Jeevesian Abbreviations

It seems appropriate that the comic author P G (for Pelham Grenville) Wodehouse should have been attracted to the abbreviation, and he created many of them for his most famous character, Jeeves:

see at a g see at a glance
break the n break the news
the inev the inevitable
nervous s nervous strain
eggs and b eggs and bacon
hwb hot water bottle
a hollow g a hollow groan
fb fevered brow
the posish the position
cut it s cut it short

J jack (cards); joule (unit of electrical energy); Jacobean; January; Jesus; Jew; Jewish; Journal; Judaic; July; June; Jurassic; Judge (JJ = Judges); Justice
JA Judge Advocate; joint account (also J/A); Justice Appeal
Ja January (also Jan)
JAA Jewish Athletic Association
JAC Junior Association of Commerce (US)
JAG Judge Advocate General
Jag Jaguar (car make)
JAL Japan Air Lines; jet approach and landing chart (aeronautics)
Jam Jamaica
Jan January
J&B Justerini and Brooks (brand of Scotch whisky)
J&K Jammu and Kashmir
JANET joint academic network (computers)
JAP J A Prestwich & Co, auto and motorcycle engine maker; Jewish American princess
Jap Japan; Japanese
jap japanned
jar jargon
JAT Jugoslovenski Aero-Transport = Yugoslav Airlines
JATCRU joint traffic control radar unit
JATO jet-assisted take-off
jav javelin (athletics)
JAYCEE Junior Chamber of Commerce (also JC)
JB Juris Baccalaureus = Bachelor of Laws
jb, JB junction box (electric circuits)
JBC Japan Broadcasting Corporation
JBES Jodrell Bank Experimental Station
JBS John Birch Society (US)
JC Jesus Christ; Jewish Chronicle; Jockey Club; Julius Caesar; Junior Chamber of Commerce (and member of same); junior college (US); juvenile court
J-C Jesus-Christ = Jesus Christ (in French)
JCB Initials of Joseph Cyril Bamford, inventor of the internationally used earth-moving machines; Bachelor of Canon Law
JCC Jesus College, Cambridge; Junior Chamber of Commerce
JCI Junior Chamber International
JCNAAF Joint Canadian Navy-Army-Air Force
JCL job control language (computers)
JCR junior common room
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff; Joint Commonwealth Societies
jct junction
JD Justice Department (US); Diploma in Journalism; juvenile delinquent
jd joined
JEC Joint Economic Committee (US Congress)
Jer Jersey; Jerusalem
JET Joint European Torus (nuclear fusion research machine)
JEEP Straying acronym meant to express General all-purpose Vehicle (GP). Thus Willy’s GP became the famous Willy’s Jeep
Jes Coll Jesus College, Oxford
JETRO Japan External Trade Organisation
JFK John Fitzgerald Kennedy, former US president; New York airport
JHS junior high school
JICNARS Joint Industry Committee for National Readership Surveys
jnr junior (also jr)
joc jocular
JOGLE John o’Groats to Land’s End
journo journalist
JP Justice of the Peace
JUD Doctor of Canon and Civil Law
jur juror
JRC Junior Red Cross
jt joint
Jul July
Jun June
jurisp jurisprudence
juv juvenile
JW Jehovah’s Witness (religious organisation)
JWB Jewish Welfare Board
jwlr jeweller
JWT J Walter Thompson advertising agency
JWU Jewish War Veterans

Jokey Acronyms

Most of us know what SNAFU means, but how about SUSFU (Situation Unchanged; Still Fouled Up) and REPULSE (Russian Efforts to Publish Unsavoury Love Secrets of Edgar)? The latter acronym refers to an alleged Russian-backed campaign to discredit the former American FBI chief J Edgar Hoover. However its purpose was, you might say, OTE (Overtaken By Events) on Hoover’s death in 1972. On the other hand, it might have been subject to FUBB (Fouled Up Beyond Belief).