August Viet Minh formed. Revealed itself in May 1941.
September 2 Ho Chi Minh declares the Democratic Republic of Vietnam at the end of World War II.
December 19 First Indochina War between Vietnamese Communist forces with French Union forces.
February 12 First US military advisors arrive in RVN.
July 21 Vietnam divided at the 17th Parallel as the French withdraw.
January DRV issues resolution changing its “political struggle” in RVN to an “armed struggle.”
June DRV begins developing the Ho Chi Minh Trail to RVN.
October Communist Party and Viet Minh outlawed by RVN.
December 20 National Liberation Front (VC) formed.
May 5 US announces support troops will be deployed to RVN.
January 1 People’s Revolutionary Party established in RVN.
August 2–4 US destroyers attacked by DRV torpedo boats in the Gulf of Tonkin.
August 7 US Congress passes Gulf of Tonkin Resolution to counter DRV aggression.
December First NVA regiment deployed to RVN.
February 7 US authorizes air attacks on DRV commencing February 24.
March 8 First US Marine ground combat troops arrive in RVN.
April 6 US ground troops authorized to conduct offensive operations. Publicly announced June 8.
May 7 First US Army conventional ground combat troops arrive in RVN.
June First full NVA division deployed to RVN.
October 25 US offers to withdraw all troops six months after DRV withdraws from RVN. Rejected by DRV.
January 30 VC and NVA initiate Tet Offensive, which ends February 26 with heavy VC/NVA losses.
March 31 US announces de-escalation of its war effort and halts bombing of North Vietnam.
May 12 Peace talks begin in Paris.
September “Mini Tet” Offensive launched by remaining VC is defeated.
June 8 US initiates Vietnamization Program to turn the war effort over completely to RVN.
July 1 First US Army units commence withdrawal.
September 2 Ho Chi Minh dies.
April 29 Free World offensive operations into Cambodia to neutralize NVA/VC sanctuaries.
August 18 Last Australian and New Zealand troops withdraw.
March 30 NVA Easter Offensive (Nguyen Hue campaign) commences, lasting most of the year.
January 15 US announces halt of all offensive ground actions.
January 27 Ceasefire agreement is signed in Paris.
March 29 Last US troops withdraw.
December 13 Ho Chi Minh campaign commences, planned to eventually defeat RVN by May 1, 1975.
March 10 NVA Campaign 275 to seize the Central Highlands commences. ARVN crumbles and campaign goals are extended.
April 30 Saigon falls to NVA.
Mid-May DRV officially makes it clear the NLF and PRA have no part in the new Vietnam.
July 2 North and South Vietnam officially unified.