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aloft, going/working, 263–276
block for, 37
bosun’s chair/harness, 56, 266–268
coming down, 276
procedures, 269–270
ratlines, 279–285
topmast installation, 276–279
Alpine Butterfly Knot, 60–62
Anchor Hitch, 56–57
anchor lines, characteristics of, 26
anchor rode: all-chain, 88
all-rope, 88
attaching to anchor chain (Shackle Splice), 82, 84
chafe protection, 88, 91–92, 237–239
seizings, 10. See also mooring lines
anchor tamer, 376
anchoring, 374–376
end-of-bowsprit, 92
anhydrous lanolin. See lanolin, anhydrous
Ashley, Clifford, 11, 49, 72, 73, 74, 76, 79, 335, 346
Ashley Bend, 72
Ashley Hawser Bend, 76
Ashley’s Button Knot, 90
attitude, for surveying, 288
attitude, effects of, 168–169
awl, scratch, as small marlinspike, 5, 190, 204–205
Axle Hitch, 58
three-strand, 82–86
Tree Surgeon’s Backsplice, 82, 84
backstay: detachable, 257
service, 231
staying angles/loading, 136–139
wire sizes, 145–146
bag carry, 375
bar clamp, emergency, 320
bat, loaded, 269
Loop-and-Button, 330
bedding compounds, 224
Bedit Butyl Tape, 224
belay aids, 372
to anchor bitt, 52
anchor stakes, 372–373
pinrail, 52, 377. See also aloft, going/working
belaying, knots for, 50–55
Capstan Hitch, 53–55
Clove Hitch, 50–51
Rolling Hitch, 57–58
bending, 287
Benson Bend, 72–74
Carrick Bend, 75–76
Double Sheet Bend, 71–72
security/slipping, 73
Sheet Bend, 70
Sheet Bend, Weaver’s Method, 70–71, 73
Zeppelin Bend, 72
Benson Bend, 72–74
Bermuda 40 Mark III, 186
Bermudian rig, 38, 182, 299–301, 313–316
bight knots (loops in the bight): Alpine Butterfly Knot, 60–62
Angler’s Loop, 62–64
Bowline on a Bight, 60, 62, 365
Jug Sling Knot, 62–63
block and tackle, 27–31
Cunninghams, 27
for gaff running rigging, 315
for going aloft, 257, 265, 273
High-Tech Handy-Billy, 28
jury-rigged bobstay, 319–320
reeving/lacing, 30–31
Right-Angle (Boat Fall) Reeving, 30–31
rope for, 24
for sheeting, 38–40
for stepping mast, 259
uses, 38–40
with winch, 44
winch alternative, 315
block car, sticky, 295
blocks, 388
bullet (lizards), 38–40
bushings/bearings, 32–33
construction, 31–38
fiddles (without sheaves), 40
mountain climbers,’ 37–38
over-and-under, 42
rope strength and, 36
rope-stropped, 9, 10, 39–40, 159
Schaefer, 32
selection, 31–38
sheave construction/shape, 33–35
sheave size, 35–36
sheet, 78
snatch, 37–38
swivel, 273
turning, 36–37, 42, 43, 45, 52, 53, 92, 163, 262–263, 318, 325
two-sheave, 96. See also sheaves
jury-rigged, 318
Lucy Belle’s, 140
staying angles/loading, 138–139
strain, 139
twin vs. two-legged, 140
bolt wrench, 322
boom: Boom Lacing, 17–18
jibboom repair, 319
outhaul sheave attached to topping lift, 379
self-tending, 163–164
splinting broken, 13
wishbone, 164
boom, tidy, 379
boom vang, 129. See also vangs
boomkin, 138–139, 161, 162, 229, 308
bosun’s chair/harness, 56, 266–268
Bowknot, 371
Bowline on a Bight, 60, 62, 365
bowlines, 64–69
Dragon Bowline, 68–69
Enhanced Bowline, 67
Fingertip Bowline, 65–67
Newman Bowline, 65
in slick line, 63
Slipknot Bowline, 67–68
Spilled-Hitch Bowline, 65–66
tidal and storm mooring, 64
Topological Bondage, 364–365
Tugboat (or Flying) Bowline, 63, 68–69
Two-Bight Bowline, 67
bowsprit: anchoring from end of, 92
shrouds, 156
staying angles/loading, 138–139
British Admiralty Whipping, 81
bronze castings, 292
Brummel Splice, 101–102, 104, 166–167
bungee cord: anchor snubber, xviii, 374–375
for snatch block, 37
Buntline Hitch, 56
Butane Backsplice, 79
buttons, 88
Ashley’s Button Knot, 90
button from (Jug Sling Knot), 62–63
button loops, 335–336
Wall and Crown Button, 338–339
cable clips, 324
capstan, surging on, 53–54
carabiners, 274
carbon fiber, 310
Carrick Bend, 75–76
catboat, 292–293
chafe, surveying, 273
chafe protection/chafing gear, 88, 91–92, 226, 237–239, 288–289, 375
anchor rode, 88, 91–92, 237–239
hitching, 327–330
lashings, 19. See also leathering
chain: anchor rode, 88
BBB-grade, 92
repair, 319
chain repair, 319
Chain Splices (chain-and-rope anchor rode), 88–97
Shovel Splice, 96–97
chainplates, 159–161
charts, stowage for, 380
Circling the World, 365–366
Cirrus, 299–301
clamps, emergency bar, 320
cleats, 169
belaying to, 50–51
as emergency shroud attachments, 324
halyard, 295
thumb, 182
clevis pins, 160, 161, 169, 174, 178, 255, 259, 273, 294, 389
coiling and stowing rope, 2–5
coiling rope: Alternate Hitch Coiling, 3
braided, 3
direction of, 2–3
figure-eight coil, 5
securing, 3–5
wire rope, 5
come-along, 16, 45, 113, 232, 263, 282, 319, 325, 389
compound purchase, 28–30
Constrictor Knot, 11, 81, 83, 87, 88, 97, 99–100, 330, 332, 343
Constrictor Knot (Single), constrictors, 11–13, 81, 83, 88, 97, 99, 100, 330, 332, 343
constrictors, 11–13
(Single) Constrictor Knot, 11–13, 81, 83, 88, 97, 99, 100, 330, 332, 343
Double Constrictor Knot, 11–13, 55, 87
Turk’s Head from Single Constrictor, 13
control lines, characteristics of, 25
Cook, Tom, 374–375
Core-to-Core Splice, 114–117
galvanic, 161, 162, 224, 289, 290, 318
stress, 291
of wire rope/rigging, 157–159, 203, 228
cotter pins, 169, 255, 256, 273, 287, 324, 389
crane, compression loads on, 132
creep, 144
Crocker, Sam, 183
Crown Knot, 73–74, 82–84, 88, 90, 92, 338–339
culture, effects of, 169–170
Cunninghams, 27
Cut-and-Restored String, 356–358
cutters, 135–140, 145, 293–296, 313–316. See also Syrinx; Troubador
Cutty Sark, 298
Dacron. See rope, Dacron
Dashew, Steve, 170, 171, 294, 303–304
deadeyes, 10, 14, 88, 159, 181, 239, 245–247, 284, 389
decimals, 385
deck-stepped masts, 262–263
deflection, angles of, 126–128, 130, 133, 386
design principles: angles, 123–126
lifeline, 126–128
slings and compressions, 128–130
diagonal towing, 373–374
diamond stays. See jumper stays
dinghies, 373–374
dinghy: diagonal towing, 373–374
painter, 373
securing, 19–20
towing bridles, 373
tying to mooring ring, 55–56
ditty bag: lanyard for, 10
ring for, 13
dock lines, characteristics of, 26
dockside tune, 286–287
Dorade vent, 289
Double Constrictor Knot, constrictors, 11–13, 55, 87
Double Sheet Bend, 71–72
Double-Braid Eyesplice, 106–114
double-spreader rig. See spreaders
downhauls, 38
Dragon Bowline, 68–69
drumhead, lashing, 16
Dunbar, Spaulding, 301
dynamic tune, 287
Eck, 224
efficiency, 173
modulus of elasticity, 390
elasticity deductions, 180
Ellis, Mark, 307
emergency procedures, 317–326
engineering/performance, 168
Enhanced Bowline, 67
Euler’s Formula, 148
eye, oversize, 180, 211, 230, 231
eye entry, oversize, 211
eyes, soft, 159, 178, 181–183, 233, 238, 300
12-Strand Single-Braided, 102–104
Brummel Splice, 101–102, 104, 166–167
Core-to-Core, 114–117
Double Sheet Bend, 71–72
double-braid, 106–114
emergency, 322
for joining mooring/anchor lines, 26
Liverpool Eyesplice, 188–202
Loop-and-Button Becket, 330
for painter, 373
Pro Splice (Lever’s Eyesplice), 85, 87–88
reefing clewline, 379
service, 231–232
for sheet ends, 166
Sta-Set-X, 118–121
strength of, wire vs. mechanical terminals, 201–202
fan belt, pantyhose as, 319
fancy work, 327–347
Fas-pin, 257
fasteners, 159, 160, 162, 289–290, 310. See also clevis pins; cotter pins; throughbolts
fatigue, 291–296
fenders, hanging, 330
fids, 389
lengths, 100
Point Hudson Fid, 93
fife rail, 53
Figure-Eight Knot, 19, 60, 78–79, 272, 281–282, 349, 351, 373
Fingertip Bowline, 65–67
fish bat, as mallet, 269
Flat Knot, 9–10
flat tether lines, 380–381
foot-pounds, 44, 124, 141, 142–143, 153
forestay: detachable, 257
safety factors, 148
staying angles/loading, 137–138, 185
wire sizes, 145
formulas: Harken’s, 386
loading, 386
foundry, choosing, 292
fractional rig. See sloops
fractions, converting to decimals, 385
frapping turns, 9–10, 16, 19, 80, 242–244, 282–283, 375, 389
Freedom, 309–310
French Hitching, 327–328
French sinnet, 335–336
full service, 232–233
furling, Swedish Furling, 18
gaff rigs, 5, 182, 306, 313, 315–316
gaff strips, 378
galvanic corrosion, 161, 162, 224, 289, 290, 318
gaskets, 88
Giles, Morgan, 303
glue, cure for raveling (Krazy Glue), 330, 331
Granny Knot, 371
grommets, 215
rope, 216–218
wire, 218–221
Half-Round Sinnet, 337
halyards, 376–378
anti-thwapping hook, 377
chafe and, 289
characteristics of, 25
coiling/running, 5
eye size (double braid), 107, 113
fatigue, 291–293
flexibility, 156
for going aloft, 258–259, 262–263, 264–271, 272–273, 275
going aloft, 56
internal, reeving, 256
lugsail, 376
maintenance, 293–295
masthead wings for, 376
minimizing fatigue, 292
reeving, 256
repairs, 122
rope for, 22–25
sheerpole pinrail, 377
smallcraft, 330
spare, 293
splices in, 251–253
tackle applications, 38
tuning, 286
for winch, 44–45
wire, 378
handy-billy, 27–29, 40, 263, 323, 390
high-tech, 28
hank rotation method, 162
hardware/fittings. See mast hardware/fittings
Harken’s Formulas, 387
hawsers, bends for, 64, 70, 73, 75–76
headsail prefeeding, 162
headsails: blanketing, 170, 321
prefeeding, 162
sheeting angles, 125
spreader loads, 133
heaving line: traditional weight (Monkey’s Fist), 76–77
weight-tamed, 77
heel, 173
angle of (righting/stability), 141–143, 144
helm, balancing, 286. See also weather helm
Herreshoff, L. Francis, 231
Hess, Lyle: cutter Syrinx, 134, 135–140
Gaff Cutter, 313–316
High-Modulus 12-Strand Splice, 104–106
Anchor Hitch, 9, 10, 56–57, 267
Axle Hitch, 58–59
for belaying, 55–59
Biegner Hitch, 14–18
Capstan Hitch, 53–55
Clove Hitch, 12, 13, 19, 50–51, 55, 285, 341
half hitches, 17–18, 55, 55–56, 65–66, 247, 267, 281–282, 328, 368
Icicle Hitch, 57–58, 101, 113, 272, 277, 278, 321–322
Icicle Hitch with halyard, 58
Knute Hitch, 271–272
Marling Hitch, 18
Marlingspike Hitch, 7–10, 67, 222, 281
Rigger’s Hitch, 57
Rolling Hitch, 50–51, 57–58, 92, 270, 285
Round Turn and Two Half Hitches, 55–56
Stun-sail Halyard Hitch, 56–57
hitches, decorative, 327–330
French Hitching, 327–328
Moku Hitching, 328
Ringbolt Hitching, 329
St. Mary’s Hitching, 328
hitching, 327–330
hoist signals, 257–258
hook: dragging with, 18
mousing, 17
surveying, 293
hose clamps, 18
Hoyt, Garry, 310–311
Hunt, Raymond, 301
hype, effects of, 170
Icicle Hitch, 57–58
ignorance, effects of, 169
inclining, 143
inclinometer, 144
Indian Rope Trick, 367
inertia: longitudinal, 148
transverse, 148–149
installation, 255–259
Instant Figure-Eight, 351
Instant Overhand Knot and Slipknot, 350
intermediates, aft-led vs. lateral, 137
International Offshore Rule (IOR), 172–173
Jenny Ives, 298–301
jib: Octopus Magazine for taming, 379
jibboom, emergency repair, 319
jibstay, xvii
measurement, 149
relationship to bobstay, 139
staying angles/loading, 136–139
strain, 139
tuning, 287
wire sizes, 145
Jug Sling Knot, 62–63
jumper stays: diagonal, 306–308
diamond, 299–300, 301, 308, 313
staying angles/loading, 137, 299, 301–303
Jumping Ring, 352–353
jury-rigging. See repairs, emergency (jury-rigging)
Katy, 183–185
keel-stepped masts, 259–262
ketches, 297–299, 301, 303–304, 317–318
gaff ketch, 298
knife lanyard, 330–339
knots, 49–81
Alpine Butterfly Knot, 60–62
Angler’s Loop, 62–64
Bowknot, 371
Constrictor Knot, 11, 81, 83, 87, 88, 97, 99–100, 330, 332, 343
Crown Knot, 73–74, 82–84, 88, 90, 92, 338–339
Double Butterfly, 62
Farmer’s Loop, 60–61
Figure-Eight Knot, 19, 60, 78–79, 272, 281–282, 349, 351, 373
Flat Knot, 9–10
Granny Knot, 371
Jug Sling Knot, 62–63
Matthew Walker Knot, 89, 335–337, 371
Overhand, 60
Overhand Knot, 13, 60, 74, 78, 88–89, 94, 98, 99, 100, 218, 325, 342, 343, 346, 349–350, 352–356, 367–368, 371
Prusik Knot, 275
Slipknot, 7, 9, 15, 67–68, 78–79, 349–350, 353, 365
Turquoises Turtle Knot, 371
Wall and Crown Knot, 73–74
Wall Knot, 88, 338–339. See also belaying, knots for; bends; bowlines; buttons; constrictors; fancy work; hitches; sinnets; spike knots; stoppers; tricks and puzzles
lacing: of blocks, 30–31
of boom, 17–18
spiral, 17
lanolin, anhydrous, 159, 212, 213, 214, 222, 223, 232, 238, 290, 291
lanyards, 330–339
becket for, 330
high-class, 330–339
seizing for, 10
stoppers, 88
telephone wire for, 271
for tools, 56, 267, 270–272, 278
lashings: Biegner Hitch, 14–18
Boom Lacing, 17–18
for dinghy, 19–20
dressing/stepping mast, 260, 262–263
loops in the bight, 60
Marling Hitch, 18
pulley, frap, and wedge, 14–17
for ratlines, 280–284
of ratlines, 281–282
Square Lashing, 281–283
starting/finishing, 55
Swedish Furling, 18
lay: breaking, 195–196, 197, 199, 210
parceling, 226–227
of rope (cordage), 93, 94–96, 98, 99, 226, 374
of wire rope, 195–196, 204–205, 206–207, 209, 212, 218
serving onto twin topping lifts, 227
leads, fair, 277
soft eyes, 182–183
tangs, 161
leathering: Baseball Diamond Stitch, 233–236
Baseball Stitch, 233–239
quick chafing gear, 375
Leech Twist, 315
leverage, 123–124, 127–129, 139, 141, 145
come-along, 45
Lewmar’s Formulas, 387
lifeline, 42, 126–129, 380–381
life-preserver, lashing bracket, 18–19
line, definition of, 2
Liverpool Eyesplice, 188–202
lizards. See blocks, bullet (lizards)
loaded bat, 269
loading. See shock loading; transverse loads
loading formulas, 386
Loctite, 381
loft procedures: crimped wire fittings, 214–215
grommeting, 215–221
leathering, 233–239
Liverpool Eyesplice, 188–202
measurement, 175–188
1 × 19 wire splice, 202–214
service, 221–233
Tail Splice, 247–253
wire round seizing, 239–247
lofting, 188
logger’s tape, 177
Loop-and-Button Becket, 330
loops in the bight. See bight knots (loops in the bight)
Lovers, 367–368
Lucy Belle, 140
lugsail, halyard for, 376
lugsail halyard, 376
magazine. octopus, 379–380
mainmasts, design portfolio, 305–316. See also mast
mainsail: Cunninghams, 27
full-battened, 308
sheeting, rope for, 22
maintenance, 287–296
mallet: Mallet de Mer, 229, 242, 243, 244
pinned, 225
shielded, 200
for working aloft (fish bat), 269
manila. See rope, manila
marline lashing, 18–19
crescent wrench on, 272
Drew pattern, 6
scratch awl as (small), 5, 190, 204–205
mast: aluminum, 149, 150, 159, 161, 162, 177, 309, 316
bend/buckle, 146–147, 153, 160, 173, 287, 308–309, 315
carbon fiber, 168, 309–310, 316, 319
deck-stepped, 147, 149, 150, 169, 262–263, 299, 302, 303, 324
determining loads, 146
emergency repair, 320
high-aspect, 307
keel-stepped, 140, 147, 148, 149–150, 169, 259–262, 303
losing (dismasting), 157, 173, 174, 260, 287, 295, 310, 323
masthead details, 376
multiple, 262
panel length, 299
rake, 161, 173, 185, 188, 265, 304
recommended scantlings, 148
sections (oval), 147, 150, 151
stayed, 309
stayed vs. unstayed, 309–310
stepping keel-stepped, 259–262
stiffness/strength, 146–150
strength of, 146–150
tag lines, 260, 262–263, 277, 279, 392
unstayed, 309
wing, rotating, 311–313
wiring, gooseneck for, 376
wooden, 150, 161, 177, 309, 316
mast, aluminum. See mizzenmast; topmast
mast charts, 150
mast hardware/fittings, 159–162
compatibility, 178
emergency, 320
fasteners for, 159, 160, 162, 310
foundry castings, 292
survey/maintenance, 287–296
mast pulpit, improvised pinrail mounted on, 377
mast strength, 146–150
extra load, 146
formulas, 148–150
radius, 147
unsupported length, 146–147
wall thickness, 147–148
masts: wing, 311
wiring gooseneck, 376
Matthew Walker Knot, 89, 335–337, 371
measurement, 175–188
forestay, 178
hypotenuse and wire length, 184, 185–187
jibstay, 178
for new rig, 183–188
for replacing old rig, 175–183
from sail plan, 184–188
shackles, 177–178
shrouds, 176–179
spreaders, 187–188
thimbles, 180–181
using logger’s tape, 177
measuring for new rig, 183–188
mechanical advantage, xvii, 21
block and tackle, 44
going aloft, 265
Inclined Plane, 46–47
lashings as pulleys, 14–17
three-part purchase, 27–28. See also block and tackle
mechanical terminals, 214
mending, 223–225
Mending Splice, 97–98
metric equivalents, of cordage, 384
mizzenmast: Bermudian, 299–301
design portfolio, 297–304
panel length, 299
scantlings, 298
mizzens, 297–304
Mobious Overhand, 356
1 × 19 wire splice, 202–214
Moku Hitching, 328
Molly Hogan splice, 325
moment, 123–125. See also transverse righting moment (RM)
monohulls, stability, 170–171
mooring, 374–376
mooring lines: Bowlines for, 64
chafe protection, 26, 226, 375
characteristics of, 26
cleats for, 169
heaving line and, 76
Internal Bungee Snubber on, 374
tidal and storm mooring, 64
Mull, Gary, 311
multihulls, stability, 170–171
needle, threading, 104, 106, 366–367
Newman Bowline, 65
Nonsuch, 308
nylon, warnings regarding, 91
nylon slush, 228
oars, leathering, 233–239
One-Drop, 224
Otter, 292–293
outhaul, 379
Overhand, 60
Overhand Knot, 13, 60, 74, 78, 88–89, 94, 98, 99, 100, 218, 325, 342, 343, 346, 349–350, 352–356, 367–368, 371
Oysterman’s Stopper, 78–79
Page, Bill, 376
painter, 373
Palm and Needle Whipping, 80–81
parceling, 9, 212–213, 222–223, 226–228, 230, 231–232, 233, 289, 290, 329, 391
Pardey Tie-Rod, 140
pendants: centerboard, 162
reefing, 379
running backstay, 145–146, 156
sheeting (lizard), 38–39
wire-rope, 378
pendants, reeling, 379
Pendragon, 320–321
piling. See bollard/piling
pitchpoling, 172
Pitkin, George, 331
plywood sling, 372
Point Hudson Fid, 93
Portunus, 301
preventer, 164–165
Pro Splice (Lever’s Eyesplice), 82, 85
Professor’s Nightmare, 358–364
propeller, fouled, 323–324
Prusik Knot, 275
Prusik Knots, 275
pulleys, lashings as, 14–16
purchase. See mechanical advantage
quick-release device, Fas-pin, 257
racing yachts, offshore: masts, 146, 147
scantlings, 148
rating rules, 172–173
fabrication, 279–281
lashing, 281–282
options and variations, 285
wood rungs, 279, 280, 282, 283, 285
reefing: clewline with eye, 379
gaff main, 314–315
pendants, 379
unstayed mast, 309
reeving: halyard, 256
Right-Angle (Boat Fall) Reeving, 30–31
running rigging, 258–259
repairs, emergency (jury-rigging), 317–326
replacing old rig, 175–183
riding turns, 9, 10, 19, 242, 243, 391
rig: design principles for, 123–130
measuring for new, 183–188
portfolio of, 297–316
replacing old, 175–183
rig, split. See ketches
rigging bucket, 256–257, 266, 267, 269, 270–272, 278
lanyard for, 330–339
rigging loft, 175
rigging moment. See transverse righting moment (RM)
rigging vise, 190–191, 201, 202, 203–204, 240
Right-Angle (Boat Fall) Reeving, 30–31
ring, stuck/freeing, 381
Ring Hitch, 337–339
Ringbolt Hitching, 329
Roblon. See rope, Roblon
rod rigging, 47, 153, 155–157, 158, 159, 320–321
roller-furling sail, 27, 162, 170, 173, 294, 295, 321
Rolling Hitch, 57
rope: characteristics of, 25, 26
coiling and stowing, 2–5
color-coded, 161
construction and materials, 1–2, 21–26
vs. line, 2
marrying ends of, 97, 99, 226, 390
matching to block, 36–37
measurements relative to size, 108
metric equivalents, 384
security/slippage, 49, 51, 57, 67, 70, 71, 73
selecting, 143–146
shock loading, 47–48
strength, 36–37. See also chafe protection/chafing gear; knots; splices; wire rope/rigging; individual rope types
rope, braided: repairs, 121–122
splices, 100–121
working elongation, 384
anchor rodes, 92
chafe resistance, 26
measurement relative to size, 108
nylon vs., 91
security/slipping, 73
rope, double-braid, 1–2, 22–23, 24
repairs (Stitch Splice), 121–122
splicing, 106–114
rope, exotics: characteristics, 25. See also rope, Spectra; rope, Technora
rope, fiber: characteristics of, 383
weights and breaking strengths, 382
rope, manila, 390
for running rigging, 24
security/slipping, 73
shrinkage, 259
rope, natural fiber. See rope, manila
rope, nylon: anchor rodes, 92
Dacron vs., 91
for docklines and anchorlines, 22, 26
security/slipping, 73
stiffening ends, 99
warnings regarding, 91
rope, polyester. See rope, Dacron
rope, polypropylene: for running rigging, 24
security/slipping, 73
strength, 382
rope, Roblon, for running rigging, 24
rope, single-braid: characteristics of, 22
for control lines, 25
Mega-Braid, 26
Regatta Braid, 25
stretch, 96. See also splices
rope, Spectra: characteristics of, 25
cost-effectiveness, 158
creep, 145
elasticity of, 180
flexibility, 156
full-length service and, 280
intermediates and, 137
lazyjacks, 381
loft procedures for, 176
for running backstays, 146
security/slipping, 73
soft shackle, 166
splicing, 93, 102, 104, 247, 253, 379
for standing rigging, 161
rope, Sta-Set-X, 23, 25, 118–121
rope, Technora, 50, 104, 146, 379
working elongation, 384
rope, wire. See wire rope/rigging
rope harness, 275
rope rungs, 282–285
rope-to-chain materials, 93
round turn, 55–56, 241–242, 391
Round Turn and Two Half Hitches, 55–56
round turns, 241–242
rudder: balanced spade, 304
loss of, 318
Runaround Sue, 232–233
running rigging, 391
gaff, 315
installation, 258–259
rope for, 21–26. See also downhauls; gantlines; halyards; lazyjacks; pendants; sheets; topping lift
safety factors: for carbon fiber masts, 310
mast scantlings, 148
mizzenmast scantlings, 298
shroud/spreader loads, 128, 142, 144
sail plan, measurement from, 184–188
sail stops, alternative, 18
sail track: for chart stowage, 380
jammed, 279
sails: gaff, 315–316
leech twist, 315
trapdoor, 170. See also headsails; jib; reefing; roller-furling sail; spinnaker; staysails; topsails
sails, managing, 379
Samson post, belaying to, 53
seam rubber, 239
seaworthiness, 167–174
security/slipping, 73
seizing wire, tightening lay of, 229
frapping turns, 243
living with, 245–246
maintenance, 10
marline twine for, 10
riding turns, 243
Round Seizing, 10, 56, 76, 221, 239–247, 277
round turns, 241–242
throat, 246–247
Wire Round Seizing, 239–247. See also wire, seizing
self-steering, 318
elements of, 230
for eyes, 225
frapping turns, 9–10
full, 232–233
on grommets, 221
lazyjacks, 226
leathering over, 233–239
marline/nylon twine, 221–223
mending, 223–225
nylon slush, 228
parceling, 9, 212–213, 222–223, 226–228, 230, 231–232, 233, 289, 290, 329, 391
pinned mallet, 225
splice service, 231–232
tarring, 212–213, 222, 223, 228, 232, 238, 290–291
two-way, for eyes, 225
wire, 228–231
serving board (iron), 222, 223, 225, 227, 230–231, 232–233, 391
shackle: attaching to lanyard, 337–338
climber’s harness and, 268, 269
measurement, 178
splicing, 91, 108, 115–116, 119, 121, 166
sheaves: material, 33
shape of, 33–35
size of, 35–36
tapped, 294. See also blocks
sheerpole, 284
Sheet Bend, 70
sheets: attaching to headsail clews, 166
block and tackle for, 37–39, 163
characteristics of, 25
lazy sheet, 321–322
loading forces, 22
mainsheet, 295–296
pendants/bullet blocks (lizards), 38–40, 162
rope for, 22–25
survey/maintenance, 289
tackers, 166–167
ship’s wheel, fancy work for, 329, 347
shock loading, 391
shoes, 371
Short Splice, 97
Shovel Splice, 96–97
shroud loads, 140–146
shrouds, 391
aft-led vs. lateral intermediates, 137, 299
chafing gear/leathering, 233–239
determining loads on, 140–146
Elastic Limit, 145
emergency repair, 320–321, 322–323
measurement, 176–179
mizzen, 297–304
rattling, 279–285
replacing, 272–273
safety factor, 143
soft eyes vs. tangs, 159–160, 300
staying angles, 133–134, 185, 298–299
survey/maintenance, 288–289
Siamese Curve syndrome, 283
Sink Stopper, 79
sinnets, 391
French Sinnet, 335–336
Half-Round Sinnet, 337
Round Sinnet, 337
six-strand French Sinnet, 335–336
six-strand Half-Round Sinnet, 337
sling, 391
bosun’s chair/harness, 266–268
for carrying plywood, 372
Double Butterfly Knot, 62, 323
handling (Stevedore Grip), 380
Jug Sling Knot, 62–63
slings, and compressions, 128–130
Slipknot, 7, 9, 15, 67–68, 78–79, 349–350, 353, 365
Slipknot Bowline, 67–68
sloops: emergency repair, 320–321
fractional, 313
Friendship, 140
gaff, 78
replacing old rig on, 175–180
split rig, 303
slush/slushing, 10, 228, 232, 290–291, 391
snags, 289
Snap-On spikes, 2–5
snubbers: all-chain, 91
for anchor lines, 26
end-of-bowsprit anchoring, 92
internal bungee, xviii, 374–375
sockets, 214
soft eyes, 159, 178, 181–183, 233, 238, 300
Sojourner Truth, 303
Sonia, 306
Spectra. See rope, Spectra
spike knots, 7–13
Marlingspike Hitch, 7–10
Spilled-Hitch Bowline, 65–66
spinnaker: Gun Mount, 310
splice service, 231–232
splices: braided rope, 100–121
Brummel Splice, 101–102, 104, 166–167
chain splices, 88–97
Core-to-Core Splice, 114–118
Double-Braid Eyesplice, 106–114
end-to-end splice, 26
Long Splice, 99–100
Mending Splice, 97–98
Mobius Bowline, 104–106
multistrand, 82–97
Short Splice, 88–97
Sta-Set-X, 118–121
Stitch Splice, 121–122
stoppers and buttons, 88
Stropsicle, 101
tapering/fairing, 86
for three-strand rope, 97–100
tools for (Splicing Wand), 101–102, 108–110
to wire (Tail Splice), 247–253. See also Backsplices; buttons; Eyesplices; grommets; stoppers
splices, Back-. See Backsplices
splices, Eye-. See Eyesplices
splices, rope-to-wire, Tail Splice, 247–253
splices, wire, 188–214
breaking the lay, 195–196, 197, 199
to double-braid, 247–253
emergency, 324–325
grommets, 215–221
Liverpool Eyesplice, 188–202
Long Splice, 226
Molly Hogan splice, 325
1 × 19 wire splice, 202–214
roll-and-tuck procedure for, 195, 197
strength, 201–202
strength, vs. mechanical terminals, 201–202, 203, 213
strength of, 202
survey/maintenance, 290–292
Tail Splice, 247–253
tapering/fairing, 197–199, 200, 209–212
tarring/parceling/service, 213
trimming/meathooks, 199–201, 212, 390
wire-seized deadeyes, 245–246. See also wire rope/rigging
Splicing Wand, 101–102, 108–110
Splicing with Your Tongue, 356, 358
Sprague, Scott, 311–313
spreaders: angle, 288
anti-thwapping hook, 377
determining length, 130–134
double, 131, 132, 133–134, 144
emergency repair, 320–321
fasteners, 231
jury-rigged (spinnaker pole), 320–321
mast strength and, 146
measuring length of wires over, 187–188
securing tip to shroud, 231
staying angles, 130–140, 295, 298, 299
triple, 320–321
X-spreaders, 302, 303. See also dolphin striker; double-spreader rig
springstays, 299, 301–302, 304
square-riggers: buntlines, 56
halyards/running rigging, 39
staysail tackle, 163
St. Mary’s Hitching, 328
stability: attrition, 171
fore-and-aft, 172
monohull vs. multihull, 170–172
stability curves, 141, 170–172
transverse, 141–143, 148–149, 170–172. See also transverse righting moment (RM)
chafe, 288
design principles, 123–130
emergency repair, 317–326
engineering/performance, 167–174
fabrication in loft, 175–253
fore-and-aft stability, 172
full service, 232–233
helm balance, 173
installation, 255–259
mast hardware, 7–10, 159–162, 178
mast strength, 146–150
materials, 152–159
mizzens, 297–304
seaworthiness, 167–174
shroud loads, 140–146
staysails, 162–167
survey/maintenance, 273, 287–296
transverse stability/righting moment, 141–143, 148–149, 170–172
wire/rod options, 150–159. See also mast hardware/fittings; stability
Sta-Set, 23
Sta-Set-X, 23
Sta-Set-X Splice, 118–121
stayed racers, 310
staying angles, 123–140, 295, 298
measuring for new rig, 184–185
stays, 392
aft-led vs. lateral intermediates, 137
mast compression loads and, 146, 313–315
panel length, 299–300. See also backstay; bobstay; forestay; jibstay; jumper stays; springstays
staysails, 162–167
Bierig Cambersail, 164–165
boomless, 164–166
curved traveler, 163–164
hank rotation method, 162
headsail prefeeders, 162
loading, 298
self-tending, 162–166
Semi-Self-Tending, 164–166
size/efficiency, 45
storm, 307
tackle for, 163
stepping keel-stepped mast, 259–262
Stevedore Grip, 380
Stevedore’s Knot, 78–79
Stitch Splice, 121–122
British Admiralty Whipping, 81
Butane Backsplice, 79
Constrictor Knot, 81
Figure-Eight Knot, 78
Matthew Walker Knot, 89, 335–337, 371
Overhand Knot, 78
Oysterman’s Stopper, 78–79
Palm and Needle Whipping, 80
Sink Stopper, 79
Stevedore’s Knot, 78
Strait Bend, 74–75
strops: Icicle Hitch, 57–58
rope-stropped blocks, 9, 10, 39–40, 159
Stropsicle, 101–102
stuck ring, 381
surveying, 287–296
swages, 157, 201, 203, 213–214, 392
survey/maintenance, 287–288, 291–293, 295
Swedish Furling, 18
Syrinx, 134–136
tabernacle, mast, 147, 149, 262–263
tackers, 166–167
tackle applications, 38–40. See also block and tackle
Tail Splice, 247–253
tailer, 43, 46, 54, 261, 265, 268
tangs: design/installation, 159–161, 178, 261, 292, 300–301
emergency repair, 324–325
measuring length, 188
survey/maintenance, 294
tape, electrical, 218, 222, 248, 251, 369
tape measure, logger’s tape, 177
tapering/fairing, 86, 87–88, 197–199, 200
tar, Stockholm, 228, 290. See also service
tarp tie-down, 370
Technora. See rope, Technora
Tef-Gel, 224
tenders, 373–374
tension: in belaying, 53
effect of angles on, 125–129
restoring, in emergency repairs, 321
in running rigging, 21
in standing rigging, 46–47, 123–146
winching/hauling/sweating up, 46, 392
tents, guys/belaying techniques, 50–51
terminal fittings, mechanical, xvi, 189, 201, 214
cable clamps/clips, 245, 285, 324
crimped, 214–215
vs. Eyesplices (strength), 201, 213
Norseman, 201
Sta-Lok, 189, 201, 202, 288, 292, 293, 381
survey/maintenance, 288, 292–293
swages, 157, 201, 203, 213, 287–288, 291–293, 295, 392
wire seizings, 246–247
terminals, Eyespliced. See Eyesplices
terminals, soft-eye, 159, 178, 181–183, 233, 238, 300
tethers, safety, 264, 267, 269, 274, 323, 376, 380–381
thimbles, 392
eliminating, 100
Eyesplice around (anchor rode), 91
length and circumference, 180–181
measurement, 176–178
Nicopress fittings and, 214–215
round, Eyesplice entry for, 82, 87
service, 221–222, 227, 229–230
sizing, 160–161
for wire Eyeplices, 189, 190–193, 203–204, 205–209, 211
Threading a Ring, 351–352
Threading the Needle, 366–367
3M 4000V Sealant, 224
Three-Legged Turk’s Head, 346–347
throat seizings, 246–247
throughbolts, 161
Throwing Hitches, 349
tie-downs, 370–373
tie-rod, 169
to reinforce deck, 140
TIG cotters, 256
tiller: fancy work, 329
Tillotson-Pearson, 309–310
toggles/fasteners. See fasteners
tools: for braided rope splices, 101
for emergency repairs, 320, 322, 323
fancy work for handle of, 343
for installation/working aloft, 256–257, 267, 271–272, 278
lanyards for, 267, 271–272, 330
for rope work, 5–7
for service, 222
for wire service, 228–231
for wire splices, 189–190, 203–205. See also come-along; fids; jogging wheel; logger’s tape; mallet; marlingspike; rigger’s screw; rigging knife; rigging vise; seam rubber; seizing stick; serving board (iron); Splicing Wand; unlaying stick/rope tail; wrench, crescent
topmast: gaff, 314–315
heel rope, 276–279
installation, 276–279
ratline options, 285
Topological Bondage, 364–365
topping lift, 38, 132, 227, 259, 262–263, 286, 293, 322, 379
topsails, gaff, 314–315
towing, shock loading, 47
towing bridles, 373
Traditional Irony Chain Splice, 92–96
transverse loads, 143, 148, 170–172
transverse moment of inertia, 148–149
transverse righting moment (RM), 141, 168, 170–172
traveler, 25
curved, 163–164
Tree Surgeon’s Backsplice, 82, 84
tricks and puzzles, 348–368
Circling the World, 365–366
Cut-and-Restored String, 356–358
Indian Rope Trick, 367
Instant Figure-Eight, 351
Instant Overhand Knot and Slipknot, 350
Jumping Ring, 352–353
Lovers, 367–368
Mobius Bowline, 365
Overhand Knot, 353–356
Professor’s Nightmare, 358–364
setup, 349–351
Splicing with Your Tongue, 356, 358
Threading a Ring, 351–352
Threading the Needle, 366–367
Throwing Hitches, 349
Topological Bondage, 364–365
Vanishing Overhand Knot, 350
trigonometry, for measuring rig: hypotenuse and wire length, 184, 185–187
vs. lofting, 188
soft eye circumferences, 183
staying angles, 184–185
trim: fore-and-aft, 173
of headsails, 133
trimming, 199–201
Troubador, 306–307
Trucker’s Hitches, 14–15, 19, 21
Biegner Hitch, 15–16
Tugboat (or Flying) Bowline, 68–69
Tumblehome, 311–313
tuning, 285–287
building up, 343–347
four leads by five bights, 343
four leads by three bights, 341–343
from Single Constrictor, 13
three-legged, 344–347
turnbuckles, 46–47, 160–161, 393
jaw-and-eye, 255
measurement/sizing, 176–179
toggles/fasteners, 46–47, 188, 255, 292
tuning, 286–287
Turquoises Turtle Knot, 371
-strand, single-braid Eyesplice, 102–104
twine, nylon, 1
unfastening, 288
United States Sailing Association, recommended mast scantlings, 148
United States Yacht Racing Union (USYRU), 148
unlaying stick/rope tail, 190–191, 205–206
boom vang, 129
curved traveler as, 163–164
installation/reeving, 259
leech twist and, 315
sheet as, 164–165
vanging action, 163–164
Vanishing Overhand Knot, 350
VPC, 23
Wall and Crown Button, 338–339
Wall and Crown Knot, 73–74
weather helm, 91, 173, 303–304, 309
whippings: British Admiralty Whipping, 81
Internal Bungee Snubber, 374
Palm and Needle Whipping, 80–81, 375
combined with block and tackle, 39
come-along, 45
for going aloft, 265
size/loading, 42–44
workload formula, 44
wrapped, 321–322
winches: choosing, 41–42
efficiency alternatives for, 44–45
size of, 42–44
workload formula for, 44
wing masts, 311
wire, seizing: rust, 291
tightening lay, 229
Wire Round Seizing, 239–247
for wire service, 228–230
wire fittings, crimped, 214–215
wire rope/rigging, 393
6 × 7, 152, 189–190, 198–199, 202, 203, 205
6 × 19, 189, 190, 198–199, 226
7 × 7, 128, 146, 152, 153, 155, 156–158, 160, 178, 179, 180, 188, 189, 198–200, 201, 205, 240, 320, 324–325
7 × 19, 128, 129, 153, 155–156, 158, 179, 188, 198–199, 201, 226, 240, 247, 248, 325
alloys, 153, 158, 291, 389, 392
coiling, 5
constructional stretch, 179
construction/workability, 152, 157–159, 190, 202–203
corrosion, 157, 158, 203, 223, 224, 228, 289–291
cost, 156–157
cost-effectiveness, 157–159
elasticity, 144, 145, 153–156, 179, 180
Eyesplices vs. mechanical terminals, 201, 213
fatigue, 203, 213, 223, 228, 288, 289, 291–293
flexibility, 156
galvanized, 158–159, 180, 188, 201, 223, 228, 238, 241, 280, 289, 290–291, 389
grommets, 218–221
hacksawing, 293
halyards, 251–253
IWRC (independent wire rope core), 390
lay of, 191, 195–196, 199, 204, 205–206, 218
lengthening (Long Splice), 226
length/hypotenuse, 185–188
matching to turnbuckle size, 178
1 × 19, 126, 133–134, 145, 152, 153–158, 161, 180, 188, 201–214, 292, 320, 324
1 × 19 wire splice, 202–214
seizings for, 190, 203–207, 239–247
sheave diameter, 33–35
stainless steel, 126, 134, 153–158, 161, 179, 180, 188, 201, 202–203, 211, 213, 228, 232, 241, 248, 290–292, 392
tarring/parceling/service, 222–233, 289–291
tensile strengths, 383
tension/compression loads, 123–146
trimming/meathooks, 199–201, 390
weight, 153
windage, 152–153
worming, 230. See also splices, wire; wire service
wire round seizing, 239–247
wire service, 228–231
wire splices. See splices, wire
wire/rod options, 150–159
wrench, crescent, 170, 271, 272
Zeppelin Bend, 72
Zero, 224