Annex A
Among its thirty-four clauses, the armistice contained the following stipulations:
Western Front:
- Termination of hostilities on the Western Front, on land and in the air, within six hours of signature.
- Immediate evacuation of France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Alsace-Lorraine within 15 days. Sick and wounded may be left for Allies to care for.
- Immediate repatriation of all inhabitants of those four territories in German hands.
- Surrender of 5,000 artillery pieces, 25,000 machine guns, 3,000 mine-throwers, 1,700 aircraft (including all night bombers), 5,000 railway locomotives, 150,000 railway carriages and trucks, and 5,000 road vehicles.
- Evacuation of territory on the west side of the Rhine plus 30 km (19 miles) radius bridgeheads on the east side of the Rhine at the cities of Mainz, Koblenz and Cologne within 31 days.
- Vacated territory to be occupied by Allied and US troops, maintained at Germany’s expense.
- No removal or destruction of civilian goods or inhabitants in evacuated territories and all military matériel and premises to be left intact.
- All minefields on land and sea to be identified.
- All means of communication (roads, railways, canals, bridges, telegraphs, telephones) to be left intact, as well as everything needed for agriculture and industry.
Eastern and African Fronts:
- Immediate withdrawal of all German troops in Romania, and in what were the Ottoman Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Russian Empire back to German territory as it was on 1 August 1914. The Allies are to have access to these countries.
- Renunciation of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Russia and of the Treaty of Bucharest with Romania.
- Evacuation of German forces in Africa.
At sea:
- Immediate cessation of all hostilities at sea and surrender intact of all German submarines within 14 days.
- Listed German surface vessels to be interned within 7 days and the rest disarmed.
- Free access to German waters for Allied ships and for those of the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark and Sweden.
- The naval blockade of Germany to continue.
- Immediate evacuation of all Black Sea ports and handover of all captured Russian vessels.
- Immediate release of all Allied prisoners of war and interned civilians, without reciprocity.
- Pending a financial settlement, surrender of assets looted from Belgium, Romania and Russia.