B Thai baht (currency); Baume (temperature); human blood type (of the ABO group); grade of softness in pencils (eg 2B, 3B etc); American bomber series (eg B-52); battle; bishop (chess); breathalyser; bold; bachelor; Baptist; billion; British; occupational group (of ACB1C2 etc); building; Venezuelan bolivar (currency)
b ball, batsman, bowled, bye (cricket); base; bass; bath; bedroom; before; billion; book; born; bound (bookbinding); bowels; breadth; by; euphemism for bloody, bugger
BO, B5 etc series of paper sizes (qv A0-A10 etc)
B4216 etc secondary roads (qv Al, Ml)
BA Bachelor of Arts; British Airways; British Academy; able-bodied seaman; Booksellers’ Association; British Association for the Advancement of Science (also BAAS); bronchial asthma; Buenos Aires; bank acceptance; British Association screw thread
BAA British Airports Authority; Bachelor of Applied Arts; Booking Agents’ Association of Great Britain; British Archaelogical Association; British Astronomical Association
BAA&A British Assocation of Accountants and Auditors
BAAB British Amateur Athletic Board
BA( Admin) Bachelor of Arts in Administration (also BAdmin)
BAAF British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering
BA(Art) Bachelor of Arts in Art
BAAS British Association for the Advancement of Science (also BA)
Bab Babylonian
BABIE British Association for the Betterment of Infertility and Education
BABS Blind Approach Beacon System (airports)
Bac, bac baccalaureat = study programme similar to British A-levels, a prerequisite for University entrance
BAC British Aircraft Corporation; blood-alcohol concentration; British Association of Chemists
BACO British Aluminium Company
BACS Bankers’ Automated Clearing Service
bact bacteria; bacteriology
BADA British Antique Dealers’ Association
BAe British Aerospace
BAEA British Actors’ Equity Association
BAEC British Agricultural Export Council
BA(Econ) Bachelor of Arts in Economics
BA(Ed) Bachelor of Arts in Education
BAFO British Army Forces Overseas
BAFTA British Academy of Film and Television Arts
BAGA British Amateur Gymnastics Association
BAgr Bachelor of Agriculture; BAgEc = Bachelor of Agricultural Economics; BAgrSc = Bachelor of Agricultural Science)
Bah Bahamas
BAHOH British Association for the Hard of Hearing
BAI Bachelor of Engineering
BAJDE British Association of Industrial Editors
Ball, Bal Balliol College (Oxford); Ballarat (Victoria)
BALPA British Airline Pilots’ Association
b&b bread and breakfast
BARC British Automobile Racing Club
Bart’s St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London


BASIC is the acronym for British, American, Scientific, International, Commercial language. Intended as a global language it was created in 1929 by C K Ogden and I A Richards with a vocabulary of just 850 common words. However, most people today recognise BASIC as a computer programming language and the acronym for Beginners’ All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.

BAT British-American Tobacco Company
Bat, bat battalion; battery
BAWA British Amateur Wrestling Association
BB Brigitte Bardot; very soft black lead pencil; pseudonym of prolific English country book author and illustrator Denys Watkins-Pitchford (1905-1990).
BBBC British Boxing Board of Control
BBC British Broadcasting Corporation
BBFC British Board of Film Censors
bbl barrel; bbls/d = barrels per day (usually of oil production)
BBQ barbecue
BC Before Christ; British Council; British Colombia, Canada
bcc blind carbon copy, i.e. one that the recipient of the original message is unaware of
BCCI Bank of Credit and Commerce International
BCF British Chess Federation
BCNZ Broadcasting Corporation of New Zealand
BCom Bachelor of Commerce
BD Bachelor of Divinity
BDA British Dental Association; British Dyslexia Association
BDD body dismorphic disorder – a preoccupation with a perceived defect in appearance, causing distress and impairment in functioning.
BDS Bachelor of Dental Surgery
BEA British European Airways
BE British Empire
BEd Bachelor of Education
Beds Bedfordshire
BEEB British Broadcasting Corporation (also BBC)
BEF British Expeditionary Force
Bee Gees From Brothers Gibb, family pop group
BEM British Empire Medal
Benelux Customs union between Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg
BEng Bachelor of Engineering
Berks Berkshire
BeV unit of one billion electron volts
BFG big friendly giant
BFPA British Film Producers’ Association
BFPO British Forces Post Office
BHS British Home Stores; British Horse Society
Bib Bible; Biblical
bibl bibliography; bibliographical
BIET British Institute of Engineering Technology
Biggies Code for ‘Biggies Flies Undone’
BIM British Institute of Management
BIOS Basin Input / Output System
BISF British Iron and Steel Federation
Bit, bit binary digit (Binary digiT)
BL Bachelor of Law
B/L, B/1 bill of lading
BLitt Bachelor of Letters
BLL Bachelor of Laws
BLT, blt bacon, lettuce and tomato (sandwich); built
blvd boulevard
BMJ British Medical Journal
B-movie Low-cost supporting movie (originally Hollywood productions)
BMT British Mean Time; bone marrow transplant
BMTA British Motor Trade Association
BMus Bachelor of Music
BMW Bayerische Motoren Werke, Bavaria: car manufacturer
BMX bicycle motocross; a bicycle designed for rough or stunt riding
bn billion
BNA British Nursing Association
BNFL British Nuclear Fuels Limited
BO, bo body odour; box office
BOAC British Overseas Airways Corporation
Bod Bodleian Library, Oxford
BOLTOP better on lips than on paper (usually placed below a ‘paper kiss’ – X – on the back of a lover’s envelope)
BOOK box of organised knowledge (Anthony Burgess’s definition of a book)
BOP Boy’s Own Paper (boy’s weekly, 1879–1967)
BOSS Bureau of State Security (South Africa)
BOT Board of Trade
bot botany; botanical; bottle; bottom
BOTB British Overseas Trade Board
BP British Petroleum
B-P Lord Baden-Powell, founder of the Scout movement
BPA British Philatelic Association
BPC British Pharmaceutical Codex; British Printing Corporation
bpm beats per minute (heart rate)
BPS British Pharmacological Society; bits per second
Bfr&Q DIY chain store established by a Mr Block and a Mr Quayle in Southampton in 1968
br branch; bridge; brown
BR British Rail
bra brassiere
BRCS British Red Cross Society
Brig Brigadier; Brig Gen = Brigadier General
BRM British Racing Motors
Bro, bro Brother; brother
B-road secondary road
BS bullshit
BSC British Safety Council; British Steel Corporation; British Sugar Corporation; British Standards Council
BSc Bachelor of Science

BSc and all those other Bachelors

The original handful of university Bachelor degrees has in recent years proliferated to hundreds: BLE (Bachelor of Land Economy); BNSc (Bachelor of Nursing Science); BO (Bachelor of Oratory); BPd (Bachelor of Pedagogy) and so on. There are dozens of specialist arts degrees, too: BA(Arts); BA(Econ); BA(Theol), etc; and scores of variations on science degrees: BSc(H Ec); BSc(Med Lab Tech) – of which only the most significant are listed in this desktop dictionary.

BSCP British Standard Code of Practice
BSE bovine spongiform encephalopathy (‘mad cow’ disease)
BSG British Standard Gauge (railways)
BSI British Standards Institution
B-side The ‘flip’ or less important side of a vinyl record
BSkyB British Sky Broadcasting (an amalgamation of Sky TV and BSB, British Satellite Broadcasting)
BSRA British Sound Recording Association
BSSc Bachelor of Social Science (sometimes BSocSc)
BST British Summer Time
Bt, Bart Baronet
BTC British Transport Commission
btl bottle
BTU British Thermal Unit
BTW by the way
Bucks Buckinghamshire
BUPA British United Provident Association
BURMA be undressed, ready, my angel (on lover’s envelope)

BV Besloten Vennootschap (private company in Holland)
BVDs Mens’ one-piece underwear originally made by the US firm Bradley, Voorhees & Day
BVI British Virgin Islands
b/w black and white; monochrome
BWA British West Africa
BWIA British West Indies Airways
BWM, Bwm burst water main
BWV Bach Werke-Verzeichnis (numbered catalogue of the works of J S Bach, first published in 1950)
BYO, byo bring your own; BYOB = bring your own bottle/beer
Byz Byzantine