Sam swam next to Maria, gliding effortlessly through the water—a pair of human submarines powering through the water.

And no-one knows we’re here … thanks, Tobias.

Now about a couple of metres down, Sam was completely settled, breathing through the regulator, his arms outstretched like Superman in flight as he let the propulsion unit do all the work, dragging him forward.

They passed over corals and saw modern wrecks, most likely small fishing vessels. Sam marvelled again at the abundance of life in the water. It was like the New York City of underwater worlds—all manner of creatures, living in their own city, the corals their skyscrapers and the wrecks and sandbars their own distinctive neighbourhoods.

The seabed eventually gave way to open sand, rippled by the powerful currents. It slowly began to angle upwards. Sam followed Maria’s lead as she switched off her propulsion unit and they let the gentle surf wash them ashore.

‘We’ll probably have to ditch our dive gear here, won’t we?’ Sam asked, dragging off his tank and seeing that his air was almost gone.

Maria didn’t answer. She already had her dive gear off and was searching along the sandy beach.

‘Papa?’ she called out. ‘Papa!’

No answer came from the tiny island. It was shaped like a boomerang with a total area no more than three tennis courts. She ran on, weaving through the sprinkling of palm trees, Sam following close behind.

‘I don’t think he’s here,’ Sam said, catching up with her at the highest point. She was staring down at the base of a tree. Sam followed her gaze and saw the charcoal remains of a fire.

‘No,’ Maria replied, crouched down. ‘But someone was.’

‘You think this fire was him?’ Sam said.

‘I hope so.’

‘Look!’ Sam pointed at the base of the palm trunk.

Sam looked to Maria. ‘What does it say?’

‘My father has gone onto the next island. Let’s go!’ Maria said with a broad grin.

They ran back to the beach. In the distance Sam could see several boats just off the coast of the original island and heard the deep cough-bang sound of cannon shots echoing across the water.

Time to blow the wall and make a getaway while they wait for the dust to clear. Come on, Tobias, get out of there.

Keeping low, they darted across the island. Maria pointed to the next spot they were headed—a barely discernible speck against the horizon.

‘We’ll stay at the surface of the water,’ Sam said. ‘The waves will hide us.’

‘You can swim this?’ Maria said, picking up her flippers.

‘Still got a bit of power in this,’ Sam replied, hefting the propulsion unit.

‘Follow me. And keep your eyes open and stay alert,’ Maria said, flushing out her face mask before putting it on.

‘Tough reef around the island?’ Sam said, adjusting his flippers.

‘Yes,’ Maria replied. ‘But this is also Scarface’s territory.’