1. Mary and the Gospel Narratives
Chris Maunder
2. Mary in the Apocrypha
Tony Burke
3. Mary in Patristics
Andrew Louth
4. The Virgin as Theotokos at Ephesus (AD 431) and Earlier
Richard Price
5. Marian Typological and Symbolic Imagery in Patristic Christianity
Brian K. Reynolds
6. Mary in Islam
Zeki Saritoprak
Part II Mary in the Eastern Churches
7. Mary in the Hymnody of the East
John Anthony McGuckin
8. The Virgin Mary Theotokos in Orthodox Piety
Christine Chaillot
9. Mary as Intercessor in Byzantine Theology
Bronwen Neil
10. Byzantine Festal Homilies on the Virgin Mary
Mary B. Cunningham
11. The Doctrine of the Theotokos in Gregorios Palamas
Christiaan Kappes
12. The Russian Spiritual Verses on the Mother of God
Richard Price
14. Marian Devotion in the Contemporary Eastern Mediterranean
Nurit Stadler
15. Mary in Modern Orthodox Theology
Andrew Louth
Part III Marian Themes in Western Christianity
16. The Virgin Mary in the Hymns of the Catholic Church
Thomas A. Thompson
18. Mary and Grace
Matthew Levering
19. Mary in the Work of Redemption
Robert Fastiggi
20. The Patristic and Medieval Roots of Mary’s Humility
Brian K. Reynolds
21. Mary in Medieval Prayer: The Hours of the Virgin
Rachel Fulton Brown
22. The Idea of Mary as ‘Sister’ in Carmelite Mariology
Kevin J. Alban
23. Mary in Medieval Hispanic Literatures
Lesley K. Twomey
24. The Annunciation from Luke to the Enlightenment: A Cultural History
Gary Waller
Part IV Mary in the West from the Reformation
25. Mary, Gender, and the English Reformation
Stephen Bates
27. Mary in Luther and the Lutheran Reformation
Beth Kreitzer
28. Mariology in the Counter Reformation
Robert Fastiggi
29. Mary and Inculturation in Mexico and India
Patrizia Granziera
31. Mary as Cultural Symbol in the Nineteenth Century
Carol Engelhardt Herringer
32. Mariology at and after the Second Vatican Council
Arthur B. Calkins
33. Mary and Modernity
Charlene Spretnak
34. Symbol, Vision, Mother: Mary in Film
Catherine O’Brien
Part V Marian Pilgrimage, Apparitions, and Miracles
35. Medieval Marian Pilgrimage in the Catholic West
James Bugslag
36. Marian Piety and Gender: Marian Devotion and the ‘Feminization’ of Religion
Tine Van Osselaer
37. Mary and Migrant Communities: Pilgrimage and African Mary-craft in Europe
Catrien Notermans
38. Mary in a Mobile World: The Anthropology of a Moving Symbol
Simon Coleman
39. Mary and Multi-Faith Pilgrimages
Dionigi Albera
40. Mary and Modern Catholic Material Culture
Deirdre de la Cruz
41. Marian Apocalypticism
Daniel Wojcik
42. The Global Network of Deviant Revelatory Marian Movements
Peter Jan Margry