SENDA TRIED TO IGNORE THE WHISPERS of the servants as he made his way through the kitchens. The sun had not yet risen, and the head cook, Neli, lit several beef tallow candles to ward off the darkness. Most servants were bleary-eyed, jaws creaking with the force of their yawns. When they spotted Senda coming, they perked up, watching him as he placed the components of the morning meal on a silver tray: teapot and three cups, a plate with boiled eggs and mounds of bacon, some sort of dish made with tubers fried with small green onions and bits of ham, two loaves of bread, and a silver bowl with butter.

He left the kitchen, wishing to be away from the accusatory stares. He held his head high as he walked briskly to Lucian's quarters. Anali and Lucian would be wanting their breakfast. The tray was heavy and Senda's muscles began to fatigue. It's no wonder! There is enough food to feed five men!

Send did not know what Anali had been doing to Lucian but in a matter of days, but the man had life in his eyes again. As the days passed, the man's appetite grew by leaps and bounds. Anali said his healing body needed the extra nourishment.

Lucian became stronger, able to move without assistance, though still unable speak. He wasn't able to form sentences, but Anali and Senda could make out what the man wanted to convey. The Lord's frustration was evident with every thrown goblet, every scream of rage.

“Give it time, my Lord. You have been under the thumb of a deadly disease few live through. You will have to learn how to speak again,” Anali would say after one of Lucian's temper tantrums.

The guard at Lucian's chambers hurriedly pulled the doors open when he saw Senda coming. Senda tried not to huff and puff as he breezed past the guard.

“Ah, breakfast has arrived, my Lord.” Anali sauntered into the solar, wearing a silk robe in bright scarlet. His head gleamed, having just been freshly shaved.

Senda set the plates piled with food on the large table and prepared his Lord's tea just how he liked it: with a pinch of lemon and a tiny bit of sugar. Sugar was a precious commodity and quite rare. Lord Lucian had a sweet tooth and people often brought him the sweet confection in an attempt to gain his favor.

Lucian entered the solar, making sure to set his feet carefully before shifting his weight. His muscles had yet to regain their former strength. However, his face had that same familiar predatory look Senda had grown to know and love. Lucian was a sharp adversary when it came to treaties and battle, but Senda knew that under that steely facade was a caring and just man.

Lucian had been given the island by Patriarch Laevanya as a joke. The Patriarch meant it as an insult; Lucian took it as a challenge. Within a few short years, Lucian changed the barren rocky island to a prosperous kingdom. His Lords and Ladies had worked hard for Lucian, knowing full well the man would deliver on his promise to shove the gift in Laevanya's face.

“Smells good.”

Senda almost dropped his plate when he heard his Lord speak. Lucian grinned at his fumbling manservant.

“My Lord! When did this happen?”

“Mystic Anali worked with me most of yesterday.” Lord Lucian spoke carefully, almost as if he was thinking about each word before saying it aloud.

“He is making tremendous progress. Soon, he will be ready to begin assuming some of his duties,” said Anali.

“Are you certain? Lord Suasor doesn't mind…”

“Of course he doesn't mind, you witless fool! The man has his eyes on Lucian's throne.”

Senda was stunned. “The man has served Lucian well for many years. Besides, he doesn't have the soldiers to attempt to usurp the throne.” Senda met his Lord's eyes, hoping the man would set the Mystic straight.

“He will have the men if he joins with the other Lords on the island,” said Lucian grimly.

Senda couldn't believe Lucian thought Suasor wanted to assume leadership of the island. The man had had many opportunities while Lucian had been too ill to fight back. Suasor worked diligently and without complaint.

“My Lord, Suasor is loyal to you, as he has been since first coming to the island. What proof do you have that he is planning on committing this treason?”

“You dare to question your own Lord?”

Senda stared at the Mystic. “I have always been allowed to speak my mind with Lucian.” He was becoming more and more concerned that something was very wrong.

“Perhaps I have let you get away with too much.”

Senda looked away from his Lord. The man's eyes were full of suspicion and anger. Senda had seen Lucian angry when the need called for it, but he could count the number of times on one hand. What is happening to Lucian? He glanced at Anali and took a deepbreath. “Perhaps you should stop taking the medicines Anali gives you…”

“You think he has something to do with this?” Lucian demanded. “The man saved me!”

“I am aware of that, and I am grateful for what he has done, but you are not yourself, My Lord…”

“I am more myself than I was a few weeks ago. Do you realize I was aware of everything, Senda?” Lucian's face changed into something terrifying, but Senda couldn't look away from the rage burning in his eyes. “Oh yes, my dear man, I could see and comprehend everything! But I was trapped in my body, couldn't make it move, couldn't even keep my own tongue in my blasted mouth!” Lucian threw his empty cup against the hearth, where it shattered into a million pieces.

“I heard every snicker, every whisper, saw every grimace, and glance filled with pity. Well no more! Those people will rue the day they laughed at me.”

Senda shook his head. He couldn't deny what Lucian said. “People were afraid; they didn't know how to react…”

“I am still their Lord, damn and blast them! They should have treated me no different than they had before I became ill.” Lucian began coughing with such force that Senda feared the man would die from the effort.

Latus eris,” Anali whispered.

Lucian's coughing subsided immediately.

“I think Lucian has had enough for one morning.”

Senda stood rooted to the spot, watching the bald Mystic lead his Lord to his bedchamber. He couldn't hear what Anali whispered to Lucian, but Anali turned and grinned.

Dear Spirits, what have I done? The man's feral grin worried Senda. It was clear to him that Lucian was different, though up and moving. He knew he should be happy that his Lord was well. But at what cost?