Chapter Five




“I can’t stay locked up in this little apartment the whole time we’re here,” Angelina cried.

“And I can’t protect you if you flit around all over the village.” Rico knew he should have thought this through before he took the princess away to a town like Tuscora, full of shops and restaurants and views to rival anything on the coast. He should have talked to King Alberto himself, convinced him that keeping his daughter in the palace would have been the best way to protect her.

“No one knows I am here. No one knows who I am.”

“All it takes is one person to recognize you.” He didn’t think she’d be in danger here, but he wasn’t going to take any chances.

“If your family hasn’t recognized me yet, I think I’m okay.”

They couldn’t get over-confident. “Not necessarily.”

She paced the small space between the back of the sofa and the dining table. “You can’t keep me prisoner here.”

“It is not a prison. It is for your safety.”

“I don’t want to go out alone. You’ll be with me. You’ll keep me safe.”

As if he wanted to go into boutiques and art galleries. But Rico knew it probably would be easier in the long run than staying shut up in this small space with the princess. This small space with a bed just a few steps away and a sexy woman who was trying to convince him to take her virginity while they were here. It was bad enough that he already burned to run his hands over her soft skin. To lose himself in her graceful body.

But he couldn’t. He strode into the bedroom and grabbed the sunglasses he’d dropped on top of the dresser. “All right. We can go out. You will wear these sunglasses,” he said. “And you must stay with me no matter what. No running off on your own.”

She frowned but placed the over-sized sunglasses on her face. “I’m not a child.”

“I realize that.” He held out his hand. “Come.”

He shouldn’t have been surprised that the first shop she wanted to visit was the bakery. “Hungry?” he asked.

“A little.” She sounded a bit defensive. He knew she’d eaten as much as he had for breakfast. She couldn’t be hungry. She yanked open the door to the bakery and stepped inside.

Rico followed closely. His mouth watered from the wonderful aromas. A few people wandered around, gazing at the baked goods behind the glass. But the princess wasn’t looking at the baked goods as much as the shop itself.

He stepped up to her as she scanned the room over the top of the sunglasses. “What are you looking for?”

“I’ve never been in a bakery, all right?” she whispered. “I’m supposed to work in one, remember? It’s how we told everyone we met. I thought I should at least look at one and imagine what I would have done here.”

She’d surprised him again. He nodded. “Of course.”

He left the princess to her studying, walked up to the counter and bought two cookies. When he returned she told him she was ready to go. He handed her one of the cookies and they grabbed a bench on the sidewalk in front of the shop.

“I worked the counter,” Angelina said thoughtfully. “Taking orders and making change. Chatting with the customers. I could do that.”

“Of course, you could. You can do anything you put your mind to.”

She flashed him a wide smile that made him smile back. Then she took a bite of cookie while she looked around them. After a moment, she asked, “Has the village changed a lot since the last time you visited here?”

“Not much,” he replied. He’d not been long out of the academy when he last visited his aunt, uncle and cousin here. It had been shortly before he’d joined the palace security team. He’d only seen them a handful of times since then. He knew they acted differently than what the princess was used to, but after years of following protocol and watching his words, Rico thought their lack of pretense was refreshing.

“Rico…” The princess looked up at him and he wished he could see her eyes through the dark lenses. She took a small bite of her cookie and then looked away.

“Yes, amore?”

She leaned in close and lowered her voice. “Do you notice that everyone is staring at us? At me?”

“Of course.” He’d never stopped studying the people around them. He and the princess were getting more than their share of attention, but he didn’t think there was anything unusual about it.

She ran her fingers through her hair, pulling one side forward to curtain her face. “Do you think they recognize me?”

He leaned over, cupped her jaw and brushed his lips lightly over hers. He didn’t bother telling himself it was supposed to lend more credence to their cover story. “You’ll draw more attention by trying to hide,” he whispered, his lips moving over hers as he spoke. “We’re strangers in a small town. That’s enough to draw interest from the local residents.”

She pulled the sunglasses down just enough to catch his gaze over the top. “If you think so.”

“I know.” He straightened. He had to get away from her soft scent and her big dark eyes looking to him for guidance. Still, he couldn’t stop his hand from reaching out and brushing her hair back from her face. “Relax.”

She nodded. She pushed the sunglasses back up where they belonged. Then she smiled and brushed her thumb over the edge of his mouth. “Cookie crumb.”

He smiled back. He may have smiled more in the past few hours than he had in the past few years. But he wasn’t here to romance a pretty young woman, he was here to protect her. Rico scanned the street and froze as an older man with thick gray hair, wearing a dark suit approached them. Rico’s heart raced and he braced to shield the princess if necessary. His weapon was in its holster on his hip, hidden beneath his shirt and jacket, but he could have it drawn in an instant if necessary.

“Excuse me,” the man said, and his gaze shifted from the princess to Rico. “Aren’t you…Rosa and Giuseppe’s nephew?”

“Yes. Rico Santori.” He shook the man’s hand and let out a silent sigh of relief.

“Marco Victorella.” The man looked over his shoulder and gestured to a lovely woman peeking out of the doorway of the dress shop across the street. “My wife, Gina. She thought it was you.”

Gina Victorella hurried across the street. Rico stood and the princess rose as well. He introduced her to the couple.

“Congratulations on your marriage,” Gina gushed. She laughed when they must have appeared surprised that she was aware they were supposed to have just been married. “News travels fast. Especially in a small town like Tuscora.”

Gina wore a tailored black dress, similar to what Rico had seen the princess wear many times. “Rosa called me early this morning and told me that you had arrived. I remember you running around when you were a small boy, Rico. I can’t believe you are so grown up. And your bride. Lovely.” Gina took Angelina’s hands, kissed her cheeks, and then stepped back to study her, still holding her hands. “Come into my shop. Please. Choose a new outfit. My wedding gift to you.”

“Oh no. Thank you. That’s too much,” the princess said.

“Rosa is my best friend,” Gina said smoothly. “And I grew up with Rico’s mother, Beatrice, as well. It would be my pleasure. And it is my desire. Please allow me to do this for you.”

And now it was a matter of propriety. Rico would never want to hurt the feelings of his aunt’s friend. A friend his mother knew from childhood. He leaned over to whisper in the princess’s ear. “Amore, it would be bad manners to refuse.”

She nodded and smiled at Gina. “Thank you. That would be lovely.” She turned to Rico. “Will you help me pick out something?”

Marco laughed and clapped Rico on the shoulder. “I’m taking your groom with me to toast your marriage.” He pointed to the bar across the street, two doors down. “I know how long women take to try on clothes,” he told Rico. “We’ll be back long before she’s decided which dress to choose.”

The princess grabbed Rico’s hand, laced her fingers with his. “I hope you will indulge a new bride who wants to keep her groom close. I’ll hurry, I promise.”

Rico shrugged and sent a lopsided grin to Marco. “I promised Lucia we would not be parted on our honeymoon.”

She rose on her toes to drop a kiss on Marco’s cheek. “We won’t be long.”

Marco waved them toward the dress shop and then pointed across the street. “I will be waiting for you both.”

Gina smiled and wrapped her arm around the princess and drew her through the doorway of the shop. “Does your husband still work for the royal family?”

“Um…yes.” The princess replied. She slid the sunglasses up to rest on the top of her head when she entered the shop.

Rico followed them inside. It was as he thought. Upscale clothing. Fancy jewelry. The space was so crowded with merchandise that he could barely walk through the shop without worrying about knocking something over. He felt like the proverbial bull in a china shop. Maybe he should have taken Marco up on his offer of a drink. But he’d promised the princess he wouldn’t let her out of his sight.

“You need a dress to wear to the palace.” Gina led her over to a rack of dresses. They looked well-made, classic, the kind in which Princess Angelina was often photographed. “This is your size, yes?” The princess nodded.

Gina chose several dresses and ushered her into a dressing room. “If you don’t like any of these, there are more to choose from.” The princess sent Rico a wide-eyed stare before Gina pulled the flowery curtain shut.

“Thank you for your generosity,” Rico said, “but it wasn’t necessary.” He could have bought his Lucia anything she wanted. Then with a shock he realized that for a brief moment he’d gotten caught up in the fantasy.

“Marco and I weren’t blessed with children.” Gina turned and fussed with a folded sweater on the counter. “I will celebrate with my friends’ children as I desire. It makes me happy, you understand.”

“Of course. Thank you.”

“Lucia?” Gina called out. “You must model the dresses for us.”

“Oh, no…”

“Indulge me. The only payment I request is to see you in the dress you choose, at the very least.”

“One moment. I’m making up my mind.”

He heard movement behind the curtain. Could see her bare feet and calves below the flowered fabric. Imagined her in only sexy lingerie and smooth skin. “You can model them all for us, Lucia,” Rico said smoothly, not bothering to hide the amusement in his voice. “I’ll tell you which one to choose.”

“I know my own mind,” she said. “I don’t need your help.”

He smiled as he pictured her stubborn expression. “And only a few minutes ago you were concerned about picking out something I would like.”

The curtain whisked open and the princess was a vision in a dress that hugged her small breasts and narrow waist, then skimmed her hips and fluttered around her knees. It was the color of the burgundy wine he liked to drink late at night. He stepped forward before he’d even thought about it.

“Your—” He caught himself just in time before saying her title. “You’re lovely.”

“This one was my favorite also,” Gina said. “It is perfect for you.” She took the princess by the shoulders and placed her in front of the full-length mirror. Gina narrowed her eyes as she studied Angelina’s reflection. “You remind me of someone…”

Rico froze, hoping he wasn’t going to have to attempt to swear this friend of his aunt’s to secrecy. “I promised Marco we wouldn’t be long,” he said in an attempt to distract her.

“I know.” Gina whirled to stare at Rico, then, a wide smile on her face. “Your mother. Beatrice. When we were in school. She was slender with long dark curls and big brown eyes, just like your new wife.”

“Do you think so?” Rico asked, hoping his relief was not evident. “It has been a long time since I’ve seen pictures of her as a young woman.”

“The resemblance is there,” Gina said. She caught the princess’s gaze in the mirror. “You must have shoes.”

“I’ll buy the shoes,” Rico said.

“No. My gift.” Gina led the princess deeper into the store, where there were shelves and shelves of shoes.

Rico didn’t let the narrow space stop him from following them back. He could see that many of the shoes were fancy, but some were more classic styles. He came up behind the princess and placed his hands on her shoulders.

He didn’t need to touch her. He didn’t know why he had, except that he wanted to. That he had to. That he suddenly couldn’t not touch her. He glanced at Gina, standing beside the princess. He lifted a brow. “The royal family pays me well. I can afford to buy my new wife a pair of shoes.”

“Very well,” Gina replied with a smile.

Rico thought the princess would choose a sensible pair of shoes. Heels she could walk the cobblestones in. A dark color to not draw attention. Instead she grabbed a pair of silver sandals with sparkly straps and heels that appeared dangerously high. He wasn’t going to buy her shoes like that. She slipped them on her feet and smiled up at him.

He’d buy her whatever she wanted.

“Perfect,” Gina said. She wrapped the princess in a warm embrace. “I’ll bag your clothes.”

“Isn’t she a little overdressed for shopping downtown Tuscora?”

“Not at all.” Gina picked up the flat shoes Angelina had been wearing and headed for the dressing room to pick up the simple skirt and top she’d left there. “Although the men in the bar will be staring at her. I guarantee it. Will that make you jealous?”

“Of course,” Rico replied darkly.

Gina kissed his cheek and handed him the bag with the princess’s borrowed clothes. “Don’t worry,” she murmured. “Your bride has eyes only for you.” Gina straightened and flashed a smile. “Now go along. Tell Marco I will be over as soon as Maria gets here to relieve me.”

“My cousin?”

“Yes. She works here part-time.”

Angelina gave Gina a hug. “Thank you so much.”

“You are a good match for Rico. I can tell. I am happy for you both. Now go. Marco is probably already drinking to your marriage.”

As soon as they left the dress shop, Rico slipped his arm around the princess’s waist and Angelina melted against him. She couldn’t help it. She feared she was already embracing this fantasy too much. But they only took two steps when Rico pressed her up against the wall of the neighboring building. She gasped in surprise and looked up at him, expecting a smile. A kiss, perhaps. The dark frown on his face was not what she thought she’d see.

“You are supposed to keep a low profile,” he growled. “Not dress in something…” he brushed his fingers along the fabric skimming her thighs, “made to draw attention. And those shoes. What were you thinking?”

“I was thinking that if the shoes drew all the attention, if the dress looked this good, then no one would bother looking at my face.”

“No chance, Princess.”

She pouted. “I guess I’m not as good at this undercover work as I thought.” In all honesty, she hadn’t been thinking about avoiding detection at all when she chose this outfit. She’d been thinking about Rico and what he would think of the dresses she’d tried on. She’d thought about how her legs would look in those shoes. She’d wanted to get his attention. “Sorry. I can go back and change.”

His expression softened. “No. It’s okay. If Gina didn’t recognize you, we are probably safe.”

Angelina placed her hand on his cheek. The rough stubble on his jaw tickled her palm. And she liked it. “Thank you for looking out for me.” He opened his mouth to respond and she slid her hand across his lips to silence him. “And don’t you dare say it’s your job.”


She leaned forward, fisted her hands in his shirt and kissed him to stop the words from making it out into the air. She knew she shouldn’t pretend that Rico wasn’t here at her father’s command. But she didn’t want to think about the fact that he didn’t necessarily want to be pressed up against her body. That he didn’t want to kiss her and call her Lucia and pretend to be her husband.

This time was hers. For the first time Angelina was free to simply be a young woman. Right now, she wasn’t a member of royalty under scrutiny every moment. She didn’t have to worry about dodging cameras and pretending not to care that she had no privacy. For the moment she could kiss a man on a public street and know that a picture wouldn’t appear in a tabloid tomorrow.

So with every ounce of freedom she possessed, the princess of Mezzano held tight to her bodyguard’s soft cotton shirt and drank him in. She let her heart race, her body heat. She let go of all the restrictions and expectations she’d always had to deal with because of her title, and for a moment, a young woman named Angelina simply kissed a man called Rico.

He moaned, his breath mingling with hers. He threaded his fingers in her hair. When the sunglasses still propped on top of her head got in the way, Rico slipped them off. The bag holding her clothes bounced against her shoulder. She didn’t care. Rico leaned into her, his hot body pressing her into the hard, rough stone at her back. She didn’t care.

They might only have today. If the palace security team was as good as she’d always thought they were, as she knew they were, the guilty party could be in custody right now. She and Rico could be turning around and returning home at any time.

Her fists tightened on his shirt. She wasn’t ready to give him up yet.