g Contents
Help! | ¡Socorro! | soh-koh-roh |
Stop! | ¡Pare! | pah-reh |
Call a doctor! | ¡Llame a un médico! | yah-meh ah oon meh-dee-koh |
Call an ambulance! | ¡Llame a una ambulancia! | yah-meh ah oonah ahm-boo-lahn-a thee-ah |
Call the police! | ¡Llame a la policía! | yah-meh ah lah poh-lee-thee-ah |
Call the fire brigade! | ¡Llame a los bomberos! | yah-meh ah lohs bohm-beh-rohs |
Where is the nearest telephone? | ¿Dónde está el teléfono más próximo? | dohn-deh ehs-tah ehl teh-leh-foh-noh mahs prohx-ee-moh |
Where is the nearest hospital? | ¿Dónde está el hospital más próximo? | dohn-deh ehs-tah ehl ohs-pee-tahl mahs prohx-ee-moh |
NEED TO KNOW Phrase Book
Yes | Sí | see |
No | No | noh |
Please | Por favor | pohr fah-vohr |
Thank you | Gracias | grah-thee-ahs |
Excuse me | Perdone | pehr-doh-neh |
Hello | Hola | oh-lah |
Goodbye | Adiós | ah-dee-ohs |
Goodnight | Buenas noches | bweh-nahs dnoh chehs |
Morning | La mañana | lah mah-nyah-nah |
Afternoon | La tarde | lah tahr-deh |
Evening | La tarde | lah tahr-deh |
Yesterday | Ayer | ah-yehr |
Today | Hoy | oy |
Tomorrow | Mañana | mah-nyah-nah |
Here | Aquí | ah-kee |
There | Allí | ah-yee |
What? | ¿Qué? | keh |
When? | ¿Cuándo? | kwahn-doh |
Why? | ¿Por qué? | pohr-keh |
Where? | ¿Dónde? | dohn-deh |
NEED TO KNOW Phrase Book
How are you? | ¿Cómo está usted? | koh-moh ehs-tah oos-tehd |
Very well, thank you. | Muy bien, gracias. | mwee bee-ehn grah-thee-ahs |
Pleased to meet you. | Encantado de conocerle. | ehn-kahn-tah-doh deh koh-noh-thehr-leh |
See you soon. | Hasta pronto. | ahs-tah prohn-toh |
That’s fine. | Está bien. | ehs-tah bee-ehn |
Where is/are …? | ¿Dónde | dohn-deh ehs-está/están …? tah/ehs-tahn |
How far is it to …? | Cuántos metros/kilómetros hay de aquí a …? | kwahn-tohs meh-trohs/kee-loh-meh-trohs eye deh ah-kee ah |
Which way to …? | ¿Por dónde se va a …? | pohr dohn-deh seh bah ah |
Do you speak English? | ¿Habla inglés? | ah-blah een-glehs |
I don’t understand | No comprendo | noh kohm-prehn-doh |
Could you speak more slowly, please? | ¿Puede hablar más despacio, por favor? | pweh-deh ah-blahr mahs dehs-pah-thee-oh pohr fah-vohr |
I’m sorry. | Lo siento. | loh see-ehn-toh |
NEED TO KNOW Phrase Book
big | grande | grahn-deh |
small | pequeño | peh-keh-nyoh |
hot | caliente | kah-lee-ehn-teh |
cold | frío | free-oh |
good | bueno | bweh-noh |
bad | malo | mah-loh |
enough | bastante | bahs-tahn-the |
well | bien | bee-ehn |
open | abierto | ah-bee-ehr-toh |
closed | cerrado | thehr-rah-doh |
left | izquierda | eeth-key-ehr-dah |
right | derecha | deh-reh-chah |
straight on | todo recto | toh-doh rehk-toh |
near | cerca | thehr-kah |
far | lejos | leh-hohs |
up | arriba | ah-ree-bah |
down | abajo | ah-bah-hoh |
early | temprano | tehm-prah-noh |
late | tarde | tahr-deh |
entrance | entrada | ehn-trah-dah |
exit | salida | sah-lee-dah |
toilet | lavabos, servicios | lah-vah-bohs sehr-bee-thee-ohs |
more | más | mahs |
less | menos | meh-nohs |
NEED TO KNOW Phrase Book
How much does this cost? | ¿Cuánto cuesta esto? | kwahn-toh kwehs-tah ehs-toh |
I would like … | Me gustaría … | meh goos-ta-ree-ah |
Do you have...? | ¿Tienen...? | tee-yeh-nehn |
I’m just looking, thank you. | Sólo estoy mirando, gracias. | soh-loh ehs-toy mee-rahn-doh grah-thee-ahs |
Do you take credit cards? | ¿Aceptan tarjetas de crédito? | ah-thehp-tahn tahr-heh-tahs deh kreh-dee-toh |
What time do you open? | ¿A qué hora abren? | ah keh oh-rah ah-brehn |
What time do you close? | ¿A qué hora cierran? | ah keh oh-rah thee-ehr-rahn |
This one. | Este. | ehs-the |
That one. | Ese. | eh-she |
expensive | caro | kahr-oh |
cheap | barato | bah-rah-toh |
size, clothes | talla | tah-yah |
size, shoes | número | noø-mehr-oh |
white | blanco | blahn-koh |
black | negro | neh-groh |
red | rojo | roh-hoh |
yellow | amarillo | ah-mah-ree-yoh |
green | verde | behr-deh |
blue | azul | ah-thool |
antiques shop | la tienda de antigüedades | lah tee-ehn-dah deh ahn-tee-gweh-dah-dehs |
bakery | la panadería | lah pah-nah-deh ree-ah |
bank | el banco | ehl bahn-koh |
book shop | la librería | lah lee-breh-ree-ah |
butcher’s | la carnicería | lah kahr-nee-theh-ree-ah |
cake shop | la pastelería | lah pahs-teh-leh-ree-ah |
chemist’s | la farmacia | lah fahr-mah-thee-ah |
fishmonger’s | la pescadería | lah pehs-kah-deh-ree-ah |
greengrocer’s | la frutería | lah froo-teh-ree-ah |
grocer’s | la tienda de comestibles | lah tee-yehn-dah deh koh-mehs-tee-blehs |
hairdresser’s | la peluquería | lah peh-loo-keh-ree-ah |
market | el mercado | ehl mehr-kah-doh |
newsagent’s | el kiosko de prensa | ehl kee-ohs-koh deh prehn-sah |
post office | la oficina de correos | lah oh-fee-thee-nah deh kohr-reh-ohs |
shoe shop | la zapatería | lah thah-pah-teh-ree-ah |
supermarket | el supermercado | ehl soo-pehr-mehr-kah-doh |
tobacconist | el estanco | ehl ehs-tahn-koh |
travel agency | la agencia de viajes | lah ah-hehn-thee-ah deh bee-ah-hehs |
NEED TO KNOW Phrase Book
art gallery | el museo de arte | ehl moo-seh-oh deh ahr-the |
cathedral | la catedral | lah kah-teh-drahl |
church | la iglesia la basílica | lah ee-gleh-see-ah lah bah-see-lee-kah |
garden | el jardín | ehl hahr-deen |
library | la biblioteca | lah bee-blee-oh-teh-kah |
museum | el museo | ehl moo-seh-oh |
tourist information office | la oficina de turismo | lah oh-fee-thee-nah deh too-rees-moh |
town hall | el ayuntamiento | ehl ah-yoon-tah-mee-ehn-toh |
closed for holiday | cerrado por vacaciones | thehr-rah-doh pohr bah-kah-cee-oh-nehs |
bus station | la estación de autobuses | lah ehs-tah-ee-ohn deh owtoh-boo-sehs |
railway station | la estación de trenes | lah ehs-tah-thee-ohn deh treh-nehs |
NEED TO KNOW Phrase Book
Do you have a vacant room? | ¿Tienen una habitación libre? | tee-eh-nehn oo-nah ah-bee-tah-thee-ohn lee-breh |
double room | habitación doble | ah-bee-tah-thee-ohn doh-bleh |
with double bed | con cama de matrimonio | kohn kah-mah deh mah-tree-moh-nee-oh |
twin room | habitación con dos camas | ah-bee-tah-thee-ohn kohn dohs kah-mahs |
single room | habitación individual | ah-bee-tah-thee-ohn een-dee-vee-doo-ahl |
room with a bath | habitación con baño | ah-bee-tah-thee-ohn kohn bah-nyoh |
shower | ducha | doo-chah |
porter | el botones | ehl boh-toh-nehs |
key | la llave | lah yah-veh |
I have a reservation. | Tengo una habitación reservada. | tehn-goh oo-na ah-bee-tah-thee-ohn reh-sehr-bah-dah |
NEED TO KNOW Phrase Book
Have you got a table for …? | ¿Tienen mesa para …? | tee-eh-nehn meh-sah pah-rah |
I want to reserve a table. | Quiero reservar una mesa. | kee-eh-roh reh-sehr-bahr oo-nah meh-sah |
The bill, please. | La cuenta, por favor. | lah kwehn-tah pohr fah-vohr |
I am a vegetarian | Soy vegetariano/a | soy beh-heh-tah-ree-ah-no/na |
waitress/waiter | camarera/camarero | kah-mah-reh-rah/kah-mah-reh-roh |
menu | la carta | lah kahr-tah |
fixed-price | menú del | meh-noo dehl |
menu | día | dee-ah |
wine list | la carta de vinos | lah kahr-tah deh bee-nohs |
glass | un vaso | oon bah-soh |
bottle | una botella | oo-nah boh-teh-yah |
knife | un cuchillo | oon koo-chee-yoh |
fork | un tenedor | oon teh-neh-dohr |
spoon | una cuchara | oo-nah koo-chah-rah |
breakfast | el desayuno | ehl deh-sah-yoo-noh |
lunch | la comida/el almuerzo | lah koh-mee-dah/ehl ahl-mwehr-thoh |
dinner | la cena | lah theh-nah |
main course | el primer plato | ehl pree-mehr plah-toh |
starters | los entrantes | lohs ehn-tran tehs |
dish of the day | el plato del día | ehl plah-toh dehl dee-ah |
coffee | el café | ehl kah-feh |
rare | poco hecho | poh-koh eh-choh |
medium | medio hecho | meh-dee-oh eh-choh |
well done | muy hecho | mwee eh-choh |
NEED TO KNOW Phrase Book
asado | ah-sah-doh | roast |
el aceite | ah-thee-eh-teh | oil |
las aceitunas | ah-theh-toon-ahs | olives |
el agua mineral | ah-gwa mee-neh-rahl | mineral water |
sin gas/con gas | seen gas/kohn gas | still/sparkling |
el ajo | ah-hoh | garlic |
el arroz | ahr-rohth | rice |
el azúcar | ah-thoo-kahr | sugar |
la carne | kahr-neh | meat |
la cebolla | theh-boh-yah | onion |
la cerveza | thehr-beh-thah | beer |
el cerdo | therh-doh | pork |
el chocolate | choh-koh-lah-teh | chocolate |
el chorizo | choh-ree-thoh | chorizo |
el cordero | kohr-deh-roh | lamb |
el fiambre | fee-ahm-breh | cold meat |
frito | free-toh | fried |
la fruta | froo-tah | fruit |
los frutos secos | froo-tohs seh-kohs | nuts |
las gambas | gahm-bahs | prawns |
el helado | eh-lah-doh | ice cream |
al horno | ahl ohr-noh | baked |
el huevo | oo-eh-voh | egg |
el jamón serrano | hah-mohn sehr-rah-noh | cured ham |
el jerez | heh-rehz | sherry |
la langosta | lahn-gohs-tah | lobster |
la leche | leh-cheh | milk |
el limón | lee-mohn | lemon |
la limonada | lee-moh-nah-dah | lemonade |
la mantequilla | mahn-teh-kee-yah | butter |
la manzana | mahn-thah-nah | apple |
los mariscos | mah-rees-kohs | seafood |
la menestra | meh-nehs-trah | vegetable stew |
la naranja | nah-rahn-hah | orange |
el pan | pahn | bread |
el pastel | pahs-tehl | cake |
las patatas | pah-tah-tahs | potatoes |
el pescado | pehs-kah-doh | fish |
la pimienta | pee-mee-yehn-tah | pepper |
el plátano | plah-tah-noh | banana |
el pollo | poh-yoh | chicken |
el postre | pohs-treh | dessert |
el queso | keh-soh | cheese |
la sal | sahl | salt |
las salchichas | sahl-chee-chahs | sausages |
la salsa | sahl-sah | sauce |
seco | seh-koh | dry |
el solomillo | soh-loh-mee-yoh | sirloin |
la sopa | soh-pah | soup |
la tarta | tahr-tah | pie/cake |
el té | teh | tea |
la ternera | tehr-neh-rah | beef |
las tostadas | tohs-tah-dahs | toast |
el vinagre | bee-nah-greh | vinegar |
el vino blanco | bee-noh blahn-koh | white wine |
el vino rosado | bee-noh roh-sah-doh | rosé wine |
el vino tinto | bee-noh teen-toh | red wine |
NEED TO KNOW Phrase Book
0 | cero | theh-roh |
1 | uno | oo-noh |
2 | dos | dohs |
3 | tres | trehs |
4 | cuatro | kwa-troh |
5 | cinco | theen-koh |
6 | seis | says |
7 | siete | see-eh-the |
8 | ocho | oh-choh |
9 | nueve | nweh-veh |
10 | diez | dee-ehth |
11 | once | ohn-theh |
12 | doce | doh-theh |
13 | trece | treh-theh |
14 | catorce | kah-tohr-theh |
15 | quince | keen-theh |
16 | dieciséis | dee-eh-thee-seh-ees |
17 | diecisiete | dee-eh-thee-see eh-the |
18 | dieciocho | dee-eh-thee-oh-choh |
19 | diecinueve | dee-eh-thee-nweh-veh |
20 | veinte | beh-een-the |
21 | veintiuno | beh-een-tee-oo-noh |
22 | veintidós | beh-een-tee-dohs |
30 | treinta | treh-een-tah |
31 | treinta y uno | treh-een-tah ee oo-noh |
40 | cuarenta | kwah-rehn-tah |
50 | cincuenta | theen-kwehn-tah |
60 | sesenta | seh-sehn-tah |
70 | setenta | seh-tehn-tah |
80 | ochenta | oh-chehn-tah |
90 | noventa | noh-vehn-tah |
100 | cien | thee-ehn |
101 | ciento uno | thee-ehn-toh oo-noh |
102 | ciento dos | thee-ehn-toh dohs |
200 | doscientos | dohs-thee-ehn-tohs |
500 | quinientos | khee-nee-ehn-tohs |
700 | setecientos | seh-teh-thee-ehn-tohs |
900 | novecientos | noh-veh-thee-ehn-tohs |
1,000 | mil | meel |
1,001 | mil uno | meel oo-noh |
NEED TO KNOW Phrase Book
one minute | un minuto | oon mee-noo-toh |
one hour | una hora | oo-na oh-rah |
half an hour | media hora | meh-dee-a oh-rah |
Monday | lunes | loo-nehs |
Tuesday | martes | mahr-tehs |
Wednesday | miércoles | mee-ehr-koh-lehs |
Thursday | jueves | hoo-weh-vehs |
Friday | viernes | bee-ehr-nehs |
Saturday | sábado | sah-bah-doh |
Sunday | domingo | doh-meen-goh |