Green glory

serves 1; makes 500 ml (17 fl oz/2 cups)

Green juices are a great way to get a super-concentrated dose of alkalinising vitamins, minerals and enzymes into your bloodstream each day. Drinking cold-pressed juices such as these can give your digestive system a rest while your body redirects that energy into other vital processes, such as detoxification.

Use the cucumber, celery, kale, mint and lemon as your base drink, then add the extra goodness from one of the two variations given below.

350 g (12 oz/2 cups) chopped cucumber

125 g (4½ oz/1 cup) chopped celery

70 g (2½ oz/1 cup) chopped kale

2 mint springs

½ lemon (including the peel, if the lemon is organic), halved

Green staple

45 g (1½ oz/1 cup) baby English spinach leaves, shredded

1 parsley sprig

Green remedy

160 g (5½ oz/1 cup) chopped pineapple flesh

2.5 cm (1 inch) knob of fresh ginger, peeled and chopped