could take no more. She jumped forward off of Candy’s trapped face, whirled, and sank down onto the ground where she embraced herself and shook with lingering rapture.
‘Ooh, that was delightful. With the proper incentives she can be quite an impressive oral servant.’
The maws of the other Wani released Candy’s feet and she gasped for breath. Her soles were resonating from the eldritch whipping but she was powerless to soothe them or shield them in any way.
‘Perhaps I should take the next turn,’ commented one of the others.
Candy closed her eyes and prayed for deliverance. She could barely move her tongue and her body had been pushed beyond all tolerances. She knew that she would be tormented greatly if her performance did not measure up to the one displayed by their sister, but there was no chance she could accommodate them.
‘Unlikely. She is required by others this night,’ came a stern male voice.
The women turned to the intruder with an angered hiss. They had been aroused to a savage state and were anxious to take brutal delights from Candy as well as to punish and torture her for their amusement. Candy knew that the Wani were a servile caste in the Empire and no doubt this lingering resentment was to be eased by the brutalising of an Earth elite.
The enraged hisses instantly turned to gasps and muttered apologies.
‘Sorry, Warlord Hachiman, we mistook you for...’
‘A mere priest? Would that have mattered? You are still guests, and although my priests are dedicated to serving you, they are still my officers and are to be treated with the correct respect. Do the daughters of Toyotama-hiko have so little reverence for my house and its servants?’
‘Of course not, Warlord, we merely-’
‘And you compound your folly by using such a tone in front of my personal possession.’
A pause followed as the women cowed before her owner.
‘How can we make amends, Supreme Warlord?’
‘Show that you respect my House, even down to the lowest Kami-tsu-ko. One serving as a garden ornament for instance.’
There was a sudden flurry of energetic movement and Candy gave a shocked gasp when hands gently took hold of her inner thighs and then her sides. A long spry tongue eased into her pussy and others rolled along the same areas that had been tortured by the tails of the women, except this time, the appendages were far more licentious and approving.
Terrified of irking the Warlord, the three Wani applied every subtle and pleasurable oral technique their long and prehensile organs were capable of. Candy’s delirious response to the bliss tested the restraints in full as the trio heaped pleasure on her to a degree that far eclipsed the pain they had engineered.
Candy screamed aloud as a tongue encircled her clit and continued on into her depths. Others rippled her breasts and surged around her erect teats. The abuse had been a known commodity, one that she could understand and process. This level of inhuman embrace was like nothing she had ever experienced or even conceived possible.
The slick organs warped her mind with orgasm after orgasm, each one growing in potency as their tails and hands caressed and groped her body, working in ululating waves to enhance her absolute joy. Candy screamed and howled into the night with each episode, her long sexual famine being broken by a gorging.
‘Your apology is accepted. Now be off with you before my generosity fades,’ announced the Warlord after Candy endured another excruciating climax.
The tongues, hands, and tails fled like a morning mist, leaving Candy quaking in her bonds and lost to the aftermath of the affair. She was so giddy that she was glad that she was so methodically bound. Had she been free, she was sure that she would be tumbling crazily about the floor.
Her master appeared above her and she regarded him with utter adoration. Slender and lean, his muscles were well defined in the light and his smooth skin shone like silk. Only the discreet scars that crossed his arms and chest broke the unblemished view.
His features were calm and his short black hair had been slicked back. His dark eyes regarded her with his usual regal and uncompromising power and Candy found that she could not speak, so she merely wept softly as he soothed her cheek.
‘I was not aware of the daughters being in the palace until now. They are spiteful are they not? But they do have other attributes that compensate for their penchant for villainy.’
‘Yes, master,’ she hoarsely whispered. Her elated screams had left her voice just as fractured as her vitality.
Hachiman brushed a few strands of sweat sodden hair from Candy’s brow and leaned in to kiss her cheek.
‘I think you have been out here long enough. Let’s get you back into the palace. Uzume is becoming quite impatient.’
Candy stared up at the stars as she felt the strong hands of her owner unfastening the many straps that had for so long contained her and left her served to the whims of others. Like an accommodating lover, Hachiman took her hand and helped her from the wooden device and through a mixture of weariness and subservience she sank down onto her knees. Candy glanced to the other slave. She did not even know her name or even what she looked like beneath her blindfold and the plexus of straps that kept her folded and pinned to the vertical pole. She was just another trained toy, another anonymous bauble that served the House.
Her steel collar accepted a leash and Hachiman curled the chain around his fist and used it to draw her back onto her shaking feet and towards the palace. Candy was scarcely aware of her journey until a trio of priests rounded the corner at a swift jog. They immediately froze and bowed deeply when they saw the Warlord.
‘What urgency prompts this haste?’ asked Hachiman.
‘We were on our way to the gardens, Warlord. We...’
The words of the priest stammered and trailed off. The true answer was betrayed when he gave a surreptitious glance towards the leashed slave.
‘Off with you,’ chuckled Hachiman, and the priests now continued their run to slip away rather than head for Candy as was obviously their original intent.
Candy now realised just how briskly word could spread in the palace. Those who had used her had spoken or bragged to others. Slaves or priests had overheard. Slaves would quickly tell those they served should that person have expressed interest in her and by doing so, garner their owners gratitude. News that Hachiman’s personal and most prized property was available to all comers had rushed through the palace like a wildfire, but after only a few hours he had chosen to liberate her and leave them frustrated. Such a notion made Candy smile to herself as she imagined countless libidos now thwarted and the concubines who would have to endure the consequences. She wondered how many other slaves would be cursing her name as they were whipped to ease the frustration of their appointed priest, or how many others blessed her name as the furiously aroused manhood that had dreamed of Candy now thrust into them instead.
Together, they proceeded up into the higher floors of the palace and reached a large antechamber. A set of paper doors had been painted with images of fierce dragons that curled amongst pillars of roaring fire and this large portal occupied much of the far wall. Kneeling humbly on either side of the two massive panels was a female form. Sealed within a comprehensive second skin of leather, their waists were crushed by ferocious corsets and their heads were lost within equally tight hoods.
Candy glanced to the numerous statues that were lurking in the shadows along the wall and then gave a shocked gasp as she realised now why the doors were so flimsy. Stationed along the walls were massive eight foot tall Wani. The armour that so resembled that of the Samurai was comprised of elegant ceramic plates that were decorated with the emblems of fire and many detailed ideograms of allegiance. They cradled a variety of heavy machine guns, and the huge drum fed weapons were worn just as casually as the monstrously dense armour. Paired katana were worn on their backs and their inhuman eyes peeked out from beneath ornate helms that followed their elongated snouts and added to their ferocious image with spikes, horns, and wicked fangs. The ranks of deadly warriors were poised in endless patience, never tiring, and fanatic to their duty. At the first instance of peril they would strike without pause and although this level of security was reassuring, the beasts still frightened her.
The women by the doors heard the approaching footsteps and reached up with hands that were sealed within mittens. They pressed them to the gossamer doors and slid them aside. Hachiman paid no attention to either the slaves or the guards and just continued in with Candy in tow.
The corridors of this wing were much wider and like the rest of the palace they bore numerous impeccable works of art, most of them depicting Kami at play and committing the most deranged acts of sexual excess on a plethora of adoring slaves. The couplings were depicted in such detail and were so lifelike that Candy shivered lecherously as she observed them. Elsewhere in the castle there were alcoves or displays that bore constrained females but here there were none. Also, the traffic in the corridors diminished sharply, indicating that this was some sort of personal wing for the Warlord.
Hachiman turned and wandered into a wide chamber whose centre was dominated by a spacious bed. A low perimeter of dark wood ran in a circle and created a bowl that was filled with large and inviting pillows. Eight ornate posts were spaced around the edge and each rose up to embrace a round lantern. The shades were delicately tinted with red and this filled the room with a soft, pink hue that greatly influenced the silvery beams pouring in through several large skylights.
As sumptuous as the room appeared, Candy’s eyes immediately locked on the covert rings of black metal that adorned both the perimeter of the bowl and the columns, offering anchors to restrain a struggling subject. She also noticed the covert panels along the top that suggested cabinets and other storage located within. Although the exact nature of the contents was unknown to her she could guess as to their general purpose.
A few pillows were flung aside and Lady Uzume lifted herself out from beneath them. The lithe beauty was naked save for her stockings. Her long black hair was wild and dishevelled and little makeup remained on her aloof features.
Hachiman approached the bed, removed the leash, and pushed Candy onwards. She lifted a knee onto the wooden sides and then flopped into the interior. The soft satin and silk of the pillows was a delight to her skin and she slid her arms out under them to feel the fabric slither against her skin. The sound of her master joining them reached her ears and Candy curled up and let her eyes close as she readied to grab some much-needed sleep.
The hand of Lady Uzume knocked a pillow aside and then ran along Candy’s thigh.
‘What happened?’ she asked before dropping back onto a small mound of cushions.
‘It seems that word spreads quickly when my slave is made available. The daughters were having their way with her and I suspect some of my priests were doing the same before them.’
‘You were not intending this?’ she asked lazily.
‘I anticipated some token encounters, but it seems your affinity for her has made her name more known through the palace than I thought.’
‘I was making sure she was ready for you,’ coyly uttered Uzume, and rolled onto her front to regard the Warlord.
‘Well, now that I am aware of her fame, I will ensure that I keep her close by at all times. I did not expend so much time, effort, and wealth to have her open to all. This trinket is for special occasions and my own private enjoyment.’
Candy gave a brief sigh of relief. The time in the grove had been exhausting and brutal, but it had brought a definite and positive result. Now she would be at Hachiman’s side, and because Lady Uzume was always near by, the two of them would now exclusively rule her life. Uzume’s hand again brushed Candy’s body.
‘Well, such a treasure should be kept on display then,’ she offered.
Hachiman looked up and caught the mischievous expression of his agent.
‘By all means go ahead.’
With a sudden enthusiastic shuffle, Lady Uzume slithered away and moved to the edge of the bed. She opened one of the subtle cabinets and grabbed a pair of leather shackles. They had a padded interior and the exterior had several sturdy buckles and a pair of dense D rings. The two rings were situated on opposite sides and already had a chain attached to them. This reached up to fasten on either side of a padded handgrip before they continued onward and culminated in a thick ring.
‘Here, slave,’ ordered Uzume.
Hachiman propped himself up and watched as Candy crawled over and settled onto her knees. She lifted her hands and took hold of each grip so that Uzume could buckle the cuffs into place. The level of padding on the inside did not indicate easy or simple restraint and Candy could already surmise what Uzume might be intending. She wanted to say something, to complain that she needed rest, but her need to remain compliant was a far graver concern and so she allowed her installation to unfold without protest.
Two coils of rope were acquired and Uzume tied each to the ring. This kept the knot well out of Candy’s reach because even when she stretched her fingers as far as she could from the handgrip, she was still a few inches short.
The coils were then hoisted up and slipped through rings situated half way up a pair of posts. A knot left two feet of rope stretched between the two rings and despite her fatigue, Candy could not help but stare with lust at the smooth majestic female form twirling and shifting before her eyes.
Lady Uzume seemed to notice her lecherous stare and glanced over her shoulder to see Candy staring at her stocking-clad legs. She cocked one leg out toward the kneeling submissive.
‘Kiss. And if I feel skin, I’ll tan yours,’ she warned.
Candy shifted forward and laid her lips to the smooth dark band at the top of her thighs. The soft warm scent of Uzume’s skin roused her hunger but the woman was just teasing her.
She slipped away and once again delved into the cabinets to produce a matching pair of fetters. The cone shaped affairs swiftly cradled Candy’s feet. Two sturdy straps were riveted at her ankles and they stretched out and then offered a large D ring. These also accepted a coil of rope that abruptly reached up and slipped through a corresponding ring on the other side of the bed.
Once more, Lady Uzume proved that her slim physique was in no way weak and with a steady series of hauls she caused Candy’s left leg to slither back. She dropped onto the covers and gave a long mewl as the limb was hoisted up into the air. The woman continued until Candy was stretched taut, and then grabbed the other rope before repeating the act and leaving Candy spread-eagled in the air above the bed.
The pillows beneath her wobbled as Uzume danced back onto the bed and stepped beside the suspended concubine. Gentle fingers rushed up and down her back.
‘Mmmm, much better,’ she commented.
Candy held tighter to the handgrips as her joints continued to curdle with strain. She couldn’t possibly be expected to endure this pose all night. Additionally, to have the image of Uzume and Hachiman entwined beneath her would make it a torture beyond endurance.
Uzume revisited the surreptitious cabinets and acquired a head harness. The item was comprised of a rigid leather plate which bore a metal rimmed aperture at the front, much like a static ‘O’ ring gag. Thick belts were riveted around the edges of the plate and after Uzume put it to Candy’s face she started applying them with testy wrenches.
First, she hauled a strap around the back of her head before tightening it until the plate was pushing to her lips. With the plate established, the straps on either side of her nose were drawn up. These connected at the bridge and then continued up over her crown before they connected to a fixture on the belt that was traversing the base of her skull. This strap also bore a dense ring at the summit. A final pair of straps emerged from the lower reaches of the gag plate and in Uzume’s hands they reached down to fasten under her chin.
Another trip to the containers acquired rope and what appeared to be some sort of phallic meat hook. The rigid polished steel item was smooth and quickly acquired a fleeting measure of lubricant from a tube that was then frivolously tossed aside. Candy instantly saw what was coming.
‘Please, mistress, no! I...I...’
The words became a startled gasp as Uzume began threading it into her rear. Candy bucked and strained against her bonds but this only heightened the stress that lurked in her limbs and joints.
‘Oh! No! Stop! It’s too much. I can’t take any more, mistress!’
‘Stop whinging, slave! By the Sun Goddess, you’d think this was the first time you’d ever been bound and penetrated!’
A spiteful tug to the butt hook made Candy cry out. She bit her lip to stop anymore of her words inspiring chastisement or even worse, an escalation in her bondage. Lady Uzume was a sadistic vixen and repeated complaints could well annoy her to a degree that would have her greatly magnify her intended torments.
Candy turned her head around and looked to Hachiman. Her master was reclining and watching the scene with obvious relish. His cock jutted into the air as an indication of his delight, and his eyes glittered to see the misery on his slave’s face as well as the glee on that of his agent. Candy knew that no mercy could be gained from her owner.
The hook that invaded her rear accepted rope that was swiftly applied to the ring atop her head.
Candy gave a startled mew of concern and then offered a squeal when the rope was drawn tighter to hoist her head and cause the hook to take firm reign on her sphincter.
‘Is that enough?’ asked Lady Uzume.
‘Oh I think she would appreciate a little more,’ said the Warlord with a wry chuckle.
Candy’s gurgled sobs were given more volume as the woman stole more of the rope and caused her head to arch back even more. Her neck coursed with mayhem and she gasped for breath to help her endure this malicious abuse.
‘There, that should do,’ commented Uzume after taking another infernal measure of rope away. She patted Candy’s juddering rear and then continued to caress the length of her back.
Candy’s head was craned painfully back and her whole body was shivering from the ferocity of her ordeal.
‘But do something about her noises. I want to get a decent night’s sleep,’ said Hachiman.
Candy’s eyes widened in horror as she realised that she was to be left like this all night. Her body was drained and felt moribund, and to be surrendered to this horrible fate until dawn would be a monstrous trial.
The sadistic female appeared before Candy’s hoisted eyes and lifted a rubber orb into view.
‘Although, she has been through a lot. Perhaps we should be gentle with her. Is that what you want slave?’ she asked staidly.
‘Yes, oh please, mistress. Just let me sleep. Do anything you want to me afterwards, but please, pleeease, just let me rest.’
‘Pleasure me, and I might consider it,’ purred Lady Uzume.
Candy was suspended at the perfect height to pander to this wish, and Lady Uzume shuffled forward to slot her pussy against the gag plate. Candy’s tongue flashed into activity. Every movement of the exhausted organ was painful but the suspension and the prospect of it being an all night affair easily eclipsed this.
‘Mmm, so dedicated. You must be anxious to evade this,’ crooned the woman.
Uzume’s torso shivered and her hands took hold of Candy’s stretched arms to steady herself while enjoying the attention. It was an awkward pose, but Candy could still work from it, especially if it were to gain her a reprieve.
‘But, I like to have the stars, or a slave, above me when I sleep.’
Uzume stepped back suddenly and crammed the deflated rubber bag into the gag hole. It rushed over Candy’s teeth and left a slim pipe emerging from the aperture. The tube dangled an inflator bulb from the tip and as soon as Lady Uzume closed the small valve between bulb and pipe to ensure air only went in, she swiftly began to crush the egg shaped device in her fist.
Candy gurgled for mercy but already the rubber balloon was growing within her mouth. The taste of the material poured across her palate and eclipsed the taste of her mistress, and then it began to lean force to her tongue. In just three squeezes the balloon had become to big to force through the opening of the gag and Lady Uzume was still inflating it. The rubber barged against her jaws and sought to spread them even as the plexus of straps tried to keep them pressed together. Snorting for air, she felt her mouth reverberate with new degrees of havoc as she looked into the callous glare of the beautiful woman.
‘More? Or are you inflated enough to ensure you keep quiet, slave?’ she asked, and traced her fingers down the side of Candy’s flushed cheek. A prod to the flesh revealed the tautness that the balloon was creating.
Candy burbled her assent.
‘I see we need more then,’ stated the woman and added another vindictive squeeze.
The pressure in her mouth elevated further and she squeezed her eyes shut as tears trickled onto her cheeks.
Another squeeze made them jerk open and regard her tormentor with utter imploring.
‘There, that’s what I wanted to see.’
The woman leaned over and placed a single kiss to Candy’s forehead before she straightened and held the captive chin.
‘Goodnight, slave.’
Lady Uzume dropped down onto the covers and Candy burned with resentment and envy as the sound of her and her master embracing reached her ears.
‘Is this sadism due of the Wani daughters?’ wondered Hachiman.
‘What do you mean?’
‘Afraid they showed Candy that they were fiercer than the dreaded Lady Uzume?’
‘Of course not. I just wanted to make sure we had a nice decoration for the night. And should the whim take you, then your cock could still vicariously taste her mouth, despite its being choked with rubber right now.’
Candy heard the obvious signal of Uzume turning over and offering her saliva lubricated sex to her master. It was an invite he readily accepted and Candy was left hanging in the air, bound and in misery as the two made heated and passionate love beneath her. The slap of skin to skin, the groans and murmurs, the brays of ecstasy, all were as maddening to her as the bondage, and as they settled down and slid into a contended sleep, Candy was left snorting in apathy as she continued to suffer for their impish amusement.