Man Through The Ages

Most of us have become all too familiar with the Yuppie (Young UPwardly mobile Professional), coined in the early 1980s. Since then other acronymic age and social markers have surfaced, of which these are an amusing selection:

PUPPIE Pregnant Urban Professional
YUMMIE Young Upwardly Mobile Mother
DINKY Double Income, No kids yet
BURPIES Boozing Urban-Rural Parasites
OINK One Income, No Kids
TRIUMPH Two Rowdy Infants, Unemployed, Middleaged, Planning Hopefully
WOOPEE Well Off Old Person
FAGEND Five Adorable Grandchildren. Endlessly Needing Dosh
WOTCHA Wonderful Old Thing, Considering His/Her Age
BIRO Bedridden, Investments Running Out

M Monsieur; Monday; Mach number; medium; million; mark; male; mile; medieval; Roman numeral for one thousand (1,000); Messier catalogue of nebulae and star clusters (1784); the Secret Service chief in Ian Fleming’s James Bond novels
m masculine; metre; member; meridian; mile; month; minute; mountain; maiden over (cricket scoring); mille (1,000); memorandum; middle

MA Master of Arts; Military Academy; mental age
MA&F former Ministry of Agriculture and Fishing (qv MAFF)
ma’am madam; madame
MAC multiplexed analogue component
Mac Macintosh computer
mac macintosh (style of raincoat); also mackintosh
Mach Mach number (ratio between speed and speed of sound; Mach 1 is the speed of sound)
mach machinery
MAD mutual assured destruction; mean absolute deviation
MADD Mothers Against Drunk Driving (US)
MAFF Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
mag magazine; magnetic; magnitude
Magd Magdalen College, Oxford
maitre d’ maitre d’hotel
Maj Gen Major General
MAN Maschinen Augsburg-Nurnberg AG (German firm)
M&B693 May and Baker 693, sulphapyridine, a pioneer sulpha drug
Man Dir managing director (also man dir, MD)
m&b mild and bitter (ale)
M&Ms button-size chocolate-coated sweets
M&S Marks and Spencer, department store chain
Man Ed managing editor (also man ed)
MANWEB Former Merseyside and North Wales Electricity Board
Mar March
mar married; marine; maritime
Marat/Sade Short for The Persecution and Assassination of Marat as Performed by the Inmates of Charenton under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade, a play by Peter Weiss
marg margarine (also marge)
Marq Marquis
mart market
MARV manoeuvrable re-entry vehicle
masc masculine (also mas)
MASH Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (US); also the TV series
mat matrix; matte; matinee; maternity; mature
maths mathematics (math in the US)
Matric Matriculation (higher education entry examination)
MAW model, actress, whatever
max maximum
MAYDAY m’aidez = help me (distress call)
MB Bachelor of Medicine; medical board; marketing board; maternity benefit; methyl bromide (fire retardant)
mb millibar
MBA Master of Business Administration (also “Mind my Bloody Arse” aimed at over-cautious young MBAs unable to make decisions)
MBE Member of the Order of the British Empire
mbr member
MC Military Cross; master of ceremonies; Member of Congress (US)
mc motorcycle (also m/c); megacycle
MCB miniature circuit breaker
MCh Master of Surgery
MCC Marylebone Cricket Club; Melbourne Cricket Club
MCP male chauvinist pig
MCPS Mechanical Copyright Protection Society; Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons
MCU medium close-up (cinemaphotography)
MD Doctor of Medicine; managing director; musical director; mentally deficient
MDA Muscular Dystrophy Association
Mddx Middlesex
MDF medium-density fibreboard
MDR, mdr minimum daily requirement
MDS Master of Dental Surgery
mdse merchandise
ME marme/mechanical/mining engineer; Middle East; myalgic encephalomyelitis
mech mechanical
MEd Master of Education
Med Mediterranean
med medical; medicine; medium; median; medieval
MEF Mediterranean Expeditionary Force
MEK methyl-ethyl-ketone (industrial solvent)
Melb Melbourne
mem member; memorial; memorandum
Mencap Royal Society for Mentally Handicapped Children and Adults
MEP Member of the European Parliament
Mer Merionethshire
mer meridian
Merc Mercedes (car)
MERLIN Medium Energy Reactor, Light water Industrial Neutron source
Messrs Messieurs = gentlemen
Met Metropolitan Opera House, New York; meteorological office
met metropolitan; meteorological
metall metallurgy; metallurgical
Meth Methodist
meths methylated spirit (also meth, metho)
Metro Chemin de fer metropolitan (Paris underground)
MeV one million electron volts
Mex Mexico; Mexican; Tex-Mex = Texan-Mexican food
MEZ Mitteleuropaische Zeit = Central European Time
MF medium frequency
MFB Metropolitan Fire Brigade
MFD minimum fatal dose
mfd manufactured
mfg manufacturing
mfr manufacturer; manufacture
Mg magnesium
MG Morris Garage (sports cars)
mg milligram; morning
MGB Ministerstvo gosudarstvennoye bezopasnosti = former Soviet Ministry of State Security (renamed KGB in 1954)
MGM Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (Hollywood film studio)
MGN Mirror Group Newspapers
mgr manager
mgt management
MHA Member of the House of Assembly (Australia, Canada); Methodist Homes for the Aged
MHF medium high frequency
MHR Member of the House of Representatives (Australia, US)
MHW mean high water
MHWNT mean high water, neap tide
MHWST mean high water, spring tide
MHz megahertz
MIA missing in action
MIAA Member Architect of the Incorporated Association of Architects and Surveyors
MIBE Member of the Institution of British Engineers
Mich Michaelmas; Michigan
MICR magnetic ink character recognition
MIDAS missile defence alarm system
Middx Middlesex (also Mddx)
MIF milk in first (before pouring tea, coinsidered non-U)
MI5 Section 5, Military Intelligence (British Government counter-intelligence agency)
MiG, MIG Initials of Mikoyan and Gurevich, designers of Russian fighter aircraft of which the MiG-15 fighter, the supersonic MiG-19 and the MiG-21 fighter are the most notable
MIG metal inert gas welding technique
mike microphone
Mil Military
mill millionen = German million
MIMechE Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers
MIMinE Member of the Institute of Mining Engineers
MIMS monthly index of medical specialties
MIMT Member of the Institute of the Motor Trade
MIMunE Member of the Institution of Municipal Engineers
Min Minister; Ministry
min minimum; mineralogy; minute; minor
MInstT Member of the Institute of Technology
MIP maximum investment plan; monthly investment plan
MIPS million instructions per second (computers)
Miras mortgage interest relief at source
MIRTE Member of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers
MIRV multiple independently targeted re-entry vehicle
misc miscellaneous
MI6 Military Intelligence, Section 6 (British Government intelligence and espionage agency)
Miss Mistress (originally, in 17th cent) – prefix for a girl or an unmarried woman
MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MITI Ministry of International Trade and Industry (Japan)
MJQ Modern Jazz Quartet
Mk, mk mark (currency); mark (type of car)
mkt market; mktg = marketing
ml mililitre; mile
MLA Member of the Legislative Assembly; Modern Language Association of America
MLC Member of the Legislative Council (Australia, India)
MLD minimum lethal dose
Mlle Mademoiselle = Miss (in France)
MLR minimum lending rate
MLS, mls medium long shot (cinematography)
MLWNT mean low water, neap tide
MLWST mean low water, spring tide
MM Messieurs = French equivalent of Messrs = plural of Mr; Military Medal; Mercantile Marine
mm millimetre; mm2 = square millimetre; mm3 = cubic millimetre
MMDS multipoint microwave distribution system (also MDS)
Mme, Mmes Madame = Mrs; Mesdames = Ladies (in France)
MMQ minimum manufacturing quantity
MMR measles/mumps/rubella (combination childrens’ vaccine)
MMus Master of Music
MN Merchant Navy
mng managing; Mng Dir = managing director
mngr manager (also mgr); mngmt = management
M-number Number of nebulae and star clusters in Messier catalogue
MO Medical Officer; Meteorological Office; mail order; money order

M0, M1, M2… Money, Money, Money!

The prefix M followed by a numeral from 0 to 5 denotes the British Treasury’s estimates of money supply – the amount of cash in circulation in actual notes and coins in your pockets and purses. The system works like this:

MO Total amount of money in circulation added to all the banks’ balances at the Bank of England
Ml Total amount of money in circulation, plus current and deposit accounts
M2 Total amount of money in circulation plus building society deposits, National Savings accounts and non-interest bearing bank deposits
M3 The total amount of Ml plus total private-sector bank deposits and certificates of deposit
M3c The total amount of M3 plus foreign currency bank deposits
M4 The total amount of Ml plus private sector bank deposits and holdings of money market instruments
M5 The total amount of M4 plus building society deposits

Mo Monday
mo month; also used to indicate the size of a book’s page, as in 12mo, 24mo, 32mo and 64mo, where a sheet is folded and cut to form 12, 24, 32 and 64 pages respectively; moment (as in half a mo’)
MOC Mother of the Chapel (NUJ term)
MOD, MoD Ministry of Defence
mod moderate; modern
mod cons modern coveniences
Model-T Ford’s first mass-produced car; 15 million produced between 1908 and 1927.
modem modulator/demodulator; device for connecting a computer to a telephone
MOH Medical Officer of Health
Moho Mohorovicic discontinuity (the boundary between the earth’s crust and mantle, after Croatian discoverer Andrija Mohorovicic)
MOMA Museum of Modem Art, New York
Mon Monmouthshire; Monday
Ml, M2, B2065 Designation of British roads; M = motorway; A = Class 1 road; B = Class 2 road
Mons, M Monsieur = Mr (in France)
Moped motorised pedal cycle
MOPS mail order protection scheme
MOR middle of the road (radio music)

Mor Morocco
mor morocco (bookbinding)
MORI Market and Opinion Research International (public poll)
MOS metal oxide semiconductor; Mail on Sunday
mos months
MOT motor vehicle test certificate (Ministry of Transport)
Mounty Royal Canadian Mounted Police (also Motilities)
MOUSE Miniature Orbital Unmanned Satellite, Earth
MP Member of Parliament; Military Police; Mercator’s projection (cartography); Mounted Police
mp melting point
MPA Music Publishers’ Association
mpc maximum permissible concentration
MPG main professional grade (teachers’ salary scale)
mpg miles per gallon
mph miles per hour
MPLA-PT Movimento de Libertacao de Angola – Partido de Trabalho = Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola Workers’ Party
MPO military post office
MPS Member of the Pharmaceutical/Philological/ Physical Society
MPTA Municipal Passenger Transport Association
MR map reference; Master of the Rolls; motivational research
Mr Mister; Master
MRA Moral Rearmament
MRBM medium range ballistic missile
MRC Medical Research Council
MRE meals ready to eat; meals rejected by Ethiopians (Br Army descr.)
MRH Member of the Royal Household
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
MRIA Member of the Royal Irish Academy
MRP manufacturer’s recommended price
Mrs Mistress (17th cent) prefix for a married woman
MRSC Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry
MRT mass rapid transport
MS multiple sclerosis; medium shot (cinematography); Microsoft (computer software company); Master of Surgery; memoriae sacrum = sacred to the memory of (on gravestones)
Ms Optional prefix for a woman, whether married or not
ms manuscript (also mss)
m/s metres per second
MSc Master of Science
MS(Dent) Master of Surgery (Dental Surgery)
MS-DOS Microsoft Disk Operating System (computers)
MSF Manufacturing, Science, Finance (trade union)
MSG monosodium glutamate (food flavour enhancer)
Msgr Monsignor
MSI medium scale integration
MSL mean sea level
MST Mountain Standard Time (N America)
mt mount; mountain
MTB motor torpedo boat
MTBE methyl-tertiary-butyl ether (antiknock lead-free petrol additive)
MTech Master of Technology
mtg mortgage; meeting
MTV Music Television (24-hour music channel)
MU Musicians’ Union; Manchester United Football Club; Mothers Union
mum mother; chrysanthemum
mun municipal
mus museum; music; musical
MusB Bachelor of Music
MusD Doctor of Music
MV market value; motor vessel; muzzle velocity
MVD Ministerstvo vnutrenhikh del = former Soviet Ministry of Internal Affairs, succeeded by the KVD (Soviet Committee for Internal Affairs) in 1960
MVO Member of the Royal Victorian Order; male voice over (TV and films)
MVS Master of Veterinary Surgery
MVSc Master of Veterinary Science
MW Master of Wine; megawatt; medium wave
mW milliwatt
MY motor yacht
MYOB mind your own business
mycol mycology; mycological
myth mythology; mythological
myxo myxomatosis (Australia)

MI5, MI19 and the Secret World

MI5 is the section of the British Intelligence organisation responsible for internal security and counter-esponiage in Britain. MI6 is the section responsible for international esponiage. The US has its FBI and MI-8, and the Republic of Ireland its G2. Spies love abbreviations!

Then, in Britain, there is MIl (Directorate of Military Intelligence); MI3 (the former German section, Military Intelligence); MI8 (Radio Security Service); MIll (Field Security Police) and MI9 (Escape and Evasion Service). Not surprisingly each of these clandestine outfits spawns further shadowy initials: Dl (Head of Russian counter-espionage); SF (phone tapping service); GC&CS (Government Code and Cipher School); IIC (Industrial Intelligence Centre) and the Butlins of the world of espionage, WX, a secret camp for spies on the Isle of Man.