Publishing Details

Galleries, Palaces & Tea: An Illustrated Guide To London (ISBN 978-1-909542-02-0) and (the unillustrated) London Stories, London Lives. (ISBN 978-1-909542-01-3), which were published in parallel Galleries, Palaces & Tea: An Illustrated E-Trail To London and from which it was in large part composed. The former is a guidebook that is focused on visitor London. Its material is structured in a series of thematic categories, e.g. Buses, Coronations, Pubs, and Weather. The latter is a collection of 135 true - or true-ish - stories that took place in the metropolis or that have a strong link to it. Text and illustrations were also taken from Beans, Bears & Piracy: An Illustrated Guide To London (ISBN 978-1-909542-04-4) and text from Art, Guns & Snuff (ISBN 978-1-909542-05-1). These two have the same subject structure as Galleries. All four are off-shoots of London: A Subjective Guide Tamandua Press (2010) (ISBN978-0-9562833-0-6).

Maps, illustrations, text, and text arrangement © David Backhouse 2014

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying, recording or any other information storage and retrieval system, without prior written permission from the author and illustrator.

British Library Cataloguing in the Publication Data

ISBN 978-1-909542-03-7

CURLL PRESS is a trading identity for


P.O. Box 63129, Blythe Road, London, W14 0PE.

It is intended that this work should in no way
malign anyone living. The author would
appreciate that any provable error of fact
should be brought to his attention.