The trouble with writing about a traditional art is that there are millions of people to thank. The list would fill pages even if I limited it to the riggers, sailors, boatbuilders, shopkeepers, truckers, and others from whom I received instruction in the course of my own apprenticeship.
So to pare the list down to those who have had a hand in the production of this book, many thanks to: Jim Bauer, Kathy Brandes, Maynard Bray, Ted Brewer, Nancy Caudle, Jane Crosen, Jon Eaton, Robin Lincoln, Tom McCarthy, Carl Meinzinger, Freeman Pittman, Peter Spectre, Roger Taylor, Emiliano Marino, and Jon Wilson. In the current edition, Janet Robbins and Molly Mulhern were extraordinarily patient, efficient editors. Special, loving thanks to my spouse, Christian Gruyè. Several thanks to the staffs of SAIL and WoodenBoat magazines, wherein portions of this book first appeared. Millions of thanks to all the rest.