Everyone rides a rollercoaster of health, the question is, how much? We want to lessen the rise and fall of that rollercoaster and teach your body to have more control, giving it consistency which will stabilize and improve your health and get you results.

Start Here:

Start slow. My first goal for you is to implement 3 GS! recipes per week, and one additional each week until you are up to 2 GS! meals per day.

The ultimate goal is to change how you eat and to make you responsible for your health through what you eat. Eating every day the GS! way is ideal. Focus on quality.

Custom tailored nutritional programs are available through my company and performed by professional nutritionists. These will define what ratios of each macronutrient work for your gender, age, body size and type and individual goals, as well as your micronutrients, sugars, fiber and electrolytes. Visit our website at for more information. This program will take your body and your health to the next level!

Plan ahead what meals you will be making and what foods you will be buying at the beginning of the week.