Chapter Eight

Back in court two days later, Tori oversaw the continuation of the tedious hearing, the afternoon dragging.

Amazingly, King, in the midst of a long soliloquy on the merits of his case, was on good behavior. He hadn’t smirked at her or said anything inappropriate, appearing to be entirely focused on the case.

She sighed, lethargy deflating her like a slow-leaking balloon, but whether it was from relief or dejection, she chose not to contemplate.

There also seemed to be a general lack of enthusiasm in her full courtroom—everyone seemed bored, or perhaps they were waiting for more juicy tidbits from The Judge and Barrister Show. After such a boring day, no one would bother returning in the morning.

Hell’s bells. She didn’t want to return, either.

When at last he stopped talking, she spoke in her stiffest judgy voice. “Mr. King, your lengthy clarification has highlighted a potential issue. Your client’s connection to this proceeding is tenuous at best, and quite possibly, your client lacks standing. But I suggest we address this point tomorrow…unless you can make your replies significantly shorter.”

King turned his gaze on her, piercing her with his gorgeous blue eyes. “Certainly, My Lady, I’m always up for a challenge.” His eyes twinkled, but there was that familiar heat, too.

Her pulse sped up, and rational thought deserted her.

You will know how much I desire you. You will see it in my eyes.

Her deep insides felt it, and her body tightened as if he pulled her by puppet strings.

“That is not what I meant. I mean, I’m not, um, challenging you to do anything. Well, except proving your client’s standing.”

Bugger it. She sounded like a schoolgirl with her first crush!

The courtroom atmosphere shifted in a heartbeat, everyone shuffling into alertness, sitting straighter, and leaning forward as the energy level increased.

She shifted, trying not to squirm in her seat even as annoyance made her jaw tight.

King noticed, too, the knowing look in his eye matching the small, mischievous smile slowly spreading across his face.

My Lady, is there nothing, then, that I might do or say to change your mind?” His low, husky tone was reverential…and at the same time, not. “And as to brevity, I would politely ask the court to consider that a thorough exchange, which leaves no subject area untouched, can be much more satisfying. To the needs of the case, of course.”

The courtroom noise increased. The shuffling and half-stifled laughs sounded deafening to her, although the heated turmoil in her head thundered even more raucously. King’s promise made in the pub was proved infuriatingly true. Her traitorous body would always react to his innuendo. Overreact, actually.

With effort, she stopped herself mid squirm.

How could she possibly get turned on by a few naughty words?

The calculating expression on King’s face told her he knew exactly how he affected her.

Her body tensed, annoyance making her ready to cut his arrogance down to size, but she fought the impulse. Refusing to return his insistent gaze, she mustered her most authoritative tone and announced that the hearing would be postponed.

“Court is dismissed.”

“All rise,” called the usher.

With dignity and without a backward glance at the man who could cause such feelings in her with mere words, she walked out of her courtroom.

Back in her private chambers with the doors shut tight, she forced herself to face the guilt-inducing truth. Her pounding pulse and skittering excitement were undeniable. Her flaming arousal irrefutable.

But she could use that energy for good, take charge of her sex life once and for all.

Crossing her fingers, she pressed Rupert’s number on her mobile and waited.

“Hello, future baroness.” He sounded cheerful.

“Hi, Rupert. I’m glad I caught you.”

“What can I do for you?”

She laughed, hating that nervousness made it sound more like a cackle. “I think it’s time to complete our celebration.”

“Are you talking about what I think you are?”

“Yes, and I want you to come over to my chambers…right now. I plan to make it up to you for my headache, and then some.”

“Now I am confused.”

Frustrated he wasn’t getting it, she hinted again. “I have total privacy in my chambers, and I think it’s time we explored all aspects of our relationship.”

“Of course, dearest. If you have concerns about your future role as my baroness, I want to put your mind at ease.”

The man was obtuse. “Rupert! Just come meet me in my chambers. Can you do that, please?”

“Okay, yes, but please calm down. I will be there in thirty minutes, and we can talk through all your concerns.”

Talking wasn’t what she had in mind.

“Super. See you soon.”

She hung up and began to prepare her surprise. Removing her suit jacket, she undid a few buttons on her blouse. She went to the ladies’ loo and applied lipstick—a bright-red color she’d purchased recently but hadn’t yet had the courage to wear. She took her hair out of its severe bun and tousled it as best she could.

Returning to her office, she paced the room. Thoughts of the sexy young barrister kept returning, no matter how many times she banished them.

“That’s not who you should be thinking about, future Lady Bridlington,” she scolded herself. Once Rupert arrived, his presence and the salacious activities she was planning would banish all thoughts of Ian, she was sure of it.

She glanced at the clock on the wall. Always punctual, he would be here soon.

Excitement flooded her, and she circled the room faster. “Well, Rupert,” she proclaimed, “I’ve tried hinting. Talking. Everything I could think of. So, tonight, I’ll show you what I need.”

She stopped pacing and looked down at herself.

Ugh! As fast as she could, she tossed off her low-heeled pumps and yanked off her ugly black tights, slipping off her panties, too, while she was at it. But the fresh air on her sex reminded her of the restaurant fiasco.

This is different. We’re all alone here. She would make it too arousing for him to decline.

A fresh flush of excitement washed through her and, in a flurry of enthusiasm, she hurriedly removed her blouse and took off her bra. As she rebuttoned her blouse, she shivered at the sensual slide of the satin against her exposed nipples. Looking down, she saw faint dark circles through the ivory fabric.

She giggled, feeling light-headed. She was about to launch a decidedly wicked campaign.

She moved to the front of her large wooden desk and leaned against it. Posing in her best attempt at a sexy siren, she bent one knee and put a hand on her hip. Still not right, she took a breath and shook out her shoulders to relax. Turning slightly, she arched her back and thrust her chest out.

“This is going to be super!”

She practiced her best come-hither smile. It didn’t feel quite right, but it had been a long time since she’d tried anything blatantly alluring. It hadn’t been necessary with Rupert…or maybe he hadn’t wanted it. She wasn’t sure anymore.

A sharp rap on the door startled her.

“Come in,” she sang out playfully, and the door swung open.

“Good evening, Victoria.” He walked in and shut the door behind him.

“Rupert,” she said on a husky breath. “Thank you for coming to my chambers.”

He paused by the door, looking at her, a slight frown turning his mouth down. “Of course. But what was so urgent? You sounded…agitated.”

He walked closer, his gaze taking in her attire. “You look rather casual for work.” He leaned in and gave her a quick peck.

She knew the second he noticed her un-brassiered breasts. His eyes widened and his nose flared, then he stepped backward, away from her.

“Victoria! Why are you dressed like that?”

“I have a surprise for you,” she whispered, attempting a sexpot purr, although she wasn’t really sure what that should sound like.

She rose from the desk and sauntered closer.

He took another step back.

She followed him, murmuring in honey-sweet tones, “I’ve thought about you all…day…long.”


She ignored her conscience’s silent reproach. Smiling, she said, “I thought we could try something naughty here. Totally dogs’ bollocks.”

He stared at her, unmoving, not getting it.

Annoyance flared within her. Good god. How obtuse are you?

Still he stood there, confusion twisting his otherwise attractive face.

She stepped right up to him until her husky voice whispered across his cheek. “Let me make it up to you for my headache the other night.”

“Oh, is that all?” He sounded relieved. “Dearest, do not give it a thought. I was not angry. I knew you did not feel well.” Leaning in, he pecked her on the lips.

She swayed nearer to him, but the less-than-satisfying kiss ended before it really got started.

He smiled at her but took a step back. “And I like how you think. I suggest you cover yourself with a jacket and we will go to my place, since it is closer.”

She sighed, knowing she’d have to spell it out clearly for her uncomprehendingly dense almost-fiancé. Sliding close again, she placed her hands on his chest. “I can’t wait a moment longer, honey. I want you right here. On my desk. I need it now—” Hastily, she corrected, “I mean, I need you now.”

“Ah, oh,” Rupert wheezed, finally understanding. He all but pushed her away as he took a big step backward. “What in the world has got into you?”

“Nothing. I just—”

“Look, my dearest, I cannot fathom what you are thinking. Right here in your chambers? You must be teasing.”

“Well, actually, no, I’m not teasing.” Her tone turned brittle. “Silly me, I thought you might like to try something wicked and exciting. I think most men would find the idea wildly hot—”

“Look, why don’t we go to my place? We can make love in a bed. And then afterward, I will run you a nice bubble bath while I order in dinner.”

Bugger it! The breath she’d held while he tried to placate her whooshed out.

She sucked in another, torn between her amorphous desire for something more and her need for companionship. She nearly acceded to his wishes. But another lukewarm night of lovemaking would leave her unfulfilled. Again. It was no longer enough, and she could no longer ignore the truth. It wasn’t fair to him…or to herself.

“Rupert,” she muttered, pain hitting her. She struggled for the right words.

Grief over hurting her longtime companion made her chest tight, but she needed more than tepid love from a relationship. She wanted to make him understand, to lessen his pain.

She took a deep breath. “I think we’ve both known for a while that our friendship is just that—friendship, not a deep romantic love, and we’re not growing closer. Perhaps it’s time we acknowledge the truth—that it’s not enough to base a marriage on. I’ll always care about you, and I hope you’ll feel the same way.”

There, she thought, watching for his reaction. No more complacency. She’d ripped the plaster clear off the wound, and it was okay. Doesn’t hurt nearly as much as I thought it would.

Looking stunned, he cleared his throat.

Then, with upper-crust accent on full blast, he responded. “Victoria, I really do not know what is going on with you today. Okay, I agree we are probably not in the throes of a passionate love affair, but how is that bad? It is comfortable and nice, and I enjoy that. I can see us getting on well in the years to come. Don’t you feel the same way?”

“I have enjoyed our friendship very much, but for marriage, I think there needs to be more.”

He snorted, giving her a furious glare. “More! You want more? I offer you a title, a castle. But you want more. Please accept my apologies that I am not a duke.”

“That’s not what I meant, and you know it.”

“What I know is that many women of common birth would be thrilled to marry me, but you seem to want to ruin your hard-earned good name with indecent activities in public. I had thought you would make a fine stepmother to my two boys. Set such a wonderful example for them, and as my baroness be a shining example of pure English womanhood others would envy.”

“Maybe that’s the problem. You have put me on a pedestal. I’m a healthy, real-life woman, not some sainted ideal. And we should have a healthy sexual relationship as well as friendship to make a good marriage.”

His shock escalated—as if she was toppling his carefully constructed future.

“If I wanted a slapper, I know where to find one, but those women will never be my baroness.” Seeming to realize what he’d said, he rushed to her and grabbed her hands. “Look, dearest, I am not opposed to going on as we have been, if you can put these ridiculous inclinations behind you. I think you should give it some serious, considered thought.”

“No, I think a clean break is best. I’ll always remember you with love, but I think we need to end this…tonight.”

She pulled her hands free and went to the credenza to retrieve his birthday present. “Thank you for your generous gift, but since it is in your colors, I think I should return the brooch. But thank you.” She pressed it into his hands. “Also, I think you should return the key to my flat.”

His eyes narrowed on her, and the look on his face transformed from dismayed shock to scathing anger. “It begs credulity that you are rejecting me!” His voice grew louder with each word until he was yelling at her. Seeming to remember himself, he drew in a deep breath and gazed down at her in disdain. “You will never get a better offer, maybe no other offer. An aging divorcee, and you reject me? I am beginning to think I do not know you at all.”

His insults hit her like a physical slap to her face. Arms wrapping around her belly, she fought against the agonizing pain. Their longtime friendship had proved so fragile and thin, it made her question if it had ever been real.

She walked over to the door and held out her hand. “The feeling is mutual. I don’t know you, at all. Now give me my key.”

“Victoria, dearest, please!” Reluctantly, he put the key in her hand and walked through the open door. He turned back to her, now appearing distraught. “I lost my temper. I apologize, but you were being rash. I urge you to reconsider, and—”

“Goodbye, Rupert. I’m truly sorry for hurting you. I wish you well.”

Before he could say anything more, she shut the door. The sound echoed in her empty chambers.

Now, she was truly alone.