
Two days later, Tank’s ears had started to sag.

Rizzo and his crew weren’t letting anyone near their battle bot. The kobold wouldn’t talk to me or Tank. Even Rizzo’s goons, the Gutro twins, were keeping tight-lipped about what made the Rawlins Reaper work.

When the Gravelmuck battle-bot finals rolled around, it was a match between Rizzo’s Reaper and the Troll Patrol Thrasher.

After chasing that kobold for two days, we had nothing. Now the whole school had gathered in the schoolyard to see the battle. Rizzo’s dad, Ratso Rawlins, had even rented a special battle-bot arena with seats for the fans.

I had dusted myself off from the close encounter with Rizzo’s battle bot and was ready to never get in the ring again. Tank had other ideas.
