
Copyright © 1987 by Dover Publications, Inc.

All rights reserved.

Bibliographical Note

The Opulent Interiors of the Gilded Age: All 203 Photographs from “Artistic Houses,” with New Text, published by Dover Publications, Inc., in 2016, is a reissue of the work originally published by Dover in 1987.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

The opulent interiors of the Gilded Age.

“Artistic houses,” a work ascribed to GW. Sheldon, was originally published: New York: D. Appleton, 1883-1884.

ISBN-13: 978-0-486-25250-6

ISBN-10: 0-486-25250-7

I. Architecture, Domestic-United States. 2. Interior architecture-United States. 3. Interior decoration-United States-History-19th century.

I. Lewis, Arnold. II. Turner, James, 1937-1986. Ill. McQuillin, Steven. IV. Sheldon, George William, 1843-1914. V. Artistic houses.

NA7207.06   1987 728.3’7’0973  86-19816

Manufactured in the United States by RR Donnelley

25250707   2016