2nd Regiment, 70

12th Regiment of the U.S. Infantry, 32

Abbey, Edward, 216

Achorn, Edward, 92

Adams County, 181–83, 191, 192–93

Advance Aircraft Company, 150–52

Akron: dirigibles made in, 122; naval station, 113

“Alabam” (Copas), 191

Alabama (Confederate raider), 42

Alcoa, 115

Alley, John B., 54–55

Alta California, 33–35

American Airlines, 134

American Association (baseball league), 92, 93, 98, 100–101

Amery, John, 174

Andrew, Maggie, 117

Anson, Adrian C. “Cap,” 98, 100

Arcier, Francis, 155

Aristocraft (airplane), 163

Arlington Cemetery, 87

Armstrong, G. W., 119

Army of the Potomac, 41

Arnold, General, 161

Arthur, C. L., 110

“As Advertised” (Copas), 200

Ashtabula, 26, 175, 178

Associated Press, 119, 131, 140, 155, 175, 178

Atlantic, 216

Austin, Henry, 34, 35

Aviation Hall of Fame, 141

Baker, Kim, 4

Ball, Clifford, 126

Ballard, Hank, 200

Barden, Judy, 173–74

Bass, Ralph, 201–2

Battle of Bennington, 88

Battle of Cedar Creek, 82

Battle of Cloyd’s Mountain, 81

Battle of Corinth, 40

Battle of Fort Sumter, 69

Battle of Memphis, 40

Battle of South Mountain, 75–77

Battle of Winchester, 81

Baumgartner, Celeste, 59

Bayley, Carol, 141

Bayley, Mrs. Elden, 141

Bayne, Walter J., 154

Beard, Henry, 5

Beech, Olive Ann, 136, 138, 139

Beech, Walter, 138, 151

Beechcraft, 136–39, 151

Belle Valley, 110

Bendix Transcontinental Race, 136–39

Benjamin Hanby Memorial Association, 29

Best, Robert, 174, 176

Beverly Hills Supper Club (Kentucky), 198

Bigler, John, 33–35

Billboard, 186, 189, 200

Birchard, Sardis, 65, 66, 70, 72, 73–74, 77, 78–79, 84, 86

Blaine, James, 43, 84

Blasé, Darren, 190

Bliss, P. P., 26

Blue Creek, 181, 184

Blue Jacket (Shawnee war chief), 4

Bogan, Dallas, 4

Bond Hill (Cincinnati neighborhood), 196

Bones, Ivy, 48, 60

Bones, William, 60

Boone, Daniel, 5, 8, 9

Boone, Joseph, Sr., 8

Boone County Jamboree (radio program), 184–85

Bostic, Earl, 201

Bowsher, Anthony, 47

Bowsher & Green, 47–48

Bowsherville, 47, 49, 59

Bradford, Forest, 198

Brandley, Raymond H., 146

Brent, George, 128

Brethern Church (Lewisburg), 20

Brethern Church (New Paris), 22

Brooklyn Dodgers (baseball team), 92, 94

Brower, Barbara, 21

Brown, Craig, 92, 94, 103

Brown, James, 201, 204

Brown, John, 38–39

Browning, Robert, 217

Brukner, Clayton, 145–64; biographical information, 145–46; celebrity customers of, 152–54, 155–57; characterization of, 153–54, 157–61; death of, 164; early companies of, 146–53; flying by, 159–60; international sales by, 154–55, 160; legacy of, 158; non-airplane inventions of, 163; WACO reputation and, 145, 154 (see also WACO Company); World War II gliders by, 161–63

Brukner, Clem, 159, 164

Brutus, Lee, 155, 161

Bryan, Guy M., 70

Buchanan, James, 37

Bureau of Air Commerce, 136, 139

Burgess, John W., 85

Butler County, 20, 22

“Butternuts,” 81

Cadiz, Opera House, 102

Cady, Chauncey M., 24

Caesar, Charles, 10, 12

Caesar Creek State Park, 3, 4–5, 8, 9, 10–11

Caesar (escaped slave): places named for, 3–5, 8, 9, 10–11; stories and evidence of, 3, 5–12

Cahokia, 7

California, 33–35

Call, “Cactus” Jack, 191

Calvert, Elvira, 148

Calvert, Howard, 148

Camp Jackson, 70, 71

Camp Reynolds, 77–78, 88

Camp White, 78

Cannon, Annie, 209, 211, 212, 216, 218

Cannon, Carol, 212, 218

Cannon, Grant, 210–17

Cannon, Terence, 210, 211, 214, 218

Carpenter, Frank G., 54–55

Carroll (baseball player), 96

Carter, Ulish, 101

Carter, W. H., 33

Chamberlain, Ryan, 34

Chandler, Douglas, 174, 176

Chapel Gems for Sunday Schools (Root, Hanby), 29

Chase, C. M., 38

Chicago, Hanby and, 24–26

Chicago White Stockings (baseball team), 99, 100

Chillicothe, 79, 81

Choctaw (Native Americans), 42

Choose You This Day (Custer), 29

Christian Repository (newspaper), 16

Chronicle House, 127, 168

Church of the United Brethren in Christ, 16

Cincinnati: King Records and, 186, 195–205 (see also Nathan, Sydney); music of, 182; Negro Leagues and, 101; Spring Grove Cemetery, 79; Wesleyan Female College, 67

Cincinnati Enquirer, 41, 111, 213

Cincinnati Law School, 32

Cincinnati Literary Club, 70

Cincinnati Red Stockings (baseball team), 93–94

Circle of Seasons, The (Johnson), 217

“Circle Rock” (Copas, Robbins), 190

Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA), 140

Civil Rights Act of 1866, 83

Civil War: Harpster and, 40–42, 46; Hayes family and, 69–82. See also individual names of battles; specific battles Clara, “Aunt,” 69

Clark, George Rogers, 5

Clarke, George Washington, 38

Clermont County, 207, 212–13

Cleveland: Chronicle House, 127, 168; Great Lakes Aircraft Corporation, 134; Hopkins Municipal Airport, 126, 128; International Women’s Air and Space Museum, 142; Lansdowne as recruiter in, 112; NASA-Plain Dealer Science Fair, 141; Negro Leagues and, 101

Cleveland, Frances, 86

Cleveland, Grover, 43

Cleveland Air Races, 129

Cleveland Forest Cities (baseball team), 100

Cleveland Whites (baseball team), 96

Cline, Patsy, 191–92

Clinton County, 3, 32

Clinton County Historical Society, 35

Colorado Hall of Fame, 32, 43

Columbus: Camp Jackson, 70, 71; Hocking Valley & Toledo Railroad Company, 49

Columbus Dispatch, 178

Conkling, Roscoe, 84

Connelley, William Elsey, 39

Cook, Edward Magruder, 43

Cook, Isaac, 86

Coolidge, Calvin, 108, 118

“Cootie” (airplane), 147–48

Copas, “Cowboy” Lloyd Estel, 181–93; birthplace of, 181–83; death of, 191–92; Dot Records and, 190; early career of, 183–86; King Records and, 182, 186–89, 192, 199, 200, 201; legacy of, 192–93; marriage of, 185; Starday Records and, 191

Copas, Elvin (father), 181

Copas, Forrest (brother), 190

Copas, Kathy (daughter), 191, 193

Copas, Lola (mother), 181

Copas, Lucille Markins (wife), 185, 191

Copas, Lula (sister-in-law), 190

Copas, Marion Andrew (brother), 184

“Copperheads,” 22, 41

Corn Island, 6

Counter-Intelligence Corps (CIC; U.S. Army), 173

Country Music Hall of Fame (Nashville), 193

Court-Martial of Billy Mitchell, The (movie), 119

Cowley County, Kansas, 50

Crawford, Frederick C., 128

Crazy ’08 (Murphy), 92

Crittenden, John J., 69

Crook, George, 80–81, 82

Crosby, Frances Jane, 25

Crosson, Marvel, 131

Crothers, Dug, 101

“Crowding Awfully” (Hanby), 24

Crump, William T., 77

Custer, Dacia, 28–29

Dahlem, Valentine, 146, 152, 163

Daily Advocate (newspaper), 117

Daily Union (newspaper), 60

Dalhart, Vernon, 116–17

Dalton, Dennis, 8

D’Aquina, Iva Toguri “Tokyo Rose,” 177, 179

Darke County, 21, 108, 121, 140

Darke County Historical Society, 116–18

Dark Traveler, The, 213–14

Dark Victory (movie), 128

“Darling Nelly Gray” (Hanby), 15, 17–19, 29

Davis, Jack, 178

Davis, T. R., 109–10

Day, Fannie, 62

Dayton, McCook Field in, 146

DBJ Aeroplane Company, 147

Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 83

Delano, Columbus, 51–52, 63

Delaware, 168. See also Ohio Wesleyan University Delmore, Alton, 186, 187

Democratic Nomination for 1884, A, 43

Dennis, Cecil W., 59–60

Denver, Colorado, 39–40, 43

Denver, James W., 31–43; biographical information, 31–33; Civil War commission of, 40–42; duel with Gilbert, 31, 33–35; law career of, 32, 42; legacy of, 36–37, 39–40, 43; political career of, 35–36, 37–40, 42–43

Denver, James W. (son), 36

Denver, Katherine (daughter), 36

Denver, Louise Rombach (wife), 31, 35–36, 40, 42–43

Denver, Mary Louise (daughter), 36

Denver, Matthew (son), 36, 42

Denver Post, 39

Dick, Charlie, 192

Dingley Wool Tariff (1897), 63

Dirigible (British periodical), 113

Dixmude (French dirigible), 116

Do and Dare (movie), 150

Dog House Restaurant, 151

Donaldson, Nancye Caesar, 10

Dorman, Walter, 171

Dot Records, 190

Douglas, Stephen A., 38

Drummond-Hay, Lady Grace, 155–57 du Pont, Felix, 157

Duralumin (Alcoa), 115

Earhart, Amelia, 129, 130, 131–33, 134–35, 136–39

Early, Jubal, 82

Eckert, Allan, 8

Edison, Thomas, 27

Elder, Ruth, 129, 131, 133

Eliza Jane (servant), 68

Elyria, 168

Emancipation Proclamation, 41–42

Equator (newspaper), 102

Erickson, Fern, 55–56, 59, 60–61

Ethyl Company, 134, 135

Euclid, 142

Evans, Fred, 183

Evanston (Cincinnati neighborhood), 196

Ewing-Gibbins, Vinnie, 11

Fairfield County, 16

Falls of the Ohio, 6

“Famous American Duels” (Austin), 35

Famous Flames, 201

Farm Quarterly, 211

Federal Communications Commission, 173

Federal Reformatory for Women (Alderson, West Virginia), 177

“Fever” (John), 200

“Filipino Baby” (Copas), 186

First Brigade, 80–81

Fleet Walker’s Divided Heart (Zang), 91

Fleischman, John, 218

Ford, Henry, 151, 179

Ford Reliability Good Will Tour, 151

Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Nashville), 192

Fort Patrick Henry, 7

Fort Sackville, 7

Fowler, C. R., 49

Fowler City, 48

Francis, Dale, 151, 161–62, 164

Franklin County, 179

Fremont: Hayes family in Lower Sandusky, 67, 70; Spiegel Grove mansion, 84, 88–89

Frémont, John C., 71

Friend of Iran (airplane), 160

Frontiersman, The (Eckert), 8

Fugitive Slave Law of 1850, 69, 95–96

Galbreath, Charles B., 19

Gamary, Andy, 109–10

Gambier, 66

Gambier, Kenyon College in, 66

Garker, Harvey, 112

Garst Museum, 108, 121

Geer, Emily Apt, 76, 80, 86

General Denver Hotel, 36–37

Giddings, J. R., 19

Gilbert, Edward, 31, 33–35

Gilfillan, Merrill C., 27

Gillars, Edna Mae (sister), 167–69, 175, 176, 177, 178

Gillars, Mae Sisk, 167–69, 174

Gillars, Mildred “Axis Sally,” 167–79; biographical information, 167–69; death of, 179; “Midge at the Mike,” 171; teaching career of, 178–79; trial and incarceration of, 173–77; World War II radio career of, 169–73

Gillars, Robert (stepfather), 167–68

Gingham Girls, 150

“Glass Mountain, The” (Johnson), 214

Globe House (Washington, D.C.), 42–43

Glover, Henry, 195, 202–3

Goering, Herman, 156

Golden West Cowboys, 185

Gold Star Rangers, 184

“Goodbye Kisses” (Copas), 191, 192

Gordon Square Theater, 127

Graf (zeppelin), 156

Graham, Will, 33

Grand Ole Opry (radio program), 182, 184

Grant, Julia, 78

Grant, Ulysses S., 41, 51, 78

Gray, Lewis H., 115–16

Gray, Nelly, 15, 17–19, 29

Great Lakes Aircraft Corporation, 134

Great Lie, The (movie), 128

Great Men of Modern Agriculture (Cannon), 215

Green, Ed, 152

Greenville, 108, 112–14, 116–18, 140

Greenville Daily News-Tribune, 117

Grove, Louis W., 128

Grove, Reverend Bobby, 196

Grove, Rick, 58

G17R Staggerwing (airplane), 137

Hall, James, 48

Hall, Rachel S. (Harpster), 48, 49

Hall, Wade, 5, 8

Halle Brothers Department Store, 130, 132, 168–69

Halper, Dorothy, 199

Hamilton, 20

Hamilton, Henry, 7

Hampton College, 87

Hampton Roads, Virginia, 109

Hanby, Ann (mother), 16–17

Hanby, Brainerd (son), 20

Hanby, Elizabeth (sister), 28

Hanby, Mary Katherine “Kate” Winter (wife), 19–20, 26, 28

Hanby, Minniehaha (daughter), 20

Hanby, Reverend Benjamin Russel, 15–29; biographical information, 16–17, 19–20; as church pastor, 20–21, 22–23; death of, 26; legacy of, 15, 21–22, 27–29; songwriting by, 15–16, 17–19, 23–27

Hanby, Reverend William (father), 16–17, 28

Hanby, William O. (brother), 28

Hanby House museum, 18, 22, 28–29

Hancock, T. E., 102

Harless, Don, 108

Harper’s Bazaar, 214

Harpers Ferry, Virginia, 39

Harpster, Catharine (mother), 47

Harpster, David, 45–63; biographical information, 47; businesses of, 45–46, 47–50; death of, 62–63; modern-day Harpster (town) and legacy of, 55–62; as “Wool King,” 46, 50; on wool tariffs, 46–47, 50–55

Harpster, George Thomas (father), 47

Harpster, Ivy (daughter), 48, 60

Harpster, Jane (wife), 49–50

Harpster, Rachel S. (wife), 48, 49

Harpster, Sarah (daughter), 48, 60

Harpster Bank, 49, 57, 59, 60

Harpster General Store, 56

Harpster (town): modern-day, 55–62; name of, 45–55, 62–63

Harpster United Methodist Church, 59

Harrison, Benjamin, 45, 53–54

Harrison County, 46

Hart, Hugh, 22

Hartzell Propellor Company, 107

Harveysburg, 10

Hawk, Gretchen, 158

Hawkins, Hawkshaw, 191–92, 199

Hayes, Birchard Austin “Birch” (son), 68, 85

Hayes, Fanny (president’s daughter), 83–84, 87, 88

Hayes, Fanny (president’s sister), 66, 68

Hayes, George (son), 82

Hayes, Joseph (son), 79

Hayes, Lucy Webb, 65–89; biographical information, 65–68; Civil War events and, 69–82; death of, 88–89; early marriage of, 68–69; as first lady of Ohio, 83–84; as first lady of U.S., 65, 84–88; husband’s election to Congress and, 81, 82–83; as “Lemonade Lucy,” 86

Hayes, Manning Force (son), 84

Hayes, Rutherford, Jr. (father), 66

Hayes, Rutherford B. “Rud” (husband): biographical information, 66–68; Civil War service of, 69–82; death of, 89; early marriage of, 68–69; as Ohio governor, 83–84; as U.S. president, 65, 84–88; as U.S. representative, 81, 82–83; wife’s death and, 88–89

Hayes, Rutherford Platt “Ruddy” (son), 68

Hayes, Scott Russell (son), 84, 85, 88

Hayes, Sophia Birchard (mother), 66, 67, 69, 82

Hayes, Webb (son), 74, 84–85

Hearst newspapers, 156

Hell’s Angels (movie), 128

Hencacklers String Band, 183

Herrick, Edna Mae Gillars, 167–69, 175, 176, 177, 178

Herzog, E. T. “Bucky,” 196

Hickory Grove Country Club (Harpster), 56

Hill, John S., 140

Hinde, Thomas S., 5

Hindenburg (dirigible), 122, 157

History of Wyandot County, 50

Home Sweet Home Hour (radio program), 170–71

Hoover, J. Edgar, 113

Howard, Benny, 139

Hughes, Bela, 32

Hughes, Denver & Peck, 42

Hughes, Howard, 128

Hughes, Kathy Copas, 191, 193

Hughes, Randy, 191

Hughes, Thomas, 48

Hutchison, Barbara, 22

Illustrated American, 35

Indiana, Vincennes (former town) of, 5, 6, 7

Ingalls, Laura, 139

Inland Island, The (Johnson), 214–15, 216

International League (baseball), 100, 101

International Women’s Air and Space Museum, 142

Jefferson Township, 182

Jewel Theater, 150

John, “Little” Willie, 200

John Church Company, 21, 24

Johnson, Josephine, 207–18; biographical information, 207–8; characterization of, 212; death of, 218; fiction writing of, 207–10, 213–14; magazine writing of, 214, 218; marriages and family of, 210–12; nonfiction writing of, 214–17; Pulitzer Prize awarded to, 207, 208–9. See also individual book titles Jones, “Grandpa,” 196, 199

Jordanstown (Johnson), 210

Joyce, William, 174

Junkin, Elwood “Sam,” 146–49, 150–52

Junkin, Hattie Meyers Weaver, 147–49, 150–52

Junkin, Janet, 152

“Just Before the Battle, Mother” (Root), 24

Justified by Honor (Cook), 43

Kaltenbach, Fred J., 174

Kanawha Valley, 72, 80

Kansas Territory, 37–40

Karlson, Paul, 169

Kaskaskia, 7

Kelley, John M., Jr., 175–76

Kelley, Stephen, 191, 193

Kennedy, John F., 141, 174

Kent, 148

Kenton, Simon, 4, 5, 8–9

Kenton’s Trace, 4

Kentucky: Caesar in, 5, 8; as slave state, 69

Kenyon College, 66

Kerrigan, Father Thomas, 178

Kessel, Howard, 188

King, Pee Wee, 185, 186, 189

Kingham, Willard, 158

King Records: Copas and, 182, 186–89, 192, 199, 200, 201; demise of, 205; success of, 199–204; “The King of Them All” slogan, 199. See also Nathan, Sydney Kirkwood, Missouri, 207–8

Knox, Harry, 112

Knox, John, 112

Knox County, 5

Kobernuss, Fred O., 159–60

Koischwitz, Max Otto, 169–72, 174, 176

Koischwitz, Stella, 172

Koishwitz, Max Otto, 172

Korda, Michael, 213

Korean War, WACO planes and, 163

Lakehurst, New Jersey, 108, 112, 115, 118, 119, 122

Lakewood, 126

Lane, James Henry “Jim,” 37–38

Lansdowne, Elizabeth Knox (mother), 112, 117, 120

Lansdowne, Ellen MacKinmon (first wife), 112

Lansdowne, Falkland “Mac” (son), 112

Lansdowne, Harry (brother), 112

Lansdowne, James M. (father), 112

Lansdowne, John (brother), 112

Lansdowne, Margaret “Betsy” Seldon, 113–14, 119–20

Lansdowne, Peggy (daughter), 114

Lansdowne, Zachary, 107–22; biographical information, 112–14; death of, 109–11; USS Shendoah construction and mission, 114–16; USS Shendoah crash and, 107–8, 109–11, 116, 118–21; USS Shendoah legacy, 121–22; USS Shendoah publicity and, 108–9, 116–18

Last of the Husbandsmen, The (Logsdon), 58–59

Laughlin, James, 170

Lawrence, Kansas, 38, 39

Lawrence, William, 51, 63

Lebanon, 8, 10

Leeds Race Trophy, 134

Lewis, Charles Henrickson, 60

Lewis, John L., 49, 60–61

Lewisburg, 20

Lincoln, Abraham, 40–42, 73

Lindbergh, Charles, 125, 126

Little Miami River, 9, 10

Little Sandusky, 49, 55–56, 59

Lockbourne, 179

Locke, Kimberly, 29

Logan, Benjamin, 4

Logsdon, Gene, 49, 58–59, 61

Lorain, 147

Louisville, 6

Louisville Courier-Journal, 5, 96

Louisville Eclipse (baseball team), 92, 96–97

Lower Sandusky, 67, 70

Lucas, Richard, 168, 177, 179

Lund, “Fearless” Freddie, 153, 159

Luscombe Aircraft Company, 161

MacKinmon, Ellen, 112

Magoto, Florence, 120–21

Malone, Ted, 18

Mann, Lois, 200

Marietta, 88

Markham, Beryl, 139

Markins, Lucille, 185, 191

Martens, Barry, 36–37

Maryland, Battle of South Mountain in, 75–77

Matthews, Stanley, 70, 71

Maxwell, Jane (Harpster), 49–50

McClellan, George, 41

McCook Field, 146

McCoy, Eva, 119

McGarey, Mary, 178

McGuire, Jimmy, 99

McKinley, William, 53, 62, 71, 80

Medina, 148

Methodist Episcopal Church (Steubenville), 95

Mexico War, 32

Meyers, Charlie, 146–49, 152–53

Middletown (Maryland), 76

“Midge at the Mike,” 171

Mifflin Township, 48

Miller, David, 48

Miller, Emmeline, 29

Miss Cleveland (airplane), 130–33

Mississippi, Battle of Corinth in, 40

Mississippi River, 7

Missouri: Denver and, 32, 33, 39; Johnson and, 207–8

Mitchell, William “Billy,” 108, 119

Mix, Tom, 150

Moffitt, Charles, 153–54, 157–58, 159–60, 162

Moltrup, Merle, 125

Monroe, Winnie, 69

Morgan, John H., 79

Morton, Charlie, 98

Mount Pleasant, 95

Mulane, Tony, 99–100

Murdock, James, 48

Murphy, Cait, 92

Murray, Patrick “Curly,” 102

Mussolini, Benito, 149

NASA-Plain Dealer Science Fair, 141

Nathan, Sydney, 195–205; biographical information, 195–96, 197–98; characterization of, 189, 196–97; Copas and, 182, 186–89, 192; death of, 205; early businesses of, 198–99; King Records and, 199–205

National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 135–36

National Air Races (1936), 135

National Geographic, 110, 114

National League (baseball), 93, 98

National Soldiers’ Home, 87

Negro Leagues (baseball), 101

Nelson, Reverend David, 25

Newark Little Giants (baseball team), 100

New Castle, Indiana, 22

Newcomb, Charles M., 168

New Paris, 15, 21–23

Newtown, 211

New York Times, 53, 111, 140, 218

New York Times Book Review, 216

New York Tribune, 51

New York World, 54

Nichols, Ruth, 129

Niemenen, Edna Mae Gillars Herrick, 167–69, 175, 176, 177, 178

Niemenen, Edwin, 178

Ninety-Nines, 134, 135, 136, 140, 141, 142

Noble County, Shenandoah crash in, 107–8, 109–11, 116, 118–21

Noble County Bicentennial Commission, 110

Noel, Tom, 40

North American Newspaper Alliance, 173–74

Northwestern League (baseball), 97

Now in November (Johnson), 207, 208–9

Noyes, Blanche Wilcox, 125–43; air-marking work by, 135–36, 139–40; Bendix Transcontinental Race won by, 136–39; biographical information, 127–28; competitive flying by, 129–33; death of, 142; early twentieth century aviation and, 128–29, 133–34; flight training of, 126–27; husband’s death and, 135; instrument flying by, 134–35; legacy of, 141–43; marriage of, 125–26

Noyes, Dewey, 125–27, 134–35, 142–43

Oak Hill Cemetery, 63

Oberlin College, 93, 95–96

Oberlin (village), 96

O’Donnell, Gladys, 133

Ohio, 49, 218

Ohio Democrat, 51

Ohio Department of Natural Resources, 27

Ohio Division of State Parks, 4

“Ohio Manners and Morals” (New York Times), 111

Ohio State Archaelogical and Historical Society, 29

Ohio Wesleyan University, 66, 168, 179

Ohio Wool Growers’ Association, 50, 52

Old House (Newtown), 211

Old Town (Shawnee community), 9

Oliver Ditson Company, 17–18

Omlie, Phoebie, 134, 135–39

Opera House, 102

Order of the Poor Child Jesus, 178–79

Ordinance of 1787, 8

Otterbein Cemetery, 26

Otterbein College, 16–17, 19

Our Home Colony (Walker), 102–3

Our Lady of Bethlehem Convent, 178–79

Our Song Birds (Hanby, Root), 26

Packard (motor manufacturer), 107

Palace Theater, 183

Parker, James, 80

Paulina (Johnson), 210

Pauline (songwriter), 26

Pearson, Wallace, 149

Pecos (Texas) airport, 132

Peebles, 183

“Penelope’s Web” (Johnson), 214

Pennington, Ray, 200, 202

Pfeffer, Fritz, 96–97

Philip Phillips & Company, 22

Pike, Lipman “Lip,” 93–94

“Pilot’s Psalm” (Noyes), 142–43

Pioneer Pole and Shaft Company, 150

Piqua, 107, 168

Pistols, Politics and the Press (Chamberlain), 34

Pitcairn (autogyro), 134

Pittsburg Courier, 101

Pitt Township, 48, 58, 62

Plain Dealer (Cleveland), 141

Platt, Fanny Hayes, 66, 68

Platt, William (father), 76–77

Platt, Willie (son), 68

Platte City, 32, 33

Platters, 204

Pleasant Grove, 47

“Please, Please, Please” (Brown), 201–2

Polk, Sarah, 86

Pony Express, 32

Preble County, 20, 21

Price, John, 96

Proclamation of 1763, 6

Providence Grays (baseball team), 92

Pryfolgle, Larry, 18

Pugh, Ronnie, 193

Pulitzer Prize, 207, 208–9

Putnam, G. P., 135

Quantrill, William Clarke, 39

Rall, Lawrence, 61

Raney, Wayne, 200

R-34 (dirigible), 113 23rd Ohio Volunter Infantry, 70–82, 88

Reccius, Johnnie, 96–97

Reck, Henry, 158

Regan, Barry, 102

Reichs-Rundfunk-Gesellschaft (RRG), 170–79

“Rented Room, The” (Johnson), 214

“Revellers’ Chorus” (Hanby), 24

Richey, Helen, 139

Richfield Aviation Field, 146

Richmond (Indiana), 23

Rickenbacker, Eddie, 153

Rickman, Sarah Byrn, 142

Robbins, Hargus “Pig,” 190

Roberts, John B., 87

Robin, The (Hanby), 29

Robinson, George F., 4

Robinson, Jackie, 92, 94

Rockefeller, John D., 134

Rogers, Roy, 185

Rogers, Will, 130

Rombach, Louise, 31, 35–36, 40, 42–43

Rombach Place (Wilmington), 35

Roosevelt, Franklin, 171, 176

Root, A. I., 148

Root, Ebenezer, 24

Root, George F., 24–26, 29

Root Bee Supply Company, 148

Root & Cady, 24–26

Rosecrans, William S., 70

Rothwell, Mildred, 185

Rushville, 16

Ryman, 182, 184

Sammon, Helen, 142

Sampson, Alden, II, 149, 150

Sanchez, KJ, 203, 205

Santa Fe New Mexican, 122

Schurz, Carl, 89

Scioto County, 185

Sears, Cyrus, 49, 60, 62

Sears, Francis (Lewis), 60

Secrest, William, 33

Selby, Joseph, 17

Seldon, Margaret “Betsy,” 113–14, 119–20

Seven Houses (Johnson), 208, 211, 212, 217

Seven Mile Academy, 20

Shaw, Reverend Fred, 9

Shawnee (Native Americans), 4, 9

Sherman, William T., 40, 42

Shoemaker, Dacia C., 22–23, 28

Sigler, Roberta “Robbi,” 57, 58

“Signed, Sealed, and Delivered” (Copas), 200

Simmons, “Icewater” Joe, 101

Simon & Shuster, 209–10, 213, 214, 217

Sisk, Mae, 167–69, 174

Sisk, Vincent, 167

Slye, Leonard, 185

Smoot, Thurlow, 210

Sorcerer’s Son and Other Stories, The (Johnson), 214

Spiegel Grove (Fremont), 84, 88–89

“Spirit of Otterbein” (historical pageant), 28

Sporting Life, 94, 96, 97, 100–101

Sporting News, 103

Spring Grove Cemetery (Cincinnati), 79

Square Dance Jubilee (movie), 187

St. Joseph’s Cemetery, 179

St. Petersburg Times, 133

Stalag IIB (POW camp), 172

Stalter, John, 50–51

Standard Oil Company of Ohio, 134

Starday Records, 191, 197

Starr, Ray, 200

Steubenville, 95–96, 103

Stewart, Redd, 189

Storer, John Earl, 183

Storer, Vernon “Natchee the Indian,” 183–84, 187

Stovey, George, 93

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 18–19

“Strange Little Girl” (Copas), 189

Sugar Grove Cemetery (Wilmington), 43

Summer of Beer and Whiskey, The (Achorn), 92

Sunbrock, Larry, 184, 187

Sutter’s Camp (California), 33

Swallows, 204

Sycamore, Illinois, 38

Syd’s Record Shop, 198

Syracuse Stars (baseball team), 100–101

Taylor, Ednah, 102

“Tennessee Waltz” (Copas), 182

“Tennessee Waltz” (Copas, King, Stewart), 189

Texas: Harpster’s land in, 45; Pecos airport in, 132; Richfield Aviation Field, 146

Thackston, Joyce, 37

Thaden, Louise, 129, 132–33, 134, 136–39

Thomas Jefferson (newspaper), 32

Thompson Trophy Race, 129

Tilden, Samuel J., 84

Toland, John, 111, 114

Toledo Blue Stockings (baseball team), 92, 97–100

“Tramp, Tramp, Tramp, the Boys Are Marching” (Root), 24

Travel Air (airplane), 130, 151

Troy: Troy Business Men’s Association, 149; WACO Company in, 145, 149, 150 (see also WACO Company); WACO Historical Society (WHS) museum, 145, 158

Troy Daily News, 149, 151, 164

True Republican and Sentinel (Sycamore, Illinois), 38

Truth Is Stranger Than Publicity, The (Delmore), 187

“Twist, The” (Ballard), 200

Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 18–19

Union Association (baseball league), 93, 98

Union Cemetery, 103

United Methodist Hymnal, 25

University of Colorado-Denver, 40

University of Iowa, 210

University of Michigan, 97

“Up on the Housetop” (Hanby), 15, 21, 23, 26–29

Upper Sandusky, 60, 62

U.S. Army, 173

U.S. Army Air Corps, 149

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 4, 10

U.S. Department of Commerce, 133, 136, 139

U.S. Department of the Navy, 107, 108, 109, 111, 112–13, 114–22

U.S. Justice Department, 171, 174, 175

U.S. Postal Department, 126

USS Akron (dirigible), 122

USS Lansdowne (ship), 114

USS Los Angeles (dirigible), 114, 118

USS Macon (dirigible), 122

USS Patoka (ship), 116

USS Roma (dirigible), 109

USS Shenandoah (dirigible): construction and mission of, 114–16; crash of, 107–8, 109–11, 116, 118–21; publicity about, 108–9, 116–18

USS Virginia (ship), 112

Van Dyne, Edward, 170–71

Vermont, Battle of Bennington in, 88

Vidal, Gene, 136

Vietnam War, Johnson on, 213–15

Viking, 217

Vincennes, 5, 6, 7

Virginia: Battle of Cedar Creek, 82; Battle of Winchester, 81; Harpers Ferry, 39

Vision of Invasion (Koishwitz) (play), 172, 176, 177

Voltz, William, 97 von Wiegand, Karl Henry, 156

WACO Company: “Ask Any Pilot” slogan, 145; celebrity customers of, 152–54, 155–57; “Cootie” (airplane), 147–48; early companies leading to, 146–53; employees of, 158–59; international sales by, 154–55, 160; production ended by, 163; reputation of, 145, 154; WACO 5, 148; WACO 7, 151; WACO 8, 151; WACO 9, 125, 126; WACO 10, 126–27, 151–52; WACO Historical Society (WHS) museum, 145, 158; WACO Model N, 159; WACO Taperwing, 153; World War II gliders by, 161–63

Walker, Arabella “Bella” (wife), 97, 102

Walker, Caroline O’Harra (mother), 95–96

Walker, Cornelia, 17, 18

Walker, Ednah (wife), 102

Walker, Moses Fleetwood, 91–104; arrest of, 101–2; baseball career of, 91–95, 96–101; biographical information, 95–96; marriages of, 97, 102; Our Home Colony, 102–3; patents and businesses of, 101, 102

Walker, Moses W. (father), 95–96

Walker, Weldy Wilberforce (brother), 95, 100, 102

Walker, William, 33

Walmsley, Nick, 113–14

Walter, Elwood M., 135

Warren County, 3, 5, 9

Washington, Martha, 78

Washington Star, 119

Washington University, 208

Waterbury Brassmen (baseball team), 100

Wayne County, 47

Waynesville, 10

Weaver, George “Buck,” Jr., 147, 151

Weaver, George “Buck,” Sr., 146–49, 150

Weaver, Hattie Meyers, 147–49, 150–52

Weaver Aircraft Company, 147–49. See also WACO Company Webb, James, 66, 68, 70, 79

Webb, Joseph, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 75, 76, 78, 84

Webb, Maria Cook, 66, 67, 68, 72, 78–79, 82

Webster Groves, 211, 217

Weeks, Edward, 216

Wellington, 96

Wesleyan Female College, 67

Western League (baseball), 100

Western Rhythm Boys, 200

Westerville, 16–17, 20, 26

Westerville Historical Society, 16, 29

West Virginia: Camp Reynolds, 77–78, 88; Camp White, 78; Civil War events in, 72; Kanawha Valley, 80

White, William Edward, 92

White Sewing Machine Company, 96

“Who Is He in Yonder Stall” (Hanby), 15, 25

“Why Don’t You Haul Off and Love Me” (Raney), 200

Wilbur, Curtis Dwight, 118, 120

Wildwood (Johnson), 211

Williams, D. E., 53

Williams, Hank, 186

Williams, Otis, 204

Williamson, Ned, 94

Willis, Don, 145, 158, 160, 163

Wilmington, 32, 35, 42–43

Wilson, Jim, 196, 202

Winder, Kurt, 113

Winfield (Kansas) Courier, 50

Winter, Mary Katherine “Kate” (Hanby), 19–20, 26, 28

Winter Orchard (Johnson), 210

WLW (radio station), 184–85, 199

Woman’s Medical College of Philadelphia, 87

Women’s Air Derby, 130–33

Women’s Christian Temperance Union, 86–87

Women’s Emergency Fund Committee, 129

Women’s International Aerobatics, 141

Wood, John, 49

Woodruff, Harry, 147

Wool Tariff (1883), 50, 51

Wool Tariff (1890), 53, 63

Wool Tariff (1897), 63

Wool Tariff Act (1867), 46–47

Works Progress Administration, 29, 136

World War I, Lansdowne and, 113

World War II: Brukner and WACO gliders, 161–63; Cannon’s service and, 211; early commercial flying and, 140; Gillars (“Axis Sally”) and, 167–79; record pressing and, 199

Worthington, 178–79

“Wreck of the Shenandoah, The” (Dalhart), 116–17

Wright, Thomas C., 4–5

Wright Field (U.S. Army Air Corps), 149, 161

Wright Whirlwind (engine), 153

WSM (radio station), 182

Wyandot County: Harpster and, 47–63; History of Wyandot County, 50

Xenia, 9, 32, 83, 97

Year’s End (Johnson), 210

Young, Clarence M., 133

Zang, David W., 91

Zeppelin, Count Ferdinand Graf von, 108–9

ZR-3 (zeppelin), 113–14, 118

Zucca, Rita “Sally,” 175