
Argentina is a country that embraces much more than gaucho, tango, polo, and football. Very unlike its Latin American neighbors, it has evolved in a distinctive way, and is quite different from the expectations many visitors have of a stereotypical Latin American destination.

The Argentinians have developed a style, a language, and a way of life that are all their own. They are a passionate, friendly, extroverted, and, particularly in Buenos Aires, vociferous people who have experienced the hardships of cruel economic downturns and hyperinflation of gargantuan proportions. For Argentinians there have also been golden eras when traveling abroad was commonplace and, ironically, cheaper than staying at home.

Argentinians are stylish, sophisticated, and quite homogeneous—not the multicultural society we find in many other countries. Neither very disciplined in their everyday life, nor great team players, they are, however, a nation of hardworking and resilient people whose character has been molded by external factors rather than driven by internal values.

The waves of immigrants that arrived in the twentieth century, mainly from Europe, brought with them a wealth of knowledge and culture that played a crucial role in the development of art, literature, and general lifestyle. Buenos Aires, with one of the world’s largest opera houses, as well as museums and galleries, has produced writers and poets of distinction, and has gained a reputation as one of Latin America’s great cultural centers.

After the Second World War, Argentina underwent a series of political upheavals, culminating in a coup in 1976 that brought one of the worst dictatorships in its history. The war with Britain in 1982 over the Falkland Islands, or Islas Malvinas, contributed to the government’s own downfall and paved the way, albeit aided by a sad turn of events, for the restoration of democracy.

Still facing political and economic problems, the Argentinians seem to have gained control of their own destiny. Despite their problems, they welcome visitors with open arms.

This book deals with the many facets of the Argentinian way of life. It has been designed to give you an insight into their social and business habits, culture, customs, and values. We hope to share with you our experiences of this great nation, which always seems to bounce back from adversity with unique, life-affirming joie de vivre.