thank you

Thank you to all change makers, truth seekers, unicorns, explorers and rebels. Keep shining that starlight, and know that you are supported and loved. We are all in this together.

Thank you to the Sadhana Kitchen crew of legends, past, present and future. You guys are THE BEST. Thanks to the kitchen staff who helped me to prep the food for this book’s photography. Thank you Sarah for everything, and thank you Al for making me and SK look so handsome always.

Thank you to my satsang, the community I am a part of, and the people I love for supporting me in the work I do, and for believing that we can make meaningful and positive changes in our world.

Thank you Sam.

Thank you to momma, papa and Mik.

Thank you bunny.

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu.