OAPs and Senior Citizens

For decades now there’s been a constant search for a more dignified term to describe an old age pensioner (OAP) with its image of down-at-heel frailty. Drop the P and you have OA, or Older Adult, considered by some to be an improvement. The unfortunate SS for Senior Citizen was imported from the US in the 1940s (but didn’t survive) and the GAs or Golden Agers arrived a couple of decades later. But now the chronologically challenged are having their lot redefined by a fresh rash of acronyms: WOTCHA (wonderful old thing, considering his/her age); TEPID (tastes expensive, pension inadequate, dammit!) and HOPEFUL (hard-up old person expecting full useful life).

O ocean; human blood type, ABO group
O octavo (paper size); old; owner; only; over (cricket)
O&E operations and engineering
O&M Ogilvie & Mather (advertising agency); organisation and method
OA older adult
OAP old age pensioner
OAPEC Organisation of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries
OAS Organisation of American States; Organisation de I’armee secrete (former pro-French political organisation in Algeria)
OAU Organisation of African Unity
OB Old Bailey, London; outside broadcast; old bonded whisky; old boy
OBAFGKMRNS Classification of stars by US astronomer Henry Draper according to temperature and luminosity (mnemonic: Oh Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me Right Now, Susan)
OBE Order of the British Empire; one button exposed (shielded warning that a man’s fly is open); other bugger’s efforts
obit obituary
obj object; objective
obl oblique; oblong
OBM Ordnance Bench Mark
obs obsolete (also obsol); obscure; observer; obstetrics; obstetrician
OC Officer Commanding
oc ocean (also o); office copy; over the counter
o/c overcharge; overcharged
o’c of the clock = o’clock
occ occupation; occupational; occasional; occurrence
OCD obsessive compulsive disorder
OCR optical character recognition/reader
OCS Officer Candidate School
Oct October
oct octavo (printing)
OCUC Oxford and Cambridge Universities’ Club
OD Officer of the Day; outside diameter; overdose (OD’d = overdosed)
O/D overdrawn; overdraft; on demand
ODA Overseas Development Administration of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
ODESSA Ocean Data Environmental Sciences Services Acquisition; Organisation to aid escape of Nazi SS members after WW2
ODETTE Organisation for Data Exchange Through Tele-Transmission in Europe
ODM Ministry of Overseas Development
ODP overall development planning
OE Old English (language)
oe omissions excepted
OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
OED Oxford English Dictionary
OEDIPUS Oxford English Dictionary Interpretation, Proofing and Updating System
OEEC Organisation for European Economic Cooperation
OEM original equipment manufacturer (computers)
o’er over
OF Old French (language)
off official (also offic); office; officer
OFFER Office of Electricity Regulation
OFGAS Office of Gas Supply
oflag offizierslager = German POW camp for captured Allied officers
OFS Orange Free State (South Africa)
oft often
OFWAT Office of Water Services
OFT Office of Fair Trading
OFTEL Office of Telecommunications
OG Officer of the Guard; original gum (philately)
og own goal (football)
OGM ordinary general meeting
OGPU Obedinennoe Gosudarstvennoe politicheskoe upravlmie = Ail-Union State Political Organisation (Soviet police), 1923–34, Political Organisation (1924–34)
oh overhead (also o/h); on hand
ohc overhead camshaft
OIT Organisation internationale du travail = International Labour Organisation
ojt on the job training
OK, ok alright; everything in order (also okay; okeh)
Okie Migrant worker in 1930s California (from Oklahoma)
OLC Oak Leaf Cluster (US military award); online computer
Old Test Old Testament
O-level Ordinary level examinations; now GCSE
OM Order of Merit; ordnance map
OMM Officier de I’Ordre du Merite Militaire = French military decoration
OMS Organisation Mondiale de la Sante = World Health Organisation
on appro on approval
ONC Ordinary National Certificate
OND Ordinary National Diploma
ono or nearest offer
Ont Ontario, Canada
ont ordinary neap tide
OOD Officer of the Deck
OOG Officer of the Guard
ooo of obscure origin (dictionary term)
o/o/o out of order
007 British Secret Service codename for Ian Fleming’s fictional spy James Bond
oow Officer of the Watch
OP out of print; old people; other person
op operation (ops = operations); operator; operational; opposite (also opp); optical; opaque
Op art optical art (optically influenced designs, launched in 1960s)
op cit opere citato = in the work cited
OPC ordinary Portland cement
OPEC Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OPEX operational, executive and administrative personnel
ophth ophthalmic
opp opposite (also op); opposed
opr operator
opt optical; optician; optimum; optional
OR official receiver; orderly room; other ranks
or owner’s risk; overhaul and repair (also o/r)
ORBIS orbiting radio beacon ionospheric satellite
ORBIT on-line retrieval of bibliographical information
orch orchestra
ord ordained; ordinary; ordnance
org organisation; organic; organ
orig original; origination
O-ring rubber oil seal ring used in machinery
orn ornithology (also ornith); ornamental
Orth, orth Orthodox (religion); orthopaedic; orthography
o/s, OS out of stock; out of service; outsize; ordinary seaman; operating system (computers)
OSA Order of Saint Augustine
OSB Order of Saint Benedict
OSD Order of Saint Dominic
o’seas overseas
OSF Order of Saint Francis
OSS Office of Strategic Services (US)

Oz Abbros

Australians are loth to use long words and they are ferocious verbal surgeons. But they also possess the curious habit of adding an ‘o’ at the end of words they abbreviate:

arvo afternoon
aspro aspirin
commo communist
doco documentary
garbo garbage collector
kero kerosene
metho methylated spirit
preggo pregnant

OST Office of Science and Technology
OT overtime; occupational therapy; Old Testament (also Old Test)
OTB off-track betting (US)
otc over the counter
OTC Officer Training Corps
OTE on target earnings
OTL overturned lorry
OTT over the top
OU Oxford University; Open University
OUP Oxford University Press
ov over; overture
OWLS Oxford Word and Language Service
OXFAM, Oxf am Oxford Committee for Famine Relief
Oxon Oxoniensis = Oxford; Oxford University; Oxfordshire
Oxbridge Oxford-Cambridge; also used to describe the older, classical universities in the UK

Oz Australia
oz ounce (ozs = ounces)