War Diary, U.S. Third Fleet, October 1944-August 1945.
War Diary, U.S. Fifth Fleet, February 1945-June 1945.
United States Fleet Cominch P-0011, August 1945; Anti-Suicide Action Summary.
U.S. Pacific Fleet Weekly Intelligence Reports, 1944, 1945. Bulletins of the Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Area, and the Commander-in-Chief Pacific and Pacific Ocean Area, 1944-4*5.
Marine Corps Gazette, July 1955; “Death Rode the Divine Wind.” Also issue of April 1957.
Royal Air Force Flying Review, June 1956; “Volunteers for Death.” June 1961; “The Suicide Blade.”
U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings, Spetember 1943; “The Kamikaze Attack Corps,” by Roger Pineau et al.
U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings, November 1958; “Spirit of the Divine Wind,” by Roger Pineau.
Boei Cho Bogyo Kenshujo Senshi Shitsu Cho. Tokyo, 1955—1956 (Self Defense Agency War History); various volumes.
Browne, Courtney, The Last Banzai , New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston, 1967.
Castro, Ferdinando. I Kamikaze: Stories of Japanese suicide pilots during the second world war. Milan: Giovanni De Vecchi, Edi- tore, 1970.
Dyer, George C. The Amphibians Came to Conquer : The Story of Admiral Richmond Kelly Turner, U.S. Navy, undated.
Ebina, Kashiko. Saigo no Tokko Ki (The Last Suicide Plane), biography of Vice Admiral Matome Ugaki. Yamashita Mitsuo Tosho Shuppangaisha, 1975.
Hoyt, Edwin P. Closing the Circle (The final days of the Pacific war). New York: Van Nostrand, 1982.
Hoyt, Edwin P. How They Won the War in the Pacific (A study of Admiral Nimitz and his commanders). New York: Weybright and Talley, 1968.
Konnichi no Wadai Sha (publishers). Kamikaze Tokkotai Shutsu- geki no Nichi (Japanese Kamikaze Special Attack Unit Sorties), 1970.
Kusanayagi, Daizo. Tokko no Shiso (The Kamikaze idea). Biography of Admiral Takejiro Onishi. Tokyo: Bungei Haru Aki, 1972.
Ienaga Saburo. The Pacific War. New York: Pantheon Books, 1980.
“Ours to Hold It High.” The story of the 77th Infantry Division, Washington; The Infantry Journal Press , 1947.
The Kamikazes
Inoguchi, Rikihei and Tadashi, Nakajima. Kamikaze Tobetsu Ko- gekitai. Tokyo: Nihon Shuppan Kyodo Kabushiki Kaisha, 1951. Published by Bantam Books under the title The Divine Wind , with emendations and notes by Roger Pineau.
Kuwahara, Yasuo, and Gordan T. Allred, Kamikaze. New York: Ballantine Books, 1957.
Makoto, Ikuta. Kaigun Koku Tobetsu Kogekitai Shi. History of Army Aviation Special Attack Units.
Millot, Bernard. Divine Thunder. New York: Pinnacle Books, 1970.
Morison, Samuel Eliot. History of United States Naval Operations in World War //, Volumes 13, 14, 15. Boston: Atlantic-Little Brown, 1950—1960.
Naemura, Naro (editor). Bansei Tokkotai En no Issho (Writings of the Eternal Rest Suicide Squadron crewmen, published posthumously). Tokyo: Gendai Hyoronsha, 1978.
Nagatsuka, Ryuji. / Was a Kamikaze. London: Abelard Schuman, 1972.
Orita, Zenji, with Joseph Harrington. I-Boat Captain. Canoga Park: Major Books, 1973.
Potter, John Deane. The Life and Death of a Japanese General (biography of General Tomoyuki Yamashita). New York: Signet Books, 1962.
Spurr, Russell. A Glorious Way to Die. New York: Newmarket Press, 1982.
Tanekawa Tosha (publisher). Nihon Kaigun Sento Butai, Tsuku: Esu Retsuden. (Japanese navy fighter squadrons, with capsule biographies of the aces.) Tokyo, 1978.
Terai, Shun (editor). Shippu Tokko Furutake Tai (The story of a fighter squadron in South Kyushu in 1945). Tokyo: Hara Shobo.
Yokota, Yutaka, with Joseph Harrington. Kamikaze Submarine. New York: Leisure Books, 1962.
Above all I am grateful to the University of Hawaii’s Japanese language department for their accelerated teaching program. Particularly useful was Mrs. Kakuko Shoji’s intensive translation course, which made it possible for me to use Japanese language sources in the preparation of this book.
I am also grateful to Mr. Tad Ota of the staff of the Library of Congress section for assistance in the selection of materials; and to Diana Hoyt, legislative assistant on the staff of Congressman Daniel Akaka, for finding other materials. Mr. Robert Carlisle, of the public information office of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, provided me with a number of pictures of the Kamikaze scene. Librarians in the Maryland state library system also secured a number of books I needed for this work.
The Kamikazes
Dr. Dean Allard, of the Operational Archives of the United States Naval History Division, was particularly helpful in unearthing materials. I am also grateful to Mr. Cavalcante and to Mike Walker of his staff. Olga Hoyt rendered her usual invaluable service by editing the manuscript and helping me avoid errors.
I am extremely grateful to Kumiko Yokoyama for securing a number of books for me in Tokyo.