A Driving Tour

Sierra Morena

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n Locator Map (for more detail see Area Map)

The austere Sierra Morena runs across northern Andalucía. This route through Córdoba province takes in a region of oak- and pine-clad hills, where hunters stalk deer and boar. It also includes the open plain of Valle de los Pedroches, where storks make their nests on church towers. The area, little visited by tourists, is sparsely populated. Its individual character is more sober than the usual image of Andalucía and it makes a delightful excursion on a day out from Córdoba.

EXPERIENCE Córdoba and Jaén

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Length 190 km (118 miles)

Stopping-off points Some of the villages along this route, such as Fuente Obejuna, have restaurants and bars.

Terrain Some steep and winding roads