
Cádiz £ @ n Avenida José León de Carranza s/n; www.cadizturismo.com

Jutting out of the Bay of Cádiz, and almost entirely surrounded by water, Cádiz lays claim to being Europe’s oldest city. Legend names Hercules as its founder, although history credits the Phoenicians with establishing the town of Gadir, as Cádiz was known, in 1100 BC. In 1812 Cádiz briefly became Spain’s capital when the nation’s first constitution was declared here.

Today the joy of visiting this city is to wander along the waterfront with its neat gardens and open squares, before exploring the narrow alleys of the Old Town. The pride of the city is its Carnival – a riotous explosion of festivities, fancy dress, singing and drinking.

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t The seafront of Cádiz, with the cathedral towering behind

EXPERIENCE Cádiz and Málaga

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n Double-tap image to read the labels



Plaza de la Catedral s/n # Hours vary, check website catedraldecadiz.com

Known as the Catedral Nueva (New Cathedral) and built on the site of an older one, this Baroque and Neo-Classical church is one of Spain’s largest. Its treasures are stored in the Casa de la Contaduria, behind the cathedral.

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t Cádiz Cathedral, with a splendid cupola built by architect Juan Daura

Did You Know?

Lord Byron dubbed Cádiz the “Siren of the Ocean”.


Museo de Cádiz

Plaza de Mina § 856 10 50 23 # 9am–9pm Tue–Sat, 9am–3pm Sun ¢ 1 Jan, 1 May, 25 Dec

This museum charts the history of Cádiz and houses the largest art galleries in Andalucía. On the third floor is a collection of puppets made for village fiestas.

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Torre Tavira

Calle Marqués del Real Tesoro 10 # Hours vary, check website torretavira.com

The city’s official 18th-century watchtower is now a camera obscura, offering great views.


Oratorio de San Felipe Neri

Calle Santa Inés s/n § 956 80 70 18 # Sep–Jun: 10:30am–2pm & 4:30–8pm Tue–Fri, 10:30am–2pm Sat, 10am–1pm Sun; Jul & Aug: 10:30am–2pm & 5:30–8:30pm Tue–Fri, 10:30am–2pm Sat, 10am–noon Sun

In 1812, as Napoleon tightened his grip on Spain, a provisional parliament assembled at this 18th-century church to try to lay the foundations of Spain’s first constitutional monarchy.

EXPERIENCE Cádiz and Málaga


Freiduría Cervecería Las Flores

A simple spot specializing in shellfish.

Plaza Topete 4 § 956 22 61 12



Overlooking the Bay of Cadíz, this eatery offers a good selection of meat dishes.

Alameda Apodaca 22 restaurantebalandro.com


El Faro

An atmospheric seafood restaurant in the port district – try one of the various tasting menus.

Calle de San Félix 15 elfarodecadiz.com
