This bibliography is primarily concerned with the categories of wealth and art. Though essential to our research, we have not included references to the following: biographical dictionaries; obituaries; genealogies; city, county and regional histories; city directories and newspaper articles.
Amory, Cleveland, The Proper Bostonians, New York, 1947.
Andrews, Wayne, The Vanderbilt Legend, New York, 1941.
Avery, Samuel P., The Diaries, Eighteen Hundred and Seventy-One to Eighteen Hundred and Eighty-Two, of Samuel P. Avery, Art Dealer, New York, 1979.
Baker, Paul R., Richard Morris Hunt, Cambridge, 1980.
Baltzell, Edward Digby, Philadelphia Gentlemen, Glencoe, Illinois, 1958.
Banham, Reyner, The Architecture of the Well-Tempered Environment, Chicago, 1969.
Benjamin, S. G. W., Art in America, New York, 1880.
Bigelow, John, The Life of Samuel J. Tilden (2 vols.), New York, 1895.
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Brunner, Arnold, and Tyron, Thomas, Interior Decoration, New York, 1887.
Bunting, Bainbridge, Houses of Boston’s Back Bay, Cambridge, 1967.
Burt, Nathaniel, Palaces for the People, Boston, 1977.
Calhoun, Arthur W., A Social History of the American Family, New York, 1945.
Canfield, Cass, The Incredible Pierpont Morgan, New York, 1974.
Carter, Morris, Isabella Stewart Gardner and Fenway Court, Boston, 1925.
Churchill, Allen, The Splendor Seekers, New York, 1974.
Clark, Robert Judson (ed.), The Arts and Crafts Movement in America: 1876–1916, Princeton, 1972.
Clews, Henry, Twenty-Eight Years in Wall Street, New York, 1888.
Coleman, Oliver, Successful Houses, Chicago, 1899.
Cook, Clarence, Art and Artists of Our Time (3 vols.), New York, 1888.
____, The House Beautiful, New York, 1878.
____, What Shall We Do with Our Walls?, New York, 1881.
Cowles, Virginia, The Astors, New York, 1979.
Craven, Wayne, Sculpture in America, New York, 1968.
Crawford, Mary Caroline, Famous Families of Massachusetts (2 vols.), Boston, 1930.
Croffut, W. A., The Vanderbilts and the Story of Their Fortune, Chicago, 1886.
Davidson, Marshall B., Three Centuries of American Antiques, New York, 1979.
De Kay, Charles, The Art Work of Louis C Tiffany, Garden City, 1914.
Drury, John, Old Chicago Houses, Chicago, 1941.
Eliot, Elizabeth, Heiresses and Coronets, New York, 1959.
Exman, Eugene, The Brothers Harper, New York, 1965.
Garmey, Stephen, Gramercy Park, New York, 1984.
Gibson, Louis Henry, Convenient Houses, New York, 1889.
Goode, James M., Capital Losses, Washington, D.C., 1979.
Green, Harvey, and Perry, Mary E., The Light of the Home, New York, 1983.
Hall, Henry (ed.), America’s Successful Men of Affairs (2 vols.), New York, 1895–96.
Harrison, Constance Cary, Woman’s Handiwork in Modern Homes, New York, 1881.
Hatch, Alden, The Wadsworths of the Genesee, New York, 1959.
Henderson, Helen W., The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Boston, 1911.
Holden, Wheaton Arnold, “Robert Swain Peabody of Peabody and Stearns in Boston: The Early Years (1870–1886),” Ph.D. dissertation, Boston University, Boston, 1969.
Holly, H. Hudson, Modern Dwellings in Town and Country, New York, 1878.
Howe, Winifred E., A History of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Vol. 1, New York, 1913.
Key, Jack D., William Alexander Hammond, M.D., Rochester, Minnesota, 1979.
Koch, Robert, Louis C Tiffany’s Art Glass, New York, 1977.
____, Louis Comfort Tiffany: Rebel in Glass, New York, 1964.
Koehler, S. R., The United States Art Directory and Year-Book (2 vols.), New York, 1882–84.
Kohler, Sue, and Carson, Jeffrey R., Sixteenth Street Architecture, Vol. 1, Washington, D.C., 1978.
Lancaster, Clay, The Japanese Influence in America, New York, 1963.
Langford, Laura Holloway, Famous American Fortunes and the Men Who Have Made Them, Philadelphia, 1885.
Lewis, Arnold, American Country Houses of the Gilded Age: Sheldon’s ‘Artistic Country-Seats,” New York, 1982.
Lowe, David, Chicago Interiors, Chicago, 1979.
Lucas, George A., The Diary of George A. Lucas: An American Art Agent in Paris, 1857–1909, Princeton, 1979.
Lynes, Russell, The Domesticated Americans, New York, 1963.
Maass, John, The Victorian Home in America, New York, 1972.
Martin, Sidney Walter, Florida’s Flagler, Athens, Georgia, 1949.
Miller, Edgar G., Jr., American Antique Furniture (2 vols.), New York, 1966.
Montgomery, Walter (ed.), American Art and American Art Collections (2 vols.), New York, 1978.
Myers, Gustavus, History of the Great American Fortunes (3 vols.), Chicago, 1911.
Ochsner, Jeffrey Karl, H. H. Richardson: Complete Architectural Works, Cambridge, 1982.
Phillips, David Graham, The Reign of Gilt, New York, 1905.
Roth, Leland M., The Architecture of McKim, Mead & White, 1870–1920: A Building List, New York, 1978.
____, McKim, Mead & White, Architects, New York, 1983.
Russell, William Ingraham, The Romance and Tragedy of a Widely Known Business Man of New York, Baltimore, 1922.
Saisselin, Rémy G., The Bourgeois and the Bibelot, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1984.
Satterlee, Herbert L. J. Pierpont Morgan, New York, 1939.
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Learning How to Behave, New York, 1946.
Seale, William, Recreating the Historic House Interior, Nashville, 1979.
____, The Tasteful Interlude: American Interiors Through the Camera’s Eye, 1860 to 1917, New York, 1975.
Sherwood, Mary Elizabeth Wilson, Manners and Social Usages, New York, 1884.
Shinn, Earl [Edward Strahan] (ed.), The Art Treasures of America (3 vols.), Philadelphia, 1879–82.
Shinn, Earl [Edward Strahan], Mr. Vanderbilt’s House and Collection (4 vols.), Boston, 1883–84.
Shopsin, William C., and Broderick, Mosette Glaser, The Villard Houses, New York, 1980.
Short Hills Club: A Centennial History, 1875–1975, Short Hills, New Jersey, 1975.
Simon, John Y. (ed.), The Personal Memoirs of Julia Dent Grant, New York, 1975.
Smith, Eugenia Brandenburger, “Rhode Island Resort Architecture by McKim, Mead & White,” M.A. thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1964.
Spofford, Harriet Prescott, Art Decoration Applied to Furniture, New York, 1878.
Sterling, Charles, and Salinger, Margaretta M., French Paintings: A Catalogue of the Collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Vol. 2, Greenwich, 1966.
Tharp, Louise Hall, Mrs. Jack, Boston, 1965.
Titled Americans, New York, 1890.
Van Rensselaer, Mariana Griswold, Henry Hobson Richardson and His Works, New York, 1969.
Weinberg, H. Barbara, The Decorative Work of John La Farge, New York, 1977.
Weisberg, Gabriel P., The Realist Tradition: French Painting and Drawing, 1830–1900, Bloomington, Indiana, 1980.
Wharton, Edith, and Codman, Ogden, Jr., The Decoration of Houses, New York, 1902.
Whitehill, Walter Muir, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (2 vols.), Cambridge, 1970.
Wilson, Richard Guy, “Charles F. McKim and the Development of the American Renaissance,” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1972.
____; Pilgrim, Dianne H; and Murray, Richard N., The American Renaissance, New York, 1979.
Young, John H., Our Deportment, Detroit, 1881.
“American Interiors,” American Architect and Building News, 16 (Aug. 9, 1884), 64–66.
Ames, Winslow, “The Transformation of Château-sur-Mer,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 29 (Dec. 1970), 291–306.
“Art and Art-Life in New York,” Lippincott’s Magazine, 29 (June 1882), 597–605.
“The Art of Furnishing” Art Amateur, 3 (June 1880), 12–14.
“Beauty Versus Bric-A-Brac,” Lippincott’s Magazine, 31 (Feb. 1883), 202–206.
Bell, A. N., and Trowbridge, W. P., “Rival Systems of Heating,” North American Review, 138 (Feb. 1884), 191–203.
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Boime, Albert, “America’s Purchasing Power and the Evolution of European Art in the Late Nineteenth Century,” in International Congress of Art History Proceedings, Bologna, 1978, 123–139.
____, “Les magnats américains à la conquête de l’art français,” L’histoire, 44 (Apr. 1982), 38–48.
Broderick, Mosette Glaser, “Nineteenth Century Decorating Studios in New York City,” Oculus, 45 (Feb. 1984), 4–5, 12–13.
Bronner, Simon J., “Manner Books and Suburban Houses,” Winterthur Portfolio, 18 (Spring 1983), 61–68.
Cantor, Jay, “A Monument of Trade: A. T. Stewart and the Rise of the Millionaire’s Mansion in New York,” Winterthur Portfolio, 10 (1975), 165–197.
“Ceiling and Wall Paper,” Art Amateur, 3 (Sept. 1880), 84–85.
Cicerone, “Private Galleries: Collection of the Estate of Alexander Turney Stewart,” Art Amateur, 1 (July 1879), 29–30; (Nov. 1879), 116–118.
Cleveland, Paul R., “The Millionaires of New York,” Cosmopolitan, 5 (Sept. 1888), 385–398; (Oct. 1888), 521–528.
“The Colman and Tiffany Waü-Papers “Art Amateur, 3 (June 1880), 12.
Cook, Clarence, “Architecture in America,” North American Review, 135 (Sept. 1882), 243–252.
Croly, Herbert, “Rich Men and Their Houses,” Architectural Record, 12 (May 1902), 27–32.
The Editor, “The Progress of Painting in America,” North American Review, 124 (May 1877), 451–464.
Faude, Wilson H., “Associated Artists and the American Renaissance in the Decorative Arts,” Winterthur Portfolio, 10 (1975), 101–130.
Godkin, E. L. “The Expenditure of Rich Men,” Scribner’s Magazine, 20 (Oct. 1896), 495–501.
Harris, Neil, “The Gilded Age Revisited: Boston and the Museum Movement,” American Quarterly, 14 (Fall 1962), 545–566.
Harrison, Constance Cary, “Some Works of the ‘Associated Artists,’” Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, 69 (Aug. 1884), 343–351.
Hart, Charles Henry, “The Public and Private Collections of the United States,” American Art Review, I (Apr. 1880), 231–235.
Jones, Shirley, “The Conde Family and ‘Mon Repos,’” Journal of the Oswego County Historical Society, (1974–75), 55–66.
June, Jenny, “The Art of Dinner-Giving,” Cosmopolitan, 3 (Mar. 1887), 63–66.
Landy, Jacob, “The Domestic Architecture of the Robber Barons in New York City,” Marsyas, 5 (1947–49), 63–85.
Lockwood, Belva A., “The Present Phase of the Woman Question,” Cosmopolitan, 5 (Oct. 1888), 467–470.
McClaugherty, Martha Crabill, “Household Art,” Winterthur Portfolio, 18 (Spring 1983), 1–26.
Mitchell, Donald G., “From-Lobby-to-Peak,” Our Continent, I (Feb. 15, 1882), 5; (Feb. 22), 21; (March 1), 37; (March 15), 69; (March 22), 85; (March 29), 101; (Apr. 5), 117–118; (Apr. 12), 132; (Apr. 19), 148; (May 3), 185.
Oakey, A. F., “A Trial Balance of Decoration,” Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, 64 (Apr. 1882), 734–740.
Oswald, Felix L., “Healthy Homes,” Lippincott’s Magazine, 33 (March 1884), 283–289; 34 (July 1884), 97–103.
“Our Local Art Treasures,” Art and Music, 1 (March 1882), 189–197; (Apr. 1882), 221–228.
“Private Galleries: Collection of Ex-Judge Henry Hilton,” Art Amateur, 2 (Jan. 1880), 31 and 32.
Schuyler, Montgomery, “Recent Building in New York,” Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, 67 (Sept. 1883), 557–578.
Sherwood, M. E. W., “Certain New York Houses,” Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, 65 (Oct. 1882), 680–690.
Smith-Rosenberg, Carroll, “The Female World of Love and Ritual: Relations between Women in Nineteenth-Century America,” Signs, 1 (Autumn 1975), 1–29.
Stone, May N., “The Plumbing Paradox,” Winterthur Portfolio, 14 (Autumn 1979), 283–309.
Van Rensselaer, Mariana Griswold, “Client and Architect,” North American Review, 151 (Sept. 1890), 319–328.
____, “Decorative Art and Its Dogmas,” Lippincott’s Magazine, 25 (Feb. 1880), 213–20; (March 1880), 342–351.
____, “The Development of American Homes,” Forum, 12 (Jan. 1892), 667–676.
____, “The New York Art Season,” Atlantic Monthly, 48 (Aug. 1881), 193–202.
____, “Recent Architecture in America: V, VI, City Dwellings,” Century Magazine, 31 (Feb. 1886), 548–558; (March 1886), 677–687.
“The Villard Houses,” Architectural Record, 169 (Feb. 1981), 65–68.
P. B. W., “A Millionaire’s Architectural Investment,” American Architect and Building News, 1 (May 6, 1876), 147–149.
Waring, George E., Jr., “The Principles and Practice of House-Drainage,” Century Magazine, 29 (Nov. 1884), 45–51; (Dec. 1884), 255–267.
Wingate, Charles F., “The Unsanitary Homes of the Rich,” North American Review, 137 (Aug. 1883), 172–184.