The globally renowned physicist and Cambridge professor Dr Shurgold develops his world-famous theory that our planet is to all intents and purposes an immense bomb and reveals that everyone has access to the red button.
A few moments later the solar system is rocked by a detonation the likes of which hasn’t occurred since the catastrophic explosion that created the vast orbiting field of planetary wreckage between Mars and Jupiter. The asteroid belt, however, is assumed to have been created through natural means. It is suggested that perhaps two planets collided.
Debris from the newly exploded planet now drifts in an orbit between Mars and Venus. Strange things have survived the blast. Artefacts from the third planet’s civilisation include many anomalous items of interest.
One such object is a book, written by a young David Shurgold, just beginning his illustrious career at Cambridge. It is a tale of a different planet and a civilisation of curious cats, orbiting between Mars and Jupiter. A humorous story about a female tabby called Ana Schrödinger. She dreams one night of an intelligent monkey, who is busy building a box around her, that will explode when she wakes up.