1935 |
August |
Viet Minh formed. Revealed itself in May 1941. |
1945 |
September 2 |
Ho Chi Minh declares the Democratic Republic of Vietnam at the end of World War II. |
1946 |
December 19 |
First Indochina War between Vietnamese Communist forces with French Union forces. |
1955 |
February 12 |
First US military advisors arrive in RVN. |
July 21 |
Vietnam divided at the 17th Parallel as the French withdraw. |
1959 |
January |
DRV issues resolution changing its “political struggle” in RVN to an “armed struggle.” |
June |
DRV begins developing the Ho Chi Minh Trail to RVN. |
October |
Communist Party and Viet Minh outlawed by RVN. |
1960 |
December 20 |
National Liberation Front (VC) formed. |
1961 |
May 5 |
US announces support troops will be deployed to RVN. |
1962 |
January 1 |
People’s Revolutionary Party established in RVN. |
1964 |
August 2–4 |
US destroyers attacked by DRV torpedo boats in the Gulf of Tonkin. |
August 7 |
US Congress passes Gulf of Tonkin Resolution to counter DRV aggression. |
December |
First NVA regiment deployed to RVN. |
1965 |
February 7 |
US authorizes air attacks on DRV commencing February 24. |
March 8 |
First US Marine ground combat troops arrive in RVN. |
April 6 |
US ground troops authorized to conduct offensive operations. Publicly announced June 8. |
May 7 |
First US Army conventional ground combat troops arrive in RVN. |
1966 |
June |
First full NVA division deployed to RVN. |
October 25 |
US offers to withdraw all troops six months after DRV withdraws from RVN. Rejected by DRV. |
1968 |
January 30 |
VC and NVA initiate Tet Offensive, which ends February 26 with heavy VC/NVA losses. |
March 31 |
US announces de-escalation of its war effort and halts bombing of North Vietnam. |
May 12 |
Peace talks begin in Paris. |
September |
“Mini Tet” Offensive launched by remaining VC is defeated. |
1969 |
June 8 |
US initiates Vietnamization Program to turn the war effort over completely to RVN. |
July 1 |
First US Army units commence withdrawal. |
September 2 |
Ho Chi Minh dies. |
1970 |
April 29 |
Free World offensive operations into Cambodia to neutralize NVA/VC sanctuaries. |
1971 |
August 18 |
Last Australian and New Zealand troops withdraw. |
1972 |
March 30 |
NVA Easter Offensive (Nguyen Hue campaign) commences, lasting most of the year. |
1973 |
January 15 |
US announces halt of all offensive ground actions. |
January 27 |
Ceasefire agreement is signed in Paris. |
March 29 |
Last US troops withdraw. |
1974 |
December 13 |
Ho Chi Minh campaign commences, planned to eventually defeat RVN by May 1, 1975. |
1975 |
March 10 |
NVA Campaign 275 to seize the Central Highlands commences. ARVN crumbles and campaign goals are extended. |
April 30 |
Saigon falls to NVA. |
Mid-May |
DRV officially makes it clear the NLF and PRA have no part in the new Vietnam. |
1976 |
July 2 |
North and South Vietnam officially unified. |