Chapter Eleven

Candy had spent a couple of days recovering from her session. The salve greatly speeded the healing of her treasured bruises and in some ways she regretted this because every time she felt them, or saw them, she was reminded of her session with Lady Uzume and the Mikado, and that brought forth all the intensity of that encounter. They were also a medal, an award that she had earned through her devotion to them in that wondrous hall.

Candy was then summoned again and escorted by the messenger. Dressed solely in stockings and elbow length gloves, she walked into the designated area and found an arena of unearthly erotic excess.

The hall had a low domed ceiling and the walls had numerous golden fixtures spaced along them. Each was formed to resemble a human female who was crying out in distress. Her tongue was extended from her maw and upon the golden effigy rested a tall white candle. The wax had red veins wandering through it and the candles each released a heady perfume into the air.

The floor had numerous large cushions thrown across it to create a soft yielding carpet of velvet and silk. Sprawled upon these were the forms of the Kami.

Lady Uzume was reclining on one of the large cushions as the naked form of Mae studiously devoured her pussy. A large metal collar had been set around her neck and Uzume held a leash to it. Uzume was clad in fishnet stockings and knee high leather boots. A leather waspie belt embraced her waist and held the stockings up with several thick suspenders. Her breasts were free and exposed and her elegant arms were covered with tight fitting gloves.

There were several other women present but they were not fully human. Each of them was tall and lithe with ranks of dense and compact muscles. Their skin had the hint of scales to it and along their necks and back was reptilian patterns of purple, blue, and red. Each of the women had a long slender tail that was clearly prehensile as it curled and flexed amidst the soft pillows. They had no hair at all and their brows were heavy, their teeth slightly pointed, and their ears were merely recessed pits. Their eyes had a distinct yellow shade and contained slit shaped pupils. Despite their inhuman qualities, they were still highly alluring.

They prowled around the cushions, moving with a serpentine grace that made them seem only semi-corporeal. There were trussed human forms amidst the room, and the Wani hybrids were digging around for them and then playing with those that took their fancy. Some forced the slaves between their legs, teased them, nibbled at them, tightened their bondage, or warped it into new and distressing configurations. The faint mews of the slave made the women hiss and ripple with relish.

There were only two males present. The Mikado was naked and sat with Nakatomi Jemma and Ammalia kneeling beside him. Both women were clad only in a pair of tight vinyl shorts.

The other male was a powerful form that was sprawled casually upon a large pillow. He had the same reptilian traits as the women and had vibrant purple markings over his chest and up his arms. He regarded his fellow women with an amused interest as he drank from a large golden goblet.

Candy barely had time to take in the sight when she felt something cool and smooth slither around her shins. The hold tightened and the tail yanked her feet from under her. She collapsed onto a pillow and gave a gasp as one of the women jumped up and pinned her down. The womans strong fingers clamped to Candys wrists and her body slithered over to straddle her.

Candy stared up with awe at the strange form and the exceptionally attractive breasts hanging just before her.

The woman grinned and gave a purling hiss. Her tongue poured over her teeth and the lengthy organ emerged to trace a path up Candys neck. Candy shook and gave a wanton groan as she imagined what this preternatural organ would feel like inside her.

A new arrival. How very sweet of you to attend, my dear. Are you late? Or were you summoned? whispered the woman with long and sibilant tones.

I was summoned, said Candy as the tongue curled around the back of her neck and tickled the opposite earlobe.

The tongue flashed away and the woman brought Candys hands together over her head. Pinning them down together with one hand, the other hand gave a light slap to her cheek. The stinging flick cast Candys head aside and the woman leaned in again so she could whisper directly into her exposed ear.

You call me Mistress, slave. Forget it again and Ill make you regret it.

Sorry, Mistress. I meant no offence,’ gasped Candy.

How is it that a concubine trained from birth to respect her betters fails to do so? Is House Temmangu becoming slack in their duties? Do I have to punish them, as well as you?

Im from Earth, Mistress. Ive only been here for a short time.

Oh, so youre the Kami-tsu-ko that they call Candy?

Yes, Mistress.


Candy arched her spine and gave a whimper of pleasure as she felt the agile tail of the woman reach between her legs and start to brush her pussy. The woman leant in and lapped at her neck again. The organ was cool and slick, with little moisture to it.

You like that, slave?

Oh yes, Mistress.

The tail reached in and tickled her clit for a moment before it poured into her and wriggled to create surges of bizarre sensation. The womans tongue lowered and began to embrace Candys breasts. It circled around the base and tightened to make them swell so that the tip might then dance upon the raised nipple. Candy was overwhelmed by the alien experience and shuddered beneath the writhing, sultry form.


The tail dropped down and exploited Candys own wetness to lubricate entry into her rear. The smooth scales rolled through her sphincter and charged onward. Candy jerked as she felt the invasion and saw that the womans eyes were half closed as she concentrated on manoeuvring her dextrous extremity. By touch alone, she negotiated her way deeper into Candy.

Candy bucked and struggled. The feeling was simply too absurd to withstand. She could feel the appendage working its way deeper into her, following the twists and turns of her body. Her opening was starting to hurt as the width of the tail started to haul it open to new levels.

Gurgling and sobbing, Candy pulled against the womans grip and tried to shuffle free. The power of the creature’s thighs and her hand easily overcame her. The reptilian womans muscles were like iron.

Youre not going anywhere, slave. Youre going to feel me deeper than youve ever felt anyone before, she attested, and gave a little scowl as she pushed on even further.

The extra jolt made Candy cry out as her anus was stretched more than she could accept in silence and she felt the tail flex and reveal its entire route within her. Only a moment of her resulting shout escaped because the woman dove in and smothered her with a kiss. The lips of the woman sealed her maw and the tongue thrust in to curl within her mouth. Candys eyes bulged as the full measure of the organ folded and curled within her. It kept her jaws wide and made her cheeks bulge and ripple with the internal motions. Her own tongue was squashed into the base of her mouth as the strange woman gagged her.

Her eyes stared into the inhuman slits of the womans and tears began to well as she felt the tail starting a methodical dance. Parts of it sought to straighten and made her insides flicker with distress. The feeling was like nothing she had ever encountered and it was terrifying because of it.

The woman savoured Candys angst while she was ravished. The tail started to ride and rock within her. The most acute of penetrations had a distinct ecstasy to it, but the power and monstrous severity of it was too frightening.

The unearthly sodomy continued for long minutes and then the tail started to draw free of her. Its flight made Candy vibrate and screw her eyes shut as the feel of the lengthy appendage sliding free of her anus tore through her psyche. It eventually came free and the woman recalled her tongue.

The woman sat up and put her hands on her hips as Candy shook and embraced her own torso. The echo of the feeling was still haunting her rear and she was in shock from the event.

Did you enjoy that, slave?

I...I dont know, Mistress, truthfully answered Candy. She was not sure whether she could process it as pleasurable, but it was not really quantifiable as painful either.

Well, of you go then, chuckled the woman and lifted her thigh so that Candy rolled out from beneath her.

Candy flopped onto a pillow and tried to gather some semblance of sanity. As she opened her eyes, she gave a surprised squeak as she found herself staring into the imploring wide eyes of a bound slave. The woman had been sealed within a rubber cocoon and straps had been set all over it to compress her into a single stalk. She was massively gagged and her stare was wild. Candy looked down and saw that one of the hybrids was pressed to her rear and her monstrous tongue was busily thrashing into the girls anus.

Candy smiled as she looked into the womans eyes and kissed her smothered mouth before climbing onto hands and knees and heading off.

Ah, there you are, Candy, announced the Mikado.

Lady Uzume turned round and panned her stare across the sea of bound women and predatory hybrids to see her slave approaching.

Come here, slave. I want you to meet Warlord Toyotama-hiko. I have told him and his daughters all about you, said Lady Uzume.

Candy quickly scuttled over between them and stayed on her knees with her head lowered.

Hmmm, Ive never had a female from the other side, commented the Warlord.

Well, I think its about time that we rectified that, lightly stated Lady Uzume.

Leaning over, Uzume indicated to Jemma and then to Candy. The woman arose and grabbed some leather cuffs from between some pillows. She moved behind Candy and started to apply them to her body. Candy did not move, she just sat there and let herself be contained.

Sets of thick leather cuffs were buckled to her ankles, her wrists, and then above her elbows. Two short chains were used to connect them and this forced her arms together behind her. With her chest thrust out, the strong woman then easily picked her up, and cradled in her arms, Candy was delivered to the Warlord.

Candy was set down so that she was facing up with her legs drawn apart. Rings in the floor accepted the cuffs and kept her forcibly open.

The Warlord shifted forward and slid beneath her hindquarters. His skin was cold and slick as his tail reached up and curled around her body, exploring her as he positioned himself.

Candy gave a jerk and cry as his manhood thrust into her. With her body splayed upon his lap, the Warlord laid back and casually launched up into her body to push to the limits of what she could accommodate with his huge cock. The skin was slightly rough and this created ridges that shuddered her pussy and bounced her clitoris upon them. His dimensions and his texture were shockingly delightful.

Candy gasped and gave a twitch each time he fired upward, his actions making her tense as she fought to accommodate him and process the sensation.

His hands joined in and started to draw across her torso and breasts. Candy responded by arching back and offered him the full plate of her body.

The Warlord’s fingers had slight curved talons and these thick fingernails left light scratches upon her. The minor discomfort was a definite added treat and Candy gave whimpering mewls of debauched delight as she was ravished by the Wani hybrid. She steered her hindquarters and took as much of him as she could while flexing her muscles to add extra stimulation.

How is she? asked Lady Uzume.

In the corner of her eye, she saw the Mikado thrusting into Mae as she continued to try to pleasure her owner. The Nakatomi had found similar employment and Jemma had her face between the thighs of a hybrid as another of the alien women busily worked her hand into her pussy and slowly sought significant access for her extremity. Ammalia was kissing one of the women and the two of them were locked in a tight clinch, their bodies pressed together so that the tail of her partner could flick between their connected loins and stimulate them both simultaneously.

Admirable. A lot less frantic than most concubines.

So we can say our House has helped you attain another first? she suggested.

Ah, but there are firsts, and there are firsts, Lady Uzume. Yourself for instance.

What do you mean? she replied coyly.

You have never visited my palace. I have treats there even you would appreciate, he offered slyly.

The Warlord keeps me busy, came Uzumes dismissive reply.

Im sure I could arrange something with Hachiman. Besides, do you never desire to become a reigning Kami rather than a subordinate?

I am loyal to my House and my ruler.

I am not questioning that. Your loyalty has been proven to be irreproachable and without equal. But surely you must want to elevate your standing? You have most certainly earned it.

And what would you suggest, Warlord?

Come to my palace. Consent to be my equal. We could rule the Wani together and establish a distinct and separate force, he purred as he plundered Candys body.

Warlord Hachiman would not be pleased, softy replied Uzume.

The Sun-Goddess and Moon-God could be persuaded to permit it. They already think Hachiman has too much power over the Houses of Fire. The Mitama, the Wani, me, you. Perhaps command of the armies should be divided for the good of the Empire.

‘And why would you not seek this...pardon me, a moment, Warlord,’ said the noblewoman and then flashed her attention to her oral devotee.

‘Slower, Mae!’

Lady Uzume harshly slapped the girl’s cheeks several times and then reached under to crush a breast in a fist. Mae smothered her wail into her owner’s crotch as the Mikado slammed himself deep, punishing her insides. His pounding manhood was inspiring Mae’s lust and making her tongue work faster than the Lady wanted. To correct this, after the chastisement, he hauled free and threaded himself into her rear. Mae shuddered violently as she was pierced and Lady Uzume returned her attention to her guest. Clearly, Mae’s rear was not as easily accepting of the Mikado’s phallus as her pussy was.

‘Why do you not seek this post alone, Warlord?’

‘I am Wani. It is unlikely that they will charge me with the rule of my own kind. However, if a Kami of noble blood and birth were to share this responsibility with me, equally...’

‘But what is there to do with this post? The Kami Empire is stable, secure, and invulnerable.’

‘A time comes where the Houses of Fire are to embark on a great crusade. The Sun-Goddess and Moon-God must wonder about leaving all of this matter to Hachiman alone. That is too much power for one man. I think they would be receptive to at least breaking away a small portion of it.’

‘You must have links to Amatsu mika hoshi and his spies to know of this.’

‘Not really, but the Wani know conquest, and I catch its heady scent on my tongue with ever increasing potency.’

I will dwell on your words, Warlord, but for now, let us dismiss talk of such politics and enjoy our comforts.

As you wish, said the Warlord with a hint of irritation.

His irked nature manifested as spite towards his restrained lover. The Wani moved forward to stretch Candy’s legs against their bonds and keen aches flickered along the tendons and swelled in the joints as he started to rack her. His tail curled around the chain that connected her wrists and pulled her back towards him. This arched Candy up into a uncomfortable bow. He pulled a little harder and Candy offered him a whimper of protest. The sound only encouraged him further. The Warlords claws slid across her body and opened small grazes as he thrust deep and hard.

Candy grunted and gasped with each drive. She felt the manhood of the vicious Warlord flick with new passion and it seemed to grow even larger within her. Candy sobbed as he continued to ravish her and finally had to cry out from the stress of having him jab deeper than ever before. She felt him come within her and continue his thrusts, savouring her dismay as she tried to endure his spiteful lust.

Not bad. Not bad at all, he commented.

Shifting back along the large cushion, he simply deserted Candys body. She dropped down and lay sprawled before him, her legs wide, her loins twitching as she gasped for breath. Candy could still feel the long scratches all over her chest like hot rewards for her submission to him.

It was clear that Toyotama-hiko was very enamoured with Lady Uzume. He wanted her, very badly, even to the point of sharing power with her. The fact that she was steadfastly keeping him at a distance only seemed to make him more anxious to acquire her.

Lady Uzume. A herald has arrived. Warlord Hachiman will be here in two hours!

The woman cast her plaything aside and leapt to her feet. She clapped her hands to gain the attention of everyone in the room.

Nakatomi! Mikado! To work! And apologies to our honoured guests, but we have preparations to make.

I completely understand, Lady Uzume. Your dedication to your master is as always, impressive.

Candy was quickly untied and Nakatomi Jemma told her to return to her room and clean herself up. Other members of the priesthood entered and started to carry out the more comprehensively bound females, but a few were stopped when one of the Wani women decided that they wanted to continue playing with the cocooned and defenceless slave a little while longer. Groans of distress emerged from the tight sheaths and abundance of tight straps that hid away a struggling female.

Candy entered her quarters and found them empty. Yakami had no doubt been taken so that she could be prepared for the Mikado. She strolled over to the bed and ran her hands along the vacant area. She smiled and patted the covers, wondering what the Mikado would do to her friend.

She showered and tended her hair and makeup and then started to hear a distant and steady rumble, like that of endless thunder. Intrigued, she looked out of her windows and she saw a large force heading across the fields towards the palace. Far below in the courtyard and in the grounds, teams of priests and slaves were being herded around and established in new bondage furniture. A line of bound serviles was set along the final stretch of road to the palace, creating a decorative avenue for the forces to progress down. Candy stared with longing at the contorted forms that were strapped and bound into immobility, and she contemplated the sensations she would experience in some of the more potently alluring ones.

Her hand wandered across her own skin and started to proceed lower. As she glared with unbridled lust at the visions of containment, her finger started to slowly brush her sex.

The ruler of the Great House rode a black skinned Tyrannosaur amidst a dozen other such beasts. They were all armour plated and had magnificent banners fluttering in the breeze.

The procession moved down into the stables where a view was less easily gained so Candy returned her lewd gaze to the slaves and continued her masturbation. She stopped as she heard the door open.

Candy turned to see Nakatomi Jemma enter alone and shut the door behind her. The woman held strange metal devices in her hands that looked like a steel thong and matching collar.

You are to be prepared to meet Warlord Hachiman, she said firmly.

Candy stepped away from the window and watched in silence as the woman attended her. The item was separated into two pieces and a band of steel was closed about her waist. The hoop was hinged at the side and the other end bore a covert lock. The Nakatomi made her suck in her stomach as much as she could and even then, she had to pull and drag at her skin so she could properly close the device. The fierce grip held over her hips and created a significant crimp.

Then the other item was taken up. The semicircle of metal had an inner surface that had two thick and spongy plugs emerging from a similar cushion of absorbent padding. Each end of the steel section had a barbed arrow-like fixture jutting from it that would slip into the waistband and lock to it.

The Nakatomi bent her over and spread her legs to ease the application of the device. The plugs nestled against her pussy and rear and with a shove the band leant itself heavily to her crotch. The two upper regions slid into two slots in the waistband and an internal locking mechanism took hold and refused to let go.

Candy was now rendered utterly chaste. The Nakatomi tested the implement by trying to wiggle a finger under the crotch band, then to pull open the steel, but everything had been engineered with precision and her attempts were completely ineffective.

Candy felt very strange to have access to her own body removed. She had been bound tightly and been deprived before, but this item allowed her freedom to move and act but left her without the capacity to touch herself. In some ways, she preferred the more comprehensive forms of restraint because they left her with no options. This item left her able to move but frustrated her with denial.

The collar was closed around her neck and the similar lock was engaged. The Nakatomi took up a lead and clipped it to the ring that had been welded to the front of the plain polished band.

Come with me, slave, ordered the woman.

Candy did not speak and merely obediently followed her guide while her mind raced with fantasies of what the Warlord would want from her. Would he be more cruel than his subordinates, or would his savagery have been tempered with age? Jemma drew Candy up through the loftier levels of the palace and to a large antechamber. Three fully armoured human warriors stood against the walls on either side of her. They stood to stern attention and held assault rifles with grenade launchers. They had a pair of ornate katana upon their backs and their features were lost behind fierce masks that even hid their eyes behind one-way silver panes.

The large double doors at the other end of the room had the emblem of the Mitama formed from embedded jewels and a large jade oval was set in the floor immediately before them.

Standing in the centre of the room was Lady Uzume. The woman looked devastatingly powerful in her military garments. A close fitting leather catsuit also bore the sections of armour she had seen on the warriors. Paired katana crossed her back as automatic pistols dwelt at her hips. She had donned fierce makeup and tied her hair back into a stern bun that was pierced by three silver stilettos.

The Nakatomi reverently handed Lady Uzume the leash and then retreated with a bowed head.

Lady Uzume took a deep breath and stepped forward towards the doors. When they stepped onto the jade section, Candy felt it sink a little. There was a click and the portal parted before them. There were some distant, muted whimpers, and then Candy was being drawn in.

The doors closed and Candy looked back to see what had caused the subtle noise. She saw that two women had been sealed within leather suits and bound horizontally to serve as living mechanisms. Their bodies were held in a comprehensive harness of leather that kept their backs along the door, while their legs extended out onto the walls. By straining up, they opened the doors, and by arching back, they closed them. Their legs were splayed wide and she could see covert wires entering their crotches. Stepping on the jade plate no doubt activated some sort of command that assailed them with pain or pleasure to make the living pistons comply.

Candy turned to face the rest of the chamber, which was formed as a regal throne room. The circular hall had plain walls with iron sconces that each released a flickering column of flame. A set of six stone steps rose up to a large and highly ornate throne. The iron chair was dense and had riveted plates and deep velvet cushions. Sitting in this chair was the Warlord himself.

He was of average height and his body was slender and lean. His muscles were very defined and he bore several scars that crossed his arms and chest. His face was passive, with eyes that glittered like jet. His black hair was worn short and he had several golden earrings. Strangely, he was not tattooed and he wore only some weathered and scuffed leather trousers, heavy boots that had seen much use, and a metal bracer on each forearm.

Lady Uzume marched proudly to the base of the steps and bowed deeply. Candy sank to her knees and placed her forehead to the ground.

Welcome home, Warlord. How was your voyage? she asked cordially.

Tedious. Tsuki-yomi is not easy to negotiate with.

Were you successful though, Warlord?

Candy is now ours. And at no small price I may add. There were several other Houses making significant bids for her.

Candy could not believe that she had been auctioned yet again, this time without her knowledge.

We will have to show some gratitude to those more directly responsible, but I am sure that particular debt can be handled with ease. Now, let me see her.

Lady Uzume rose and pulled on the leash to bring Candy back onto her feet. The Warlord arose from his throne and slowly marched down the steps. The man had an almost tangible power to him. He radiated authority and command and Candy felt her legs going weak beneath her as his implacable stare rolled across her form.

A powerful woman from the other side. A leader. With wealth, influence, and might. Feared, respected, envied. Now she is mine. A concubine to do with as I wish, he said, and walked around behind her to assess her rear view.

Candy could now see why she had been so eagerly vied for, and why so much effort had been made on her behalf. They wanted a trophy, someone from Earth of significance. She had been a force. That much was true. Her face may not have graced front pages, posters, or televisions, but her decisions and choices could affect the fate of nations. By owning such a person, would a Kami not show just how powerful they were?

Not bad at all, he commented. But, speaking of gratitude. I have heard that Toyotama-hiko is here.

Yes, Warlord. I have been keeping him entertained. His visit was unexpected.

And no doubt occurred because of my absence. Did he seduce you away, Lady Uzume? His eye strays to you often, asked the Warlord with a jovial tone to his bold voice.

No, Warlord. I am eternally pledged to you and your House, was Lady Uzumes soft reply.

As I have heard. Slaves make very comprehensive informants. Your loyalty deserves a reward, he stated.

If my Warlord wishes.

He does. So, you have enjoyed this slaves body? he asked, and moved out in front of the woman.

Yes, Warlord.

You would like to again? he said.

There was a strange tone to his voice. The Warlord was insinuating something else.

Oh yes, Warlord! exclaimed Lady Uzume, her fervour showing that she had some idea as to what he was proposing.

Then strip for me, and we will see to it, he announced.

Lady Uzumes hands were frantic as they started to unbuckle her armour and extract herself from her weapons and attire. The Warlord walked back up to his throne and took up a bag from behind it. As he came back down, he removed a bundle of rope from within.

He took hold of Candys hands and brought them before her. Rope encircled her wrists and crossed up to her elbows. He formed some swift knots and then tugged the coils about her waist. Her arms were pulled to her belly and he pushed her back down onto her knees. Tilting her head back, he took out a funnel and pushed the end of it into her maw. The funnel was already fixed into a dense rubber strap that was quickly buckled around her head and tightened into place. The rubber pressed to her face and helped create a near airtight seal.

Stay still, slave, he ordered.

Candy froze and stared up at the ceiling as she heard Lady Uzume strip off the last of her attire. His words seemed to have petrified her muscles. The Warlord spoke with a voice that tolerated no dissention or even questioning of his will. The might in each syllable could control her body more than her own mind ever could.

The Warlord reached into the bag and then Lady Uzume was handed a chastity belt to match Candys. With eager hands, she willingly donned the item and settled down on her knees beside Candy.

And now for the elixir, he said softly, and presented an ornate glass phial. Inside was a pale substance that looked a little like body oil. He removed the silver stopper and took hold of Candys chin. She stared at the strange bottle and watched as he slowly tilted it and caused a steady trickle to emerge. It dropped into the funnel and Candy felt the slightly warm substance trickling down the back of her throat. When he had finished, he unbuckled the funnel and set it aside.

Lady Uzume was fed a dose that she eagerly accepted before the Warlord set the emptied vial aside and took up Candys leash. She was towed up to the throne as Lady Uzume followed closely behind her, her eyes fixated with the wiggle of Candys hindquarters.

You have proven that your wish is still for you to remain under my rule. I think you should do so, literally, while I hold court in this room and see to the matters of the House.

The Warlord touched an area of the throne and with a sudden lurch it scraped aside and exposed a sturdy metal hatch. He reached down and hauled the trapdoor up to expose a metal shaft.

In you go, slaves. My Mikado will be here soon and I have much to ready and process.

Lady Uzume immediately moved over and sat on the lip before lowering herself within. There was a metallic tone as she dropped down and landed deep inside the pit. The Warlord unfastened Candys ropes and removed the leash.

Candy looked inside and saw that the shaft dropped down about three yards. Lady Uzume was standing upright and was reaching up to help Candy get in. About a yard up from the bottom was a heavy barred grill. It was hinged against the interior wall and the exposed upward end had three holes in it, no doubt placed there to accept bolts from the other wall that would lock it into position when it was shut.

Candy stared at the shaft with unease. Such close confinement, the blackness, the metal fencing her in on all sides. She felt claustrophobia taking hold, but one look to the sultry naked form of Lady Uzume banished her fright and she started to climb down. Lady Uzume took hold of her and brought her down into the lowest portion of the pit. She grabbed the hatch and lowered it to leave the two of them huddled and pressed together.

Have fun, slaves, said the Warlord.

Hachiman touched the same secret control and the throne ground back into place. Candy and Uzume looked up and watched the image of their owner vanishing as the base of the chair closed. There was also the soft scrape of metal against metal from the hatch as the same machine that was closing their pit slid heavy bolts into the barred internal hatch. There was a split second to act before the grill was sealed to keep them in a tight box. Neither of them acted and they were suddenly plunged into darkness.

Uzume let a hand travel around Candy as they were compressed together in the void. Candy did not know how to respond. This was a ruling Kami. Now she was confined and locked up with her. They were both held in chastity, had both been fed some mysterious brew, and were destined to linger in tight isolation for as long as the Warlord wished.

Uzumes lips started to kiss and lick at Candys skin and the faint sensations started to quickly gather in potency. There was a strength to her reactions, one that was far more acute than normal. Candys loins swelled with hunger, her skin tingled, and her mind throbbed with a wanton lustful desire.

Wh...whats happening to me? she said with concern.

You are succumbing to the effects of a Yakushin brew. It sharpens the touch, stimulates the mind and...other regions, she purred.

Uzume was clearly experienced and comfortable with the effects. She may be a dreaded force and ruling Kami, but it seemed that she found delight in being a subjugated plaything to her Warlord.

Why did you choose this? asked Candy.

Hachiman is my master. I am his willing slave. He alone can do this to me, and I relish every opportunity. I am his, just as you are mine. But here, in this cell, we are equal for now. Enjoy it while it lasts, Candy.

Their hands flowed on capricious whims to stroke and fondle, to squeeze, to grope with abandon. Every touch was glorious as their skin was charged with input that made them quiver and moan. They rubbed their breasts upon the flesh of their partner and their lips trailed along limbs, face, and torso. Their tongues lapped and their lips sucked on nipples and fingers. The chastity belts were both a bane and a blessing. They each so fervently wanted to indulge their carnal appetites and so the frustration of being deprived was maddening, but the level of bliss being so freely conjured by a mere touch might well make cunnilingus a fatal event.

Candy stretched her arms up through the bars and pawed at the cool metal wall beyond as she felt Uzume nibbling on the cheeks of her rear. Hands reached around and tickled the underside of her breasts before they focused more devotedly on her nipples. The interior was hot and the metal was now slick with sweat. Their bodies ached even as they were pleasured. Their contortion and inability to straighten up cultivated severe distress, but it was a discomfort that could be countered through committed licentious play.

Candy slid back down and shuffled around to draw Uzume against her. The stiff points of their breasts brushed one another and they began a lethargic and passionate oral exchange. They suckled upon each others tongues and lips, let the tips roll up and down their necks and skip from nipples as their hands freely cruised over their own body and that of their lover. They traced the defiant walls of their sexual prisons and found that although they could squeak a finger along the front, the ample padding maliciously absorbed all the vibrations and nothing reached their starved and ravenous pussys.

Candys mind was being carried on waves of libidinous frenzy. Her entire world was devoted to filling every inch of her skin with tactile rhapsody. Her head swam in the darkness and her thoughts were locked solely on touch and sensation. Time had no meaning in their ecstatic tomb and all the while, they had the knowledge that their Warlord was sat above them dispensing orders as they languished deep beneath him.

After what could have been days of heated passion, there was a shrill metallic squeal and then a column of impossibly bright light suddenly dazzled them. The throne slid aside and they shielded their eyes until they had adjusted to feeble light of the throne room. The bolts to the hatch sprang back and Lady Uzume stretched upward to open it. She climbed out from the pit and extended a hand back down to her partner.

Squinting against the silhouette of the woman, Candy took her hand and was pulled up from their damp erotic sarcophagus.

They stood up and stretched their long folded bodies. They both took a moment to exercise their weary and sweat sodden limbs and the aching presence in their joints and muscles swiftly vanished. The sheen of perspiration that was coating their skin evaporated just as quickly and the exercise helped keep them warm as it tried to steal their body heat.

The Warlord stepped forward and applied a small key to their belts and finally the infernal chastity devices came away. The cool air that rushed over the concealed areas made them both sway and gasp with pleasure. Their hairs stood on end and goose bumps arose over their arms and legs. The Warlord set the belts aside and returned to his throne.

Kneel side by side, he announced.

Candy and Uzume quickly took their positions before him. The Warlord settled back into the comfortable and imposing seat. His hands clasped the armrests and tensed as he gave his order.

Take hold of your nipples, slaves.

Uzumes hands leapt up and applied pinches to her teats. It was clear that the moment the Warlord chose to take control of Lady Uzume she became a compliant and anxious toy to his desire. The change was radical, swift, and remarkable. The woman had been an implacable dominatrix since they had first encountered one another, now she was as loyal a submissive concubine as Yakami or any other slave in the palace.

Candys hands crept up more slowly and she took hold of her teats. She stared up the steps and to their owner for reassurance. His eyes bored into them both and were full of grim relish in seeing his property obey him.

Now squeeze, he ordered.

Uzume gave a gasp as she applied a most forceful compression. Candy was less able to instantly traumatise her nipples and her pinch was much less fierce.

Harder, he said with a broadening grin.

Uzume trembled as her tendons rose against her hands. She started to hunch over, her mouth dropped open, and she panted with strain. Inspired by the womans dedication, Candy instantly increased her strength. She gave a croak of pain as the nuggets throbbed and send struggling waves of distress through her breasts.

Harder! he snapped.

Uzume gave a cry as she pushed herself to the limits. Her fingers were trembling with strain as she panted and whimpered from the pain. Her eyes remained adoringly locked to the Warlord and tears were coursing from them. Candy strove to try harder and as she squashed her nipples in the most virulent pinch she could muster, she too felt watery trails trickling down her cheeks.

Candy stared up at their oppressor and found that they were tears of happiness and contentment. Warlord Hachiman ruled and owned them so completely that he could command such acts from them and they would be done with full commitment and utter loyalty.

The notion to beg for mercy did not even rise and the longer they shivered in travail before him, punishing their own bodies for his amusement, the more lost they became to his regnant.

Enough, he finally decreed.

Uzume let go and dropped onto all fours. Her head stayed low and her back remained arched while she gasped for breath. Candy released her own teats and dropped back onto her haunches. She cradled the abused nuggets and gave soft whimpers as the effects of compression gave way to a terrible storm of returning circulation and distressed sensation.

Very good, slaves. You may come up here, he said, and beckoned with one crooked finger.

Uzume started to crawl up the steps and Candy chose to adopt a similar method of travel. The two of them ascended and then knelt down before him.

Kneel upright.

They complied immediately. They knelt to rigid attention, as though they were on parade. Pride and a commitment to impressing and pleasing their master was paramount.

Now, I want to watch you both come.

Uzumes hand was again the swiftest and her fingers instantly dropped onto her sex and started to caress it. She obeyed instantly and with verve to every command of her Warlord.

Candy felt a momentary pang of embarrassment but the need to finally quench her sexual thirst was too demanding to deny. She fixed her stare to him and started to caress her loins. The pleasure that rushed through her was all the more potent because of all they had done in the pit, also because of the level of dominance being applied to them. Hachiman had shown that he controlled them completely. He did not even need to involve himself with their torment. If they did not amuse him, or if it just suited his mood, he could make them discipline themselves.

The Warlord laid back and smiled contentedly as his two servants each stroked their clitoris and whimpered with pleasure. Candy had a concern that he would make them stop before orgasm. After the mind bending sexual frustration of the pit, she questioned her ability to comply should he demand such abstinence. However, if she betrayed the rule of the Warlord, she was sure that his fiendish imagination would make her bitterly regret her weakness with a most diabolic form of punishment. If he were indeed as old as Yakami had said, then centuries of life amongst the bondage displays and with slaves to contort and make wail with misery on a whim, he would be a master of breaking the spirit of a recalcitrant female.

Her fears proved groundless when Uzume was the first to climax. She was at home with such actions, and her absolute love of the Warlord had charged her with intense arousal that needed very little stimulation to bring to fruition.

The sound of Uzume, rasping and groaning with rapture was an auditory aphrodisiac that quickly elevated Candy to a similar state. With eyes filled with the image of the Warlord, she twitched and moaned as she indulged herself with a long and highly satisfying orgasm.

Good, slaves. You may rest at my feet for a time.

Lady Uzume and Candy curled up around his booted feet as the Warlord sat and contemplated whatever it was that he had been told while they lurked beneath his throne. It was a satisfying position in which to dwell and Candy felt utterly at ease with her lot. Uzume closed her eyes and held lightly to his boots. It was obvious that Lady Uzume enjoyed having slaves to bind and use to serve her sadistic tendencies, but at heart, she was a submissive creature through and through.

The hall was quiet and peaceful, and Candy found a tranquil peace. Finally, he came to some unspoken decisions and stood up.

Come, slaves. Enough of work, it is time for play, he broadcast and immediately strode towards the wall.

A section gave several deep resonant clanks and slid back. The secret door exposed a dark chamber where flickering torches and iron braziers with glowing coals bathed the shadowy interior in a hesitant amber twilight.

The naked forms of Lady Uzume and Candy leapt to their feet and gave chase as he vanished into the darkness. As soon as they entered, the door slid shut and locked behind them.

The interior was almost medieval in its construction and style. The dense ragged bricks had large iron rings set in them, and many had lines of chain swinging from one to another. Anonymous sites of heavy restraint dwelt in the deeper pools of shadow and their contours were hinted at by the refraction of light upon them. The ambiance was both treacherous and alluring.

Stand here, ordered the Warlord.

Candy and Lady Uzume took places near to each other and found that they were situated beneath heavy metal rings that hung directly above them. The Warlord vanished into the shadows and Candy took the opportunity to quickly look around. She saw Lady Uzumes garb piled neatly in the corner along with her weapons. She looked to their owner who met her gaze and offered a wicked and knowing smirk that exposed her knowledge of what was going to happen next.

Warlord Hachiman appeared with a length of thin silvery chain that hung in long coils from his fist. He reached up and slipped one end through the ring above Lady Uzume, and left it dangling. He passed the rest through the ring above Candy and then vanished again.

This time, he returned with two leather sheaths. He dropped one on the floor and started to apply the other to Candy. Her arms were drawn behind her and slotted into the triangular sheath. She found that the single mitten at the end was less tight than usual but this was compensated for with interior ranks of wicked spines. The vicious little fangs pressed to her skin and caused sharp flickers of dismay whenever she tried to move them. The laces tightened to make her thrust her chest out and straps encompassed her chest and crossed in her cleavage. Then, another belt was taken up from the tip of the mitten and brought between her legs. Hachiman hauled it up so that her arms were pressed to her back and then the end was clipped to the front of her collar. The belt was now being tugged forcefully against her pussy and rear to create a compressing strain that she could not defeat. The arm sheath wanted her to arch back, but the belt to her collar fought this influence.

As she tried to accustom to the demands of the position, Warlord Hachiman applied a similar arm sheath to Lady Uzume. Ball gags were acquired and each was pushed into their maws before it was buckled firmly about their heads.

The two captives stared at each others distorted face, their full lips sucking on the large dark rubber orbs. Then the reason for their containment and gagging appeared in the hands of the Warlord.

A slim chain linked the clover clamps and there was a clip in the centre of it. This was summarily attached to each of the strands of metal dangling above them.

The Warlord held the evil implements in one hand and leant in to kiss Candys nipples. She knew his intention but was powerless to resist as his nibbles and flashing tongue caused each point to rise up and present itself to the jaws of the clamps.

Candy ground her teeth to the ball gag and whimpered as each teat was snatched and held by the toys. The throbbing presence started to gather its usual secret potency and she stared at the whitening nuggets with escalating dismay.

The Warlord went to Lady Uzume and applied the clamps to make the woman shiver and sob. He then took the hanging chain and started to pull on it. The chain rattled against the rings and Candy gave a mortified squawk as her clamps were drawn upward. She lifted onto tiptoe and danced from foot to foot while the struggling havoc in her nipples was massively enhanced by the haul.

He lifted Lady Uzumes clamps in his other hand and when she was sufficiently elevated, he clipped them to the chain.

Now, while I think on what else to do and then prepare it, you two can stand there. Dont go anywhere, he said with a diabolic chuckle and then wandered off to begin searching through the various sites and implements to find something to his fancy.

Candy stared at Lady Uzume as they both swayed and strained against the leather sheaths. Every movement translated as another pull that only piqued the mayhem being inflicted on their stretched nipples. The small fleshy stalagmites retracted and lengthened as the two of them sought a pose that might be a little easier than any other.

Cramps started to wring the soles of Candys feet and she tottered back. Lady Uzume gave a squeak of pain as the retreat punished her. She glared at Candy and endured the distress before committing herself to a similar retreat. Candy replied with a holler of her own when she was pulled back and then raised onto the very tips of her feet. Lady Uzume then showed a degree of mercy and moved back gain.

Chastened for her lack of balance, Candy sobbed and watched her partner in duel nipple suspension. Tears were in both their eyes as they listened to the Warlord prowling around. They flexed and strained against the sheaths and gained nibbling chastisement from the numerous spines. It was a maddening form of confinement because any movement they made only made it worse for themselves and for their partner. Candy tried to lift one leg while perching on the other. She sought to exercise the raised limb as quickly as possible and try to banish the agonising cramps. However, by placing all her weight on the other leg, she only made her situation worse. Her efforts were quickly abandoned when she lost her balance and caused a stern haul to both their nipples that made her cry out against her gag and Lady Uzume to arch upward with a chagrin wail.

Hachiman appeared suddenly and the clamps fled from Candy before she even knew he was there. She dropped back with a yowl as her teats detonated with suffering.

Candy swayed her torso from side to side and danced around in circles as the terrible affliction rose to new heights and then tardily started to vanish. She crouched down as best she could and pressed her nipples to her thighs to try to comfort them.

A frightened purl from Lady Uzume drew Candys gaze up from the stone floor and she saw the Warlord adding a weight to the vacated end of the chain. He let go and the dangling burden ensured that Uzume not only found no relief from the demands of the ordeal but also had to endure its increase.

The sheath and the gag were removed and the Warlord wasted no more time as he approached Candy with another selection of rope. She had her arms drawn behind her and the wrists crossed at the small of her back. Rope curled around the joints and forged a series of figure of eight loops. The bonds then created a weave just below her shoulder blades that send paired lengths over her biceps and around her chest. The two strands crossed between her breasts and when they were tightened, they created a slight bite to the root of her assets. Candy’s arms were now hugged to her sides and a final circle was made around her waist to haul it in and keep the entire web in place.

Sitting on her knees, she felt a hand enter her hair and hold tight as the other delivered a bright red penis gag to her lips. Candy accepted the stubby replica phallus and gave a weak struggle as it was buckled tightly about her head. As soon as it was installed, the Warlord used the reign in her hair to draw her down onto the ground. Candy lay flat before him, her arms bound behind her, her mouth filled with a wide artificial penis. Lines of dribble started to escape over her lips and form small puddles on the ground as she patiently awaited his next action.

The Warlord walked to the wall and held a large red candle up to one of the torches. He turned and watched the flame rise from the wick and illuminate his iniquitous glower.

Hachiman strolled casually around Candys subdued form and waited as the molten pool of wax grew. Anxiety started to rise as she anticipated her punishment.

Candy gave a whinny and jerked as she felt splashes drop across the peaks of her rear. A moment later the heat of the wax poured into the skin. The Warlord continued to circle her, and trailed another brief line across her buttocks. Candy gave another cry of shock and jerked her rear into the air. She struggled against the ropes and as the heat started to subside, she calmed and settled back onto the floor.

A trail was deposited across the back of her left thigh. The leg jolted up and out, stretching as though it could flee the effects of the scorching rain. Candy pressed her face to the floor and mewled as the effects faded.

The other thigh was treated to a line and another quick motion drooled more into the cleft of her rear. Candys chest lifted up and her head jerked back. She clenched her teeth to the gag and cried out as burning fluid attacked her hindquarters. The spike of havoc eased and as the fires faded, her body wilted back onto the floor.

She had the ability to flee, to roll onto her feet and rush off and avoid his assault, but she knew that he would catch her, and bind her, and she would be helpless to this abuse. The ordeal of having to stay still and tolerate his attention made it all the more enjoyable. She was proving her loyalty and devotion to him and her own masochistic nature. Her arms had been kept out of the way, but she could still run away, but she was being made to stay put and accept her torment.

The candle tilted less distinctly and started to spit single droplets down onto her body. The steady rhythmic rain began to drip onto her thighs and then migrated across her rear. The candle lowered a little and the effects of each landing grew in intensity. Candy gave a spasm and an abrupt bark of dismay with each touch. Drop after drop fell upon her. They made her wriggle and mewl as she strove to stay in place and continue to acquiesce to his wishes.

She felt his foot nudging her legs apart, making her splay herself before him and open herself to the worst of the candles ravages. The ardent drops started to fall upon her inner thighs and long dribbles rolled down the skin as she jiggled upon the floor and gave ululating dirges between her brief cries.

Every fibre of her being demanded that she flee, to dart away and get out from under this incendiary monsoon, but her desire to please and to excel overrode her animal instincts and against all reason she remained where she was.

A long pour ran up one thigh, crossed the cleft of her rear, and moved down the other thigh. The pain reached a new zenith as the red trickles rolled into her crotch and reached her pussy. Candy flashed to attention and howled as her arms strained against the ropes. Her legs stretched out as far as they could and the crust of hardened wax cracked as her muscles flicked to attention.

The candle moved away and she dropped back down, sobbing softly as she tried to weather the squall. The heat between her legs slowly faded and she cuddled her distress. She embraced it and transformed it, making it a pleasure rather than a form of pain. Candy suddenly gave a purr of contentment as she mulled over the last mordant chapter in her treatment. It had been hellish to endure, but now she was flying again on a cloud of debauched relish. The pain was still significant, but with it was the delight that she had come to nurture and cherish during her various trials.

The candle resumed its steady dripping attack and the spots started to coat the length of her legs. Her shins were slowly covered and then severe applications commenced with the slow coating of her feet. Her exposed soles were incredibly hateful of the wax and her howls grew to new and enthusiastic levels as he dripped the molten drops onto them. Her leg started to twitch and move, but the fledgling signs of rebellion were crushed when he merely put his foot to the limb and pinned it down. Candy jerked and hollered as he started to pour a significant amount of the reservoir into her foot. The spattering cascade swiftly covered the skin and filled the delicate flesh with ferocious dismay.

The wax began to dribble between her toes as they clawed at the air and only when the whole extremity had been liberally coated did he move to the other. The process had not allowed her to take the second coating any easier and again he had to step onto her limb to keep in place.

The Warlord stepped free and blew out the candle. Candy stayed spread upon the floor. She stared blankly forward as she panted and wafted on a haze of depraved delectation. Her skin was raw and aching, but her mind was adrift and soaked in dark bliss.

The Warlord chose to take up a heavy flogger and combed his fingers through the dense strands. Candy smiled against the gag as she readied to feel the sultry lick of the leather across her body.

The Warlord employed the weapon to strip away the wax, and the heavy pounding of the bushel shattered the crust and dragged it away with ease. The snap of it to her body made Candy squirm. Her skin had been left sensitive and the flogger gave her steady doses of travail. It was easily withstood, and the mild scourging only served to facilitate her prurient mood. The swats to her soles were harder to take and the handful of swipes he delivered between her legs pushed her tolerances to the limit, but still, Candy managed to endure.

There. All gone, and since I cleaned your feet, you may now reciprocate and clean my boots, slave, he announced impassively.

He unbuckled the back of the gag and Candy let it slip from her mouth and drop to the floor. She struggled to get her legs under her and then she shuffled forward on her knees. Bending over, she began to lap at the leather of his footwear. The dust that had been caught in the scrapes and scuffs was barren and left a strange acrid taste on her tongue as she devoted herself to the Warlord.

The Wasteland is such an arid place. As you no doubt found when you arrived here. It takes such a toll on my uniforms, but youre doing a good job of rectifying that, he said wistfully.

Standing to attention, he seemed completely indifferent to her as she scuttled around and polished every inch with a fawning tongue. Her arousal was now burning within her. The derogating act of abasement wove a sultry spell and as she licked, she pulled at her ropes and yearned to rise higher. Candy ached to feast on his cock or have it invade her, and clamping her thighs together, she swayed and squirmed with licentious passion.

Youre having quite a lot of fun down there arent you, slave? he asked.

Oh yes, Warlord. Thank you.

Good, then you may pleasure me, slave, he said, as though it were the most minor triviality.

Lady Uzume gave a protesting and envious moan as she continued to suffer because of her pose and because she was going to have to watch that which she was going to be denied.

Candy could predict that the woman would make her suffer for this boon, and the fact that her next session of torture under the womans rule would be motivated by such jealousy would only make it all the sweeter.

The Warlord gave a pull to an area of the ropes and they started to open their knots and tumble from her. He then unwound them from her arms and she was given freedom once more. The Warlord then seemed to ignore her and concentrated instead on forming the weave back into a meticulously neat bundle.

Candy snapped to attention and reached to his trousers. She unfastened the laces at the front and gently reached in to draw him free. He was only semi-erect because her attentions were nothing too out of the ordinary. For a moment, she considered taking him in her mouth, but then another idea came to her.

Candy held the root of his member and began a slow shuffle of her clenched hand. As she did so, she leaned in and let the tip of her tongue curl around his head. She lapped and felt the organ swelling with appreciation. She took long licks up the length and then stretched herself up.

Taking her breasts, she closed them to his cock and started to stretch her torso up and then retreat a little. Candy quickened her rate to masturbate him between the valley of her assets. She held the flesh tightly to his manhood and watched the end emerge and vanish as she bounced under his gaze.

Candy felt his cock twitch and the Warlord gave a growling purr of pleasure. Splashes of his seed spattered her neck and breasts. She continued her motions to ensure she fully satisfied him and then slowly sank back down onto the floor. She enveloped him with her mouth and her tongue lavished him with attention as he wilted within her maw, but Warlord Hachiman was not so easily sated. He had other stimulations that rivalled fellatio.

He drew himself from her and slotted himself back into his trousers. Then, and after putting the rope away, he quickly captured her collar with a chain link leash.

Hmmm. I think I want to have you on display in the garden. There was a new display stand that I wanted ready by the time I returned and I wish to see if my engineers succeeded.

The Warlord drew Candy away and towards the door, which again parted at his approach. She gave a final look to the deserted form of the sweating and tormented Lady Uzume and saw a savage grin appear against her gag. Uzume knew what Candy was in for, and was visibly relieved that she had not been the one chosen to pleasure her master and thereby earn such a fate. The view was cut off as the door sealed in his wake.

Concerned as to what was in the garden, Candy was shown out through the halls and watched as every priest and slave bowed deeply to their lord.

This item should be most pleasing to the eye, and also, if you can manage it, you might even be able to earn yourself some pleasure of your own.

Candy tried to think on what might be waiting for her. Images of all the various creations that she had seen swallowing up and bending hapless concubines rushed around in her minds eye.

The cool and humid winds of the Kami Empire enveloped her as they entered the main courtyard and she was swiftly shown into the sprawling gardens of pulchritude and bondage.

They came to a small clearing, wherein there arose a small wooden stage. The circular plinth had four small braziers spaced around the perimeter. They were made of cast iron and the small pile of coals within them was unlit. Three small steps rose to access the display stand and there was a metal lever rising from one side.

To one side was a section of stage that was clearly cut out from the rest. The disc was obviously designed to rotate and alternate between the two items on offer. One side of the disc had a curved metal beam that bore a wheel at the top whose outer surface was armed with a queue of small rubber tendrils. She could see that when activated, the wheel would spin and lash the air with the small and vicious tongues.

The other side of the disc had a stout wooden post rising from a hole in the floor. Strapped firmly to this post was a female form and she was kept on her knees by a plethora of leather straps. Her ankles were fixed to the rear of the pole and her arms were folded up and behind it. She was completely sealed within a sheer catsuit that made her body shimmer as the gossamer fabric accentuated the image of her curves. Her head was pinned back to the pole and she had been blindfolded by the application of a wide leather strap over her eyes. The interior of the strap was lined with fur that ensured she had no way to even sneak a vague look at what awaited her.

The rotating section of the stage was placed before a wooden frame. The site was shaped like an inverted Y that reclined back and which had numerous straps riveted to it. At the end of the stage opposite to the disc was a small hole from which emerged a length of chain that ended in a large clip and lying beneath the frame was a single leather sleeve. The triangular item had red laces and was adorned with strange curling decorations that were all etched with red stitching.

Candy was delivered to the frame and laid back against it. The Warlord fixed belts across her chest in a cross formation and hauled on them so that she was pressed into the smooth, varnished timbers. Another was drawn across her forehead to leave her staring up at the overhanging branches of the clearing and the patch of sky visible through them.

The Warlord drew her legs apart upon the wide V section of the frame and her ankles were bound. Straps ran above and below her knees, over her thighs, and then another tight embrace was pulled over her inner thigh and to each hip. These last straps hauled her hindquarters to the pole as another cross section was dragged over her stomach and tightened to an exceedingly fierce degree. Utterly immobilised, Candy felt him take her arms and draw them straight down. He pulled the sleeve onto them and forced her hands into the single ball at the end. The laces were hauled in to ensure her limbs were pushed together and the overlaying buckles were applied to further add to her security. The sleeve was held in place by two straps that reached up to grab the underside of the frame and stop her sloughing it off.

Candy gave a whimper of pain as he took the clip that resided at the pointed end of the sleeve and started to drag it away. The contortion made her shoulders flare with havoc and the twist to her arms made her strain against the numerous straps. The waiting chain was attached to the end of her glove and she was left with her arms bent back to a highly uncomfortable degree.

Wh...whats going to happen to me, Warlord?

No more words, slave. This is a place of silent condemnation, he reported and from the side of the beam he lifted another strap. The leather strip was pulled over her maw and a large stout phallus was revealed on the inside. The rubber affair was stumpy and spread her jaws wide before it plunged in and was fixed firmly into irrevocable place.

Ill leave you now, slave, and you can try and figure out the dynamics of this little display all by yourself.

Candy heard him pull the lever back and from within the depths of the stage came several cranking grinds and some soft switching sounds. The wheel started to whirl and she heard the soft whistle of its many small whips hurtling through the air between her legs. The disc between her extended feet started to turn but she could not see which way or how far.

Puzzled, Candy focused on the pain in her arms. It was starting to make them flicker with more stress than she could easily accept. She pulled on the chain and found that it moved. She pulled harder and it moved a little more. Straining with effort, Candy combated the anonymous weight that was attached to the chain and sought alleviate the stress on her arms.

Candy unexpectedly felt a warm breath against her inner thighs and she gave a gasp before her arms went slack from shock. The weight yanked them back into position and created a painful wrench to her shoulders. She cried out against the gag and struggled to draw her arms back down again.

Candy kept her efforts going until she felt the breath of the girl again. She closed her eyes and gave a quick prayer that the eventuality that she was hoping for would manifest. Candy then pulled a little more.

The girls lips touched her pussy and instantly the slave was spilling her eager tongue into Candy. The girl assailed her with diligent kisses and a suckling attention that made her mewl and arch against her bonds. The muscles in her arms started to heat from strenuous exertion. The chain was connected somehow to the submerged area of the girls post. When the girl was facing her loins, pulling on the chain would pivot her over and into her pussy.

Candys limbs were soon burning but the glorious feel of the girl lapping at her sex was too deliriously pleasant to let go off. Beads of sweat appeared on her face as she snorted and fought to hold her in position for as long as she could. With an angry snort, she finally had to give up. The chain drew her arms back and the woman was towed out of position.

The stage made some more covert noises and after a few moments to again gather her strength, Candy started to pull. It was a terrible torment to have to fight so hard to gain the girls tongue and then to be made to endure the monstrous efforts to keep it there, but if she could show the strength, she could earn the pleasure. The Warlord had indeed created an admirable site of fiendish torment for her.

Candy gave a squeal as she felt the whirling rubber strands lick between her legs. She instantly relaxed her arms and they were jerked back into position, but the wheel did not retreat and to her horror, it actually clicked a little closer. Candy jolted and strained against her bonds, trying to find someway in which to move her crotch out of its infernal range. The wheel span unevenly, tilting from side to side so that it distributed the stinging swats across her inner thighs as well as against her sex. Hollering against the gag, Candy suffered a prolonged scourging before the stage gave a deep clunk and the wheel retreated.

Gasping for breath and with her senses reeling, she tried to recover from the awful experience. She now knew the full measure of her ordeal. She could languish in her confinement and endure the bondage. On the other hand, she could pull on her sleeve, exercise her arms, and draw something between her legs. The girl would pleasure her for as long as she could hold her there, but the disc randomly changed and she might end up pulling the whips in. If that were the case, she would have to endure a prescribed duration of their abuse.

The whipping had been harsh enough that she initially chose to refuse the offered effects of the stage and so Candy lay in the firm arms of the frame and stared blankly at the sky. Her arms were again aching and she lifted them back just a little to ease their suffering. She made sure not to draw anything too close between her legs and after a few stretches she let them relax again.

She managed to fight of temptation for a time but the boredom of the position soon started to set in. She was used to input and although she feared the whips, she desperately wanted the attention. Lingering on the frame, all she had to pass the time was dwelling on her memories. The time in the pit with Lady Uzume, the Warlord, the many pleasures and wonders she had seen and experienced in the Kami Empire. Eventually she could tolerate no more and with a resigned sigh at her lack of willpower, she gingerly started to pull on the chain.

Candy stared down as best she could and tried to gain even the most fleeting clue as to what was coming towards her proffered pudenda. If she could get just a glimpse, she might be able to find out what was scheduled for her and perhaps avoid it by letting it go before the stage committed to a setting.

With her arms flexed, she gradually pulled in small steps, hoping that if she felt the whips she might be able to let them retreat before she activated the process that drew them in and locked them in position.

She felt a steady brush of air against her pussy and instantly let go. It was too late. The mechanism engaged and drew the whips in as Candy hollered and tried to stop them. She lurched against the bonds and the leather straps creaked with strain as she felt the awful swipes slapping against her thighs and sex. There was nothing that she could do to affect her plight, and she was left to endure the terrible punishment.

The whips retreated and Candy sagged within the straps. She could feel the tickle of sweat as it trickled down her form. She shivered and recovered her breath, and despite the distress the whips imparted, the feeling of abandonment to this dreadful machine was highly titillating. She had the option of just accepting the bondage, but if she wanted more, she had to risk the consequences. She was served to a fate that she herself brought down, and each session of pussy flogging was engineered by her own wanton urges. It felt just, it felt proper, it felt divine.

She pulled on the glove and almost hoped for another session of the whip. There was now a resonating heat between her legs and it was making her libido unfurl.

Candy shuddered as a warm wet organ tunnelled into her body and then retreated to tickle her clit. She tensed instinctively and this pushed the mouth even more firmly between her legs. Candy held the girl there so she could let her explore her with her tongue while Candy herself moaned with ecstasy against her gag.

The girl continued with alacrity and drove Candy towards orgasm. Her long session of bondage and fantasy had stirred her arousal, and the flogging between her legs had greatly bolstered it. The problem was that she was almost out of strength. Her arms were torn with strain and she was having to fight for every second of enforced oral servitude. Her face was red with tension and she clenched her jaws to the gag to try to find the energy. All she needed was a few more moments, but the stress was keeping orgasm at bay. Her fight to keep the girl in place was eating at her pleasure and making it harder to acquire. Climax was only seconds away but the harder she fought the slower it approached. Eventually, she felt a muscle flash with a sudden flick of pain and she was forced to relax. She yelled her fury against the gag as her arms were tugged back and the girl vanished. Snapping her limbs against the bonds, she cursed her deprivation. Her loins were churning with rhapsody. A few licks, a single long stroke of her clit, even a kiss, and she would be there.

Candy tried to move her hips, to try to bring herself to orgasm through willpower alone. It was a foolish dream but she was so frustrated she had no option but to try.

Candy let her arms rest for a while. If she managed to acquire the woman again, she wanted to ensure she snatched climax before she became exhausted. When she felt more confident, she started to pull on the chain.

She gave a huff of relief as the girl graced her pussy with her tongue and began to attend her with every portion of skill and effort she could muster. They were both slaves and when they had the chance they tried to do everything they could to pleasure one another. Candy was grateful for the girls diligence and would have dearly loved to return the favour. If they encountered one another again, perhaps she could, but for now, she was the subject and the girl was the sex toy.

Candy thought she heard footsteps and then she darted her eyes to her side as she saw two figures appear. The two men looked over her bound body with intrigue and amusement. She stared at them with longing, hoping that they might help her. One of them was tall and dark skinned. His head was shaved and he had a brawny physique. He wore a studded chest harness and dense leather gauntlets on his forearms. The other was a slim individual who had accentuated the paleness of his skin with a black leather waistcoat. His long brown hair was formed into a tight plait with several barbed decorations set along it to help keep the mane under control.

So this is the one from the other side, asked the pale warrior.

Everyone seems to have her name on their lips. Lady Uzume and her Mikado seem highly taken with her. I wonder why? She doesnt look like anything special.

But she got to play with the Wani daughters, so one must wonder what Ame-waka-hiko thinks of her?

The Warlord has been keeping his Mikado too busy. If the plan goes ahead, hell have to be ready.

If the plan goes ahead, therell be plenty more like her to sample. Then they wont be quite so precious.

‘It’ll never happen. It’s just an experiment to see who is loyal and who is anxious to advance. Those who are content will continue as normal, those with ambition will start to jockey for more power, new commands. Amatsu mika hoshi is probably just testing the Kami.’

‘Well, if it’s a dream, it’s one I shall indulge.’

‘Speaking of indulgence, shall we have some fun with her?

You believe its permitted?

If shes supposed to be kept private, they shouldnt have put her out here on display.

Candy watched with wide eyes as they started to strip. The sun was starting to set and priests could be glimpsed lighting braziers and torches. As stout columns of flame spread a warm radiance through the gardens, Candy tensed against her bonds and readied for what was no doubt going to be a very long night.

Her thoughts momentarily turned to Yakami, but they did not linger. People drifted in and out of her life so quickly now. They were fleeting presences that contributed to her experiences and then vanished. Now that she was with Warlord Hachiman, would she see Yakami again? Or Oshin? Had they joined the Slavemaster, her Captain, and Lei, in a forsaken past?

The Kami Empire had consumed her, and there was still so much more to explore and learn of this wondrous place. Somehow, she knew that her questions could not even vaguely encompass the number of hidden answers.

The two officers closed in, chuckling with merriment as the bound form of Candy lay captive before their desire. Candy stared up at the sky and smiled contently against her gag.

Candy’s adventures in the Kami Empire, and the secrets she finds continue in Dragon Candy 2.

Glossary for the Kami Empire

Izanagi and Izanami: The creator deities, the names of the two forces whose interplay create and move the vortex between Earth and Pangaea.

The Kami: the various deities of earth and heaven. The lords and manifestations of thought, deed, and substance.

Mitama: The essence or emanation of god or spirit. The name given to the Imperial Army that enforces the will of the Kami and marches under the banner of A-Katsu (I conquer).

Shintai: The God body, the earth form, or symbol of a deity.

The Primary Powers of the Kami Empire

Yatakagami: The Sun Goddess. Supreme Ruler of the land who is always accompanied by her sacred crow Yatagarusa.

Musubi: Lord of growth. He is the tactician, the planner, and chief advisor to the Sun Goddess.

Tsuki-yomi: The Moon God. The lord of darkness. He is the keeper of time and his House plots the path of the vortex on Earth. His House alone is not subject to the rule of the Sun Goddess.

Amatsu mika hoshi (Dread star of heaven): He knows all, but cannot leave his shrine. He controls a vast and highly secretive spy network that watches the Empire, the lands about them, and trains the operatives that go across to Earth to send ships and planes into the vortex. He is the chief advisor to the Moon God.

The Kami of Water

Toyo-tama-hiko (Rich jewel prince): Supreme Warlord of the Water.

Naka-tsu-wata-dzu-mi (Middle sea body): His House conducts submerged patrols in the ocean waters. His troops ride aquatic Dinosaurs such as the seventeen metre long Kronosaurus.

Uha-tsu-wata-dzu-mi (Upper sea body): His House provides surface vessels and reptilian steeds to protect and patrol the ocean traffic.

Soko-tsu-wata-dzu-mi (Bottom sea body): Warlord of the deep. His House oversees seabed construction and harvesting, along with ocean bed mining for valuable minerals.

Midzu-chi (Water-father): Warlord of the Rivers. His House conducts river patrols to maintain security and order either by boat, or on trained fifteen metre long Phobosuchus (Horror crocodile).

Midzuha no me (Water-female): The concubines of the Great Houses of Water.

The Kami of Air

Ame no minaka-nushi: Supreme Warlord of the air

Shinatsu-hiko: Lord of the Wind. His House is responsible for the sending of all radio communication.

Shinatobe: Lady of the Wind. Her House is responsible for the receiving of all radio communication.

Hayachi (Swift father): The Messenger. His House handles all overland messages and items of import, and sees to their safe delivery.

The Kami of Fire

Take-mika-dzuchi (Brave-dread-father): The master of thunder, Warlord of the artillery regiments.

Hachiman: the Warlord who commands the Mitama.

Ame-waka-hiko (heaven-young-prince): His Mikado and highest-ranking general.

Uzume (Dread female): His most feared and ruthless agent.

Ashua: Guardian Warlord of the courtyard, protector of the inner lands. His House is the police force of the Empire.

Toyotama-hiko: the Dragon Warlord. He is part Wani and second in command to Warlord Hachiman.

Wani (Dragon): Eggs of the Dinosaur tribes were taken centuries ago and the offspring raised as Wani. From the best of these warriors were bred more until an army was created. They are now fanatically loyal warriors. They are fierce, fearless, and serve as the backbone of the Mitama.

The Kami of Earth

Kagu-tsuchi (Radiant father): The fire god. Lord of power and energy, his House runs the nuclear plants.

Kamado no Kami: The furnace deity. Lord of the furnaces of wood, oil, coal, and hydroelectricity.

Inari: The Lord of the rice fields. His House sees to the feeding of the general population.

Susa no wo: The Lord of rain. His House oversees all plumbing and irrigation.

Oho-toshi (Great harvest): The lord of gathering. His House sees to the harvest and the safe storing of all food.

Uka no mitama: Lord of the food spirit. His House ensures good crops and plentiful harvests. They provide knowledge, equipment, and expertise to guarantee growth. They breed and raise the best herds for slaughter. They also train humans to fulfil the role of beasts.

Ho no Susori: Lord of the fishermen. His House builds boats, provides equipment, and sees to the smooth running of the fishing fleet.

Hohodemi: Lord of the hunt. His House hunts Dinosaurs to replenish the stock. They also see to the breeding and training of new steeds and herd animals for domestic use. They also train human ponies.

Sukuna-bikona: (Little prince): A House of dwarves that see to the brewing of wines and other drink. They also produce many medicinal remedies and maintain a large medicinal thermal springs. It is in his underground palace that the sacred spring of longevity is located.

Temmangu: The Lord of learning and calligraphy. They are the teachers of the young and old, and indoctrinate and educate new slaves.

Ishikoridome: The stonecutter Lord. His House is one of architecture and building.

Toyo-tama: (Rich jewel): His House are jewellers, and makers of finery.

Ohonamochi: Lord of physicians. His House tends the injured, the sick, and the many slaves of the Empire to ensure their health and survival.

Yama tsu mi (Mountain-body): Lord of the trees. His House is responsible for tree-cutting, lumber, timber, and the maintaining of forests.

The ranks of the Kami Priesthood

Mikado: Chief Priests of a Kami. They see to the running of the House and its affairs and responsibilities.

Nakatomi: Mediators between the priests and the Kami. They regulate and assign the slaves of a House as the Kami or Mikado decree.

Imbe: The preparers. They ensure that the lower ranks see to the preparation, cleanliness, and order of slaves, equipment, and chambers.

Hafuri: Inferior grade priests that see to the basic tasks of the House and its responsibilities.

Negi: The lowest priestly rank that is responsible for the most mundane functions of the House.

Kamube: A slave who has earned freedom through exemplary conduct and service and now tends the House as the priests dictate while still holding authority over other Kami-tsu-ko.

Kami-tsu-ko: A slave dedicated to a House.

The Underworld of the Kami Empire

Yomi: The land of darkness where slaves and criminals are banished. Once sent to Yomi, one may never return unless via personal pardon from both Sun Goddess and Moon God.

Bimbo-gami: The Lord of poverty. The Kami of sexual frustration, teasing, and enforced chastity.

Naki-sahame: The Lady of weeping. The feared sadistic dominatrix of Yomi.

Ashiki kami: The rulers of Yomi.

Oni: The inhabitants of Yomi. Many are former Hafuri-tsu-mono and are have been elevated from that caste to assist in the running of the realm.

Hafuri-tsu-mono (flung away things): Those sent to Yomi.