Chapter 1: Feathers on the Wind
Chapter 5: Matchmaker, Matchmaker
Chapter 7: For the Pleasure of the Gods
Chapter 8: Destroyed in the Flesh
Chapter 9: The Sweet Promise of Destruction
Chapter 10: God’s Law Is above Man’s Law
Chapter 11: Another Child Bride: Breed ’Em and Break ’Em
Chapter 12: From the Frying Pan into the Fire
Chapter 13: The Kiss That Broke the Spell
Chapter 16: A Few Drops of Water
Chapter 20: Purgatory for a Prophet
Chapter 21: The Witnesses Wore Red
Chapter 22: The God That Revealed Himself to Me
Chapter 24: “Forced” Entry: The Raid
Chapter 25: Apostate at the Temple Gates
Chapter 27: Breaching the Vault
Chapter 28: Sex, Lies, and Videotape
Chapter 30: The Marijuana House
Chapter 31: Destroying Ignorance, Not People
Chapter 33: The Rock of Genshai
Chapter 34: Truth and Consequences
Chapter 35: Prosecution vs. Persecution: God Bless Texas